News: mental health

Breaking the loneliness spiral

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about loneliness. I've also been thinking about its antidote: vulnerability.

[Read more about Breaking the loneliness spiral]

Eating well and savouring

Since I gave birth to my little one, I can’t recall having a meal I have savoured fully. I’ve had a few meals out with family and friends, mid-morning coffees with colleagues at work, and indulged in a couple of delicious take-away meals delivered to my door. I think eating well isn’t purely just about what you’re eating, but it’s also about the how.

[Read more about Eating well and savouring]

What brings me joy?

This week (10-17 October) is Mental Health Awareness Week at Adelaide Uni, and I've been thinking about joy. 

[Read more about What brings me joy?]

Spring has sprung

An archway of wisteria flowers

Spring is here and all the flowers are in bloom.

[Read more about Spring has sprung]

Getting 'good' at conflict

I think most of us could hazard a guess that healthy confrontation involves listening to the other person, but how exactly do we do this? How do we get 'good' at conflict?

[Read more about Getting 'good' at conflict]

How I de-stress in a just a few minutes

A yellow flower

Sometimes I forget that the North terrace campus is just across the road from the best de-stress space in the city, the Botanic Gardens!

[Read more about How I de-stress in a just a few minutes ]

R U OK? Day: Am I okay?

is a really positive initiative which seeks to promote discussion about mental health, and support for those who are struggling.

[Read more about R U OK? Day: Am I okay?]

How can I support someone else's mental health?

This week (7-11 September) is Health Week at Adelaide Uni, and I've been reflecting on how to best support the people in my life who are facing mental health issues. 

[Read more about How can I support someone else's mental health? ]

How does the media we consume influence the way we think?

Have you wondered at the effect of media – be it a film, a TV show, the local newspaper, a podcast, or a book – on our internal states? On our ideas and behaviours? On the deep-seated decisions we make? 

[Read more about How does the media we consume influence the way we think?]

The trouble with empathy

In today's increasingly divided social and political climate, what role does empathy play? Are we supposed to have empathy for everyone? How do we decide who is and isn’t worthy of our empathy? Where would we even begin?

[Read more about The trouble with empathy]

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