News: mental health

In my room

bed with side table

Living alone and entering the whirlwind that is my 20s, I find that making my room into a safe and comfortable space is just as important as it was when I was a teenager.

[Read more about In my room]

Movies for when you're sick


Here's a ramble about what I did for three weeks while I was sick! Nothing... Absolutely nothing, except watch movies, eat food and stay in bed all day. Which I am proud of myself for, and you should be too! 

[Read more about Movies for when you're sick]

A wellbeing cuppa

A cup of chamomile tea

I have recently been drinking a lot of tea and I have found it helps me relax, find routine, and unwind.

[Read more about A wellbeing cuppa]

Romanticising study

If you’re anything like me, finding the will and drive to study is difficult. Studying SHOULD be easy but for some, it’s not and that’s totally okay. I have been researching ways on how to get motivated to study and came across romanticising study. Here are some of the tips I found useful and if you take them into your daily routine of studying from home, you will be surprised at how much they actually help.

[Read more about Romanticising study]

I have buyer’s remorse

online shopping icon on keyboard

Buyer’s remorse is the sense of regret after having purchased something. It usually occurs after the purchase of an expensive item. It’s a real thing, we've all experienced it, and it hurts.

[Read more about I have buyer’s remorse]

Puppetry of the penis – body shame

Theatre curtain

My house mates and I thought it might be fun to check out "Puppetry of the Penis".

[Read more about Puppetry of the penis – body shame ]

How I stay sane during lockdown

Ahh here we go again, we are confined to our homes in the final week of our break. I’m having flashbacks from last year of zoom movie nights, banana bread and Netflix. There is comfort knowing that everyone else is in the same boat – and we made it through last year, so we can push forward (lockdowns are temporary)! Continue reading for tips on handling this lockdown.

[Read more about How I stay sane during lockdown ]

Is it irresponsible to limit your news intake?

Stack of newspapers

In this new COVID-19 age, we’re surrounded by a near-constant influx of pandemic-related news. As the situation continues to escalate, we each have to manage how we cope day-to-day, and that might mean limiting the amount of news you ingest. But is it irresponsible to do so?

[Read more about Is it irresponsible to limit your news intake? ]

Beyond Blue Support

We all need to reach out for some extra support from time to time.

[Read more about Beyond Blue Support]

Food during lockdown

Box of donuts

Food during the pandemic has been a topic of much conversation.

[Read more about Food during lockdown]

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