News: What messes with your head
Don't justify your 'no'
As crazy as it may sound, you can say no without any justification.
The light we carry: book reflection
Whether you like the Obamas or not, I found I had a lot of helpful things to take away from Michelle Obama’s recent book, The Light We Carry. I guess they are crafted as life lessons, but they may as well be a toolkit we HDR students can use on our journey towards the degree. Here are some of the things I learned that I find useful as an HDR student.
Living deadline to deadline
It’s that time of the year as we begin to tread the muddy waters of the final few teaching weeks. The mud is thick, and I surely can’t seem to move.Â
Harnessing confidence for the thesis
I’m in the countdown phase now – not quite close enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the adrenaline is certainly pumping, and the fear and unease is palpable. This has to be over soon. I’ve finished all the empirical studies and now it’s tying it all together into the thesis.
Frames of reference
I might have ADHD. I might not. But as I recently started looking back at my life through an ADHD frame of reference, a whole lot of things finally made sense.
Disrupted circadian rhythm
When your sleep-wake cycle is broken, it can have bad impacts on your day.
On dating
I enjoyed the chat Steph and John had about dating. It was insightful - a glimpse into a world I decided to leave, many years ago. I thought about how different it all seemed to be now, but also how familiar sounding. What sounds to not have changed much at all is the desire to find that seemingly elusive meaningful connection.Â