News: What messes with your head

Weekends off

Find Balance - image

As an HDR student, sometimes it’s hard to put boundaries around your time. Typically, you won’t have to attend any regular classes or seminars and for the most part, you are in control of how you spend your time during the day. Most times you can work from anywhere, or if your research is tied to a laboratory, usually you would have access 24/7. It’s not unusual to let research work and writing spill over to the weekend. This leads us to a high risk of burning out.

[Read more about Weekends off]

Don't be afraid to cry

A dog wrapped in blanket.

This week's forecast: a heavy torrent of public tears.

[Read more about Don't be afraid to cry]

Don't justify your 'no'

A person holds their hand up to the camera.

As crazy as it may sound, you can say no without any justification.

[Read more about Don't justify your 'no']

The light we carry: book reflection

A pile of books

Whether you like the Obamas or not, I found I had a lot of helpful things to take away from Michelle Obama’s recent book, The Light We Carry. I guess they are crafted as life lessons, but they may as well be a toolkit we HDR students can use on our journey towards the degree. Here are some of the things I learned that I find useful as an HDR student.

[Read more about The light we carry: book reflection]

Living deadline to deadline

Close up of someone's eyes

It’s that time of the year as we begin to tread the muddy waters of the final few teaching weeks. The mud is thick, and I surely can’t seem to move. 

[Read more about Living deadline to deadline]

Look out!

a mug, box of tissues and glasses on a desk.

Illness is ubiquitous right now; let's try and avoid it.

[Read more about Look out!]

Harnessing confidence for the thesis

I’m in the countdown phase now – not quite close enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the adrenaline is certainly pumping, and the fear and unease is palpable. This has to be over soon. I’ve finished all the empirical studies and now it’s tying it all together into the thesis.

[Read more about Harnessing confidence for the thesis]

Frames of reference

Chalkboard illustration of a person with squiggly arrows coming out of their head

I might have ADHD. I might not. But as I recently started looking back at my life through an ADHD frame of reference, a whole lot of things finally made sense.

[Read more about Frames of reference]

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