News: Student health

Tennis for a break

A casual hit of tennis is providing a fun study break during the exam period. 

[Read more about Tennis for a break]

New GP at Adelaide Unicare

We are very pleased to welcome Dr John Foenander to our ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Health & Gawler Place Medical practices.

[Read more about New GP at Adelaide Unicare]

An exercise app

With gyms closed and no sport groups running, I’ve been finding that I’ve been doing less exercise. An exercise app may be the solution.

[Read more about An exercise app ]

The joy of walking

Until recently, I'd never enjoyed walking. Now, it's become more than just a part of my exercise routine, it's become crucial to my mental clarity and general wellbeing. Here's why.

[Read more about The joy of walking]

Managing my drinking

When I was a kid, I was resolute that I would never drink alcohol.

[Read more about Managing my drinking]

Chlamydia and stigma

One time, I got a phone call from the sexual health clinic telling me that I had tested positive for chlamydia. I was completely shocked.

[Read more about Chlamydia and stigma ]

Make tracks

I've found that the biggest steps I've taken towards my wellbeing haven't been overhauls of my entire lifestyle. The biggest steps have been the tiniest changes to things I do every single day.

[Read more about Make tracks]

Deconstructed Diary (Pt. 1)

Do you know people who are super organised? People who have the most impressive time management system you have ever seen? There's no reason that can't be you!

[Read more about Deconstructed Diary (Pt. 1)]

Student Alert - Coronavirus

For the complete ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog response to the Coronavirus, please find more information here.

[Read more about Student Alert - Coronavirus]

Human warmth

What does it mean when we say that someone is ‘warm’? To me, a warm person is someone who is friendly and kind. When you are around them, you feel safe and comfortable, like being curled up in a warm blanket. Warm people are open to connection rather than being ‘cold’ or unfriendly.

[Read more about Human warmth]

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