Make tracks

Wooden track through wildlife.

Image accessed from 22 February 2020.

I've found that the biggest steps I've taken towards my wellbeing haven't been overhauls of my entire lifestyle, doing intensive聽3-day courses, or anything like that. The biggest steps have been the tiniest聽changes to things I do every single day.

For example, riding a bike for just 20 minutes a week to get to where I need to go.聽Even that tiny step has made a noticeable difference in my fitness.

Most recently, I've started going for light bush trail walks with my girlfriend. It's an activity that lends itself to a university lifestyle, being free and not taking up much time. It's also聽something that isn't too daunting to start doing as a regular activity.

There is something about being out in nature that seems to refresh the mind. I don't want my life to be completely consumed by sitting in a glass box tapping away at a keyboard. Just walking around in the open air聽once a week has made me feel a lot less like a lab rat.

It's also been a good chance to chat and socialise (depending on how intense the trail is) and connect by just doing the same thing together.

So,聽if you're looking for something to easily slot into your uni timetable, there's plenty of trails in SA to take advantage of ().

Tagged in Student health