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Back to uni: sustainable eats recommendations
One of my favourite times on campus is grabbing lunch or having dinner with friends (after hustling a study session of course!). It’s something exciting to look forward to after a long day of lectures and classes. Keep reading for my sustainable eats recommendations for when you're on campus next!
[Read more about Back to uni: sustainable eats recommendations]
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn 2032 Olympics
It is exciting news! ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog will host the 2032 Olympics in the Brisbane region. Even though it is still far away, I am already excited.
Without constant contact
Being in the city and in a share house at university, I have grown accustomed to constant human contact, but that has all changed now.
Welcome to the new semester
Anyone else amazed how quick a semester can fly by? Semester two is on its way and although it’s starting out rocky (hello lockdown), I’m still looking forward to my classes and events. Continue reading for my reflections of a new semester.
Cinema at a standstill
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the film industry in Hollywood has revised its business model, and within that time, the concept of cinema has radically changed.
Out of the comfort zone
I love to feel competent, like I know what I'm doing and that I'm succeeding. Trying something new, on the other hand, is uncomfortable.
The bottom of the barrel
I once joked that when I ran out of ideas I would just write about how I ran out of ideas…
Should I get a buzz cut?
I have had the same haircut for almost four years.
Puppetry of the penis – body shame
My house mates and I thought it might be fun to check out "Puppetry of the Penis".
Of learning to reach out and log off
When I came across this Tweet, Adelaide and South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog were in the lucky position of having the lowest level of restrictions in mainland ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.