Teaching Support Framework

The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Library is your partner in the provision of quality learning and teaching.

We collaborate with teaching academics to support the development of information literacy skills, enable access to a wide range of collections, and provide advice in the discovery and use of relevant learning material.ÌýOur support for learning and teaching is underpinned by our Learning & Teaching Principles.

You want to… We provide… Who to ask…
1. Identify readings and learning material to use in a course
  • Guidance and advice in finding relevant resources
  • Accessible collections relevant to a wide range of disciplines
  • Consultation regarding resource availability, including creative solutions in sourcing and using learning material

Learning Support

2. Provide students with access to readings and learning material
  • The Course Readings tool in MyUni, with online resources, training and escalated support
Course Readings
3. Find and use equitable resources in your teaching
  • Online resources and advice for sourcing, evaluating, and attributing equitable resources in teaching
Learning Support
4. Publish and promote your own open access textbooks Learning Support
5. Support the development of academic skills in your students
  • Online and blended learning contentÌýto support the development of information literacy and referencing skills
  • Guidance, advice, and consultation for embedding information literacy development in coursework and assessment
Learning Support
6. Direct your students to adopt a particular referencing style Learning Support
7. Introduce students to library services, resources, and spaces Ask Library
8. Use Indigenous content in your course
  • Published and original Indigenous material relevant to a range of disciplines
  • Guidance and advice in in teaching
Learning Support
9. Use the Library’s special collections to deliver object-based learning sessions
  • Consultation about collection items and online resources to meet learning objectives
Special Collections
10. Use online primary sources in your teaching
  • Online resources and collections of primary sources, supported by consultation
Learning Support
11. Comply with the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog’s Copyright Compliance Policy and related procedures in your teaching Copyright & Licensing
12. Suggest the Library purchase resources for use in your teaching
  • An online form to submit purchase requests for teaching
  • The Course Readings tool in MyUni, with the ability to request purchase of items
Learning Support