News: What messes with your head

Dressing for confidence

Pants on a rack

At really busy periods of the university year, I find myself slipping into sweatpants and sweaters, something I have noticed can have a big impact on my attitude towards my work and myself.

[Read more about Dressing for confidence]


A single hand holding 3 colours flowers sticking through a wooden fence

This week, I was lucky enough to catch up with a few friends I’ve not seen awhile. It has been a rather hectic and challenging month and it was such a treat to reconnect with these people from my different friendship groups.

[Read more about Kindness]

Beginner's guide to skincare

Aloe Vera plant close up

Ah, the joy of skin. Don't you love waking up to your face having the biggest breakout of the decade and for no apparent reason?

[Read more about Beginner's guide to skincare]

Retiring at 21

An elderly couple walking their dog in parklands

In a couple of weeks’ time, my ambassadorship with StudyAdelaide will come to an end.

[Read more about Retiring at 21]

Remote internships

Suited person in an office sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen

This semester I have started another internship and am a bit nervous about doing it remotely.

[Read more about Remote internships]

Another fringe season

Festival confetti in the air above a crowd of hands

And just like that, the Fringe is over! Literally weeks of events, shows, street life, busking and festivities and it has finally come to a close for another year.

[Read more about Another fringe season]

Immunocompromised in a pandemic

Person wearing a COVID mask walking down a darkened street with lights in the background

This week has certainly fuelled my pandemic anxiety with the massive spike in cases. As someone who is immunocompromised, I've had to change plans and do things a bit differently this week.

[Read more about Immunocompromised in a pandemic]

Why join a club at uni?

A group of students studying together

I’m sure you already know that joining a club is one of the best ways to meet people and make new friendships in uni.

[Read more about Why join a club at uni?]

Degree monotony

A frog statue holds books

Sometimes, for me, university seems a bit monotonous and I have been trying to overcome that disengagement.  

[Read more about Degree monotony]

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