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Looking back on my Ph.D. experience

person wearing a mask, cupping a seedling in hand that has several small green leaves

What are some of the things that you now realise were good things to do while you were a Ph.D. candidate? Or what seemed to be an obstacle to finishing that now looking back you realise was a good thing?

[Read more about Looking back on my Ph.D. experience]

Movies for when you're sick


Here's a ramble about what I did for three weeks while I was sick! Nothing... Absolutely nothing, except watch movies, eat food and stay in bed all day. Which I am proud of myself for, and you should be too! 

[Read more about Movies for when you're sick]

A post-lockdown reflection

Olympics, Prince Harry, Sheila, Alex Morgan, and Ted Lasso....

[Read more about A post-lockdown reflection]

Long distance friendships

Faces on computer screens

Friendships come and go – that is the inevitable truth of the world we live in.

[Read more about Long distance friendships]

Pandemic fatigue

We've emerged from lockdown (yay) but there’s still a very palpable sense of uncertainty fatigue.

[Read more about Pandemic fatigue]

Did you know about studiosity?

Stress affects our wellbeing so it's good to know where help is available.

[Read more about Did you know about studiosity?]

Participate in the SSAF survey

The annual Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) survey is now open for students to express their views on SSAF funding priorities. Go into the draw for the chance to win a $100 gift voucher.

[Read more about Participate in the SSAF survey]

Back to uni: sustainable eats recommendations

Group of friends sitting at table in restaurant

One of my favourite times on campus is grabbing lunch or having dinner with friends (after hustling a study session of course!). It’s something exciting to look forward to after a long day of lectures and classes. Keep reading for my sustainable eats recommendations for when you're on campus next!

[Read more about Back to uni: sustainable eats recommendations]

×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn 2032 Olympics

Olympic rings

It is exciting news! ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog will host the 2032 Olympics in the Brisbane region. Even though it is still far away, I am already excited.

[Read more about ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn 2032 Olympics ]

Welcome to the new semester

community legends graphic

Anyone else amazed how quick a semester can fly by? Semester two is on its way and although it’s starting out rocky (hello lockdown), I’m still looking forward to my classes and events. Continue reading for my reflections of a new semester.

[Read more about Welcome to the new semester]

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