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Chlamydia and stigma
One time, I got a phone call from the sexual health clinic telling me that I had tested positive for chlamydia. I was completely shocked.
I hate saying goodbye
Over the weekend, we said goodbye to one of our housemates, who is moving overseas. As I sat down with him to have one last cup of tea,聽I was caught off guard by a strong feeling of melancholy.
Opening up about failure
Talking about our failures might not be such a bad thing.聽
Television recommendation: Years and Years
Have you ever watched a TV show that completely changed the way you think about the world?
[Read more about Television recommendation: Years and Years ]
One of (if not the) biggest causes of stress for me has been securing聽a job after uni.
The Deconstructed Diary (Month)
When did public holidays happen? When were people's birthdays? When were doctor's appointments?聽The second essential step to my deconstructed diary was the month.
House party protocols
Living at a 'party house' means I have developed some protocols for house parties to keep people safe and happy.聽
Make tracks
I've found that the biggest steps I've taken towards my wellbeing haven't been overhauls of my entire lifestyle. The biggest steps have been the tiniest聽changes to things I do every single day.
Deconstructed Diary (The Week)
My solution to not finding a conventional diary useful was to embrace the fact that I was unconventional.聽
Road trip: the Great Ocean Road
Before uni started back, I was feeling restless and in need of a holiday. A couple of friends and I packed up a car with some camping gear and headed East to spend two weeks travelling along the Great Ocean Road.