News: Pace article

Leadership Health Check for Regional Health network

A group of students holding their completion certificates

A customised education solution for Yorke and Northern Local Health Network's Executive team supported a positive change for healthcare services in the region.

[Read more about Leadership Health Check for Regional Health network]

How to Create a Mentally Healthy Workplace

A group of people collaborating around a computer

To mark Mental Health Awareness Month, here’s five ways your organisation can create a mentally healthy workplace.

[Read more about How to Create a Mentally Healthy Workplace]

Microcredentials to deliver maximum benefit in the classroom

Teacher and student in the classroom

The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide has been awarded a $3.3m contract with the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Government to develop a series of microcredentials for teachers.

[Read more about Microcredentials to deliver maximum benefit in the classroom]

Why Emotional Intelligence is the Must-Have Leadership Skill

decorative image

As a leader, you’re looking to influence a broad group of people and move them forward to meet shared objectives. Yes, it helps to have a reasonable IQ to achieve this, but it’s your emotional intelligence, or EQ, that really counts.

[Read more about Why Emotional Intelligence is the Must-Have Leadership Skill]

Resilience: More Than Just a Buzzword

The word resilience printed in a book

Discover how resilience can help you achieve higher levels of personal and professional success from former STAR Group officer, Derrick McManus.

[Read more about Resilience: More Than Just a Buzzword]

Customised leadership program delivers results for Nyrstar

Customised leadership program delivers results for Nyrstar

From reduced turnover to higher attendance, find out how a leadership development program created by Professional and Continuing Education benefited Nyrstar.

[Read more about Customised leadership program delivers results for Nyrstar]

The Power of Personality Profiling

People collaborating on a white board

Discover how you can become a more effective leader and better communicator by harnessing the power of personality profiling tools.

[Read more about The Power of Personality Profiling]

Become an influential communicator in 3 easy steps

group of people listening to a key speaker

'Being influential' isn’t only reserved for people in senior positions. Find out how to build influence at work — and reap the benefits — in 3 easy steps.

[Read more about Become an influential communicator in 3 easy steps]

Developing leadership a sound investment

Sarah Leo

Recognising the reality of needing to prepare for chaotic circumstances led Sarah Leo, Resonate Consultants CEO, to a life-changing experience in PACE's Transformative Leadership Program.

[Read more about Developing leadership a sound investment]

The importance of authentic leadership with Jane Pickering

Scrabble board with the words 'lead, team, and succeed' spelled out on scrabble tiles

Read more about Jane Pickering, CE of Eldercare’s leadership journey and the importance of being an authentic leader as part of our Levelling up: Your leadership podcast series.

[Read more about The importance of authentic leadership with Jane Pickering]

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