Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements

The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog provides a flexible workplace for our staff. Whether it is having enough leave to cover school holidays, caring for a family member, working remotely, choosing your own hours of work, or taking time off for an emergency, the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog is here to support you to perform in your role.

We have well-established, family-friendly and culturally respectful policies designed to empower staff seeking flexible work arrangements.  For a snapshot of the various flexible working opportunities available to staff and an overview of the application and approval process, .

To learn how some of our staff have benefitted from flexible work arrangements, read their testimonials. The flexible arrangements we offer are listed below.

  • What works for me? Looking beyond 9-5

    Nine to five doesn’t suit everyone.

    Negotiate with your Leader to form an agreement that’s right for you!

  • Want to reduce your hours to support your family or passion?

    If you want more time to study or follow a passion, reducing your employment fraction may be the answer. For parents contemplating extra caregiving at home, request a reduction to suit your family needs.

  • Need extra leave to cover school holidays or pursue a special adventure?

    If school holidays stretch longer than your own, or you’re preparing for a big trip overseas, the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog provides opportunities to purchase an additional 4-8 weeks annual leave in a given year. Leave without pay is another option for those looking to enjoy further time off.

    Long service leave

    How you manage your long service leave is up to you! Take one day at a time or, if you need the extra money, cash out.

  • Emergencies happen, we can help

    You can access three special paid leave days each calendar year for absences caused by emergencies.

    For those experiencing family violence, five days are available to help ensure your family’s safety.

    If a loved one develops an illness or injury or there has been a death in the family, the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog provides three days compassionate leave to support you through this time.

  • Time off to move

    Moving house can be a big job. Access your one day of moving house leave, available each year.

  • Flexibility in your retirement

    If you are thinking about transitioning to retirement, flexible work options may form part of your transition plan or you may wish to explore opportunities to take up a pre-retirement contract, please also read the pre-retirement contract procedure.

  • Caring for your family

    We have many parental leave options available for new parents and for those who are seeking flexibility in their work to support caring for children. Even if you’ve just joined the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and haven’t yet completed 12 months service, you can access paid leave to care for your new family.

    There are many considerations when planning your return to work after time off for parental leave. Discuss with your supervisor what works best for your work area and for you.

  • Supporting your family when you return to work

    The Adelaide Campus Children's Centre and Waite Campus Children's Centre are operated by an independent, not-for-profit association, Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Childcare Services Inc., in premises provided by the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.

    The centres are available for use by staff, students and the general community, providing full-time and part-time care.

    There are also a number of parenting rooms across our campuses and a women’s lounge available for staff to use.

  • Supporting a diverse and inclusive workplace

    The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog recognises the diverse skills, experiences and perspectives you bring to the workplace and supports all active contributions to the diversity of our workforce.

    You have access to cultural obligation leave which provides three working days paid leave in any given year to support your cultural beliefs, plus an additional four days paid and 10 days unpaid leave in every two-year period to support Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ceremonial or cultural activities.

  • Why not consider working from home?

    Sometimes the most effective way to engage with your work or to balance competing priorities is to work from home. The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog provides for this option in our working from home procedure.

  • Dependant travel assistance

    Not being able to manage care for dependants while you attend a conference can sometimes be the reason for non-attendance. For academic staff in particular, attendance at discipline conferences is essential.

    Apply for a grant through the Dependant Travel Scheme which awards up to $2500 per trip for costs associated with bringing dependants and a carer with you or employing a carer for your dependants.

Apply for flexible working arrangements

Please discuss your preferred flexible working options with your Supervisor who will consider what can reasonably be accommodated by your work area. The HR Service Centre can provide further information.