Remuneration and Benefits

The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog aims to provide attractive conditions of employment for its staff. This policy supports the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog's primary goals of teaching, learning and research by supporting the attraction, retention, recognition and rewarding of staff through remuneration and a range of other benefits.


Frequently asked questions


Correct payment of entitlements

The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog takes seriously its obligation to ensure staff receive the wages and other benefits to which they are entitled. The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog has a range of controls and treatments in place to mitigate the risk of any payment errors.Ìý

Bona Fide review

The purpose of these FAQ's is to clarify the action required when reviewing and verifying the fortnightly and quarterly payroll bona fides reports. The FAQ's should be read in conjunction with theÌýBona Fide Review Procedure.

  • What data do I need to review in the monthly Bona Fides reports?

    The review and verification of monthly payroll reports will take into account all of the data below.Ìý

    Monthly bona fides data

    Full Staff List
    A report listing all staff employed in the area in the reporting month. No review of this report is required.

    New Starters
    The reviewer is to review and certify that:Ìý

    • The list of staff members who commenced employment within the reporting month is complete; and
    • The hire/rehire date accurately reflects the actual start date of the staff member.

    The reviewer is to review and certify that the list of staff members who left the school/branch within the reporting month is complete.

    New Starters (Casual)
    The reviewer is to review and certify that the list of casual staff members with a new contract commencing within the reporting month is complete.

    Separations (Casual)
    The reviewer is to review and certify that the list of casual staff members whose contract ended within the period of 30 days prior to the reporting month is complete.Ìý

  • Do I need to retain evidence of the monthly review process?

    Yes. Evidence of the monthly review process must be retained locally in the school/branch for a minimum of 18 months so as to be available upon request from internal/external auditors.

    The evidence of the review should at least include a copy of the report and a statement that indicates that the report is accurate. The evidence of the review may take the form of an email from the nominated reviewer to the Head of School/Branch Head, or it may be a record stored electronically on the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog’s records management system, or in a school/branch shared folder/box.ÌýThe evidence of the review should be able to be accessed by the nominated reviewer and the Head of School/Branch Head.


Salary increment

The purpose of these FAQs is to provide guidance to managers when determining an appropriate incremental step or an accelerated incremental step, within a salary classification level for an existing staff member.

Printable version

  • How do I determine an appropriate salary incremental step for a new staff member?

    The majority of staff will be appointed to a position with a determined classification level assigned (e.g. HEO or Academic). Normally, a new staff member will commence on the first incremental step within a salary classification level and progress through the incremental scale, without interruption, based on performance of each successive year of continuous service.

    The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog will also take into account a current and prospective staff member’s qualifications and prior relevant experience in determining the appropriate incremental step within the level for their appointment. On consideration of their qualifications and experience a new staff member can be appointed at a higher incremental step than the first increment of the base salary level.

    Relevant experience is deemed to be the experience a prospective or existing staff member has that relates to the duties, expectations and working environment of the position at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to which the individual is being appointed.

    Base salary is the amount payable in accordance with theÌý×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement, and does not include any loadings or other negotiated salary).

    For Academic and Research only staff

    The salary levels used for academic and research only staff (except casual academic staff) are outlined in Schedule 1 (Academic Staff Salaries) of theÌýEnterprise Agreement. A new academic staff member, who has a PhD degree in a relevant field, must be appointed at a specific incremental step within the classification level.

    The salary rates used for casual academic staff are outlined in Schedule 2 (Casual Academic Staff Salaries) of theÌýEnterprise Agreement.

    For Professional staff

    The salary levels used for professional staff (except casual professional staff) are outlined in Schedule 3 (Professional Staff Salaries) of theÌýEnterprise Agreement.

    The salary rates used for casual professional staff are outlined in Schedule 4 (Casual Professional Staff Salaries) of the Enterprise Agreement.

    Senior Managers

    Appointments to senior manager level will be organisationally driven and at the discretion of the Area Managers.

    Individual staff members in senior management positions, as defined, do not automatically progress through the levels and cannot seek reclassification within the structure. See Schedule 3 – Professional Staff Salaries – Senior Managers of theÌýEnterprise Agreement.

  • When would a staff member be eligible for an accelerated salary increment?

    A staff member may be eligible for an accelerated increment within their classification level, where it is demonstrated that exceptional circumstances exist or that the staff member’s performance is exceptional, due to proven high quality work and experience in the position.

    To meet the requirements please review theÌýRemuneration and Employment Benefits PolicyÌýand theÌý×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement.

    Exceptional performance refers to the performance of a staff member which is assessed as outstanding and consistently exceeds the objectives/performance indicators set during the review process in line with Planning & Development Review and the expectations of the position as referenced against the position classification standards, their position description and their contract of employment.

  • Who can approve an accelerated salary incremental step for an existing staff member and what is the process?

    In line with theÌýDelegations of AuthorityÌýthe Corporate Manager, Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic), Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research), Executive Dean and Vice-Chancellor and President can approve an accelerated salary incremental step for an existing staff member. An email and/or appropriate documentation will need to be forwarded to the Human Resources Branch, outlining the details of the accelerated incremental step for the staff member, to initiate the payment from the nominated effective date. The email will need to include recommendation a staff member receive an accelerated increment within their classification level, where it is demonstrated that exceptional circumstances exist, or that the staff member’s performance is exceptional due to proven high quality work and experience in the position.

  • Can a staff member receive more than one accelerated salary increment within a twelve month period?

    Yes. A staff member is able to receive more than one accelerated salary increment within a twelve month period, if specific approval has been given by the the Corporate Manager, Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic), Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research), Executive Dean and Vice-Chancellor and President.

  • What happens when I reach the top incremental step of my classification level?

    Upon a staff member reaching the top of the relevant level, there is no provision for progression through to a higher classification level unlessÌýbroadbandedÌýor in situations where task level applies within Classification Level 5/6. Refer to Schedule 7 of theÌý×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement– [Classification Standards (Professional Staff)]

  • Where can I seek further assistance about salary increment?

    Contact anÌýHR AdvisorÌýif there are any concerns in relation to the determination of an appropriate incremental step within the classification level.