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Sober October

Sober October

What Is Sober October?

[Read more about Sober October]

LPG bottle labelling

From 17 September 2021 most portable Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) bottles will need to be labelled with a warning about the danger of concentrated inhalation.

[Read more about LPG bottle labelling]

Optomistic October

Optomistic October

This month's theme: Optimistic October

[Read more about Optomistic October]

HSW Handbook chapter update - HSR and HSW Consultation

The new Health and Safety Representative and HSW Consultation Chapter of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Handbook has been updated and uploaded to the HSW website.

[Read more about HSW Handbook chapter update - HSR and HSW Consultation]

Free CPR training with St John

free cpr

St John Ambulance SA has been awarded a grant from Masonic Charities SA & NT to train 6,000 people over three years in lifesaving .

[Read more about Free CPR training with St John]

Retirement considerations

Like any chapter in your life, preparation can go a long way to ensure you're emotionally and financially ready for the road ahead. But where do you start when it comes to retiring?

[Read more about Retirement considerations]

Financial wellbeing

financial wellbeing

Are you keen to learn the ins and outs of investing? Or would you like to better manage debt and feel less anxious about money?

[Read more about Financial wellbeing]

Real talk

Real talk

headspace, in partnership with Universities ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, is hosting a short, practical workshop on how to talk about mental health with people at work and in your personal life.

[Read more about Real talk]

A female focus on finance

UniSuper Female Focus on Finance

Research shows that women face unique challenges when it comes to money and saving for retirement. It’s a complex issue, impacted by the number of women in part-time work, and taking time out of the workforce to care for children and family.

[Read more about A female focus on finance]

The basics of investing your super

the basics of investing your superannuation

It’s more important than ever to understand how your super is invested. But where to start?

[Read more about The basics of investing your super]

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