UniSuper webcast - Super fundamentals

person dreaming about retirement

Your super is set aside for the future, but it needn’t stay out of mind until then. Decisions you make about your super throughout your working life can shape the kind of lifestyle you have when you’re older.

Even if you’ve only just started your career, knowing how it all works can give you the best chance of having the retirement of your dreams. We’ll discuss:

  • types of super
  • growing your super
  • protecting your financial wellbeing
  • how super can be invested

The webcast will be held on 28/07/2022 at 12:30pm.

Everyone is welcome – even if you’re not a UniSuper member.

Our interactive webcast allows you to submit questions during the presentation. The webcast will be open 15 minutes prior to the start time to allow you to download the presentation pack and view supporting material.

If you’d prefer to skip the webcast and speak to someone about your super, make an appointment with one of our super consultants. They can help you get your super sorted, even if you aren’t a UniSuper member.

or call 1800 823 842.

Tagged in superannuation, Unisuper, Retirement, webcast, financial wellbeing, Lifestyle, investment, fundamentals