Draft HSW Stakeholder consultation - Plant/Equipment safety management (V4.0)
Human Resources have been working on the revised HSW Handbook chapter 鈥Plant/equipment safety management鈥.
The key changes to the chapter for noting are:
- Alignment of the draft with the requirements of the HSW Handbook chapters for Hazard Management; Provision of Information, Instruction and Training (including the recording of licences in SSO); Report a safety issue; Alcohol and drugs management in higher risk workplaces; and Managing HSW in the work environment.
- Removal of the requirements for Electrical safety management. These requirements have been transferred to a new dedicated Electrical safety management chapter (which is also out for Uni consultation).
- Clarification of the responsibilities for the Supervisor/Person in control of the area/activity.
- Inclusion of examples of control measures for plant/equipment in Appendix C, to assist areas to meet the requirements of the WHS legislation (e.g. for safe-guarding, operational controls, emergency stops and warning devices, powered mobile plant (including the management of traffic hazards in accordance with the traffic management plan), industrial lift trucks, industrial robots.)
- Inclusion of the responsibilities for Prescribed equipment that is, or may at some stage, have been capable of being used in the manufacture of controlled drugs.
- Reinforcement of the responsibilities for areas that manufacture/construct plant/equipment to ensure that hazards are managed throughout all phases of the manufacture/construction (e.g. from the start to the completion of a student project in a workshop/laboratory).
It would be appreciated if you could review and provide any feedback/suggested amendments to the HSW Team
via email using track changes before COB 鈥 Thursday 17 December 2020.
Further information
Should you wish to discuss any of the changes or requirements please do not hesitate to contact your Senior HSW Advisor.