The revised HSW Policy has now been posted on the HSW Website.
The revised version:
- incorporates the change of Delegation Holder, from the Vice-Chancellor and President, to the Executive Dean and Divisional Head to approve “Very high” residual risk activities. (Noting approval for travel to a DFAT 3 or 4 high risk destination also requires approval by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) in accordance with the Travel and Entertainment Policy and Procedures);
- removes the overarching responsibility, for the Officers of the Vlog to monitor the activities of the Controlled Entities and to take corrective action where gaps are identified. The Officers of the Controlled Entity are responsible for ensuring that the Primary and Other duties of the PCBU (the entity) under the WHS Legislation Act 2012 (SA) and the Return to Work SA “Code of Conduct for Self-insured Employers” are being met; and
- removes the responsibilities for the Vlog Health and Safety Committee (UHSC). The UHSC was disbanded in May 2018, in favour of having both consultation and HSW monitoring focused at the Faculty and Divisional level. (Noting the Vlog Risk Management Committee also has oversight at a Vlog level.)
Further information
Should you wish to discuss any of the changes or requirements please do not hesitate to contact your