Bullying and Harassment FAQs

Below is a list of frequently asked questions relating to bullying and harassment.

Please scroll down the list to locate the FAQ you need.

Preventing and responding to workplace bullying and harassment

The purpose of this Information sheet is to clarify what is/is not workplace bullying and what support and guidance is available to workers.

(printable version)

  • What behaviours are expected at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog?

    The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog has a number of policies, procedures, and guidelines which set out the expected behaviours at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.

    • A that sets out general principles and expectations of ethical conduct. Staff who are in breach of the Code may be subject to disciplinary procedures as described in the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of as appropriate and relevant; and
    • The HR Behaviour and Conduct policy
  • What is workplace bullying?

    Behaviour is identified as workplace bullying when it is:

    • RepeatedÌý – A pattern of behaviour must be able to be identified.Ìý It must be more than once; and
    • Unreasonable – The behaviour must be considered unreasonable given the circumstances; and
    • A risk to health and safety – It is likely that exposure to the behaviour will create a risk of injury or harm.

    Depending on the circumstances bullying is considered misconduct or serious misconduct at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.

  • What are some examples of behaviour that might be considered bullying?

    As a guide, the following behaviours might be considered bullying (if repeated), as they are viewed as unreasonable and likely to create a risk to health and safety towards a worker or a group of workers:

    • Abusive, insulting or offensive language or comments
    • Unjustified criticism or complaints
    • Continuously and deliberately excluding someone from workplace activities
    • Withholding information that is vital for effective work performance
    • Setting unreasonable timelines or constantly changing deadlines
    • Setting tasks that are unreasonably below or beyond a person’s skill level
    • Denying access to information, supervision, consultation, or resources such that it is detrimental to the worker
    • Spreading misinformation or malicious rumours
    • Changing work arrangements, such as rosters and leave, to deliberately inconvenience a particular worker or workers
    • Excessive scrutiny at work

    Note: behaviour online, using social networks, can also be considered bullying behaviour.

  • What is the difference between bullying, harassment and discrimination?

    Discrimination and harassment occurs when someone is treated less favourably than others because they have a particular characteristic or belong to a particular group of people. For example, discrimination and harassment can occur on grounds of:

    • Age
    • Political belief or activity
    • Parental or carer status
    • Physical features
    • Disability
    • Race
    • Gender identity
    • Religious belief or activity
    • Industrial activity
    • Sex or sexuality
    • Marital status
    • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
    • Identity of Soupse

    Sexual harassment is also associated with unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.

    Discrimination and sexual harassment in employment is unlawful under anti-discrimination, equal employment opportunity, workplace relations and human rights laws.Ìý It is possible for a person to be bullied, sexually harassed and discriminated against at the same time.Ìý However, a person who is harassed or discriminated against can only be bullying if the behaviour is repeated.

  • What is NOT bullying?

    The responsibilities and duties assigned by the Handbook Chapter apply to workers of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog as defined by the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2012 (SA). This would cover staff, contractors, volunteers, titleholders and labour hire workers.

    Students should refer to the Student Grievance Resolution process should they believe they are being bullied and harassed at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.

  • Who does the HSW Handbook chapter on Preventing and responding to workplace bullying and harassment apply to?

    The responsibilities and duties assigned by the Handbook Chapter apply to workers of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog as defined by the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2012 (SA). This would cover staff, contractors, volunteers, titleholders and labour hire workers.

    Students should refer to the Student Grievance Resolution process should they believe they are being bullied and harassed at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.

  • What can I do if I think I am being bullied or harassed?

    Where you believe that you have been subjected to inappropriate conduct (including sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment or discrimination), you can contact the Integrity Unit for advice or to make a report as either a disclosure or a complaint.

  • What do I do if I am accused of bullying or harassment?

    If you have been accused of bullying or harassment, you can discuss the matter with the Integrity Unit who can provide advice and support options.

  • Can I get help from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

    Yes. If you feel that you would like to talk to an external person who can provide free support and counselling to you or your family members, the option is open to you.

  • Where do I obtain further information on the Preventing and responding to workplace bullying and harassment?

    Should you find that further explanation or clarification is required, please contact your manager/supervisor, HR Advisory, or the Integrity Unit. If you require further information on implementation of the Bullying & Harassment procedure, please contact a member of the HSW Team.

Support for Students

The purpose of these FAQs is to identify how to assist students who have been affected by bullying and/or harassment.

Support for staff in dealing with inappropriate student behaviour

The purpose of these FAQs is to identify how to assist students who have been effected by bullying and/or harassment.

  • What support is available for staff in dealing with inappropriate student behaviour?

    The Early Intervention Group (EIG) is responsible for matters pertaining to inappropriate behaviour by students.

    For further information, please look at theÌýprocedures for reportingÌýinappropriate, concerning or threatening student behaviour.

    Students, staff and other members of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog community who observe student behaviour that is of concern can complete a Behavioural Incident Report Form, and send it to the EIG atÌýeig@adelaide.edu.auÌýor Student Affairs.

    Even where no action is required, it is important to record incidents centrallyÌýso that the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog can monitor any repeat behaviour.

    Members of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog community who observe or are confronted by a student behavioural incident which has the potential for harm to others or self-harm and requires immediate attention should first contactÌýSecurity ServicesÌýon the emergency telephone number: 8313 5444 (extn 35444).

    More information can be found on theÌý.

Further information

Please contact your local HSW team.