News: working

Lessons learned by marking

I have spent the last two or so weeks marking undergraduate politics essays.

[Read more about Lessons learned by marking]

Is Uber fair?

It’s undeniable that Uber and other driver services have become an increasingly used mode of transport since it’s founding in 2009.

[Read more about Is Uber fair?]

Supporting an over-worked partner

My boyfriend, undertaking his intern year as a doctor, has spent the last four weeks or so on a particularly gruelling and unforgiving rotation.

[Read more about Supporting an over-worked partner]

Switching between work and study

While I study my PhD and undertake part time paid work basically within the same field (×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn politics), there are real differences between my two roles, and thus, I find myself constantly aware of the need to utilise different approaches of ‘headspaces’ in each.

[Read more about Switching between work and study]

Starting to find some confidence

I made the realisation the other day that I am beginning to feel more confident in both my PhD and work life.

[Read more about Starting to find some confidence]

Becoming a 'young professional'

I've always looked at 'young professionals' with some awe.

[Read more about Becoming a 'young professional']

My working from home tips

Working from home can be hard. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely has its benefits, not least of which are no commute and no need to put proper pants on. But all those distractions that might stop you doing your best at uni are heightened at home.

[Read more about My working from home tips]

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