News: What messes with your head

Rediscovering tea

Hibiscus, apple, carrot, beetroot, sweet blackberry leaves, orange peel and parsley, pomegranate petals, and seeds.

I know we all say this every year, but I still can’t believe it’ll be 2021 soon. Although most of us are very much over 2020 and would like to say farewell to it, I’m still astonished to find that the end of the year is not far away now.

[Read more about Rediscovering tea]

Self confidence

It’s really important to be confident in yourself. I think I have enough resolve to give the impression that I am, but I don’t always feel confident in myself.

[Read more about Self confidence]

My US election experience

With the US presidential election almost upon us, I have been reflecting on my experience with the most recent presidential race, that of 2016 between now President Donald Trump and then-favourite Hilary Clinton.

[Read more about My US election experience]

From bad to worse

This has been a bad year for lots of us. It just feels like there’s this malaise in the air, that is affecting everyone and everything. I know a couple of other people have noticed this separately from me. It’s strange because the Corona virus didn’t even seem to hit Adelaide as hard as lots of other places.

[Read more about From bad to worse]

Is the Ph.D. worth it

I feel like I am running out of time with my Ph.D. The struggle is indeed very real, but to be honest, it’s already worth it.Ìý

[Read more about Is the Ph.D. worth it]

The sound of studying

Listening to music while studying has always been my method of choice.

[Read more about The sound of studying]

Eating out too much

ÌýIt is the hectic last-minute assignments and exam season. All the commitments and workÌýseemÌýto affect my diet and my cooking routines.

[Read more about Eating out too much]

Racism in comedy: where do we draw the line?

In the face of radical shift in the way we talk about race, the question of ‘where do we draw the line?’ seems to be a popular one.

[Read more about Racism in comedy: where do we draw the line?]

Books you have to read before you die!

book shelf

Reading is a great way to escape the real world, immerse yourself in a magical fantasy, feed the brain, and also a great thing to do when you need to take time away from social media and technology.ÌýWhatever type of reader you are, a slow reader, an average reader, or a crazy book lover,Ìýthis shortlist of books of the fantasy genre are some of my own personal favorites andÌýare one’s that everyone has to read at least ONCE in their lives.

[Read more about Books you have to read before you die!]

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