News: relationships

Everything I know about love

paper heart garland

For the past month or so I have been burying my face in this yellow paperback on my commutes to uni and before bed – it’s a book called Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton.

[Read more about Everything I know about love ]

The rise & fall of a uni crush

cookie heart that is broken

It’s early 2020, you’ve just discovered Zoom and it’s you and your baked banana bread against the world. You try to pay attention in your online class, and among the blank screens you discover… you have a crush.

[Read more about The rise & fall of a uni crush]

Relationship advice

Holding hands up in the shape of a love heart

I recently had a friend ask me for advice on dating and relationships with someone they are close with. At first I struggled with the conversation, but I soon realised that they were also looking for some reassurance and a confidence boost. 

[Read more about Relationship advice ]

Part 2: communication and consent

This blog continues recounting a personal dating story which highlights the importance of communication and consent.

[Read more about Part 2: communication and consent]

Part 1: communication and consent

The perks of being a young adult in this digital age is the prized experience of facing the shenanigans of online dating. This blog recounts a personal dating story which highlights the importance of communication and consent.

[Read more about Part 1: communication and consent ]

Relationship reflections

A questioning figure sits

With safer campus community week taking place across campus from the 9th-13th, it’s got me thinking about healthy relationships and made me wonder, are my relationships healthy?

[Read more about Relationship reflections ]

Of networking over chocolate

Chocolate penguins

Despite the fact that having to put myself ‘out there’ scares me, I’ve attended quite a few networking events. I know that as daunting as it might be to try to initiate conversations with a roomful of strangers, I ultimately make connections with admirable people who’ve been wonderful mentors through the years. Here are some of the key tips I’ve learned over the years which I remember for each networking event:

[Read more about Of networking over chocolate]

Reaching out to family

It can be strange to catch up with family that you haven’t seen for a long time.

[Read more about Reaching out to family]

Friendship and distance

We grow accustomed to our friends being around; they form part of our routine, even part of our identities. What happens, then, when friends are separated by distance – big or small?

[Read more about Friendship and distance]

Getting 'good' at conflict

I think most of us could hazard a guess that healthy confrontation involves listening to the other person, but how exactly do we do this? How do we get 'good' at conflict?

[Read more about Getting 'good' at conflict]

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