News: phd
Trust yourself
Imposter syndrome. It’s a bit unpleasant because what you really need when you’re attempting a Ph.D. is belief in yourself.
Whale migration
Oh August, I feel like you went by too quickly. The last weeks of winter have always been celebrated with a migration of sorts and this annual retreat has become a tradition. One that always felt like a rebirth, and I will always be grateful to winter’s chill for the darkness that makes fires burn brighter and hotter.
Common Ph.D. obstacles
The struggle is real, and the long, cold nights are getting to me a bit.
Ready, set, write
Going through writer’s block? Here are some of the key things I go back to when I need a writing reset.
Tips for better PowerPoints
It’s been a while since I’ve had to do a presentation, and now that people are starting to really come back to campus, I wanted to properly prepare for a hybrid audience – with some physically in the room and the rest accessing the presentation virtually.
On failure
Following my post in May on graduation and commencement speakers, did you all hear that Taylor Swift has received an honorary doctorate from New York ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog?
Help, I’m procrastinating
Winter is here and for some reason, it’s so tempting to retreat into hibernation season.
Writer’s block
Sometimes what helps me get over writer’s block is writing in a different place.
Self-care bootcamp
It’s the middle of winter and if you’re an HDR student like me, it’s quite possible that you didn’t manage to take a proper uni break.
Morning momentum
I love the rain, I do. I love it, even more, when I can just lay in bed for hours reading books.