News: friends

Getting 'good' at conflict

I think most of us could hazard a guess that healthy confrontation involves listening to the other person, but how exactly do we do this? How do we get 'good' at conflict?

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Book reflection: Gratitude - by Oliver Sacks

Spring flowers

Oliver Sacks has always been one of my favourite writers. As a neurologist, his book, The man who mistook his wife for a hat is superbly written and details the many peculiar and bizarre neurological cases he’s studied through the years. His writing is also very insightful. The New York Times calls him the ‘poet laureate of medicine’. He was able to complete a few short essays before passing away from cancer in 2015. He was eighty-two.

[Read more about Book reflection: Gratitude - by Oliver Sacks]

How joining a book club transformed my reading habits

In the past, I've struggled to make reading a consistent habit, until I joined a book club.

[Read more about How joining a book club transformed my reading habits]

Dungeons and dragons

It’s my first ever Dungeons and Dragons campaign and it’s brilliant. Supsense, comedy and so much more... 

[Read more about Dungeons and dragons]

Awkward encounters

The other day, I was at a cafe having lunch with friends when I spotted a guy I went to school with at a table across the room.

[Read more about Awkward encounters]

Expanding my friendship circle

I am lucky enough to have a great group of really close friends, but I sometimes find myself noticing that I don’t really have many friends from my field of work and study.

[Read more about Expanding my friendship circle]

I am a birthday person

My birthday is coming up, and I am SO EXCITED about it.

[Read more about I am a birthday person]

A little house in the country

As restrictions started to lift, a friend suggested that we go and stay at her family's old cottage in the countryside for a couple of nights.

[Read more about A little house in the country]

A walk in the rain or acceptance

The other day, a friend of mine suggested we go for an afternoon walk. I agreed, despite some ominously clouds amassing in the direction of the Adelaide Hills.

[Read more about A walk in the rain or acceptance ]

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