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'Christodora' and the New York novel canon

°ä³ó°ù¾±²õ³Ù´Ç»å´Ç°ù²¹,ÌýTim Murphy's 2016 debut novel,ÌýisÌýthe latest inÌýtheÌý'New York novel'Ìýcanon: itÌýdeals withÌýaddiction, trauma, familyÌýrelationships,ÌýLGBTQI+Ìýidentity, and the search for connection in a world that seeks to divide.Ìý

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A trip to the South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Museum

A three tiered crystal

I have only once been into the South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Museum for a quick look before I had to go. This visit, I had time to stick around and have a good look and I was not disappointed.

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In the company of strangers

I don’t usually like going to parties where I don’t know many people there. I generally find that the experience consists of talking to the one person I know, then spending the rest of the time awkwardly trying to find something to do. So I was worried that very same scenario would play out again at this party I was set to go too.

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Recommendation: Have you been paying attention

One of my favourite things to watch on TV each week is Channel 10’s comedy quiz show Have You Been Paying Attention (HYBPA).

[Read more about Recommendation: Have you been paying attention]

Being able to graciously accept positive feedback as much as the negative

I would’ve thought that I would be the absolute last person to be commended at work. First, I’m a full-time student and only work part-time – I feel as if my contributions wouldn’t really be significant because I only work a few hours. Second, I tend to work quietly in the background, so to be applauded for being curious, for seeking to understand different perspectives, for looking for new approaches, partnerships and solutions, and for continuously learning, was a surprise. I didn’t think anyone was ‘looking’, to be honest. I kept thinking to myself, is this a kind way of telling me that I am venturing too far into unknown territory? I tried to keep cool and remind myself that I also need to learn how to take a compliment, Curiosity is one of our work values and in a way, I guess this demonstrated that I was valued at work. Maybe it also supports my desire to be in a research field – you have to want to be continuously learning. Still, perhaps as a research student, maybe I keep expecting negative feedback, I need it after all. How am I going to improve my writing if I don’t have my supervisors sending me feedback on my drafts?

[Read more about Being able to graciously accept positive feedback as much as the negative]

Spring has sprung

An archway of wisteria flowers

Spring is here and all the flowers are in bloom.

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Netflix & Educate (Part 1)

Netflix Logo

Following the murder of George Floyd in June of this year, protests sparked all across the U.S. and all around the world on the subject of racial injustice and police brutality, which reintroduced the Black Lives Matter Movement immensely. The black community, and their allies, have taken to the streets and to social media to express their indignation and utter outrage over the brutal injustice and oppression from officers of law and white supremacy.ÌýLearn more about history, racial injustice and the Black communities struggles and experiences with this collection of films, tv shows, and documentaries.Ìý

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Too many rosters

How many timetables, rosters and schedules are you on? That question makes me stop and pause, because (quite concerningly) I don’t actually know the answer.

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Review: Wind River

As a result of COVID-19,Ìývarious televisionÌýfilm and television productionsÌýhave come to a sudden halt, andÌýthe world is experiencing a rare lack of new content.ÌýAs a result,ÌýI'veÌýbeen revisiting older films, including Taylor Sheridan's 2017 neo-WesternÌýWind River.Ìý

[Read more about Review: Wind River]

Public speaking via zoom

I recently presented at my first ‘zoom conference’.

[Read more about Public speaking via zoom]