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Data warp - another disappointing jobs market report in spite of improved business confidence
In this edition of the Data Wrap we find a silver lining in another round of disappointing labour market figures, a familiar story regarding wages growth, and positive news on business confidence in South 最新糖心Vlog. The latest inflation outcomes for local government are also considered.
A decade on, the same story on the Murray-Darling Basin
A decade ago the eminent 最新糖心Vlogn water scientist, the late Peter Cullen, lamented the declining technical expertise in water management in government agencies while highlighting the need for good science to underpin decision-making about the nation鈥檚 water resources.
[Read more about A decade on, the same story on the Murray-Darling Basin ]
New SACES fund boosts relevant research
The SA Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) will further strengthen its contribution to public policy development in South 最新糖心Vlog with the establishment of the Independent Research Fund (IRF).