News: Pace Media

Levelling up: Bruce Djite

Bruce Djite

In this episode, former professional footballer Bruce Djite reflects on the unique challenges of transitioning from elite sport to the boardroom. 

[Read more about Levelling up: Bruce Djite]

Levelling up: How to communicate with influence

Gary Edwards

Gary Edwards explores how influential communication can help leaders master the conversations they have with their colleagues, clients and customers.

[Read more about Levelling up: How to communicate with influence]

Levelling up: Jane Pickering

Jane Pickering

In this episode, Eldercare CE Jane Pickering covers gender equality, leading with compassion, and being responsible for more than 1200 staff caring for 1800 vulnerable, older South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogns.

[Read more about Levelling up: Jane Pickering]

Levelling up: Creating inclusion in the workplace

Sonali D'silva

Creating inclusion and belonging in your team can have tangible, positive effects on employee engagement. Sonali D'silva explains how.

[Read more about Levelling up: Creating inclusion in the workplace]

Levelling up: Derrick McManus

Derrick McManus

In this episode, Derrick discusses how ‘human durability’ can allow leaders to achieve higher levels of personal and professional success and reduce stress

[Read more about Levelling up: Derrick McManus]

Levelling up: Explore vertical development with Andrew Stevens

Andrew Stevens

Andrew Stevens unpacks the type of development modern leaders need to navigate the ambiguity, uncertainty and disruption they face on a daily basis.

[Read more about Levelling up: Explore vertical development with Andrew Stevens]

Levelling up: Heather Croall

Heather Croall

Award-winning Adelaide Fringe CEO and Director Heather Croall has helped ingrain the festival as part of the fabric of Adelaide and South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog.

[Read more about Levelling up: Heather Croall]

Levelling up: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Portrait of Tasmin Simounds

In this episode, Tamsin Simounds reflects on facing imposter syndrome early in her own executive career

[Read more about Levelling up: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome ]

Levelling up: Grant Stevens

An image of Police Commissioner Grant Stevens

In the second episode of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide’s , Grant Stevens shares his evolution from a lack-lustre school student one of the most highly respected figures in the community.

[Read more about Levelling up: Grant Stevens]

Levelling up: Emotional Intelligence

Lorraine Caruso

Executive coach Lorraine Caruso leads PACE’s Emotional Intelligence At Work course. Drawing on her 30-year business, strategy and operations career to share invaluable insights to understand and improve emotional intelligence and effectiveness at work.

[Read more about Levelling up: Emotional Intelligence]

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