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Grief and compassion for the self in a time of crisis
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
[Read more about Grief and compassion for the self in a time of crisis]
Product demand and COVID-19
In the current climate it is difficult to predict demand within and across the higher education sector with absolute certainty.
Modern Monetary Theory, the economy, and the virus
The Covid-19 epidemic is obviously the biggest global emergency of its kind for more than a century.
[Read more about Modern Monetary Theory, the economy, and the virus]
Pivoting, disruption, and the customer experience
What can we learn about innovation and the customer experience from companies that pivot during periods of significant disruption?
[Read more about Pivoting, disruption, and the customer experience]