Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Resources for Engineering Mechanics: Statics聽- for more information about the course, please see聽course outlines.

Assumed knowledge

Statics聽is a course about physics, but most of the problems you solve will be solved through a process of using the physics ideas to create equations, then using聽algebra to solve those equations.

Maths skills you need to succeed in Statics are:

Angles and trigonometry

These聽handouts list聽some facts about angles and聽2D and 3D trigonometry that will be useful.

Simultaneous equations

This handout covers straight line graphs and simultaneous equations:


The following min-textbook and聽video from the old MathTrackX bridging course聽cover various techniques for doing integration.

The MLC Drop-In Centre

Students in Statics are definitely allowed to visit the MLC Drop-In Centre to discuss the maths that is related to Statics. We don't necessarily know all the physics concepts and terminology, so make sure you bring your notes so that you can make sense of the physics while we help you make sense of the maths!

Revision Seminar

This revision seminar was given in Semester 1 2021.聽David started with several examples of problems involving forces caused by fluid pressure, and then (starting at 58m27s) attempted to calculate shear forces and bending moments in a complicated example, and then a simpler example. The first shear force problem did not go so well, but the second example (starting at 1h21m36s ) was better.