News: Education reading

Book Reading: The Classroom Chef

Over the weekend, I read "The Classroom Chef" by John Stevens and Matt Vaudrey. This is a post about my reaction to the book.

[Read more about Book Reading: The Classroom Chef]

TMC16 reflections from someone who wasn't there

This post is about my response to TMC16. For the uninitiated, TMC is short for Twitter Math Camp. This is a conference designed by teachers for teachers with teacher speakers, organised through the collective efforts of the Math Twitter Blog-o-Sphere (MTBoS) – a group of people who blog and tweet about their experiences teaching math(s). That description is not the best description of the MTBoS, but I'll get to that later.

[Read more about TMC16 reflections from someone who wasn't there]

Education research reading: effective feedback

After warning months ago that there would be more posts about my research reading, but I didn't follow through. Finally here is a "Research Reading" post. This one is about how feedback helps students learn. I'll discuss several papers which list principles/challenges for providing effective feedback.

[Read more about Education research reading: effective feedback]

Research reading can of worms

Today's blog post is about my experience attempting to become better read in the area of education research, and I'm sorry to say I'm not going to be glowingly positive about it. As the title suggests, it just seems to get out of hand so quickly.

[Read more about Research reading can of worms]

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