News: Being a good teacher

Ten years

On the 23rd of July 2008, I started my first day as coordinator of the Maths Learning Centre at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide. Today is the 23rd of July 2018 – the ten year anniversary of that first day. (Well, it was the 23rd of July when I started writing this post!)

[Read more about Ten years]

TMC17 Reflections a year later

A year ago, I went to Twitter Math Camp (TMC) and it was a wonderful experience. TMC is a great conference full of all sorts of opportunities for maths teachers to learn from each other in many ways.

[Read more about TMC17 Reflections a year later]

The Human Galton Board

Last week we were booked in to do with several groups of school students, but it turned out there would be a lot fewer of them than we expected, and I didn't think Human Markov Chains would work very well with under 20 students. I still dearly wanted to do a moving maths activity, and I still wanted it to be about probability, but I wasn't sure what to do. Then, on the morning of the day the students were coming, I had an inspiration and quickly knocked together the Human Galton Board.

[Read more about The Human Galton Board]

Human Markov Chains

This blog post is about a moving maths activity that I have wanted to do for years and finally got an opportunity to do this year in 2018. It's a model of a concept called a "Markov Chain" using human movement.

[Read more about Human Markov Chains]

Leaving the most important teaching to chance

Something is bothering me about teaching at university: we are leaving the most important teaching to chance.

[Read more about Leaving the most important teaching to chance]

Mr Johnson's Rainbow

I love reading and writing, and the way that people use words to express ideas fascinates me. So it is no surprise that when I was in Year 12, I studied the highest level of English available. My English teacher was called Mr Johnson and I hated him. (It wasn't really, Mr Johnson – I've changed his name to write this.) The reason I hated him is expressed in this poem I wrote at the time:

[Read more about Mr Johnson's Rainbow]

A public health approach to improving teaching and learning

Making a big difference to student learning is a tricky business. Here at my university, there are a certain number of (wonderful) teaching staff who are champions of innovation, always making big changes to the way they do things and jumping onto any innovation as soon as it comes around. Yet the students not in those classes don't see much benefit from it. Indeed, those staff who are not champions of innovation may do nothing for fear of having to adopt all at once All The Things they see the champions doing. A student who seeks regular support for their learning may make spectacular gains, but there are literally thousands of other students who don't seek such support on a regular basis, and thousands of students who don't really need spectacular gains but just a little bit extra. I have started to think that perhaps the best way to make a big difference is to find some way of encouraging a large number of small differences.

[Read more about A public health approach to improving teaching and learning]

Stop hating on cis(θ)

I met with some lovely Electrical and Electronic Engineering lecturers yesterday about their various courses and how I can help their students with the maths involved. And of course complex numbers came up, because they do come up in electronics. (I have not the slightest clue how they come up, but I am aware that they do.)

[Read more about Stop hating on cis(θ)]

Three hours in the MLC Drop-In Centre

Last week, I had one of those days in the MLC Drop-In Centre where I was hyper-aware of what I was doing as I was talking with students and by the end I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things I had thought about. I decided that today I might attempt to process (or at least list) some of it for posterity.

[Read more about Three hours in the MLC Drop-In Centre]

The Arts student's maths brain

Yesterday I talked about one of the common responses to people finding out I am a mathematician/maths teacher, that of saying, "I'm not a maths person." The other common response I get is, "I don't have a maths brain." (John Rowe mentioned this in his comment on the previous post.)

[Read more about The Arts student's maths brain]

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