New Animal Ethics Online System Coming Soon

A new way to submit Animal Ethics applications is coming!

Research Services and ITDS are implementing a new online system to handle application and approval processes for Animal Ethics, Human Research Ethics, and Gene Technology/Biosafety called ACES (Adelaide Compliance & Ethics System).

The system will deliver streamlined and intuitive online forms with the ability to track the progress of applications from submission to approval. It will also provide a common platform for all Ethics and Compliance applications.

The system is scheduled to go live for Animal Ethics from mid-February with Human Research Ethics and Gene Technology/Biosafety to follow in early 2025.

Key Dates for Animal Ethics:

From mid-February 2025, Research Master will no longer be able to be used to create new Animal Ethics applications, and instead the new ACES platform should be used.
New applications for consideration at the March AEC meeting and onwards should be submitted via ACES from the mid-February to ensure a smooth transition to the new platform (visit Animal Ethics Applications – Deadlines).

Existing/ in-flight Animal Ethics applications/amendments will continue to be processed in Research Master (not ACES).

Further Information

Research Ethics: Visit the UoA ACES information webpage or contact Research Services.

Tagged in News, HDR Students