Other Milestones

While not reviews of your progress, there are other milestones that will be listed on your record in .

These milestones are items that may be requirements for your completion or are reminders for recommended resources.

  • Consent Matters Course

  • CaRST: (MRes OR PhD) Career & Research Skills Training

    Career and Research Skills Training is an important part of your research program. PhD Students must complete 120 hours of training and Masters by Research Students need to complete 60 hours. Check out the career development section of this website for more information on CaRST and the available courses.

    You will note that the due date for this milestone is the same as your enrolment date. This is an administrative process to prompt the enrolment system to send you an email about CaRST.

  • Ethics

    If you have indicated in your CCSP, Major Review or Annual Review form that you need to have ethics approval before you can commence your research the Adelaide Graduate Research School Team will add an ethics milestone to your record. Once you have received ethics approval please email the Adelaide Graduate Research School to advise of the approval number and your ethics milestone will be completed.聽

  • Industry: IEP or UAiPhD

    If you are engaging in an organised industry placement an industry milestone will be added to your record. Once your placement has been completed and your final report has been submitted to the Adelaide Graduate Research School and approved your industry milestone will be completed.