LabArchives Research Stories
Scenarios showing how researchers could use LabArchives for storing and managing research data.
Alison is a researcher and lab head in Biological Sciences
Alison is the Primary investigator on several research projects and manages a team of eight researchers. She wants a central place for her researchers to share working data, and also wants to make sure that lab security protocols are properly maintained.
In LabArchives, Alison could:
- Set up multiple notebooks, one for each research project, to allow maximum flexibility and facilitate sharing. If there is common information/structure (e.g. protocols, management), create one notebook and clone as necessary
- Invite other researchers to the relevant notebook(s) and create folders for them
- Investigate which lab tools will input directly to LabArchives to save data double-handling
- Use the mobile app to snapshot written/field notes and transfer directly into notebook
Ravi is a researcher/academic in ECMS
Ravi supervises six HDR students and is also doing his own research. He wants a central place for managing and storing his students’ data that he can easily access. He also wants to make sure that he retains copies of students’ data when they finish their PhDs.
In LabArchives, Ravi could:
- Set up one notebook for all students (rather than individual notebooks) so that he retains ownership and doesn't have to worry about students remembering to transfer ownership at the end of their PhDs
- Create a folder for each research student. Give the students access to their folders (as opposed to the whole notebook) so each student's research remains private
- Create a best practice/common information folder in the notebook that all students can access
- Use Properties/Activity Feed to monitor students’ activities within notebooks
- Use the page sign-off feature to mark work as complete
- Create other private notebooks for his own research
Tam is a researcher and lab head in Chemistry
Tam supervises a number of students and was an early adopter of LabArchives after a bad experience with the sudden departure of a PhD student. After leaving, the student was difficult to contact and retrieve data from.
In LabArchives, Tam could:
- Ensure the secure storage and sharing of notes and data produced by her HDR students
- Prevent student data from being deleted, and/or be able to retrieve data, as the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog has permanent delete turned off
- Have access to student data during collection and analysis to simplify the process for students to provide their data once they finish their studies
Miguel is a postdoctoral researcher in Biological Sciences
Miguel is a postdoctoral researcher working on several projects and is second in charge of a small animal facility within the laboratory. Miguel keeps thorough paper notes for all experiments he performs. However, NHMRC grant funding now requires electronic copies of all of his research data, including his paper notebooks.
In LabArchives, Miguel could:
- Collect and record all of his data digitally within his group leader's master notebook
- Fulfil NHMRC requirements for recordkeeping with significantly less time spent scanning and navigating paper notebooks.
- Keep track of students he co-supervises in the master notebook without the need for constant meetings and emails.
- Set up a folder to organise and manage tasks in the animal facility and share it with other lab members in the master notebook, rather than printing out paper copies and posting them around the lab
Agnieszka is a research fellow
Agnieszka is managing her own research project but also collaborates with external colleagues in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and overseas. She needs a secure space for the working data that she shares with her collaborators.
In LabArchives, Agnieszka could:
- Set up multiple notebooks, one for each research project
- Invite the external collaborators to join the appropriate notebook. If their institution is already using LabArchives, they will be prompted to login; otherwise, they will be able to create a free account