Pedal and connect: cycling and community

What can I say? I really love riding! It's a great way to get where I need to go while staying fit. Talk about a win-win!

Plus, it's fascinating how the bicycle's basic design has remained unchanged for almost 140 years. That's real engineering genius! The bike, as we know it, was created by John Kemp Starley in 1885. It was the first design to have two wheels of the same size, providing better balance for the rider, hence being named the Rover Safety Bicycle.

So you can understand why I was more than a little disappointed when the derailleur decided to derail itself off my bike last semester. When I ride to uni, I find that my mood improves, and it sets me up for a better day of study. As you all know, life can get hectic during the semester, so I put off fixing my bike until the holidays. Not being the most mechanically minded individual, I asked some friends for tips on fixing my bike. One friend suggested I head to聽聽(ABK). Although I was aware of ABK, I had never been there or used its facilities. It was on my to-do list when the holidays came around, and I'm glad I did.

Situated in Bowden, just around the corner from Plant 4, Adelaide Bike Kitchen (ABK) is a community-based workshop run by volunteers. It offers a range of facilities that make bike repairs easier than at home, including bike stands, spare parts, and all the tools you'll ever need. The volunteers are highly knowledgeable and more than happy to offer their expertise, which I find beneficial because when it comes to fixing things, I often get stuck at the "Where do I start?" stage. Not only do you get the opportunity to fix your bike cheaply, but it's also a great place to meet people. I ran into friends I hadn't seen in a while and met a bunch of new people. ABK strongly emphasises social connection and community and offers other activities like cheap cook-ups on Wednesday nights, bike maintenance workshops, pay-what-you-feel yoga classes and regular group riding events.

I want to ride my bikeFreddie Mercury

So if your two-wheeled deadly treadly needs a little polish and elbow grease, I highly recommend checking out ABK. Come for the maintenance, stay for the community.

Tagged in What messes with your head, cycling, bike maintenance, sustainable transport