A new routine for a new year

Let's set some intentions for the new year!

If you're like me, you're a fan of fresh starts, novelty and connecting with yourself. I wanted to take the time to set myself up for the rest of the 2024 year and to imagine and visualise something great. That includes creating a new routine on a clean slate, paired with some good habits and intentions. So, here's my plan so far...聽

Step 1:聽Whether it's a uni day or a work day or a day off, wake up at 7 am and spend some quality 'me time' in the morning. I recently bought a journal from Intelligent Change, that is part planner, part journal. Essentially the focus is to add three self-love acts to your week and then connect with how you feel on a daily basis. There's room to write all your key tasks, goals and spare notes as well as track your mood and highlights of the day.聽

Step 2: Prepare emotionally for a new living situation. I'll be moving in with my partner after living on my own for just over 2 years. As much as I am excited, it will also be a big adjustment. My goal is to give myself the grace to make mistakes and adjust as well as set boundaries and address my needs.聽

Step 3:聽Incorporate fitness into my week at least three times, in different forms. Whether it be in the gym, playing sport or just getting outside for a walk or hike. My goal is to stay much more active!

Step 4: Get lots of sleep. Like, so much sleep. The previous semester I found that I had stretched myself so thin that even when I did get an early night, the mess of anxious thoughts kept me from falling asleep. So I guess part of this step is not just prioritising sleep, but knowing my limits too.聽

Step 5: Preparing myself for the unknown. This year lots of things are changing. My living situation, my work and my studies with things like not seeing the same uni friends every day because they've finished their degrees.聽

Step 6: Lastly, schedule rest. One thing I've never been good at is scheduling downtime. I will always say yes to the next plan, the next offer or even try to fill my time up to the brim. It wasn't healthy last semester and I won't allow it to be that way this time!聽

Step 7: Invest in my health. Follow up with my doctor, and allied health team, adjust what's needed. Take a holistic view of my health from all angles.

I hope this gives you some ideas on what you want for this year and how to go about it! I know you'll smash it.

Tagged in What messes with your head, Student health, health and wellbeing, mental health