Finding myself
To say that the past four years have been a foundational journey would be a gross understatement.
I came to Adelaide as an interstate student, the first in my family to study, fully financially independent but reliant on Centrelink and scholarships. I was lucky in this sense. ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog was always a goal for me but for many other students from my background, it is never even presented as an option.
The idea of university was exhilarating and exciting for me. But in truth, I was disappointed. It didn’t seem like the place of higher thinking that American movies sold 16 year old me.
Maybe my expectations were too high…maybe they weren’t. Who is to say.
But I made it work. I made it through sadness, loneliness, through the struggle to make friends, through family conflict and anxiety and imposter syndrome. I made it through homelessness and financial struggles.
And I guess what I am trying to say is that I never would have made it without the support of friends, my partner, lecturers, my fellow bloggers and my workmates.
So if you are struggling with the prospect of continuing university, maybe you’re an international student starting out on your own, maybe you’re a remote student travelling from a completely different world – build your networks and always reach out for support.
Even before it gets really hard (a lesson I never learnt myself unfortunately).
And in the end what I walked out with was a mixed bag of life. Some regrets but mostly pride in my achievements, excitement for the future and a sense of deep nostalgia for this place I had come to call home.
I hope that you, dear reader, may find something like that too. Wherever it may be.
Editors Note: if this blog has raised any issues for you please contact Counselling Support