Doggy cuddles

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I don’t think I’m quite ready to get a dog yet (they need a lot of care), but recently I’ve been missing the dogs I grew up with in our family.

Over the years growing up, we had three dogs, Tootsie, Gringo, and Ebony. Tootsie and Gringo were Alsatians. They were also mother-and-son. They were around since I was a baby and were the gentlest, loving doggies. They were strong protectors too. When they both passed, our parents got us a black toy poodle and we named him Ebony. At this stage, both my sister and I were in school and old enough to help look after him. I recall he was always the eager face that would greet my school friends when we’d have study groups and sleepovers.

Ebony loved to play and give cuddles. So, when we had to put him down (he was too old, all his organs were shutting down), even my friends felt quite sad. My sister, who loved him the most, insisted that the vet come to our house. I did not expect to feel so much grief when he passed. He truly was a loved member of our family.

Since then, our family has not had any other pets. My sister and I were off to uni, and soon work and travel, and we really were not ready to ‘replace’ Ebony too. During the lockdowns at the onset of the pandemic, I realised how dog friends contributed to wellbeing in human lives. (See on it too.) Although I’m not ready to care for a dog at this stage, I feel lucky I have Albert and Shou (friends’ dogs - a poodle and a cavoodle) who constantly indulge me with cuddles and happy tail-wags whenever I see them! Pets in general give us opportunities for caring and nurturing others. Which pets do you have or would like to have?

Tagged in What messes with your head, health and wellbeing