Living in the city

Sunset over a city

Living in the city has its perks but I have definitely experienced some of its downsides. Is it all worth it?聽

I have been living in the CBD for four years and some days I really love it. I enjoy being close to literally EVERYTHING. I like the busyness, the coffee shops and the hectic evenings around Fringe. Most of all, I love the parklands and the central markets.聽

But I have also had some pretty negative experiences in the city, perhaps exacerbated by the fact that I am a young woman often walking home late at night.聽Inevitably, I often spend time in the uni library rushing to get that assignment done and before you know it, it is 11pm and it is DARK. That makes walking home alone scary so I usually try to ride the tram and avoid less crowded spots. The university shuttle bus is also a fantastic service that always used to save me the walk home in fear.聽

As a uni student, living in the city just makes sense - it is cheap and accessible and close to university. Maybe I am just getting old but sometimes it can be really tiring too!聽

Overall, I think that living in the city is a quintessential student experience that is 100% worth it. Of course, it is always important to remember to stay safe and try to use university services like the free shuttle bus and security. But during the day and with friends, there are all sorts of odd nooks and crannies to explore in this city that make living there so worthwhile.聽

Tagged in What messes with your head, Student life