Moving in with a partner

Two chickens standing

It is a big step in a relationship and life to move in with a partner, especially for the first time. I have been with my partner for a couple of years and we have been living together for a few weeks. The apartment has not yet burnt down and there are not piles of dishes being left unwashed. So, a good start.

One of the great things about living with someone you really care about is the constant support and companionship you always have. If I鈥檓 feeling down my partner is there to lift my spirits and vice versa, and if I feel like going for a bike ride at 1am my partner is there as well (not that that is an expectation, it鈥檚 mostly because we鈥檙e both crazy). Having this companionship can make mundane things like cooking dinner and watching telly the highlights of my day.

Of course, there are times when we both need space and time to ourselves which can be more challenging to navigate when you are living together. However, living together makes us both more aware and perceptive of each other and what we are feeling.

Perhaps some of the best things are having someone to complain with and talk to about anything. All the interests we share and both being at university allows us to help each other sticking to schedules and goals and motivating each other to go for things. It can be tough to self-motivate sometimes and just having someone on-hand who encourages you to go for something (and hold you accountable if you don鈥檛) is a blessing.

Tagged in relationships, What messes with your head