I missed the snow

It has been over 50 years since Launceston, Tasmania has had such a big snow. It blanketed the lawns, cars and roads of the town and left it looking like a quaint little village in Europe during winter. Whilst I was being bombarded with photos and videos from my friends and family, I couldn鈥檛 help but miss it. My older brother had constructed a sizeable looking snowman named Dave and my younger brother was bobsledding down the big hill near our house. My friends were posting on their social media and the media were reporting everything. It seemed to be the kind of excitement that brought everyone back to life during a cold Covid winter.

My family were snowed in and working from home. A lot of roads had been closed and snow and ice were everywhere. Even two of our neighbours were in the news! They both had property and equipment damaged during the heavy snowfall. Our small corner of the globe was making headlines! It has never snowed like this at my home and I missed it! It seems to be a bit of a battle that is always going on inside my head. Missing my family and friends back home and my friends and studies here. No matter where I am I seem to always experience a bit of FOMO (fear of missing out), I always feel like I am missing out on something and not quite a part of it. This, in my opinion, is one of the challenging things about being away from home and setting up your own life and independence. When you set out to find and make your own path you also seem to unavoidably distance yourself from the one you grew up with.

However, it鈥檚 not all bad. I still get to go home for Christmas every year and visit as frequently as possible (all hoping coronavirus does not take off again).

Tagged in family, What messes with your head