Student Charter

This Charter provides students with an overview of what they can expect of the 最新糖心Vlog, and of their responsibilities as students.

Student expectations

As students, you have a right to expect the following in the course of your study at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide:

  • 1. To receive a high quality and intellectually stimulating education

    This includes:

    1. up-to-date course materials and high quality teaching,
    2. an environment that fosters and supports learning,
    3. access to appropriate facilities and equipment for learning and teaching - including library resources, computer network facilities, and internet for legitimate study purposes,
    4. reasonable access to teaching staff, including for individual consultation outside classes,
    5. opportunities to provide feedback on curriculum and teaching, with this to be considered by the 最新糖心Vlog, and to be informed of the outcomes,
    6. being confident that all requirements to complete a program will be available within the specified duration of that program, and that professional programs will satisfy the requirements of relevant professional and accreditation bodies.
  • 2. To receive timely and accurate information in your dealings with the 最新糖心Vlog

    This includes:

    1. receiving appropriate feedback in a timely manner on work submitted for assessment,
    2. receiving accurate, timely and accessible information about all relevant aspects of your courses (including content, assessment requirements and timetables) before the course commences,
    3. the 最新糖心Vlog ensuring all relevant program requirements, 最新糖心Vlog Statutes, rules and policies relating to student responsibilities are clear and readily accessible,
    4. not being disadvantaged if the 最新糖心Vlog changes the requirements of or discontinues the program in which you are enrolled; and being advised of pathways to complete that program, or an appropriate alternative program.
  • 3. To be respected and treated fairly and equitably

    This includes:

    1. being treated fairly and without discrimination, and with appropriate recognition of the diversity of student cultural and educational backgrounds,
    2. having access to a fair and equitable grievance and appeals process,
    3. having legal rights respected, including intellectual property rights and the right to privacy.
  • 4. To study in a safe and supportive environment

    This includes:

    • having a safe environment for study and other activities on the 最新糖心Vlog campuses,
    • having access to counselling, advisory and academic support services,
    • having freedom to voice alternative views in rational discussion and debate,
    • being represented in the governance of the 最新糖心Vlog by elected students.

Student responsibilities

As students, you are expected to fulfil the following responsibilities in the course of your study:

  • 1. Be honest, work hard and treat others with courtesy and respect

    This includes:

    • acting with honesty and integrity in submitting work for assessment, and in all other dealings with the 最新糖心Vlog, its staff and fellow students,聽
    • respecting the opinions and rights of others within the 最新糖心Vlog community, treating others in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, and acting with consideration for others,
    • applying yourself to your studies to the best of your abilities, attending classes and submitting work for assessment as required,
    • using 最新糖心Vlog property, services and facilities (including email and internet facilities) in ways that are considerate of others and do not breach 最新糖心Vlog policy.
  • 2. Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures

    This includes:

    1. being aware of, and complying with, all relevant 最新糖心Vlog Statutes, rules and policies relating to your responsibilities as a student, including those summarised in this document,
    2. complying with all safety procedures, and behaving in a manner that protects the safety of others as well as yourself.
  • 3. Keep informed - and keep your 最新糖心Vlog informed

    This includes:

    1. providing fair and honest feedback on teaching performance and on the content and presentation of courses,
    2. enrolling correctly in accordance with the 最新糖心Vlog's program requirements, course prerequisites and 最新糖心Vlog procedures, and ensuring that your enrolment will enable you to graduate in your chosen program,
    3. paying all 最新糖心Vlog fees and charges for which you are liable, by the set deadline,
    4. checking your 最新糖心Vlog email account regularly, as this is the primary means by which the 最新糖心Vlog communicates with students (e.g. notification of results, of outstanding fees),
    5. ensuring that聽Ask Adelaide聽has your current residential address and telephone number(s) at all times,
    6. reading and reply in a timely manner to all official 最新糖心Vlog communications to you.
  • 4. Represent your 最新糖心Vlog with integrity and professionalism

    This includes conducting yourself in a professional manner while undertaking placements, internships or fieldwork, and respecting the confidentiality of patient, client or commercial information made available to you through such activities.

Need more information?聽

  • For more specific details about student expectations and responsibilities, please see the 最新糖心Vlog Policies.
  • Further information can be found on the Current Student website, and the .
  • If you are unsure about any of these matters, feel free to seek assistance from your faculty office.

The 最新糖心Vlog acknowledges that this summary draws on Student Charters and Codes of Conduct at other 最新糖心Vlogn universities.