Index to Volume 9 (1916-1918) - 最新糖心Vlog Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Agriculture, Chair of,
      • need for,
    • Agriculture, School of,
      • 1916 examinations & results,
      • agricultural & veterinary courses,
      • proposed centralisation scheme,
      • Waite donation, ,
    • Alderman, Eugene,
      • Conservatorium violinist,
      • death,
      • scholarship, see Eugene Alderman Scholarship
    • Alexander Clarke Memorial Prize,
      • awarded to H Gard,
    • Allen, Reverend JH,
      • graduate,
      • Methodist Missionary Society representative in India,
    • AM Simpson Library in Aeronautics, ,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • awarded to C Goodman,
    • Arts, Bachelor of,
      • 1916 examinations & results, ,
      • 1917 examinations & results,
    • Atkinson, Professor Meredith,
      • public lecture on post-war reconstruction,
      • public lecture on moral education of the young,
      • public lecture on the education system,
      • tutorial classes,
    • Awards,
      • see scholarships, awards & prizes
  • B

    • Barlow, WA,
      • memorial tablet,
    • Benham, El,
      • graduate,
    • Bequests,
      • AM Simpson Library in Aeronautics, ,
      • Waite donation, ,
    • Blackburn VC, Captain A.S.,
      • (photograph), granting of Victoria Cross, , , ,
      • work as a lawyer,
    • Bonython, Sir Langdon,
      • elected to Senate,
    • Botany,
      • special lecture courses in evolution and ecology,
    • Botanic Gardens,
      • Royal Society,
      • future employee's of,
      • appointments,
      • Directorship, ,
      • letter to editor,
    • Bragg, Professor WH,
      • awarded the Romford Medal,
    • Brown, Professor Dr William Jethro,
      • career, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Buchanan, Mr Justice,
      • see graduates
    • Buildings, , ,
    • Bundey Prize for English Verse,
      • awarded to Leon Gellert, , , , , ,
    • Bureau of Forestry,
  • C

    • Cairns, Hugh,
      • awarded Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Calendar,
      • for 1917,
      • for 1918,
    • Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
      • awarded to D Proud, ,
    • Chancellor,
      • 1916, death of SJ Way, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • appointment & knighthood of GJR Murray, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Chapman, Professor Robert William,
      • public lecture on technical education, ,
      • public lecture on modern big guns, , ,
      • on British and German doctors,
      • on Science and the War,
      • on the 80-mile gun,
    • Chemistry Research Department,
    • Cilento, RW,
      • see graduates
    • Civil Engineering,
      • proposed course,
    • Clarke Prize,
      • see Alexander Clarke Memorial Prize
    • Classical Association,
      • meeting of,
    • Collins, Marjorie L,
      • appointment as Demonstrator in Botany,
    • Commerce, Faculty of,
      • 1918 examinations & results, ,
    • Commerce, Bachelor of,
      • establishment,
    • Conservatorium,
      • appointment of violinist G Walenn, ,
      • concerts, , , , , , ,
      • staff & staffing, , , ,
    • Corbin, H,
      • public lecture on forestry, ,
    • Council, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide,
      • admission of 鈥榚nemy aliens鈥 to degrees, ,
      • meetings, , , ,
      • reports on examination results, ,
    • Currie-Ellis, Mr J
      • see Joseph Fisher lectures
  • D

    • Davy, Ruby,
      • first 最新糖心Vlogn woman Doctor of Music,
    • Dental Surgery, Bachelor of,
      • regulations approved, ,
    • Director of Tutorial Classes,
      • H Heaton, , ,
  • E

    • Economics, Bachelor of,
      • 1916 examinations & results,
      • 1918 examinations & results,
    • Economics, Faculty of,
      • parliamentary grant,
    • Elder Scholarship,
      • 1916, ,
      • awarded to V Thrush,
    • Endowments,
      • AM Simpson Library in Aeronautics, ,
      • Waite donation, ,
    • 鈥渆nemy aliens鈥,
      • admission to degree,
      • allowed to secure scholarships,
      • employment as staff,
      • professors on Senate, ,
      • student objected to,
      • 最新糖心Vlog regulations, , , , , ,
      • 最新糖心Vlog honours for, , , ,
    • Eugene Alderman Scholarship,
      • awarded to E Yates,
      • established,
    • Examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • see also the heading "examinations" under the specific discipline, school or type
    • Extension lectures,
      • see public & extension lectures; see also Workers Educational Association
  • F

    • Federal Science Council,
    • Fry, Dr Kenneth,
      • awarded DSO for war service,
    • Funding,
      • commerce, industry, medicine requirements, , , ,
  • G

    • Galway, Lady,
      • public lectures,
    • Gard, Harold,
      • awarded Alexander Clarke Memorial Prize,
    • Gellert, Leon,
      • awarded Bundey Prize for English Verse,
      • war poems, , , , ,
    • Gifts,
      • AM Simpson Library in Aeronautics, ,
      • Waite donation, ,
    • Goodman, Cyril,
      • awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship,
    • Government House,
      • first progress report, ,
    • Graduates, , , , , , , ,
      • Barlow, Capt Dr DL, awarded Military Cross,
      • Beard, Surgeon-Capt JR, awarded Military Cross,
      • Blackburn, AS, awarded Victoria Cross, , , ,
      • Buchanan, Mr Justice, promoted to Supreme Court,
      • Burden, Dr C,
      • Campbell, Capt G, awarded Military Cross,
      • Cilento, Capt Dr RW, Military hospital service in New Guinea,
      • Clayton, Major Dr AR,
      • Jose, Captain Dr IB,
      • see also women graduates
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • 1916, tribute to SJ Way,
      • 1917, 95, ,
      • 1917 address by EH Rennie,
      • 1918,
    • Grounds,
      • expansion & relocation,
  • H

    • Heaton, Professor Herbert,
      • Director of Tutorial Classes, , ,
      • public lectures on economic life of Russia,
      • public lectures on study of economics, ,
    • Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
      • public lectures on 最新糖心Vlog's place in the world,
      • public lectures on Shakespeare,
      • public lectures on 最新糖心Vlog ideals,
      • views on war, ,
    • Hooper, Captain Charles, (photograph)
  • J

    • Jefferis, Rev James,
      • resignation,
      • death & obituary,
    • John Cresswell Scholarship
      • applications,
    • Joseph Fisher lectures
      • J Currie-Ellis, 鈥淭he Influence of Commerce on Civilisation鈥,
      • see also Oriental languages
  • K

    • Kitson, Mary,
      • first woman law graduate admitted to the Bar, , ,
  • L

    • Law, School of,
      • first woman graduate admitted to the Bar, ,
    • Laws, Bachelor of,
      • 1916 examinations, & results, ,
      • 1917 examinations & results,
      • 1918 examinations & results,
    • Lectures,
      • see public & extension lectures
  • M

    • Madden, Sir John,
      • death of,
      • Professor Harrison Moore's reply to 'The Argus' in regards to Sir John Madden's death,
    • Mathematics,
      • 1916 examinations & results,
      • 1916 examinations & results, ,
      • 1917 examinations & results, ,
      • 1918 examinations & results, ,
    • McKail, Sargeant R.G.,
      • notification of death,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • clinical medical studies,
      • EC Stirling, Dean, ,
      • funds needed for disease prevention, ,
      • proposed single examining authority, , ,
      • supplementary examinations,
    • Mines & Industries, SA School of,
      • 1916 examinations & results,
      • statistics,
      • technical education,
      • value,
    • Mitchell, Professor William,
      • Professor of Philosophy, ,
      • public lecture on functions of the 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Moore, Professor Harrison,
      • reply to 'The Argus' in regards to Sir John Madden's death,
      • Murray, Mr Justice George John Robert,
        • Chief Justice appointed Chancellor & knighted, , ,
      • Music students,
        • 1916 final students Conservatorium concert,
      • Music, Diploma & Associate Diploma of,
        • 1916 examinations & results, ,
        • 1917 examinations & results,
        • 1918 examinations & results,
        • changes to requirements for Associate, ,
      • Music, Doctor of,
        • R Davy,
      • Music, School of,
        • 1916 examinations & results, , ,
        • 1917 examinations & results, , , , ,
        • 1918 examinations & results, ,
        • concerts, , , , , , ,
        • joint university examinations, ,
    • N

      • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
        • public lecture on ancient Greece,
        • WEA lectures on romance of a dictionary,
        • Book on 鈥淢ore Latin and English Idiom鈥,
        • on teacher's pay,
        • education after the war,
      • North Terrace Reserves Commission, , ,
    • O

      • Oriental languages,
        • Mr J Currie-Ellis, lecture on 鈥淭he Influence of Commerce on Civilisation鈥,
      • Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
        • advice on Botanic Gardens to North Terrace Reserves Commission,
        • Director of Botanic Gardens, , , , , ,
        • Professor of Botany, ,
    • P

      • Perkins, Professor,
        • proposed Chair of Agriculture,
      • Philosophy, Professor of,
        • W Mitchell, ,
      • Physiology, Professor of,
        • EC Stirling, , ,
      • Prizes,
        • see scholarships, awards & prizes
      • Proud, Dorothea,
        • awarded Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, ,
        • welfare role in UK Government, ,
      • Public & extension lectures,
        • 1916 extension lectures, ,
        • Atkinson, Professor, public lecture on post-war reconstruction,
        • GC Henderson, , ,
        • H Corbin on forestry,
        • H Heaton,
        • HD Naylor, ,
        • Lady Galway,
        • Professor Atkinson,
        • report to council,
        • RW Chapman, , , , ,
        • W Mitchell,
        • WEA, , , , ,
        • women in the workforce after the war,
      • Public examinations,
        • 1916, , , , , , , ,
        • 1917, , , , , , , ,
        • 1918, ,
        • proposed reforms & changes,
        • matriculation,
        • compulsory English,
      • Public Examinations Board,
        • report,
    • R

      • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry,
        • 1917 graduation ceremony address on chemistry & war,
        • Chairman Federal Science Council,
        • Professor of Chemistry,
      • Research,
        • Kuitpo Forest,
      • Rhodes Scholarship,
        • awarded to H Cairns,
        • awarded to K Fry,
        • effect of war, ,
      • Robertson, Dr Thorburn Brailsford,
        • career,
        • development of tethelin,
      • Royal Society,
    • S

      • SA Public Teachers Union,
        • conference, , 95
      • Scholarships, awards & prizes, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
        • government bursaries, ,
        • report to Council,
        • see also under the name of scholarship, award or prize, eg Angas Engineering Scholarship
      • Science, Bachelor of,
        • 1916 examinations & results, , ,
        • 1917 examinations & results,
      • Science, Faculty of,
        • 1918 examinations & results,
      • Science, Honours Bachelor of,
        • 1917 examinations & results,
      • Senate,
        • L Bonython elected,
        • motion on 鈥渆nemy alien鈥 professors,
        • new regulations, ,
        • nominations,
        • students to pledge loyalty to Empire,
      • Simpson, Mrs AM,
        • endowment for Library in Aeronautics, ,
      • Spence, Catherine Helen, scholarship,
        • see Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship
      • Stirling, Professor Sir Edward Charles,
        • Medical School Dean, knighthood & career, , , , , , , ,
      • Stirling, Professor Sir Edward Charles,
        • president RSPCA,
      • Student statistics,
      • Students,
        • age regulations,
        • to pledge loyalty to Empire,
        • Bronner, Mr Rudolph,
    • T

      • Teachers' Training College,
        • relationship to 最新糖心Vlog,
      • Thrush, Vera,
        • awarded Elder Scholarship,
      • Tutorial classes, , , ,
        • see also Workers Educational Association
    • V

      • Vice-Chancellor,
        • W Barlow memorial,
        • W Mitchell, ,
    • W

      • Waite, Peter,
        • donations, , ,
      • Walenn, Gerard,
        • Conservatorium violinist,
        • concert,
      • Way, Sir Samuel James,
        • 1916, death & career, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • WEA,
        • see Workers Educational Association
      • Women graduates, , , ,
        • E Benham,
        • M Kitson,
        • R Davy,
      • Women,
        • role in post war workforce,
      • Workers Educational Association,
        • classes, lectures, tutorials, , , , , , ,
      • World War 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • killed in action, Capt HES Armitage
      • killed in action, Capt Dr Clive Burden
    • Y

      • Yates, Edgar,
        • awarded Eugene Alderman Scholarship,