Index to Volume 8 (1914-1916) - ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Newscuttings Books

NOTE: Numbers surrounded by square brackets indicate loose pages in the original newspaper clippings volume, e.g. [1]

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  • A

    • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
      • letter regarding,
      • Council considerations, ,
      • awarded to Merle Robertson,
    • Allen, Sir Harry Brookes, MD,
      • honoured with degree, ,
    • Andrew Scott Prize,
      • for Latin,
    • Angas Engineering Exhibition,
      • awarded to H.W. Strempel,
    • Angas Parsons, Herbert, LLB,
      • celebrates birthday,
      • elected member of Council,
  • B

    • Barlow, Dr William, CMG,
      • congratulated on recent honour,
      • investiture ceremony (photograph),
      • death and biography, , , , ,
    • Barr Smith, Robert,
      • 91st birthday (photograph), ,
      • offered house during war for military hospital,
      • nominated to council,
      • death and biography, , , ,
    • Barr Smith Prize,
      • for Greek, awarded to Sesca L. Somerville,
    • Beare, Professor Thomas.Hudson,
      • Prince Alfred old scholars meet to honour an old boy,
      • celebrates birthday,
    • Bequests, gifts and endowments, ,
    • Bevan, Frederick Charles,
      • summary of career (photograph), ,
    • Bragg, Professor William Henry, FRS,
      • awarded Barnard Medal for atomic research,
      • Nobel Prize for Physics (photograph), ,
      • summary of career,
    • Bragg, William Lawrence, MA
      • awarded Barnard Medal,
      • Nobel prize (photograph), ,
    • British Association of Advancement of Science,
      • degrees conferred on visiting members, ,
      • pending visit,
      • members visit Adelaide,
    • British Medical Association,
      • report of meeting in Aberdeen, ,
    • Brookman, George,
      • summary of career (photograph),
    • Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolph,
      • arrested in Germany (photograph),
    • Brown, Professor William Jethro,
      • international law in time of war (photograph), , , , , , , , ,
      • America’s position on the Great War (photograph), ,
      • on national service,
      • on future peace or savagery,
    • Buildings,
      • North Terrace,
  • C

    • Calendar,
      • for 1915,
    • Chapple, Frank, BA, BSc,
      • pending retirement (photograph),
      • re-elected Warden of Senate,
      • biography and retirement (photograph), ,
    • Chancellors,
      • Sir Samuel Way, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Charlton, Charles,
      • appointed Chief Inspector of Schools,
      • biography (photograph),
    • Classical Association,
      • meeting,
      • letter about meeting,
      • importance of Latin, ,
    • Commonwealth Bureau of Science and Industry,
      • proposed,
    • Council, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
      • nominations, , ,
      • first woman, Dr Helen Mary Mayo elected to,
      • meetings, , , ,
      • proposed change to elections, ,
      • government representatives for senate,
    • Crespigny,
      • see de Crespigny
    • Creswell Scholarship,
      • conditions for,
    • Cudmore, Dr Arthur Murray,
      • enlists (photograph),
  • D

    • David Murray Prize,
      • awarded to Francis E Williams,
    • de Crespigny, Dr Constantine Trent Champion,
      • enlists (photograph),
    • Dealy, Francis Henry,
      • awarded John Ridley Memorial Scholarship,
    • Dentistry, School of,
      • letter on need for, ,
    • Downer, Sir John,
      • presides over meeting,
      • death and summary of career (photograph), , , , ,
  • E

    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • concerts, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • program for 1915,
    • Elder Music Scholarship,
      • awarded to Merle Robertson,
      • former winner, Clara Kleinschmidt (Serena) returns from overseas, ,
    • Elder Prizes,
      • Medical,
    • Employment conditions
      • of enemy aliens, ,
    • Ennis, Dr John Matthew,
      • brief biography,
    • Enrolments
      • fear war would affect enrolments unfounded,
    • Examinations,
      • candidate howlers, ,
      • degree results, ,
      • music results, , , , , , , , , ,
      • results in commerce, , ,
      • results junior public, , , , , , , ,
      • results primary public , , ,
      • results in junior commercial,
      • results in BSc, 58, ,
      • results higher public, ,
      • results senior public exam, , , , ,
      • results BE degree,
      • problems with,
    • Extension lectures, , , , , , , , , ,
      • see also Public Lectures
  • F

    • Farr, Dr Clinton Coleridge,
      • work on magnetic survey,
    • Fees,
      • disadvantaged students,
    • Finlayson, J H,
      • donation of ₤200 to John Lorenzo Young Scholarship Fund, ,
  • G

    • German - ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogns,
      • Conduct towards at Outbreak of World War 1, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Under which Flag?,
    • Girdlestone, Reverend Canon, MA,
      • Headmaster of St Peters College resigns (photograph), ,
    • Gordon, James Leslie
      • killed at Gallipoli, ,
    • Graduates,
      • volunteers for armed service, , , , , , , , ,
    • Graduation ceremonies, , , , , , ,
      • special ceremonies for graduates going to war, , ,
      • staff and students roll of honour, ,
    • Grant, Kerr, Professor of Physics
      • requests magnetic survey,
      • on science and the war (photograph), , ,
      • supports state organisation of science,
  • H

    • Hall, Anthony Basil McKellar,
      • former student killed in action,
    • Hartley Studentship,
      • awarded to D C Cooper,
    • Hawkes, R J
      • lecture on "War in its relation to finance",
    • Hayward, Dr Lancelot Alfred,
      • enlists (photograph),
    • Hayward, Dr. William Thornborough,
      • elected Vice-President of British Medical Association, ,
    • Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
      • short biography,
      • on Shakespeare, , , , , , , ,
      • on The Great War of 1914-1918, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • on state archives, ,
      • gives speech at Shakespeare Festival in England,
    • Howchin, Walter,
      • on dead rivers of South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
      • on Ancient ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
    • Hughes, William Morris, Prime Minister,
      • proposal to establish Commonwealth Bureau of Science and Industry,
  • J

    • Jeffries, Dr James, LLD,
      • biography, ,
    • Jeffries, Dr Lewis Wibmer, MBBS,
      • enlists (photograph),
    • John Bagot Scholarship,
      • scholarship and medal awarded to Marjorie F. Smith,
      • awarded to Mary M. Purtin,
    • John Creswell Scholarships,
      • change of regulations proposed,
    • John Howard Clark Prize,
      • awarded to Gertrude L. Mann,
    • John Ridley Memorial Scholarship,
      • awarded to Francis Henry Dealy,
    • John L Young Research Scholarship,
      • £200 donation,
  • K

    • Kellaway, Charles H, MD,
      • licensed to practise anatomy at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
    • Kleinschmidt, Clara (later known as Clara Serena),
      • Elder scholarship winner returns from study, ,
      • sang for Madame Melba,
      • career summary (photograph), ,
  • L

    • Law, School of,
      • Stow prizes,
      • David Murray prize,
      • admissions to Bar,
      • honorary law degree conferred on Dr Bevan, , ,
      • lawyers to the front,
  • M

    • Magnetic survey,
      • need for, ,
    • Mawson, Sir Douglas,
      • requests magnetic survey,
      • Boy Scouts honour,
      • opinions on voluntary universal service,
      • plans for travel in Europe changed,
      • to lecture in Sydney,
      • anecdote of journey to London,
      • lecture given in Sydney,
      • medals awarded,
      • travels in Europe,
      • lecture on Antarctica Expedition, , ,
      • in London,
      • resumption of duties,
      • returns, , , , ,
    • Mayo, Dr Helen Mary,
      • first woman elected to council,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • Elder Prizes,
      • changes to degrees,
      • need for a Professor of Pathology,
      • shorter degrees for war effort, , , ,
      • student war involvement, , , , , , ,
      • enlistment of doctors,
    • Melbourne, Alexander Clifford Vernon,
      • graduate fighting in Dardenelles,
    • Melbourne Conservatorium,
      • new teaching system,
    • Mines, School of,
      • George Brookman prominent donor,
      • proposal to absorb into Education Department, , , , ,
      • relationship with ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
    • Morey, Alan Wilson,
      • Rhodes scholar awarded Military Cross (photograph),
    • Munro, G A
      • killed in action, had not completed his degree (photograph),
    • Murray, Mr Justice George John Robert, Vice-Chancellor,
      • summary of career, , ,
    • Music, School of,
      • granting of diplomas and degrees,
      • results, ,
      • concert by music students, , , , , , , , , ,
      • high standards of students,
      • awarding of Elder Scholarship and Alexander Clark Prize,
  • N

    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • on national symbols,
      • celebrates birthday,
      • lecture on the war (photograph), ,
      • Roman and British empires compared,
      • what we are fighting for,
      • writers and writing,
      • the value of the dead languages,
      • lecture on early European races,
  • O

    • O’Connor, D J, BSc,
      • appointed government metallurgist,
    • Osborne, Mrs E May, MSc,
      • lecture on evolution of plants, ,
  • P

    • Pathology, Professor of,
      • need for,
    • Perkins, A J
      • Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College,
    • Poole, Dorothea Landon, MA,
      • wins scholarship,
    • Portus, Garnet Vere, Acting Professor,
      • lectures on the economic history of England, , , ,
      • comment on his lectures,
    • Possingham, Captain A H
      • former student killed in Dardenelles,
    • Professors,
      • Professor Jethro Brown, Professor of Law, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Edward Henry Rennie, Professor of Chemistry,
      • Kerr Grant, Professor of Physics, , ,
      • Edward Stirling CMG, Professor of Physiology,
      • Henry Darnley Naylor, Professor of Classics, , , , , , , ,
      • Garnet Vere Portus, , , , ,
    • Prizes and awards,
      • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize, , ,
      • Elder Scholarship,
      • prizes awarded,
    • Public lectures,
      • see also extension lectures
      • Dr Ashby on the British School in Rome,
      • Dr Joseph Cooke Verco on "Romance of medicine", ,
      • E van Senden on the wool industry in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
      • Mrs E May Osborne, M. Sc., on evolution of plants, ,
      • Professor G Elliott Smith on prehistoric man,
      • Professor Edward Henry Rennie on chemical composition,
      • Professor G Elliott Smith on Egyptian burial customs,
      • Professor Henderson on Shakespeare, , , 119, , , , ,
      • Professor Henderson on "The Great War of 1914-1918", , , , , , , , ,
      • Professor Henderson on state archives, ,
      • Professor Naylor on international law in time of war, , , , , ,
      • Professor Naylor on early European races,
      • Acting Professor Portus on the economic history of England, , , ,
      • R J Hawkes on "War in its relation to finance",
      • Sir Douglas Mawson lectures in London,
      • Sir Douglas Mawson on Antarctica Expedition,
      • Thomas Ryan on ‘The value of classics to the crowd’, ,
      • Walter Howchin on dead rivers of South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
      • Professor Edward Charles Stirling,
      • Professor Jethro Brown on future peace or savagery,
  • R

    • Rayner, Howard Luscombe,
      • awarded Rhodes scholarship,
    • Reade, Charles H,
      • lectures on ‘ruining a garden city’,
    • Registrar, Dr William Barlow, CMG,
      • death and biography, , , ,
    • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry,
      • how chlorine kills,
      • lecture on chemical composition,
    • Research,
      • link to state departments,
    • Rhodes Scholarship,
      • awarded to Howard Luscombe Rayner,
      • awarded to Francis Edgar Williams,
      • influence of war,
    • Robert Whinham Prize,
      • for elocution,
    • Robertson, Merle,
      • awarded Elder Scholarship and Alexander Clark Prize,
      • awarded South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Music scholarship,
    • Roby Fletcher Prize,
      • awarded to Edward M. Bagot and Frederick M. Burgess,
    • Russell, Dr Ernest Albert Harold,
      • enlists (photograph),
    • Ryan, Thomas,
      • lecture on value of classics to the crowd, ,
      • attacks education bill, ,
      • address on the education system, ,
  • S

    • Sangster, John Ikin, MBBS,
      • death (photograph),
    • Scholarships,
      • for Public Examinations in Music,
      • donations to John L Young research scholarship, ,
      • regulations for scholarships and bursaries revised,
      • new statutes considered by senate, ,
      • proposed changes to John Creswell Scholarships,
      • lists of recipients, , , ,
      • recipients of university studentships,
      • benefit of scholarships,
      • opened to private and state school students,
      • conditions for entry for Cresswell scholarships,
    • Senate, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
      • approves scholarships,
      • Dr Helen Mayo elected to fill vacancy, ,
      • notices of meeting, , ,
      • nominations, ,
      • passed statute to shorten medical degree, ,
      • discussion of Alexander Clark memorial prize,
      • changes to scholarship regulations,
      • Senate elections to Council,
      • shorter medical degrees for war effort,
    • Serena, Clara (see Kleinschmidt)
    • Smith, Professor G Elliot,
      • lectures at the university, , , ,
    • Smyth, Lieutenant Owen,
      • death, (photograph),
    • Social Science, Faculty of,
      • suggested establishment,
    • South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Music Scholarship,
      • won by Merle Robertson,
    • Staff,
      • lists of staff and students at the war front, ,
      • roll of honour, ,
    • Statutes,
      • shortened medical degrees for war effort,
    • Stirling, Professor Edward Charles, CMG,
      • Professor of Physiology career summary (photograph),
    • Student activities and protests,
      • attack on staff member,
    • Student statistics, ,
    • Students,
      • concessions for war enlistment, ,
      • enlisted,
      • at the front, ,
      • attack on German music lecturer,
      • prizes, , , ,
      • volunteers for armed service,
      • roll of honour, , ,
  • T

    • Tassie, Robert Wilson, BSc, ME,
      • scholarship winner returns briefly, ,
    • Tucker, Reginald Mervyn,
      • admitted as practitioner to Supreme Court,
  • U

    • Urrbrae Agricultural School,
      • donation from Peter Waite,
  • V

    • van Senden, E W,
      • public lecture on the wool industry in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
    • Verco, Dr Joseph Cooke,
      • lectures on "Romance of medicine", ,
      • on insect-borne disease,
      • on mosquitos and malaria,
      • brief biography,
    • Vice-Chancellors,
      • death of Dr William Barlow, , , ,
      • Justice George John Robert Murray, , ,
  • W

    • Waite, Peter,
      • donation for agricultural education,
    • Way, Sir Samuel,
      • met Sir Harry Brookes Allen,
      • making good progress, ,
      • greetings,
      • nephew wounded,
      • public functions after arm amputation, , , , , , , ,
      • need for professor of pathology,
      • welcomed back to Adelaide, ,
      • returns to court,
      • seventy ninth birthday and biography, ,
      • speech ‘for the Empire’,
      • brief summary and caricature,
    • Williams, F E,
      • awarded Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Workers Educational Association (WEA), , , , , , ,
    • World War I,
      • South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogns interned in Germany,
      • attack on German music lecturer,
      • Robert Barr Smith offers house during war for military hospital,
      • unnaturalized teachers not wanted in Victoria,
      • volunteer exempted from certain rules of admission to Supreme Court,
      • Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council on employment of enemy aliens,
      • concessions for war enlistment, ,
      • awards, , , , ,
      • volunteers for armed service, , , , , , , , , ,
      • shorter medical degrees for war effort, , , , ,
      • former students killed, , , , ,
      • Conduct towards German-×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogns at outbreak of World War 1, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and the Dardanelle's campaign, , ,
      • ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn fighters in the Trenches, ,
      • Winston Churchill's "Watch ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog",
      • Gallipoli,
      • Letters from the front, , ,
      • In Memoriam Service for Australasian Soldiers,
      • Tribute to Memoriam Service by The Times in London,
  • Y

    • Young, Frederick William, LLB,
      • appointed Agent-General (photograph), ,
      • resignation from Council,