Index to Volume 5 (1898-1906) - ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Newscuttings Books
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academic matters,
1903 regulations & syllabus,
academic standards at Elder Conservatorium, , , ,
administration of 1901 Degree of MusBac examination,
amendments to Statutes and regulations for degree course, , ,
alterations to regulations governing BSc,
annual report of Examinations Board for 1902,
certificates for students in 1902 Primary Examination,
criticism of low standard of some university subjects, ,
change in regulations for MBBS by Senate,
classes of examinations for Associated Board of the Royal College of Music,
commencement of 1876 academic year,
completion of medical degree at Adelaide Hospital, ,
conduct of and teaching in the School of Mines and Industries, , , ,
conference on uniform standard of degree examinations,
course of higher technical study, ,
degrees granted,
discouragement of highly developed science courses,
dissatisfaction with music examinations, , , ,
dominance of examinations at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Elder Conservatorium not deserving of the title conservatorium,
establishment of National ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
extension lectures as part of SA education system, ,
exemption from obligation of final Law certificate,
first in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to grant degrees in science,
first in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to grant degrees to women,
further education for school leavers and teachers,
Law Reform Bill and the education of barristers and solicitors, , ,
medical curriculum,
need for Chair of Dentistry, ,
need for Degree in Commerce, ,
need to expand scope of academic teaching, ,
new regulations for School of Medicine, ,
perceived bias against sciences, history and females,
perceived lowering of university standards, ,
private music teachers and the Conservatorium,
Professor Ives response to complaints by music teachers, , ,
problems with the 1901 third year MusBac examination,
proposal for Chair of Elocution,
proposal for Chair of Political Economy,
provision for first two years of medical course,
quality of education provided by the Elder Conservatorium,
regulations for Advanced Commercial Certificate and Diploma in Electric Engineering, ,
regulations for Doctor of Music,
regulation to remove fees for children who passed compulsory standard, ,
relationship with Adelaide Hospital staff,
relationship between universities and secondary education, , , , , , , , ,
repeal of regulations for Bachelor of Laws, ,
SA representatives on Associated Board of the Royal College of Music,
request by Professor Ives for enquiry into inner workings of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
role of religion in education, , ,
scale of marks for chemistry and physics examinations,
scheme for training teachers, ,
science students and marking system for higher public examinations,
university control of Teachers' Training College, , , , ,
value of subjects at scholarship examinations, , ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide recognised by Special Board of Medicine, Cambridge,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog training of student teachers, , , , , ,
graduate eligible for associateship of Institution of Electrical Engineers, London,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide recognised by Special Board of Medicine, Cambridge,
Adams, AJ,
admitted ad eundem gradum , , , , ,
Adams, JRG.,
address at Library Association of Australasia Conference, , ,
Adams, Rev Reginald Arthur,
admitted ad eundem gradum ,
Adelaide Hospital,
1898 annual report, ,
Anatomy Bill to amend law relating to dead bodies,
appointment of Honourary doctors,
conversion of Lunatic Asylum into home for consumptive and cancer patients, , ,
'hospital trouble',
appointment of Dr Ramsay Smith as Honourary physician, ,
dispute over chairmanship of Hospital Board,
Hospital Board appointments,
legislation for improvements to hospital administration,
problems with the School of Medicine,
completion of medical degree at Adelaide Hospital, ,
resignation of Dr Thos A Price as junior house surgeon,
senior medical offices statistical report,
students complete medical degrees interstate, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog clinical teaching staff positions, ,
Adelaide Teachers' Union,
lecture by Prof George Cockburn Henderson on 'The Builders of the State',
Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Rowing Club,
concert by Conservatorium students to aid Club, ,
Advanced School for Girls,
instruction fee reduced,
role of school in education system,
success of students,
affiliated institutions,
School of Mines and Industries, , , ,
Technical School at Perth,
need for affiliation between educational institutions,
Mannum Institute,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog representation on boards,
return from Economical Congress at Mons,
dispute between Prof W Lowrie and Ministry of Agriculture,
Alderman, Eugene Horatio,
awarded 1902 Elder Conservatorium Brookman Prize,
1901 Elder Scholar, ,
Allen, James Bernard,
nominated to Commissioners of International Exhibition of 1851 for a Science Research Scholarship, ,
Allen, John Howard,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship, ,
Allen, Mr,
to lecture at Perth Technical College,
Allied Colonial Universities' Conference,
report of proceedings,
London conference for graduates of colonial universities resident in the UK, ,
new resolutions for the commemoration of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog alumni,
Ambrose, Ethel Mary Murray,
1898 Elder Prize,
appointed Resident Medical Officer at Perth Hospital,
special congregation for graduation ceremony,
Ambrose, Theodore,
Anatomy, Chair of,
Anatomy, School of,
certificates of interment for bodies for anatomical examination,
Angas Chair of Chemistry,
established by gift by John Howard Angas,
Angas Endowment,
appointment of Prof Edward Henry Rennie as Professor of Chemistry,
Angas Engineering Exhibition,
amendment to regulations,
1900 award to Ernest Chapple,
awards for 1898, ,
no entries received in 1899, ,
1902 award to George Douglas Moore, ,
1902 award to Lisle Julius Darwin,
1905 award to Louis Warnecke McNamara,
1900 award to Ernest Chapple,
established by gift by John Howard Angas,
recommendation for scholarship for 1898,
closing date for entry for exhibition examinations,
Angas Engineering Scholarship
Lawrence Birks appointed to Sydney electrical tramway system,
1904 award to Herbert William Gartrell, ,
alternations to regulations,
death of John Howard Angas,
Lawrence Birks appointed as engineer-in-charge at Rotorua, NZ,
Edward Vincent Clark returns from electrical engineering studies in England,
founded by John Howard Angas,
students handicapped by marking system for higher examinations, ,
Angas, Hon John Howard,
benefactor of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide, , , ,
endowment for Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
obituary, ,
Will of late John Howard Angas,
Angus, William,
admitted ad eundem gradum , , ,
Angwin, William Britton,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
annual dinner,
first ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog annual dinner, ,
speech by Dr Lendon,
annual reports,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Extension Committee,
Education Department report for 1905, ,
Annual Sports Day,
inaugurated by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide athletic clubs, ,
Applied Science, Diploma of,
agreement with SA School of Mines & Industries to collaborate,
premature announcement of appointment of Professor of Singing,
art works,
memorial statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , , , , , ,
arrival and erection of Alfred Drury's bronze statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , ,
competition for Elder bust won by James White,
statue of Sir Walter Watson Hughes, , , , ,
Dr Allan James Campbell commemorated by brass tablet in Elder Hall, ,
Elder bequest for purchase of pictures, ,
proposed portrait of Sir Thomas Elder,
Elder statue unveiled by Governor, , , ,
laying of university building foundation stone,
Artillery Brigade,
inspection of model artillery battery,
Arts, Bachelor of,
amendments to regulations,
first year requirements in English Literature,
role of Greek, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
suggestions for a generous arts course,
degrees granted in art, science, law, medicine & music,
role of Latin as basis of a liberal education,
Senate rejection of amended regulations, , , , , , , ,
Astrological Society,
lecture by Mr WE Cooke on 'Methods of Teaching Geography & History, including Physiography',
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
Adelaide to host next meeting,
Stow Prize, , ,
Angas Exhibition, , , , ,
Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
Elder Prize,
John Howard Clark Scholarship,
Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
1898 admissions ad eundem gradum , , ,
1899 admissions ad eundem gradum , ,
1900 admissions ad eundem gradum ,
Hartley Studentship, , ,
Tennyson Medal, ,
prizes for candidates of Junior Public Examination, ,
Bacteriological & Hygienic Institute,
Baker, William,
awarded Evening Scholarship, ,
Barlow, Dr William,
retirement from ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, , ,
50 year jubilee of his graduation,
elected to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
appointed Vice-Chancellor,
appointed to Select Committee of the Senate,
criticism by Professor Joshua Ives, , , , , ,
founder of course in commercial studies,
representative at funeral of John Howard Angas,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
Barr Smith, Robert,
munificence to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
election to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
deputation to Premier of SA, ,
nomination and appointment to Senate, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Library named a Barr Smith,
Barwell, Henry Newman,
conferring of LLB degree,
Basedow, Herbert,
awarded 1904 Tate Medal, , , ,
Basedow, Ivy Marie,
awarded Silver Medal Intermediate Local Centre Examinations,
Beare, Professor Hudson,
unable to be representative at Imperial & Colonial Universities' Conference,
Beare, Thomas Hudson,
attendance at King's Levee of Regis Prof of Engineering at Edinburgh ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Bell, Willoughby George,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for a fourth year,
Benham, Frederick Lucas,
admitted ad eundem gradum ,
Bennett, Charles G,
awarded 1904 Tennyson Medal, ,
Bennett, Frank Norman,
prizewinner at 1902 Senior Examination, ,
Bennett, Frederick Norman,
Bachelor of Arts degree for student teacher,
Bennett, Richard William,
awarded Sheridan Essay Prize, ,
awarded Stow Prize, , , , , , ,
awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, , ,
Bensley, Professor Edward Von Blomberg,
appointed Prof of Latin at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog College of Wales,
health problems,
resignation as Hughes Prof of Classics & Comparative Philosophy & Literature, ,
appointed to Select Committee of the Senate,
presents congratulatory address from Adelaide at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney Jubilee, ,
bequests, gifts & endowments,
anonymous donation to the School of Mines,
annual grant from public revenues,
Comparative Philology & Literature, , , ,
Dr Edward Willis Way Chair and Lectureship in Gynaecology, ,
early benefactors,
government endowment to supplement income of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
guarantee of salary for Professor of Music,
Joseph Fisher for Commerce award and lecture, , , ,
Hon John Howard Angas for Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
interest on endowment investments, ,
lectureship on Opthalmic Surgery in memory of Dr Charles Gosse,
Mrs Davies Thomas for Dr Davies Thomas scholarships,
munificence of Mr Barr Smith to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Library, , ,
philanthropy to support universities, ,
School of Medicine,
Sir Thomas Elder munificence towards ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Sir Walter Watson Hughes for establishment of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and Chair in Classics,
William Everard for scholarships,
Betts, Lionel Oxborrow,
Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
Bevan, Frederic,
acting Director of Conservatorium, , ,
gift of appreciation by Conservatorium choral class,
Adelaide singing debut at orchestral concert,
arrival in Adelaide,
distinguished musical career in the UK,
farewell banquet prior to leaving London, ,
new song published,
member of Board of Examination for pianoforte, singing & composition scholarships,
London visit, ,
return to Adelaide from Europe,
judge of vocal competitions for Royal Academy of Music,
Bevan, Percy Vaughan,
public mathematical honour examinations at Cambridge,
Birks, Lawrence,
appointment as engineer-in-charge at Rotorua, NZ,
lecture series on 'The Industrial Applications of Electrical Power', , ,
appointment to Sydney electrical tramway system,
Blackmore, EG,
lecture series on 'The Nineteenth Century', , , , ,
Bollen, Percival,
admitted ad eundem gradum , ,
Bonnin, FJ,
passed fourth year of the M.B. degree,
Bonython, Sir Langdon,
President of Adelaide Teachers' Association, ,
Booth, Dr,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in Broken Hill,
Boothby, Sheriff William Robinson,
retirement from ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, , ,
Borthwick, Dr Thomas,
appointed lecturer in bacteriology,
Bragg, Professor William Henry,
lecture series on 'Radium', , ,
research on properties of radium and the alpha particle,
address to Public Teachers' Union Conference,
research on wireless telegraphy, , , , ,
lecture series on 'Wireless Telegraphy', , , , ,
government commission to enquire into educational matters in England,
lecture on 'Education in Wales',
local secretary and supervisor to examinations with Institute of Actuaries, London,
local secretary for Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
proposed lectures on 'wireless telegraphy and the cable question',
return from overseas,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
ceases to hold office as ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council member,
comments on discovery of radioactive mineral at Olary,
elected to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
lecture series on 'Radioactivity', , , ,
lecture series on 'The Electron', , , , , , ,
member of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, , ,
member of Faculty of Medicine,
paper on radioactive minerals from Wallaroo & Moonta,
Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress, Dunedin, NZ,
lecture on 'The Electron and Radioactivity of Radium, Thorium, & other substances',
Brauer, Hermann Gustav Adolph,
admitted ad eundem gradum , , ,
Bray, Clifford Samuel,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Bray, Marmion Matthews,
awarded Stow Prize, , , , , , ,
Bridge, Sir Frederick,
involvement with examining the 1897 Degree of MusBac examinations, , , , ,
Bristowe, Edith,
awarded 1886 Elder Prize for animal physiology,
Brookman Prize,
1905 award to Delprat Elizabeth Fransiska Carmen,
1902 award to Eugene H. Alderman,
Brookman, Hon George,
complimented by Benches of the Inner Temple, London,
Brooks, Albert Joseph,
applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
Broome, AM,
address at the SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
Brown & Peel, Messrs,
builders for extension to Mitchell Building,
Brown, Dr William Jethro,
academic career, ,
appointed Professor of Law,
arrival in Adelaide, ,
with Edward Von Blomberg Bensley in Manchester,
photograph of law lecture room,
Brown, Mary Home,
awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
Brummitt, Elliott Arthur,
Brummitt, Robert Douglas,
awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
Buchanan, Mr A,
appointment to Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
improvements for Elder Hall pipe organ, ,
anonymous donation to the School of Mines for building fund,
progress of new Elder Conservatorium building,
construction of extension to Mitchell Building,
cost of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog building (Mitchell Building) & additions,
Council scheme for new physical laboratory, ,
crowding of buildings on North Terrace grounds,
Elder Conservatorium building, , , , , , , , ,
Elder Anatomical & Pathological School, , ,
Medical School, , ,
Elder bequest for erection of workmen's cottages,
Elder bequest to Way College,
Elder Hall foundation stone laid by Sir Fowell Buxton, , , , ,
formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , , , , ,
foundation stones of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Building and Elder Hall,
government to subsidise cost of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog buildings, ,
laying of foundation stones at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
need for additional accommodation for the School of Medicine,
new building for Elder Conservatorium open for public inspection,
photograph of Elder Hall,
photograph of Electrical Engineering Laboratory,
photograph of Engineering School testing room,
photograph of Mitchell Building,
photograph of Prof E C Stirling's laboratory,
photograph of Prof G C Henderson' history class in Prince of Wales Theatre,
photograph of Prof Rennie's class in first year chemical laboratory,
photograph of Professor W.J. Brown's law lecture room,
portion of Prince of Wales' Buildings used by students of Prof E C Stirling,
School of Medicine's dissecting department,
second anniversary of laying of Elder Hall foundation stone, , ,
sketch of proposed pipe-organ for Elder Hall,
statistics in 1899 Calendar, ,
tender by Mr W C Torode accepted for erection of Elder Conservatorium buildings,
Bundey, Ellen Milne,
conferred with MusBac, , , , , , ,
Burford, Emmie,
awarded 1901 Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
Burgess, Leslie Frank,
prizewinner at 1902 Junior Examinations, ,
Burgess, May,
appointed Junior Demonstrator in Chemical Laboratory, ,
Burnard, Euladie Hardy,
awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
Burston, JJ,
address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
Buxton, Governor Sir Thomas Fowell,
laying of foundation stone of Elder Conservatorium, , , , ,
second anniversary of laying of Elder Hall foundation stone, , ,
Cadet Corps,
guard of honour at the formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , ,
nomination of SA cadet to British Royal Military College, Sandhurst, ,
1899 calendar, ,
1900 calendar, ,
1902 calendar, ,
1903 calendar,
1905 calendar,
Campbell, Dr Allan James,
membership of Royal College of Surgeons,
commemorated by brass tablet in Elder Hall, ,
Campbell, Florence Way,
graduated MusBac in 1897, ,
named in controversy between Professor Ives and Chancellor, , , , , , ,
Campbell, Gordon Catheart,
applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
Cantor, Stanley Jacob,
prizewinner at 1902 Junior Examinations, ,
Carr, Rev Whitmore,
obituary of one of the original members of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Senate,
Caterer, Thomas Ainslie,
appointed to Select Committee of the Senate,
elected Clerk of the Senate of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide, , , ,
first graduate of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide,
re-elected as Clerk of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Cavenagh-Mainwaring, Dr Wentworth Rowland,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
appointed assistant surgeon,
appointed lecturer of pathology at School of Medicine, , , ,
ceremonies & celebrations
opening of Elder Hall,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog annual dinner, , , , , , , ,
1902 ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Ball,
twenty-first anniversary of School of Medicine, ,
ten year anniversary of Australasian Student Christian Union, , ,
dinner for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Melbourne inter-university lacrosse & football teams,
laying of Elder Anatomical & Pathological School foundation stone, , ,
reception to honour coronation of King Edward & Queen Alexandra,
500th anniversary of the death of Geoffrey Chaucer,
Chair of English Language,
Prof R L Douglas appointed Prof of Modern History & English Literature, , ,
Chamber of Commerce,
1903 annual meeting of General Council of Chamber of Commerce of Commonwealth of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog held in Adelaide,
donation for purposes of commercial studies,
emphasis on commerce as a profession,
role in establishment of advanced commercial course,
Chamber of Manufacturers,
support for establishment of higher commercial education, , ,
criticism by Prof Joshua Ives, , , , , , ,
reply to criticism by Prof Joshua Ives, ,
comments on the reply to criticism by Prof Joshua Ives,
comments on scheme for training teachers, ,
conferring of baronetcy, ,
debate in Parliament on problems with Prof Ives, , , ,
disagreement with Prof Ives over music examination assessments, ,
refused Prof Ives's request to access Board of Musical Studies minute book,
reallocation of duties,
unable to attend ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney's Jubilee, ,
host of conversazione for Australasian Medical congress,
Chief Justice, Sir Samuel J Way,
criticism that the position is monopolised by one man,
host of an 'at-home' for students and professional and teaching staff, ,
member of the Faculty of Medicine,
request by Prof Ives for enquiry into inner workings of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Sir Samuel James Way offered position on High Court Bench,
deputation to Premier concerning exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
Chapman, Charles Eustace,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Chapman, Henry George,
admitted ad eundem gradum ,
Chapman, Professor Robert William,
lecture on 'Astronomy' at Moonta,
leaves for the USA on study tour, , ,
tests on breaking strength of iron & steel bars,
elected Vice-President of Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers,
tests crushing strength of Pyrmont and Murrary Bridge stone,
Chapple, Ernest,
awarded 1900 Angas Exhibition, ,
change in employment in England,
entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
Chapple, Frederic,
address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
Warden of the Senate, , , , , ,
ad eundem gradum for 1898, ,
Chapple, Harold,
awarded 1898 Angas Exhibition,
Chapple, Phoebe,
awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
Chemistry, Chair of,
appointment of Prof Edward Henry Rennie as Professor of Chemistry, ,
endowment by John Howard Angas for Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
return from overseas of Professor Rennie,
Chemistry, Department of,
appointment of Miss May Burgess as Junior Demonstrator in Chemical Laboratory,
photograph of Prof Rennie's class in first year chemical laboratory,
Chenoweth, Maurice Clayton,
awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship, ,
Churchward, Spencer,
awarded 1899 John Howard Clark Scholarship, ,
awarded 1899 Roby Fletcher Scholarship, , ,
Churchward, Stella Mary,
awarded 1904 Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
Clark, Annie Millicent,
awarded Evening Scholarship, ,
Clark, Archie Septimus,
awarded 1899 Third Year Undergraduate Scholarship,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide in Broken Hill,
Clark, Edward Vincent,
returns from electrical engineering studies in England,
Clark, Inspector,
lecture on singing at SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
Clarke, Marcus,
formation of The Marcus Clarke Memorial Fund,
memorial monument for the grave of Marcus Clarke,
Classics & Comparative Philosophy & Literature, Chair of,
professorship founded on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog establishment, ,
resignation of Professor Edward Von Blomberg Bensley,
Classics, Chair of,
appointment of Henry Darnley Naylor as Professor of Classics,
Herbert Stanley Dettmann appointed to Chair of Classics,
Cleland, Dr John Burton,
offered position as Junior Resident Surgeon, Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,
Cleland, Dr,
attended Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Cleland, Dr William Lennox,
appointed lecturer on Forensic Medicine & Lunacy,
clubs, associations & societies,
Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Shakespeare Society, ,
Australasian Student Christian Union, ,
Collegiate Schools Association,
Scientific Society,
Sports Association, , ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Law Debating Society,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Christian Union,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Union, , ,
Clucas, Robert John Miller,
appointment as ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog librarian,
lecturer in commercial geography & technology for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
Collegiate Schools Association,
lecture on 'Education in Wales' by Professor Bragg,
Collins, Arnold William,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Colvin, Bazett David,
awarded ad eundem gradum , ,
Colvin, Bazett David,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
lecturer in business practice & accountancy for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
Commemoration Day,
address by Professor Salmond, , , , , , , ,
Commerce, Chair of,
establishment by munificence of Joseph Fisher, ,
Commerce, Faculty of,
first ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn university to provide higher commercial education,
Advanced Commercial Certificate courses, , , , ,
Chamber of Commerce's role in establishment, , , , , , , ,
comments on higher commercial studies at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , ,
lack of recognition for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
need for commercial education at tertiary level,
codification of laws relating to trade & commerce throughout British Empire,
Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce by Mr L A Jessop on 'Commercial Character', , ,
improvements to standards of Junior Commercial Course,
need for degree in commerce, ,
proposal for uniform standard for commercial certificates at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn universities,
Commercial Studies, Board of,
Council appoints Chamber of Commerce officials to Board of Commercial Studies,
Library Association of Australasia Conference, , , , , , ,
SA Public Teachers' Union Conference, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Australasian Medical congress,
proposal for systematic conferences during ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn university vacations,
Connelly, Very Rev Father,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide in Broken Hill,
Connor, Julian Dove,
conferred with BSc, , , , ,
Chancellor to host conversazione for Australasian Medical Congress,
Public Teachers' Union conference conversazione on the discovery of liquid air,
Cook, Florence Emmeline,
see Cooke, Florence Emmeline
Cooke, Dr William Ternent,
academic history, , ,
awarded Science Research Scholarship by Commissions of the International Exhibition of 1851, ,
lecturer at School of Medicine, , ,
results of analytical experiments with Professor E.H. Rennie,
Cooke, Florence Emmeline,
awarded Elder music scholarship for musical composition,
conferred with MusBac, , , , , , ,
Cooke, William Ernest,
lecture at Astrological Society on 'Methods of Teaching Geography & History, including Physiography',
comments on astrology, meteorology and benefit of the influence of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Coomber, George,
Cooper, Claude Tidswell,
admitted ad eundem gradum ,
Cooper, Constance May,
awarded 1904 Everard Scholarship, , ,
Corbin, Hugh Burton,
awarded 1905 Murchison Prize & 1906 Bessemer Medal,
Cornwall and York, HRH George Federick Ernest Albert, Duke of,
laying of foundation stone of Prince of Wales's Building,
special commemoration for visit of the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York, ,
Corvan, Mary Trenna,
past winner of Elder Scholarship of Music Scholarship,
gained Diploma of ARCM at Royal College of Music, London,
Council, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
1899 report of Council,
amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
amendments to statutes and regulations adopted, , , , ,
approval of a 'Guide to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide' by Charles R Hodge, ,
attendance at formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , ,
entertained teachers at the 3rd Annual SA Public Teachers' Union, , ,
expression of confidence in Professor Ives,
hosted conversazione for 1900 SA Teachers' Union Conference delegates, ,
hosted evening for 4th Annual Conference of Public Teachers' Union, , ,
involvement in problems with examining the 1901 Degree of MusBac, , ,
meeting and resolution following protest by music teachers, , , , ,
motion on negotiations over surrender of lands in Tatiara, Wirreanda, Craigie Plain and Parnaroo to the government, , , ,
nominations for Council vacancies,
petition seeking reform in conduct of music examinations,
proposed authorization of new statutes for systemizing educational efforts, ,
representative at railway station on return of Prof Rennie from overseas, ,
represented at bi-centenary of Yale ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
represented at 9th centenary of Glasgow ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
request by Prof Ives for enquiry into inner workings of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
retirement of council members, ,
role in commemoration ceremonies, , ,
report on Senate postal voting for Council members, ,
sub-committee on Adelaide Hospital matters, , ,
support for motion granting increased power over professors,
attendance at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Dinner to celebrate end of academic year,
Dr W Barlow, Mr W R Boothby, Prof W H Bragg, Dr J C Verco & the Rev Dr Paton cease to hold office as Council members,
election of members of Committee of Selection for Rhodes Scholarships,
elections to Council,
equality of sexes in membership and voting rights at Senate & Council,
legislation for more Council members to be nominated by Government,
hosted conversazione for educationists,
need for new benefactors to emulate munificence of Sir Walter Watson Hughes,
new statutes & regulations,
nominations for annual vacancies,
agreement with School of Mines & Industries,
Prof John M Ennis elected member of Council,
proposal that heads of educational institutions be ex-officio members,
resignation of Dr Walter George Woolnough,
representatives at Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
role of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
special Senate meeting to fill Council vacancy,
vacancies filled on Council,
Cowan, George Dalrymple,
awarded Tennyson Medal, ,
Cowell, Elsie Emily, , ,
performance at Chamber Music concert,
awarded John Howard Clark Scholarship,
Cowperthwaite, Elsie Eleanor,
awarded John Howard Clark Scholarship,
awarded Evening Scholarship,
Cowperthwaite, Winnifred Maud,
performance at chamber music concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium,
awarded Elder Scholarship for Violin Playing,
result of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog v Essendon match,
Cudmore, Dr Arthur Murray,
admitted as Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons,
lecturer at School of Medicine, ,
Cutlack, Frederic Morley,
awarded Tennyson Medal, ,
Darnley Naylor, Professor Henry,
see Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley
Darwin, Lisle Julus,
awarded Angas Engineering Exhibition,
Davenport, Francis William,
colonial music examiner and assistant to Prof Ives,
David, Professor,
examiner of theses for 1904 Tate Memorial Medal,
Davidson, JHM,
demonstration at Public Teachers' Union conference conversazione,
Davidson, Rev George,
Davidson, Rev Professor John,
role in establishment of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Davies, E Harold,
involvement in problems with examining the 1901 MusBac examinations, , , ,
second music graduate,
success in London exercise for degree of MusDoc, ,
appointed to seat on Board of Musical Studies,
first graduate of Doctor of Music at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide, ,
musical critics and criticism, , , ,
Dawson, Peter,
1902 scholarship for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
Degenhardt, Clarence AJ,
awarded Elder music scholarship for singing,
Delprat, Elizabeth Fransiska Carmen,
Dentistry, Chair of,
need for Chair debated in Parliament, ,
Dentistry, study of,
Dental Board of SA requests lectures & examinations for dentistry students,
Deprat, Mary Johanna Alberta Theodora,
Dettmann, Acting Professor Herbert Stanley,
academic career, ,
lecture series on 'Classical & Romantic Drama', , , , , ,
appointed to Chair of Classics,
Directors' Prize,
1902 award to Maude Mary Puddy for best performance on pianoforte,
discipline & misconduct,
Board of Discipline to consider behaviour of students at unveiling of Elder statue, ,
Dodd, JE,
improvements for Elder Hall pipe organ, , ,
Dodwell, George Frederick,
awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
see bequests, gifts & endowments
Donnell, John,
retirement as President of SA Teachers' Union,
Douglas, Francis John,
awarded ad eundem gradum , ,
Douglas, Professor Robert Langton,
academic career,
appointed Professor of Modern History & English Literature, , ,
attendance at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Conference, , , , , , , ,
author of a chronology of Fra Angelico works,
Church of England clergyman,
report on Library Association of Australasia Conference,
travel to Europe for historical research, , ,
lecture on 'An Italian novelist, Matteo Bandello and his influence on English drama',
lecture on 'Chaucer, the Man and his Art',
marked examinations prior to leaving for Europe,
publication of 'A History of Siena',
publication of 'Fra Angelico and his Art', ,
resignation from Chair of Modern History & English Language, ,
return from Italy after study of elementary agricultural education,
admitted ad eundem gradum , , , , ,
Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
Francis Seavington Stuckey recommended for scholarship,
1898 award to Henry Harper Formby,
1899 award, ,
1900 award to F F Muecke, , ,
1901 awards,
1904 awards,
1905 awards, , ,
1906 fourth year award to Lionel Oxborrow Betts,
1906 third year award to Henry Kenneth Fry,
founded in memory of late Dr. John Davies Thomas, past lecturer on Principles & Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics,
Dr Way Memorial Fund,
approval of Way Memorial committee endowment of 'The Dr Edward Willis Way Lectureship on Gynaecology',
meeting of subscribers approves endowment of Dr. Edward Willis Way Chair of Gynaecology',
Drury, Alfred,
commissioned to supply bronze statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , ,
Drury, RF,
lecture on '×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog life at Oxford',
Duffield, Walter Geoffrey, 20-12-1899,
awarded Third Year Undergraduate Scholar,
granted 'Nobel' Scholarship at National Physical Laboratory, Bushby House,
granted Mackinnon Studentship by London Royal Society for spectra of metals,
Dumas, Russell John,
awarded Evening Scholarship,
Dussau, Mdlle,
lecture series on 'French Literature', , , , ,
lectures on 'French Historians of the Nineteenth Century',
Edmeades, Marie,
vocal & pianoforte recital,
awarded Robert Whinham Prize for elocution, , ,
Education Department,
agreement on the role of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in teacher training,
revision of Education Department regulations, ,
Edwards, Charles,
special examiner for Adelaide Centre for Trinity College, London,
Edwards, Gladys Ruby,
studying at Elder Conservatorium,
awarded Oratorio Prize,
Elder Anatomical & Pathological School,
details of new medical school building,
foundation stone laid by the Governor, Lord Tennyson, , ,
Elder Conservatorium,
1903 concert series,
1904 income,
1905 concert programme,
Adelaide & Melbourne universities propose common method, grades, fees, syllabus, examiners & certificates for public examinations in music, , , , , ,
agreement with Associated Board of the Royal Academy & Royal College of Music, London, ,
applications for teachers, , ,
appointment of Frederick Bevan, , , , , ,
appointment of Professor Joshua Ives, , ,
appointment of Professor John Matthew Ennis, , , , , , , , , , , ,
appointment of Bryceson Treharne, , , , , , , , , , , ,
chamber music concerts, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
concerts by choral & orchestral students, , , , , ,
concert to aid Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Rowing Club, ,
concerts by ladies part-singing class, , , , , ,
concerts by students, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
concerts by orchestra, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
concerts by staff, , , , , ,
concerts for delegates of SA Teachers' Union Conference, , , ,
concerts to cultivate a taste for music in Adelaide,
conference for music teachers on conduct of music examinations, , , , ,
conflict with private music teachers, , , , , , , , ,
controversy over Prof Ives as main music examiner, , , , , ,
conversazione to commemorate foundation, ,
course of instruction in 1898,
criticism of academic standards, , , , ,
criticism of choice of soloists at concerts, ,
criticism of staff selecting Elder Scholarship winners,
criticism of music teachers protests,
criticism of Practice of Music examinations,
criticism of unfair competition for prizes between teenagers & mature age students,
dissatisfaction with conduct of music examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
entrance fees,
establishment through munificence of Sir Thomas Elder, ,
establishment of Chair of Music, , , ,
establishment due to efforts of His Excellency Sir William Robinson,
female student teachers participate in choral classes,
formation of orchestra, , ,
Grand Musical Fete fundraiser for Elder statue, ,
indifference to establishment of Conservatorium, ,
introduction of admission charges for concerts, , ,
quality of education provided,
ladies to remove hats and headgear during concerts,
new concert organ, , , , , , , ,
new building for Conservatorium, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
laying of foundation stone, , , ,
formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , , , , , , , ,
pamphlet on School of Music,
perceived discrimination in distribution of seats at concerts,
music scholarships, , , ,
praise for Conservatorium,
precedent established for classing of music examinations, ,
problems with 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
production of 'Orpheus',
prospectus on sixteen classes for various musical subjects,
provisional syllabus, front cover,
reopening for 1899,
report from Board of Musical Studies, , ,
selection of students,
staff appointments,
student statistics, , , , , ,
statistics on teaching staff for 1906,
undergraduates to 1905,
visit by Madame Nellie Melba,
unrest within the School of Music,
Elder Hall,
funded by bequests of Sir Thomas Elder,
installation of three-manual concert organ, , , , ,
death of architect Frank J Naish,
formal opening, , , , , , , ,
foundation stone laid by His Excellency Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton,
memorial tablet erected to the memory of Surgeon Captain W F Hopkins, , ,
utilitarian purposes, ,
Elder Music Scholarship,
awarded to Ethel Hedwig Hantke,
Elder Prize,
1898 awards,
1901 awards,
annual awards in the Faculty of Medicine funded by Sir Thomas Elder,
awarded to Eugene H. Alderman and Maude Mary Puddy,
awarded to M L Scott, , ,
awarded to William Ray,
awarded to Henry Kenneth Fry, , ,
awarded to William Malcolm Sinclair,
awarded to Mary Johanna Alberta Theodora Delprat,
awarded to William Alfred Verco & Edith Bristowe,
awarded to Judah Leon Jona, , ,
Brewster Hooper Josse Jones to study at Royal College of Music, London,
Council resolves to continue Elder Prizes following death of Sir Thomas Elder,
establishment of Elder Prizes for animal physiology,
Elder Scholarships,
1899 awards,
1901 awards, ,
1904 awards,
1905 awards,
1906 awards,
awarded to Brewster H J Jones,
awarded to Ethel Hedwig Hantke, , ,
awarded to Gwendoline D Pelly for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
awarded to Otto Fischer (also known as Otto Fischer Sobels),
awarded to John Gordon Short,
endowed by Sir Thomas Elder and awarded by Royal College of Music, London,
recommendations for 1898 scholarships,
meeting of Senate for amendments to regulations to benefit deserving students,
entries for scholarship for free tuition at Royal College of Music, London,
Ethel Hantke & Peter Dawson receive honourable mention for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
JTG Short, Louise K Henderson & Ethel R Ridings receive honourable mention,
requirements for examination for scholarship,
pianoforte and violin scholarships,
recommendations for 1898,
Senate amendment of regulations for conferring of scholarships,
Council approves recommendations for 1903 scholarships,
criticism of selection of scholarship winners,
entries close for violin, pianoforte & violoncello scholarships,
Elder Sir Thomas,
statue to recognise munificence and public service, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
funding for annual prizes for animal physiology,
postgraduate diploma course enabled by bequest,
benefactor of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
bequests, endowments, gifts & prizes, , , , ,
contribution to higher education,
donation for foundation of School of Medicine, ,
Elder Scholarship to be awarded by Royal College of Music, London,
establishment of Elder Conservatorium, ,
funding of annual awards in the Faculty of Medicine,
gift to enable full medical curriculum,
gift for prizes for physiology,
munificence honoured in naming of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog buildings,
munificence benefits ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog training for pupil teachers,
role in establishment of Chair of Music,
Electrical Engineering, study of,
overlap of instruction by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and School of Mines and Industries,
agreement with School of Mines & Industries to collaborate on courses,
photograph of Electrical Engineering Laboratory,
Elementary Commercial Examination,
substituted with new title of Junior Commercial Examination,
Ellis, Arthur Benjamin,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
resigned 1901 Evening Scholarship,
Elocution, study of,
proposal for establishment of Chair of Elocution,
English History, study of,
inclusion in curriculum of British Colonial schools,
English Language & Literature & Mental & Moral Philosophy, Chair of,
established by endowment from Sir Walter Watson Hughes, ,
English Literature, Chair of,
arrival in Adelaide of Professor Douglas,
resignation of Professor Robert Langton Douglas, ,
Ennis Prize,
1905 award to Louise Koeppen Henderson,
Ennis, Dr J Matthew,
appointed Professor of Music & Director of the Elder Conservatorium, , , ,
career prior to arrival in Adelaide,
comments on extraneous noise during musical productions,
member of Board of Examination for pianoforte, singing & composition scholarships,
sole examiner for Elder Scholarship of Music,
1905 Elder Conservatorium inaugural address, , , , ,
annual address to students,
annual organ recital, ,
approached by Stow Memorial Church to fill position of organist & choirmaster,
attendance at meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre,
director of musical entertainment for conversazione for educationists,
elected member of Council, ,
error in published statement re election to fill Senate vacancy,
examiner for degree of MusDoc with Franklin Peterson of Melbourne,
extended vacation in England & Europe, ,
extension lecture series on 'History of Music', ,
extension lecture series on 'The Great Composers', , , ,
extension lecture series on 'Pianoforte playing', ,
extension lecture series on 'The Development of the Violin Sonata', , , ,
organ recitals, , , ,
role of Director in music examination rooms, , ,
Sydney visit,
to conduct examinations in Practice of Music for Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
delegate to Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
visit to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre regarding music examinations, , , ,
Entrance Scholarships,
1899 awards,
awarded to John Raymond Wilton,
establishment, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
government queries justification for the establishment of a university in Adelaide,
Church origins of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Act 1874, ,
annual grant from public revenues,
endowments by Sir Thomas Elder and Sir Walter Watson Hughes, , , ,
endowment of 50,000 acres of waste land & 5 acres in City of Adelaide, ,
established in 1874,
professorships founded on establishment,
Evening Entrance Scholarship,
1898 awards,
1899 awards,
1900 recipients, ,
1902 awards,
1904 awards,
Everard Scholarship
awarded to Helen Mary Mayo,
awarded to Constance May Cooper, , ,
awarded to William Morgan Hunn, , ,
awarded to William Ray,
founded by late William Everard,
1897 results, , ,
1898 matriculation examiners’ reports, , ,
1898 results, , , , ,
1899 reports of examiners, ,
1899 results, , , , , , , , ,
1900 results, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
1901 results, , , , , , , , , , ,
1902 results, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
1902 school examinations,
1903 results, , , , , , , ,
1904 results, , , , , , , , , , ,
1905 fees,
1905 results, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
1906 results, , , , , , , , , , , ,
alterations to regulations governing public examinations, ,
amendment to regulations for theory & practice of music, ,
appointment of examiners, , , ,
approval for draft requirements for Diploma of Associate in Music, ,
approval for scholarship to most successful candidates in public examinations, ,
Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music, Trinity College & Royal College of Music, London, , , , , , , , , ,
candidates at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre primary public examination,
centres of examination in provincial towns and Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
change of title from Elementary to Junior Commercial Examination,
combined scheme of music examinations for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide & Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , ,
comparison of results of 1898 & 1899,
competence of music examiners questioned,
conduct of Junior & Higher Public examinations, , ,
cramming system for examinations, , , , , ,
delay in distribution of Primary Public Examination papers,
denial that music examination held under difficult circumstances,
dissatisfaction with conduct of music examinations, , , , , , , , , , , ,
dominance of examinations in whole course of teaching, ,
Elder Conservatorium committee report on conduct of music examinations,
entrance examinations for Elder Conservatorium,
entry for 1906 Junior, Senior & Higher Public Examinations, ,
error in naming 1904 Senior Public Examination as Junior Examination,
establishment of rural examination centre in Petersberg,
examination centres for combined system of public examinations in music,
examination papers for Primary Examination in Theory of Music from 1897 to 1905,
examining board for music,
Graham P Moore appointed visiting music examiner by Associated Board, ,
improvements to standards of Junior Commercial Course examinations,
increase in numbers sitting the Public Examinations, , ,
increased students following introduction of preliminary music examinations, ,
Institute of Actuaries, London colonial examination,
lack of confidence in practical examinations at Elder Conservatorium,
large number of students at 1905 Primary arithmetic & english papers,
lateness in announcements of results,
local examinations by English musical college in India,
music teachers conference on conduct of music examinations, , , , ,
need for examination results as early as possible,
need for strict standards in setting examination papers,
ordeal of the examination process,
Practice of Music,
precedent established for classing of music examinations, ,
preliminary arithmetic paper,
Primary Examination in Theory and Practice of Music, , ,
primary public, music, junior public, senior public, higher public examinations conducted in Adelaide & rural centres,
problems with 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , ,
problems with examining the 1901 Degree of MusBac, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Prof Ives to conduct examinations in Practice of Music in Perth and Coolgardie,
proposal for 'associated board' of music for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
proposal for co-operation between ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn universities for conduct of public examinations in music, , , , ,
proposal for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide to hold Primary Examinations at Broken Hill,
proposal to conduct entry examinations for British Navy in the colonies,
proposal to differentiate between first and second time candidates, ,
proposal to hold Public Examinations in November, , , ,
public examinations in theory & practice of music at proposed Perth ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
questions for which answers are not in text books,
rejection of proposal for uniform standard for commercial certificates,
relationship of the Collegiate School to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog examinations,
reply to criticism of public examinations, ,
report by Prof Ives on primary division of music (theory and practice),
requirements for examination for Elder Scholarship of Music,
scale of maximum marks for Chemistry & Physics, , ,
School of Mines examinations, ,
Senior Examination,
severity of examinations for admission to legal profession, ,
special report on Preliminary, Junior & Senior Public Examinations,
statistics, , , , , , , , ,
study of Ovid for Senior Examination, , ,
success of students from principal schools of Adelaide,
suitability of public examinations, ,
Theory of Music,
thoughts on a history exam, ,
uniform standard of degree examinations,
WH Wale of Sydney appointed examiner for 1900 MusBac and public examinations,
withdrawal of 'advanced' private students from Practice of Music, ,
extension lectures,
1899 lectures,
1905 programme,
Prof William H Bragg on 'The Electron and the Radio-activity of Radium, Thorium, & other substances',
Prof George C Henderson on 'National Wealth' for delegates at SA Teachers' Union Conference, , ,
Dr Gunson on 'SA Health Act' for Public Teachers Union Conference,
series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Leaders of the Middle Ages',
series by Prof William H Bragg on 'The Electron', , , ,
Prof Ralph Tate on ‘The Fertilisation of Flowers’, ,
annual report of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Extension Committee,
Dr Morgan to lecture on ‘Birds’, 19,
series by Dr Stirling on 'Life: the Problem of Physiology', , ,
series by EG Blackmore on 'The Nineteenth Century', , , , ,
Prof Walter Howchin on ‘Geology of the Mount Lofty Ranges', , , ,
series by Acting Professor HS Dettmann on 'Classical & Romantic Drama', , , , , ,
series by Dr AA Lendon on 'The Progress of Medicine in the Nineteenth Century' and 'Other Important Discoveries', , ,
series by Mr Lawrence Birks on 'The Industrial Applications of Electrical Power',
series by Prof Edward C Stirling on 'Colour in Nature', , , , ,
series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Leaders of the Middle Ages', , , , , , ,
series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Poets of the Nineteenth Century', , , , , , ,
series by Prof William H Bragg on 'The Electron', , ,
series by Prof William Mitchell on 'Materialism', , , ,
series by Rev John Reid on 'Select Comedies of Shakespeare', , , , ,
John Reid on 'The Tragedies of Shakespeare', , ,
series by Rev John Reid on 'The Romantic Plays of Shakespeare', , , , , , ,
series on 'Radium & Modern Views on Electricity & Matter' at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre by Frederick Soddy from Glasgow ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
series on 'The Industrial Applications of Electrical Power',
in country districts, ,
integral part of education system in SA, ,
Prof George C Henderson on 'Francis of Assisi',
Prof George C Henderson on 'Oliver Cromwell, ,
Prof William Mitchell on 'Hamlet', , , , , ,
series by Mdlle. Dussau on 'French Literature', , , ,
series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Sir George Grey', , , , , ,
series by Prof J Matthew Ennis on 'History of Music', ,
series by Prof J Matthew Ennis on 'The Development of the Violin Sonata', , , ,
series by Prof J Matthew Ennis on 'The Great Composers', , , ,
series by Prof William H Bragg on 'Radio-activity', , , ,
series by Prof William H Bragg on 'Radium', , ,
series in Perth by Prof George C Henderson, , , , , , , , ,
series by Professor Ives on ‘Music’ and 'Harmony and Counterpoint', , , , ,
series by Professor J Matthew Ennis on 'Pianoforte Playing', ,
series by Walter George Woolnough on 'Volcanoes', ,
series by Prof William H Bragg on 'Wireless Telegraphy', , , ,
lectures in Perth,
EG Blackmore on "The Normans in Europe", , , , ,
Mr Fuller on "Biology" in Port Pirie,
need for terminology comprehensible to non-×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog students, ,
object to nationalise the influence of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog teaching,
Prof George C Henderson to deliver series at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Centre, , , , , ,
proposal to hold lectures for Broken Hill, ,
proposed lectures on 'wireless telegraphy and the cable question',
R W Chapman on 'Astronomy' at Moonta,
role in widening the mental outlook of general public,
series by Mdlle Dussau on 'French Historians of the Nineteenth Century',
success in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
the ideal of the 'Peoples' ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog',
EG Blackmore on ’The Normans in Europe - reign & character of Henry I’,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre series by Mr F Soddy on 'Modern Views on Electricity & Matter', ,
W Fuller lecture on 'The Cell and its Life' at Kooringa,
Fairweather, Andrew,
1899 second year undergraduate scholar,
fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
Farr, Clinton Coleridge,
lecture on magnetic survey of New Zealand,
first Adelaide graduate to obtain DSc degree, ,
eligible for associateship of Institution of Electrical Engineers, London,
presented paper at Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress, Dunedin, NZ,
1905 examination fees substantial proportion of income,
compulsory fee for all male students for membership of Sports Association & Union, , , ,
benefit to candidates for the expenditure of fees,
entrance fees for Elder Conservatorium,
no refund for non-examined Practice of Music students, ,
Felstead, Hilda,
criticism of choice of soloists at concerts, ,
Ferguson, Andrew,
lecture on "Agronomy" at 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
1899 balance sheet,
benefits received from the SA government,
cost to the government of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
loss of revenue due to music students enrolment at Trinity College, London,
annual Government grant,
exemption from general taxation on land holdings, ,
expenses of Rhodes Scholarship SA Board of Selection members, ,
1904 financial transactions,
Fischer, Dr George Alfred,
lecturer at School of Medicine, , ,
Fischer, Otto,
Fisher, Joseph,
donation for establishment of Joseph Fisher Medal of Commerce, Joseph Fisher Lecture & remuneration of Commerce lecturers, examiners & professors, , , , , ,
life history, ,
support for establishment of higher commercial education, , ,
inter-university football matches between Adelaide & Melbourne universities, , ,
dinner for members of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Melbourne lacrosse & football teams,
Formby, Henry Harper,
passed fourth year of the MB degree,
1898 Dr Davies Thomas Scholar,
admitted as Member of Royal College of Surgeons,
Forrest, Sir John,
1902 admitted ad eundem gradum , , ,
Fowler, James Richard,
appointed additional examiner for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
appointed Chairman of Board of Commercial Studies,
deputation to Premier concerning exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
Fraser, Inspector,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in Broken Hill,
Frederick Bevan Prize,
1905 award to Arthur Burton Williamson,
1902 award to Maude Mary Puddy,
Fry, Henry Kenneth,
1904 Elder Prizeman, , ,
1906 Dr Davies Thomas Scholar,
Fuller, W,
exhibition in physiological laboratory for conversazione for educationists, ,
extension lecture on 'The Cell and its Life' at Kooringa,
Gardener, George,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for a second year,
Gardiner, Beauchamp Lennox,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for a fourth year,
entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
Gardner, Edith Josephine,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Gardner, George Gavin Forrest,
1906 Elder Scholar (Composition),
Gardner, Rita Elizabeth,
1905 Higher Public Examination Tennyson Medallist,
Gartrell, Herbert William,
1899 Entrance Scholar,
1904 Angas Engineering Scholar, , ,
awarded 1903 Tate Memorial Medal,
Gault, Arthur Henry,
admitted ad eundem gradum 1901,
gender issues,
equality of sexes in membership and voting rights at Senate & Council,
Geography, study of,
inaccuracies in new geography text book,
Geology, study of,
discovery of radio-active mineral at Olary,
Gerny, B A,
awarded Evening Entrance Scholarship,
Giles, Dr William Anstey,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
speech at 21st Anniversary Dinner for School of Medicine,
member of the Faculty of Medicine,
Glynn, Patrick McMahon,
ad eundem gradum for 1898, , ,
Good, Emily Milvain,
awarded 1901 Tennyson Medal for English Literature, , ,
Gordon, James Leslie,
awarded 1901 Roby Fletcher Scholarship and Stow Prize,
awarded 1902 Stow Prize, ,
awarded 1904 Stow Prize, , ,
Gosse Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery,
Dr. Mark Johnston Symons appointed,
endowment of lectureship in memory of Dr Charles Gosse,
Gosse, Dr. Charles,
endowment of lectureship on Ophthalmic Surgery,
government relations,
endowment to supplement income of newly established ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
legislation for two or more Council members to be nominated by Government,
government representation on Senate to exert control on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exemption from general taxation on land holdings, ,
Government Scholarships,
amendment to tenure of government scholarships,
graduates ,
careers of graduates of School of Medicine,
benefit of the influence of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
first and second music graduates,
graduates admitted by examination by August 1906,
graduates of the School of Medicine as at July 1906,
increase in number of graduates,
lack of performance opportunity for Bachelor of Music graduates,
London conference & dinner for graduates of colonial universities resident in UK, ,
graduation ceremonies,
1899 annual commemoration, , ,
1899 commemoration statistics, , , ,
1900 commemoration ceremony, , , ,
1901 graduation ceremony, , , ,
1902 commemoration, ,
1904 commemoration, , ,
1905 commemoration, , , ,
1905 Jamestown commemoration ceremony, , ,
1905 special congregation in Prince of Wales Theatre, ,
behaviour of students, , , , , , , , , ,
degrees conferred at the formal opening of Elder Hall,
orations at commemoration ceremonies, , ,
perceived discrimination in distribution of seats to parents and general public,
review of conduct of proceedings, ,
special congregation for Ethel Mary Murray Ambrose,
special congregation in Prince of Wales's Theatre,
special July commemoration for visit of Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York, ,
student performance during 1901 commemoration,
undergraduate role in commemoration proceedings, , ,
students & undergraduates not to be admitted to commemoration ceremonies,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre 1905 graduation ceremony in Perth,
Gray, FW & Co,
installation of lighting for Elder Conservatorium,
Greenway, Thomas Charles,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in Broken Hill,
crowding of buildings on North Terrace grounds,
Gunson, Dr,
evening lecture on 'SA Health Act' for Public Teachers Union Conference,
Gunson, George Frederick,
conferred with LLB degree,
Gynaecology, Chair of,
meeting of subscribers to approve endowment of 'Dr Edward Willis Way Chair’,
Hack, Guli,
concert by ladies' part-singing class,
Elder Scholarship of Music Scholarship for study at Royal College of Music, London,
performance at concert by students of the Elder Conservatorium,
publication of 'Voice Cultivation',
role in Elder Conservatorium concerts,
vocal soloist at organ recital by Professor J Matthew Ennis,
Hall, Miss Elsie,
return form Vienna,
command performance for Prince and Princess of Wales,
pianiste departs Adelaide,
temporary engagement at Elder Conservatorium,
Hall, Professor Marshall,
visiting from Melbourne to lecture on music,
Hamilton, Charles Wolfe,
admitted ad eundem gradum , ,
Hamilton, Dr. Alexander Archibald
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
appointed assistant physician,
attended Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Hamilton, Dr James Alexander Greer,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
elected to Senate,
nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
election to Council of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide,
appointed Way Lecturer on Gynaecology,
member of the Faculty of Medicine,
Hamilton, Elsie Maude,
Handtke, Ethel Hilda Hedwig,
in London to study at Academy of Music, ,
awarded Elder Singing Scholarship in 1900, , ,
to perform at conversazione for 1900 Library Association of Australasia,
awarded Elder Music Scholarship,
awarded silver medal from Royal Academy of Music, London,
awarded 1902 Elder Conservatorium Oratorio Prize,
encore demanded by Governor,
honourable mention in 1902 scholarship at Royal College of Music, London, ,
progress at Royal Academy of Music, London, ,
Hardy, Alfred Burton,
Harris, James Frederick,
admitted ad eundem gradum 1901,
Harry, May Margaret,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Hartley Studentship,
amendment to Paragraph C of regulations,
conditions for the award,
1900 recommendation to John Frederick Ward,
1902 list of qualifying candidates,
adoption of statutes by the Senate, ,
given for proficiency in science,
Hartley, J A,
studentship founded in his honour, ,
in memoriam,
Hayward, Dr William Thornborough,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
elected to Senate,
nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
appointed lecturer on Clinical Medicine, Therapeutics & Materia Medica,
election to Council of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide,
Headlam, Rev M L C,
admitted ad eundem gradum 1900, , , , ,
Henderson, James,
filled vacancy on Council of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide,
Henderson, John Henderson,
admitted ad eundem gradum 1899, ,
Henderson, Louise Koeppen,
awarded 1905 Ennis Prize,
honourable mention in 1902 scholarship for study at Conservatorium,
Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
representative at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney's 50th Jubilee, ,
academic career,
appointed Chair of Modern History and English Language and Literature,
elected to Committee of Selection for Rhodes Scholarships, , ,
lecture on 'National Wealth' for delegates at SA Teachers' Union Conference, , ,
extension lectures on 'Francis of Assisi' and 'Oliver Cromwell', ,
extension lectures on 'Leaders of the Middle Ages', , , , , , ,
extension lectures on 'Poets of the Nineteenth Century', , , , , , ,
extension lectures in Perth, , , , , , , , ,
extension lectures on 'Leaders of the Puritan Ages',
extension lectures on 'Sir George Grey', , , , , ,
lecture on 'The Builders of the State' to Adelaide Teachers' Union,
photograph of history class in Prince of Wales Theatre,
visit to Cape of Good Hope following research for biography of Sir George Grey, ,
Heyne, Laura Olga Hedwig,
awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
Higgin, Alfred James,
chemical experiments demonstrated at Public Teachers' Union conference, ,
Higher Public Examination
amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
Hine, Clytie May,
awarded 1906 Elder Scholarship (Singing),
History, study of
appointment of Professor of History and English Language and Literature,
photograph of history class in Prince of Wales Theatre,
Hodge, Charles Reynolds,
published a 'Guide to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide', ,
attended meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre,
attended Jamestown local centre graduation ceremony, ,
visit to Petersburg for establishment of rural examination centre,
Registrar in 1906,
deputation concerning ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
attended meeting for proposed rural centre at Kapunda, , ,
explanation of objects & working of a rural centre at Mount Barker,
report to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council on Broken Hill visit, ,
twenty-one years of service to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
delegate at the Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
visit to reorganise Broken Hill Centre, ,
visit to Gawler for proposed establishment of rural centre,
visit to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre regarding music exams, , , ,
Holden, Edward Wheewall,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Holder, Kathleen Gladys,
awarded silver medal at Jamestown local centre, ,
Holder, Sophia Ellen,
awarded 1904 Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Holder, Winnifred Breakspeare,
awarded 1901 Tennyson Medal, ,
awarded 1902 Tennyson Medal,
Hole, William Magarey,
organist and choirmaster,
pass approval for MusBac,
Homburg, Fritz,
awarded 1904 Elder Scholarship in Music (Violoncello),
Hopkins, Surgeon Captain William Fleming,
memorial tablet erected in Elder Hall, , ,
Hornabrook, Dr Rupert W,
report on South African wars,
banquet to honour work with plague,
Chief Medical Plague Officer at Dharwar, India,
Hospital Board,
settlement of longstanding dispute with ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Howchin, Professor Walter,
extension lecture on ‘Geology of the Mount Lofty Ranges', , , ,
address to Royal Society on geological discoveries in Mt Lofty & Flinders Ranges,
working exhibition in Tate Museum for conversazione for educationists,
Hubbe, Edith Ulrica,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Hughes, Sir Walter Watson,
career history,
endowment for establishment of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , ,
endowment of Chair in Classics, Comparative Philology & Literature and Chair in English Language & Literature & of Mental & Moral Philosophy,
memorial statue, , , , ,
contribution to higher education,
Hunn, William Morgan,
awarded 1904 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
awarded 1905 Everard Scholarship, , ,
Hunter, Oswald,
awarded 1899 Stow Prize, ,
Hussey, Rev John,
admitted ad eundem gradum 1901,
Imperial & Colonial Universities' Conference,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide representatives,
Indigenous issues,
Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
encounters with Sir Charles Todd, ,
Isbister, William James,
candidate for vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Ives, Professor Joshua,
"At Home" to meet Professor of Music,
comments on Grand Opera, ,
Council expression of confidence,
debate in Parliament on problems with the Chancellor, ,
did not apply for reappointment as Director of Conservatorium, ,
director of conversazione for 1900 Library Association of Australasia Conference, ,
extension lectures on 'Harmony and Counterpoint', , , ,
lectures on 'Music',
problems with examining Conservatorium students, , , , , , , , ,
request to Council to be relieved of duties,
withdrawal from examining body of Conservatorium,
criticism of Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, ,
denies setting 1901 harmony paper,
disagreement over music examination assessments, , , ,
reasons for termination of connection with ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , ,
farewell speech, ,
first Professor of Music,
problems with the 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
plans for future in Adelaide, ,
report to House of Assembly on problems with the Chancellor,
request for enquiry into inner workings of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
students presentation in recognition of work at Conservatorium, , , ,
to conduct examinations in Practice of Music in Perth and Coolgardie,
Jacobs, Samuel Joshua,
appointed Vice Chairman of Board of Commercial Studies,
role in establishment of Advanced Commercial course,
attended Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
deputation concerning ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
filled vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
resignation from Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
error in published statement on vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Senate,
Jacomb-Hood, Robert Gordon,
admitted ad eundem gradum 1905,
Jay, Dr Melville R H,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
Jay, Herbert Melville,
applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
Jefferis, Rev Dr James,
role in establishment of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
filled vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Jennings, Francis A,
awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
Jervis-Smith, Rev Frederick John,
admitted ad eundem gradum for 1898, , ,
Jervois, His Excellency Major-General Sir W D F,
laying of foundation stone of university building (Mitchell Building),
John Dunn Scholarship,
awarded to John Frederick Ward,
John Howard Clark Scholarship,
1898 awards,
1899 awards, ,
1900 awards, , ,
1901 awards,
amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
awardee Dorothea Landon Poole at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Cambridge,
awarded to Adolf John Schulz in 1905,
awarded to Mary Lillecrapp Langman in 1904, , ,
awards to Adolf John Schulz & Lorna Maud Waterhouse in 1905, , ,
John Howard Clarke Prize,
pupil teachers marked as proxime accesserunt in 1900, , , ,
pupil teacher shares 1902 prize, , , ,
Johnson Dr J Angas,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog representative at the Pasteur Institute,
to study cancer in Europe, USA & Japan,
Johnson, Edward Angas,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
Jolly, Norman William,
outstanding Senior Public Examination results in 1898,
selected to practice for Balliol College eight,
awarded Rhodes Scholarship in 1904, ,
studying at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
sporting achievements at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
vacation in France with fellow Rhodes Scholar Roy Lister Robinson,
Jona, Judah Leon,
awarded 1905 Elder Prize, , ,
1902 Senior Examination prizewinner, , ,
Jones, Brewster Hooper Josse, recital,
awarded 1902 Elder Scholarship of Music,
to study at Royal College of Music, London,
Jones, Elsie,
vocal & pianoforte recital,
Jones, Thomas Henry,
appointed to conduct theory classes at Conservatorium,
first music graduate,
presented with gift of appreciation by Conservatorium students,
first Bachelor of Music in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Jose, Rev Edward Salisbury,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1905, , ,
Joseph Fisher Lecture,
donation by Joseph Fisher for establishment, , , , ,
statutes approved, ,
inaugural lecture by H Gyles Turner,
second lecture L A Jessop on 'Commercial Character', , ,
Joseph Fisher Medal
awarded to John George Robertson, , ,
awarded to Herbert Edward Annells, , ,
to promote commercial studies at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
donation by Joseph Fisher for establishment, , , , ,
statutes approved, ,
Jude, Gertrude Josephine,
awarded Third Year Undergraduate Scholarship in1899,
Juett, Alexander,
1906 Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Rhodes Scholar,
Junior Commercial Examination,
Junior Public Examination,
increase in student numbers, ,
Jurs, Carlien Ethel May,
awarded 1904 Elder Scholar in Music (Pianoforte),
pianoforte recital,
Kelly, Mrs Franziska H M,
winner of Elder Scholarship, ,
Kennedy, Daisy Fowler,
awarded 1906 Elder Scholarship (Violin),
Kennedy, Wallace,
to study at Royal College of Music, London,
King, Rita,
studying music in London,
Kingston, Rt Hon Charles Cameron,
awarded ad eundem gradum in 1898, , ,
address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Conference, , , ,
Kleeman, Richard Daniel,
directed exhibition in physical laboratory for educationists,
awarded science research scholarship,
research on properties of radium and the alpha particle, ,
Klintberg, Hilda Mary,
awarded 1905 Elder Scholarship (Singing),
studying at Elder Conservatorium,
Kugelberg, Hermann,
retirement as teacher of violoncello, ,
chamber music concert series, , ,
erection of physical and chemical laboratories,
matches between Adelaide and Melbourne universities, ,
dinner for inter-university teams competing in Adelaide,
Lamb, Professor Horace,
academic history,
awarded 1902 Royal Medal by Royal Society of London,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog representative at British & Colonial Universities' conference in London, ,
land holdings,
surrender to the government of lands dedicated to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
deputation concerning ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
deputation to urge a reduction in rent on Murray Flat lands,
endowment of 50,000 acres of waste land & five acres in City of Adelaide, ,
inspection of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in South-East and Yallum Estate,
lands in Tatiara, Wirreanda, Craigie Plain and Parnaroo, , , ,
possible loss of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog land holdings,
purchase of land from Government,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog unable to sell land grants, ,
Lane, Annie,
first student to take MA under new regulations in Honours, ,
Langman, Mary Lillecrapp,
awarded 1904 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
Laurie, Professor D F,
study of Alexander Sutherland's 'The Origin & Growth of the Moral Instinct',
Law, Bachelor of,
amendment to regulations, , , ,
Council approves statutes affecting Bachelor of Law,
repeal of regulations for Bachelor of Laws by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Senate,
Law, study of
application for exemption from obligation of the final certificate, ,
1898 examination results,
1899 examination results,
1900 examination results, ,
Law Reform Bill, , , , , , , , , ,
abolishment of the university Law School, , , , , ,
education & admission of barristers & solicitors, , , , , , ,
contrast between system of study in England & America,
Dr William Jethro Brown's arrival in Adelaide, ,
establishment of Professorship of Law,
photograph of Law lecture room,
publication of 'Jurisprudence' by Professor John William Salmond,
Le Hunte, Governor Sir George,
member of Rhodes Scholarships selection committee, , ,
duties of a visitor to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Lendon, Dr Alfred Austin,
licensed to practice at the School of Anatomy,
appointed to Senate Select Committee to consider absentee voting,
extension lectures on "The Progress of Medicine in the 19th Century", , ,
appointed Lecturer on Obstetrics & Diseases of Infants,
member of the Faculty of Medicine,
Lewis, J B,
passed fourth year of the MB degree,
naming of Barr Smith Library,
importance of libraries in education, , ,
R J M Clucas appointed ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Librarian,
munificence of Robert Barr Smith, ,
one of the finest in the colonies,
Registrar relieved of duties of Librarian,
Special Convention of Library Association, ,
Lillywhite, Cuthbert,
appointed junior master at Townsville Grammar School, ,
Lipsham, Kate Caroline,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Lipsham, Margaret,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
Lloyd, Arthur Benjamin,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Loan, Charles Edward,
awarded 1900 Evening Entrance Scholarship,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
Lowrie, Professor William,
dispute with Ministry of Agriculture,
Nairn, Alexander Livingstone,
awarded 1898 John Howard Clark Scholarship,
Naish, F J,
architect for Medical School,
architect for Elder Conservatorium building,
architect for extension to Mitchell Building,
death of architect,
Napier, Alexander Disney Leith,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1899, ,
Natural Science, Chair of,
professorship founded on establishment,
Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
academic career at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
appointment as Professor of Classics,
Neill, Mr W,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
lecturer in banking exchange for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
Newland, Clive,
admitted as Member of Royal College of Surgeons,
Newman, C S,
awarded Evening Entrance Scholarship in 1900,
Newmann, George Gough,
translated third book of Caesar's Civil War for use in Senior Examination,
Niesche, Dr F W,
appointed superintendent of the School of Anatomy,
Noltenius, Arthur Roy,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
Noltenius, Harry Edward,
awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
Nordmann, Wilfred G R P,
awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley,
involvement with examining 1897 MusBac examinations, , , ,
Oratorio Prize,
1905 award to Gladys Ruby Edwards,
1902 award to Ethel Hilda Hedwig Hantke,
Otto, Ethel May,
1899 special commendation for singing,
Owen, Arthur Geoffrey,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1899, ,
Padman, Clara Helen,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Padman, Edward Clyde,
awarded 1900 Stow Prize, , ,
Padman, Isabel,
awarded 1900 Evening Entrance Scholarship,
Paine, Herbert Kingsley,
awarded 1899 Entrance Scholarship,
awarded 1901 & 1904 Stow Prize, , , ,
awarded 1901 Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
Parkhouse, Devon,
awarded 1905 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship, , ,
Parkin, Dr George Robert,
visit to explain the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship scheme, , , ,
admitted ad eundem gradum ,
Parsons, Harold Stephen,
awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship, ,
to study in London,
appointed teacher of violoncello, ,
Pasteur Institute,
Dr J Angas Johnson appointed ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog representative,
Paton, Rev Dr,
unable to represent ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog at Imperial & Colonial Universities' Conference,
Paton, Adolph Ernest,
awarded 1900 ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Entrance Scholarship,
entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
Paton, Dora Isabel,
awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
Paton, Dr David,
elected unopposed to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
ceased to hold office as Council member,
Pelly, Gwendoline Dorothy,
awarded 1899 Elder Music Scholarship,
awarded 1902 Elder Scholarship for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
studying violin in London,
Pennefather, Professor,
visiting Adelaide prior to leaving for London,
Peterson, Professor Franklin,
involvement in problems with examining 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
to examine for degree of MusDoc,
Pharmacy, study of,
appointment of the first lecturer in pharmacy in Australasia,
future Diploma of Pharmacy suggested by Registrar, ,
Phillips, James Howard,
conferred with LLB degree in 1902,
Phillips, Mr W H,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
Philosophy, Professor of,
Mr E O G Shann appointed acting Professor of Philosophy, ,
Physics, Department of,
lecturer Mr R W Chapman leaves for USA on study tour,
Physiology, Chair of,
Council approval of statute for Professor of Physiology,
Political Economy, Chair of,
proposal for establishment,
Poole, Dorothea Landon,
awarded 1900 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
second-class honours in medieval & modern languages at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Cambridge,
Poole, Rev Frederick Slaney,
nominated for vacancy on the Senate,
daughter, Dorothea Landon, obtained second-class honours at Cambridge,
Porter, Adelaide Koeppen,
to study at Royal College of Music, London,
postgraduate studies,
arrangements for postgraduate diploma course enabled by Elder bequest,
Poulton, Dr Benjamin,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
appointed lecturer on Principles & Practice of Surgery,
elected unopposed to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, ,
member of the Faculty of Medicine in 1906,
Preliminary Examination,
abolishment, ,
1899 examinations results,
1900 examination results,
problems with English dictation tests, ,
Price, Dr Thomas A,
recommendation of removal as Resident Medical Officer at Adelaide Hospital,
resignation as junior house surgeon position at Adelaide Hospital,
Priest, Herbert James,
applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
Primary Examination,
replacement for Preliminary Examination, ,
Prince of Wales Building,
1902 construction,
students memorial tablet to late Professor Ralph Tate,
building funded by bequests of Sir Thomas Elder,
foundation stone laid by Duke of Cornwall & York,
to be constructed by Messrs Brown and Peel,
nears completion,
prizes & awards,
1902 prizes for Junior Examination, ,
1902 prizes for Senior Examination, ,
1903 Tate Memorial Medal awarded to Herbert William Gartrell,
1905 Exhibition and Bursary winners,
1906 Dr Davies Thomas Scholars,
1906 Elder Prize winners,
1906 Everard Scholarship awarded to William Ray,
1906 Stow Prize winner,
criticism of selection of Elder Scholarships in Music winners,
criticism of competition for music prizes between teenagers & mature age students,
establishment of perpetual Joseph Fisher Medal of Commerce, , ,
establishment of Elder Prizes for animal physiology,
suggested changes to regulations for exhibitions & bursaries,
Council approval of 1902 Elder Conservatorium awards, ,
appointment of first Angas Professor of Chemistry,
appointment of first Professor of Music, ,
appointment of Henry Darnley Naylor as Professor of Classics,
bequests, gifts & endowments to guarantee the salary for Professor of Music,
establishment of a Professorship of Law,
lectureship in physiology converted into Professorship of Physiology,
Professors Rennie, Stirling & Watson associated with School of Medicine, ,
professorships founded on establishment,
tenure of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog professors,
urgent need for endowment for foundation of new professorships,
first procession a satirical success, , , ,
public examinations,
Public Examinations Board,
role in approval of examination papers,
Public Examinations Board Manual for 1906,
Public Examinations Board 1902 Annual Report,
public lectures,
address by Sir Josiah Henry Symon at Jubilee celebrations of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney,
Mr R F Drury on '×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Life at Oxford',
"The Voice" by Mr Wybert Reeve,
request for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog science lectures at Mannum Institute,
Public Teachers' Union,
link with Teacher Training College in South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Public Teachers' Union Annual Conference, annual conference held in Adelaide, , , , , , ,
Guide to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide' by Charles R Hodge, ,
Public Examination Board Manual for 1906,
Puddy, Mary Maud,
Eder Scholar for Composition,
concert at Elder Conservatorium open inspection,
first student to pass Diploma of Associate in Music,
performance at concert by students of the Elder Conservatorium,
1899 Elder music scholarship for pianoforte,
1902 Elder Conservatorium Directors' Prize for best performance on pianoforte,
1902 Elder Conservatorium Frederick Bevan Prize for best accompanist of vocal music,
awarded equal 1902 Elder Conservatorium Prize,
Bachelor of Music 1905, , , ,
conferred with Associate in Music,
first student conferred with Associate in Music, ,
Puttmann, Franziska H M,
winner of Elder Scholarship, ,
Ray, Walter Vernon,
Ray, William,
1902 Elder Prize winner (First year),
1904 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship (3rd year),
1905 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship (4th year), , ,
1906 Everard Scholarship,
applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
Read, Rev Professor Henry,
role in establishment of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Reedy, Leslie Cecil,
prizewinner 1902 Junior Examination, ,
Reeves, Edward,
recital at Elder Conservatorium,
Reginald George Burnell,
Bachelor of Arts degree for student teacher,
attendance at meeting for proposed rural centre at Kapunda, , ,
attendance at meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre,
deputation to Premier concerning ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog delegate at the Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
attends Jamestown local centre graduation ceremony, ,
Charles Hodge completes twenty-one years of service to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Charles Hodge was Registrar in 1906,
involvement in disagreement between Chancellor and Professor Ives,
involvement in problems with examining the 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , ,
visit to Petersburg for establishment of rural examination centre,
to consider improvements to system of affiliation of Perth Technical College,
relieved from the duties of Librarian at special meeting of Senate,
report to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council of Broken Hill visit by Charles Hodge, , ,
visit to Gawler for proposed establishment of rural centre,
visit to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre regarding music examinations, , , ,
BSc agreement between ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and School of Mines & Industries,
Reid, Rev John,
extension lectures on 'Select Comedies of Shakespeare', , , , ,
extension lectures on 'Shakespeare's Romantic Plays', , , , , , ,
extension lectures on 'The Four Great Tragedies of Shakespeare', , ,
Reimann, G,
on leave from Elder Conservatorium,
Reimann, I Gotthold,
member of Board of examination for pianoforte, singing & composition scholarships,
report of 14 month trip to Europe, ,
Rennie, Dr Edward Henry,
Angas Professor of Chemistry leaves for London and metallurgical research,
lecture at Public Teachers' Union conference on the discovery of liquid air,
Professor of Chemistry interviewed on overseas tour, ,
appointment as Professor of Chemistry under the J H Angas Endowment,
directed chemical experiments during conversazione for educationists,
member of the Faculty of Medicine in 1906,
photograph of class in first year chemical laboratory,
reply to criticism of questions in 1906 Junior Public Examination, , ,
results of analytical experiments with Dr W T Cooke on radio-active mineral species associated with carnotite near Olary,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog delegate to Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog representative at funeral of John Howard Angas,
experiments in wireless telegraphy by Sir Charles Todd and Professor Bragg, , ,
Prof William Bragg & Richard Kleeman on properties of radium and the alpha particle,
testing crushing strength of Pyrmont & Murray Bridge stone, ,
Reynell, Walter Rupert,
1906 Rhodes Scholar, ,
academic & sporting career,
farewell dinner prior to departure for Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Rhodes Scholarships,
1904 award to Norman William Jolly, ,
1905 award to Roy Lister Robinson,
1906 Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn award to Alexander Juett,
applicants for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
applications required by 31st January, ,
Rhodes Scholars were State school exhibitionists,
codicils to will of Cecil Rhodes relating to bequests for scholarships,
regulations, ,
Dr George Robert Parkin tours on behalf of Rhodes Scholarship Trust, , , ,
election for members of Committee of Selection,
establishment of Rhodes Scholarship Scheme, ,
expenses of SA Board met by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
farewell dinner for Walter Rupert Reynell prior to his departure for Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
first meeting of Adelaide Committee of Rhodes Scholarship Trust,
indication to trustees for administration of Rhodes Bequest,
meeting of selection committee, ,
Norman William Jolly awarded first-class honours in physics at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
perceived doubts of finding the ideal candidate to fit Cecil Rhodes' model,
qualifications for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn candidates,
qualifications for award,
Rhodes scholars usually university men, ,
Selection Committee for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn winners to study at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
sporting achievements of Rhodes Scholars at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Governor Sir George Le Hunte appointed to selection committee, ,
vacation in France for Rhodes Scholars Norman William Jolly & Roy Lister Robinson,
Walter Rupert Reynell selected as 1906 Rhodes Scholar, ,
Rhodes, Cecil,
Codicils to Will relating to bequests,
illness prior to death,
indication to trustees for administration of bequest,
Rhys, Ernest,
new publication of 'Frederic, Lord Leighton',
Richardson, Hazel May,
passed Teachers Certificate in conjunction with Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music & Royal College of Music, London,
Ridings, Ethel Rose,
honourable mention in 1902 scholarship for study at Conservatorium,
Rischbeith, Oswald,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
1900 award to Marie Edmeades, , ,
1901 award,
1902 award to Ada C L Thomas,
1905 awards to Alice Ruby Weston & Mignon Leonie Weston,
Robertson, John George,
awarded 1904 Joseph Fisher Medal of Commerce, , ,
Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford,
survived San Francisco earthquake,
Robertson, Sir William,
admitted ad eundem gradum, ,
influence in establishment of Chair of Music, , ,
Robinson, Roy Lister,
awarded 1905 Rhodes Scholarship,
academic & sporting career,
entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries, ,
studying at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
sporting achievements at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
vacation in France with fellow Rhodes Scholar Norman William Jolly,
Roby Fletcher Prize,
1900 awards,
1904 awards to Stella Mary Churchward & Sophia Ellen Holder, ,
1905 award to George Frederick Dodwell, , ,
1906 award to Harold Woolnough,
1906 Proxime accessit to Annie Louisa Virginia Trehy,
Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
1898 awards,
1899 award, ,
1900 award to Richard William Bennett,
1900 awards, ,
1901 awards,
amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
Spencer Churchward recommended for 1899 scholarship,
Rose, Clement Thomas,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for third year,
Rose, P C,
awarded 1900 Evening Entrance Scholarship,
Roseworthy Agricultural College,
affiliation with ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , , ,
benefit to city boys,
Senate passed new regulations for affiliation,
annual inter-state ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog boat race,
1903 ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Universities' eight-oared boat race,
concert by Conservatorium students to aid Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Boat Club, ,
eleventh Inter-university boat race for Challenge Cup,
Victorian ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Eight win 1902 rowing cup,
Rudall, Reginald John,
rural centres,
establishment of permanent centres for conducting local examinations, ,
1905 Jamestown Commemoration Ceremony,
1905 primary examination at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog centres,
conduct of public examinations,
criticism of Port Pirie music examinations, ,
establishment of centre at Burra, ,
establishment of centre at Gawler, ,
establishment of centre at Kapunda, , , ,
establishment of centre at Mount Barker,
examination centres for combined system of public examinations in music,
extension lecture series by Professor George C Henderson at centres, ,
extension lecturers for country districts, ,
Jamestown centre graduation ceremony, ,
centres to be established at Mount Barker, Gawler, Kapunda, Petersburg & Burra, ,
meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre, ,
primary public examination in general education conducted in centres, ,
proposal for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to hold Primary Examinations in Broken Hill, ,
proposed establishment of centre at Laura,
Registrar visits Petersburg for establishment of centre,
visit to Broken Hill by Registrar, , ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council appoints committee to act in Broken Hill,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council approval for Gawler committee to be selected at public meeting,
value of centres attached to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Russell, Herbert Henry Ernest,
admitted ad eundem gradum , ,
Russell, Walter Henry,
awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
Rutherford, Professor Ernest,
comments on radium as a cure for cancer,
experiments with radium, ,
New Zealand visit,
SA Teachers Union,
annual conference, , , , , ,
annual report, , ,
election of officers at annual conference, , ,
Sache, Florence Olga,
awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship for pianoforte,
Salmond, Professor John William,
1898 Commemoration Day Annual Address, ,
accepted post at Victoria College, Wellington NZ, ,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
appointed to committee to settle resolutions concerning Rhodes Scholarships, ,
lecturer in commercial law for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
publication of 'Jurisprudence', , ,
Savage, Harold Gilks,
awarded 1905 Elder Scholarship for Tenor Voice,
Schache, Florence Olga,
awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship,
Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
Angas Engineering Exhibition, , ,
Senior Public Examinations Scholarship,
Elder Conservatorium Scholarships, , , , , , , , ,
amendment to tenure of government scholarships,
Prince Alfred College Scholarships,
Rhodes Scholarships,
Evening Entrance Scholarship,
government proposal to increase the number of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog scholarships,
Hartley Studentship,
reasons for refusing to take up ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog scholarships,
recommendation of scholarship to most successful candidates in public examinations, ,
School of Anatomy,
appointment of Dr William Ramsay Smith as superintendent,
license to practice anatomy,
student movements due to Adelaide Hospital imbroglio,
School of Mines and Industries,
anonymous donation to form nucleus of a building fund, ,
report on the stability and success of "technical education", ,
student and class statistics, ,
preparatory instruction for associate students,
mining engineering & metallurgy postgraduate course lectures,
Schulz, Adolf John,
awarded 1905 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , , ,
Bachelor of Arts degree,
Science Research Scholarships,
Commissions of the International Exhibition of 1851 award to William Ternent Cooke, ,
Science, Bachelor of,
amendments to statutes and regulations, , , ,
proposed degree for agricultural studies, ,
Council approved statutes affecting degree,
first in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to grant degrees in science,
Science, Doctor of,
new regulations governing conferring of degree, ,
Science, study of,
approval of scale of maximum marks for public examinations in chemistry & physics, ,
new scale of marks to encourage study,
students handicapped by marking system for higher public examinations,
Scott, Andrew,
management of teacher training scheme, ,
appointed Superintendent of Students at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
Scott, Malcolm Leslie,
awarded 1900 Elder Prize, , ,
Seabrook, Dr Leonard Llewellyn,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in Broken Hill,
Searle, Frederick John,
awarded 1899 Entrance Scholarship,
secondary education,
comments on education in Germany, Britain & USA,
criticism of standard of education at Trinity College, Port Pirie, ,
proposal for basis of greater efficiency for rural schools,
scholarships to encourage higher education,
new geographical methods for primary & junior candidates,
increased number of students completing secondary education, , , ,
proposed establishment of state secondary education schools for boys, , , ,
preparation for higher education,
relationship between universities and secondary education, , , ,
Senate, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
Select Committee appointed to consider absentee voting at Senate elections,
attendance at formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , ,
lapses of meetings through lack of quorum, ,
nomination and election of Clerk and Warden of the Senate, , ,
posting of notices as required by standing orders,
proposed statutes for systemizing educational efforts, ,
role in commemoration ceremonies, ,
report on postal voting for Council members, ,
support for granting larger degree of power over professors to the Council,
composition and membership,
equality of sexes in membership and voting rights,
error in statement re election of J M Ennis & S J Jacobs to fill vacancies,
government representation on Senate to exert control on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
officers in 1906,
special meeting to fill vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Senior examination,
1899 results,
1900 results,
test of general proficiency in elementary knowledge,
criticism of study of Ovid, , ,
Caesar's Civil War for use in 1902 examination,
Shakespeare Society,
lecture on "Four of Shakespeare's Women",
Shann, Mr E O G,
appointed acting Professor of Philosophy, ,
Sheridan Essay Prize,
1899 award, ,
1900 award to Richard William Bennett,
Shiels, Mr J,
appointed additional examiner for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Shierlaw, Howard Alison,
awarded 1902 Stow Prize, ,
Short, John Gordon,
awarded 1905 Elder Scholarship (pianoforte), ,
honourable mention in 1902 scholarship for study at Conservatorium,
Sinclair. William Malcolm,
awarded 1906 Elder Prize,
Skipper, Mervyn Garnham,
awarded 1901 Tennyson Medal for English Literature, ,
Skipper, Stanley Herbert,
awarded 1898 Stow Prize,
awarded 1900 Stow Prize, , ,
awarded 1901 Stow Prize, ,
Smeaton, Stirling,
candidate for vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Smith, Dr J A R,
appointed Senior House Surgeon of Melbourne Hospital,
Smith, Dr William Ramsay,
appointed honourary physician at Adelaide Hospital, ,
appointed Superintendent of School of Anatomy,
Board of Enquiry, ,
comments on cramming for examinations, ,
Smith, Harold Whitmore,
prizewinner 1902 Senior Examination, ,
Smith, J A R,
completed medical degree with distinction, ,
Smith, Louis Laybourne,
awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for second year,
Smith, Robert Barr,
Smith, Sydney Talbot,
filled vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
Smith, William Ramsay,
admitted ad eundem gradum , , ,
Smythe, Inspector,
address on "Intellectual Development" at the SA Teachers' Union Conference, , ,
Sobels, Otto Fischer,
to study at Royal College of Music, London,
Soddy, Frederick,
extension lecture on 'Radium & Modern Views on Electricity & Matter' at Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre, , ,
Somervell, Arthur,
visiting examiner at Elder Conservatorium,
returns to London, ,
South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Commercial Travellers' Association Scholarship,
amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Scholarships,
discontinued scholarship scheme, , ,
boat race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities,
concert to aid Adelaide ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Rowing Club, ,
dinner for members of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Melbourne inter-university teams,
eleventh inter-university boat race for Challenge Cup,
amendments to statutes relating to maintenance of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog sport, , , ,
history of inter-university sporting events,
inter-university football & lacrosse matches, , ,
result of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog v Essendon cricket match,
students to arrange funding scheme for maintenance of sport,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog athletic club inaugurate an Annual Sports Day, ,
appointment of Professor of Physiology,
1902 statistics in Calendar,
Agent General to find pianoforte teacher for Elder Conservatorium,
application for teacher of Theory of Music,
applications for Elder Conservatorium,
applications for singing master received by Agent-General,
appointment of Professor of Law,
appointment of examiners,
appointment of Professor of Classics, , ,
appointment of Lecturer in Pharmacy,
appointment of lecturers to School of Medicine,
appointment of Junior Demonstrator in Chemical Laboratory,
appointment of new Professor of Pianoforte in hands of Guildhall authorities,
appointment of Professor of Chemistry under the J H Angas Endowment,
appointment of clinical lecturer on diseases of children,
appointment of Lecturer on Obstetrics & Diseases of Infants,
appointment of Professor of Anatomy,
appointment of Lecturer on Principles & Practice of Surgery,
appointment of Professor of Music & Director of the Elder Conservatorium,
appointment of Way Lecturer on Gynaecology,
appointment of Gosse Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery,
appointment of Lecturer on Bacteriology,
appointment of Lecturer on Pathology,
appointment of Lecturer on Forensic Medicine & Lunacy,
appointment of Lecturer on Clinical Medicine,
appointment of Lecturer on Therapeutics & Materia Medica,
composition of the Faculty of Medicine in 1906,
Elder Conservatorium teaching staff, ,
appointment of Chair of Modern History and English Language and Literature, ,
appointment of teacher of violoncello at Elder Conservatorium, ,
appointment of Lecturer on Principles & Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics,
appointment of acting Professor of Philosophy, ,
appointment of Lecturer on Pathological Anatomy & Operative Surgery,
appointment of first Professor of Music,
qualities for election to professor,
resignation of Hughes Professor of Classics & Comparative Philosophy & Literature, ,
resignation of Professor of Law,
resignation of Chair of Modern History & English Language, ,
retirement of teacher of violoncello, ,
retirement of pianoforte teacher,
School of Medicine lecturers who are graduates of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
staff statistics for 1876 & 1906,
statistics in 1899 Calendar, ,
statistics on professors, lecturers & teachers for 1876 & 1905,
statistics on professors, lecturers & teachers in 1906,
tenure of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog professors,
clinical teaching positions at Adelaide Hospital, ,
State Government,
regulations for agreement between ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and School of Mines & Industries,
legislation for improvements to Adelaide Hospital administration,
student statistics after 25 years,
1898/1899 comparison on Public Examinations,
1899 commemoration, , , ,
1899 statistics of Public Examinations, ,
1899 students, ,
increase in number of examination candidates,
staff for 1876 & 1906,
candidates for public examinations for 1876 & 1906,
students who completed medical degrees interstate owing to 'hospital trouble', ,
professors & lecturers in 1906,
professors, lecturers & teachers for 1876 & 1905,
public meeting for erection of statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , , , ,
Grand Musical Fete in aid of the Elder statue, ,
importance of memorials to pioneers, ,
issue of subscription cards for proposed Elder Statue,
need for public statues to those who have served the State, ,
amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
amendments relating to maintenance of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog sport & Union, , ,
Council approval for Professor of Physiology,
statutes dealing with the 'Joseph Fisher' regulations,
Government refusal to ratify amendments relating to maintenance of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog sport,
Senate amends regulations for public examinations in theory & practice of music, ,
special meeting of Senate for amendments to statutes and regulations, , , , ,
special meeting of Senate for repeal of Chapter V,
suggested changes to regulations for exhibitions & bursaries,
motion for granting Council larger degree of power over professors,
amendments to regulations for courses,
Steele, Dr Bertram,
awarded Wyselaskie Scholarship in 1899, ,
Degree of Doctor of Science, in absentia, ,
Stephens, Lillian Mary Theakstone,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Stirling, Dr Edward Charles,
extension lecture series on 'Life: the Problem of Physiology', ,
visit to Hobart,
president of next Medical Congress to be held in Adelaide,
appointed Professor of Physiology, , , ,
lecture criticised because terminology too technical,
retirement from ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, ,
inaugural address at Australasian Medical Congress,
comments on conversion of North Terrace Lunatic Asylum, ,
member of Committee of Selection for Rhodes Scholarships, , ,
extension lecture series on 'Colour in Nature', , , , ,
influence on the establishment of School of Medicine, ,
photograph of laboratory,
professor since establishment of School of Medicine, ,
Adelaide delegate to Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Stirling, J L,
nomination and election to Senate, ,
Stokes, Edward,
awarded third-class honours in science at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Stow Prize,
awards to James Leslie Gordon, Herbert Kingsley Paine & Marmion Matthews Bray, , ,
awarded to Richard William Bennett,
1898 awards, ,
1899 awards, ,
1900 awards, , ,
1901 awards, ,
1902 recommendations,
1902 awards,
1905 award to Marmion Matthews Bray, , , , , , ,
awards to Marmion Matthews Bray, Walter Vernon Ray & Reginald John Rudall,
repeal of statutes by Senate,
Stow Scholarship
to be awarded to law student winning three Stow prizes during Law course,
1900 awards presented at the formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , , ,
1901 awards, ,
awarded to Richard William Bennett,
1904 award to James Leslie Gordon, , ,
Stow, Francis Leslie,
presented at the formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , ,
Stuckey, Francis Seavington,
awarded 1899 Dr Davis Thomas Scholarship, , ,
Stuckey, J J,
nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
student activities & protests,
parade of students through Adelaide streets, ,
discourteous behaviour at unveiling of Elder Statue, , , ,
student services,
student concession tickets on railways,
student statistics,
1901 student numbers,
1902 & 1903 Commerce student numbers,
1902 & 1903 examination candidates,
1902 Elder Conservatorium student numbers,
1902 statistics in Calendar,
1905 candidates,
1905 primary examination at Adelaide & rural centres,
1905 statistics for teacher training, , ,
1905 student statistics at Jamestown Rural Centre,
1906 public examination statistics,
1906 statistics for Chairs of Classics, Comparative Philology & Literature and English Language & Literature & of Mental & Moral Philosophy,
Advanced Commercial Certificate student numbers,
candidates for primary public examination in general education, ,
candidates for public examinations for 1876 & 1905,
candidates at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre primary public examination,
candidates for Junior, Senior & Higher Public Examinations, ,
candidates for commercial examinations,
candidates for music examinations,
candidates for primary examinations,
Elder Conservatorium statistics from 1898 to 1906,
Elder Conservatorium undergraduates to 1905,
entries received for practical examinations of Trinity College, London,
entries received for 1902 music examinations,
first students at Elder Conservatorium,
increase number of entries for Primary Public examinations,
matriculating & non-graduating students for 1876 & 1905,
music student examination entry statistics,
number of competitors for Elder music scholarships for 1899,
Primary Public Examination statistics for 1903,
statistics for 1900 Preliminary Examination,
Elder Conservatorium advanced grade singing students, ,
junior & higher public examinations,
statistics in 1899 Annual Calendar, ,
student statistics for 1876 & 1906,
student statistics for School of Medicine,
examination on theory & practice of music at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre,
students of Elder Conservatorium in 1905,
success of students who attended Advanced School for Girls,
undergraduates for 1876 & 1905,
attended Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
behaviour of university students,
conspicuous part in official opening of Elder Hall,
criticism of student behaviour on Commemoration Day, , , , ,
damage to books in Public Library,
discourteous behaviour of students at unveiling of Elder statue, , ,
approval of railway concession tickets for full-time students,
first Prosh procession a satirical success, ,
increased numbers following introduction of preliminary musical examinations, ,
lack of attendance at public concerts,
large numbers at 1905 primary arithmetic & english papers,
medical student movements due to Adelaide Hospital imbroglio, , ,
medical students required to leave SA to gain recognition, ,
preparatory instruction for associate students at School of Mines & Industries,
problems with School of Mines examinations held outside furnished tuition,
railway travel concessions,
role in commemoration ceremonies, , ,
science students handicapped by marking system for higher public examinations,
class statistics at School of Mines and Industries, ,
student behaviour at 1905 Commemoration Ceremony, ,
public presentation in recognition of Professor Ives, , , ,
students' memorial tablet to late Professor in Tate Museum, ,
performance during 1901 Commemoration Day proceedings, , ,
funding scheme for maintenance of sport,
under-achievement by students at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exams,
undergraduate role in commemoration proceedings, ,
undergraduates not to be admitted to commemoration ceremonies,
unruly behaviour at commemoration ceremonies, ,
Sutherland, G A,
nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
appointed to committee to consider absentee voting at Senate elections,
Swift, Dr Harry,
appointed assistant physician,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
Symon, Sir Josiah Henry,
address during Jubilee celebrations of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney,
Symons, Dr.Mark Johnston,
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,
attended Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
appointed Gosse Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery,
Tate Medal,
1903 award to Herbert William Gartrell,
1904 award to Herbert Basedow, , , ,
Tate Memorial Fund,
proposal to erect memorial to Professor Ralph Tate in Geological Museum, ,
Tate, Professor Ralph,
memorial tablet to late Professor in Natural Science, , ,
death during 1901,
tribute to work on the Lake Eyre Basin,
Taylor, Arthur Roy,
awarded 1900 ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Entrance Scholarship,
teacher training,
1905 annual report for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Training College, , ,
1905 Public School Teachers' Union conference, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
proposal to take control of Teachers' Training College, ,
advantages of university training of student teachers, , , , , , , , ,
agreement reached on role of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in teacher training,
criticism of low salaries for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog trained teachers,
criticism of university training for student teachers,
death of Mr Hartley,
extension lectures as supplement to school based education, ,
government accepts proposal for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to undertake training of teachers,
House of Assembly discussion that ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog take control of Teachers Training College, , , , ,
House of Assembly motion on withdrawal of educational reform for pupil teachers,
link between ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and Teachers Training College, ,
munificence of Sir Thomas Elder benefits ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog training for teachers,
need for study of botany, biology and geology to be included in teacher training, ,
need for training provincial teachers,
NSW training of teachers system,
overworking of pupil teachers, , , ,
school established for first two years of pupil teacher training,
report on success of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog training, , ,
role of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in teacher training, , , , , , , , , ,
special meeting of Senate for amendments to statutes and regulations to facilitate amalgamation with the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , , ,
student teachers to be trained at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
teacher training costs, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog entrusted by government with training of teachers,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog training of student teachers, , , , , , , , ,
Government concern at increased cost of education in SA, , ,
technical studies,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and Institute of Mines & Industries provide higher technical study, ,
Tennyson Medal,
1901 award to Emily Milvain Good,
1901 medallists, ,
1902 award to Frederic Morley Cutlack, ,
1902 award to George Dalrymple Cowan, ,
1902 award to Winnifred Breakspear Holder,
1904 award to Charles G Bennett, ,
1905 Higher Public Examination award to Rita Elizabeth Gardner,
1905 Senior Examination medal awarded to Phyllis Mary Moore, ,
1905 award to Alfreda Dorothy Young, ,
Lord Tennyson established fund for medals for study of English literature, ,
Tennyson, His Excellency Lord,
comments on qualities for election to professor,
established a fund for medals for study of English literature, ,
conferred with LLD degree at the formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , , ,
lays foundation stone of new building for School of Medicine, , , ,
officially declares Elder Hall open, , , ,
visit to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
speech at SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, , , ,
theology, study of,
benefits of university education for the clergy,
Thomas, Ada C L,
awarded 1902 Robert Winham Prize for elocution,
Thomas, Annie Gladys,
1899 special commendation for violin,
Thomas, Dr John Davies,
founding of Dr Davies Thomas Scholarships,
Thomas, J Edwin,
appointed additional examiner for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
Thomas, Nora Kyffin,
violin solo at annual organ recital by Professor John Matthew Ennis,
Thomson, Mr H A,
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music representative visits Adelaide, ,
Todd, Sir Charles,
1904 election to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
biography, ,
elected to Senate,
encounters with indigenous ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogns, ,
experiments in wireless telegraphy, ,
interview on occasion of eightieth birthday, ,
involvement with construction of overland telegraph lines, ,
nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
retirement as Government Astronomer, ,
work on telegraph lines in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Tolley, Frank Gordon,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
Tonkin, Alfred Bertie,
awarded 1904 Elder Scholarship in Music (Violin),
Torode, Walter C,
builder of Elder Conservatorium building, , ,
presence at tests on crushing strength of Pyrmont and Murrary Bridge stone,
Tratman, Dr Frank,
admitted ad eundem gradum ,
Treharne, Bryceson,
academic history, ,
appointed pianoforte instructor at Elder Conservatorium, ,
arranged concert of modern music,
arrival in Adelaide, ,
chamber music concert series, , ,
departs London for Adelaide,
letter on 'Musical critics and criticism',
literary contribution on 'Rhapsodies' & music critics, , , , , , ,
musical critics and criticism,
pianoforte recital in Elder Hall, , , , , , , , ,
Trehy, Annie Louisa Virginia,
awarded 1901 John Howard Clark Scholarship,
awarded 1906 Roby Fletcher Proxime accessit ,
Trinity College,
entries received for music practicals, ,
musical examinations, ,
Tucker, Professor,
lecture on 'Chaucer the Poet',
Tuckwell, Ernest Sinclair,
awarded 1900 Roby Fletcher Prize, , ,
Turner, Ernest Frederich,
death by poison at Gawler School of Mines, , , ,
Turner, H Gyles,
inaugural lecturer of The Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce,
Turner, Mr E F,
appointment as Inspector of Explosives and Analyst to HM Customs,
Tyas, John Walter,
past ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Registrar now resident in London,
Tyas, Margaret Elizabeth,
admitted ad eundem gradum at 1905 special congregation, ,
Uhrlaub, Mr,
address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
Undergraduate Scholarships,
Elliott Arthur Brummitt to continue studies in Edinburgh,
Henry Harper Formby admitted as Member of Royal College of Surgeons,
London conference for graduates & undergraduates of colonial universities in UK, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council decision that students not be admitted to commemorations,
universities, other,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney's fifty year Jubilee celebrations, ,
Bodleian tercentenary at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Adelaide students MB degree success at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
affiliation between educational institutions in Melbourne, Sydney & London, ,
applications for Exhibition at Emmanuel College, Cambridge,
applications for Ormond Professor of Music at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Australasian Student Christian Union at Sydney & Melbourne Universities,
Board of Agricultural Studies at Cambridge ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Cambridge ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog interest in work of Prof William Bragg & Richard Kleeman, ,
Chair of Brewing at Birmingham ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Chair of Commerce established in New Zealand ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Chair of Pedagogy at Sydney ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog & Cambridge ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , ,
Chamber of Manufacturers protest at reduction in Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog's grant,
Charles Edwards, special examiner for Adelaide centre for Trinity College, London,
commerce studies in Europe & USA, , , ,
commercial education in Victorian ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
commercial training advocated at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn universities, ,
compulsory annual fees for sports a success in England, USA & Melbourne,
commemoration ceremonies at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney, ,
contrast between studying law in England & America,
controversy concerning relative value of classical education & acquirement of scientific
knowledge at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
co-operation between ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn & New Zealand universities for music examinations,
cost of courses at technical colleges in Sydney, New York & Boston,
Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog defers decision to admit female graduates to Senate,
criticism of British system of university education,
criticism of Trinity College of Music examinations,
death of Alexander Sutherland, Registrar of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
description of campus of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Melbourne students discontent with commencement ceremonies,
disruptive behaviour of students at Edinburgh ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Dr A Gerber of Earlham College, Indiana, USA visiting Adelaide,
effect of university in Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide, ,
endowment of School of Colonial History at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
English colleges benefit from music examinations fees,
English language by French teacher at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
English universities abhor public airing of grievances,
entries received for practical examinations of Trinity College, London,
establishment of universities in Great Britain & America, , ,
establishment of universities in Melbourne & Brisbane,
establishment of universities in Sydney & Tasmania, , , ,
establishment of universities throughout England,
extension lecture movement in London, ,
extension of age limit for selection for Royal College of Music, London,
Faculty of Commerce at Birmingham ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
four hundredth anniversary of Aberdeen ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
government representation on governing body of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
history of the development of universities and university extension,
history of foundation of Sydney ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
impoverishment of Scottish universities, ,
increase in the number of British universities, ,
jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , ,
land holdings demised to endowment trustees of proposed Perth ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
lecture by Mr R F Drury on '×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog life at Oxford',
lecture on 'Life and Art' by Professor Marshall-Hall, Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
length of medical course in England and Scotland, ,
Melbourne & Sydney Universities proposal for higher commercial education, ,
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music representative visits Adelaide,
Melbourne MBBS results for former ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide students,
Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog declines to appoint pharmacy instructors,
Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog professional board given extended powers in cases of misconduct & breach of discipline,
Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to consider commercial studies based on Adelaide model,
Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog to give scholarships to state school students, ,
Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog unable to teach electrical engineering beyond second year,
Royal Commission into financial position & administration of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
NSW Education Commissioner advocates universities not insist on Latin as a compulsory subject for matriculation,
opposition to establishment of university in Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
overseas universities represented at Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
over-specialisation apt to destroy sound liberal education,
Parliamentary tribute to Theodore Fink for services to Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
philanthropy to support American universities, ,
establishment of university in Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , , , , , ,
Professor at School of Music, Oxford required to give public lectures & performances,
Professor Ennis to conduct examinations at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide delegates to Jubilee of Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
professorships in music at European universities,
proposal by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Melbourne for co-operation for conduct of public examinations in music, ,
proposed Chair of Pedagogy at Sydney ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
proposed scheme includes evening lectures & free entry to Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
improvement to system of affiliation of Perth Technical College to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide,
Adelaide & Melbourne Universities agree to co-operate in conduct of public examinations in music, , ,
Rhodes Scholarship Scheme in British universities, ,
role of Greek at English and European universities, , , , , ,
Royal Commission to consider the affairs of Victorian universities, , , , , , , ,
Royal Conservatory at Dresden, Germany,
spacious grounds in European and American universities,
State representation on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council in Victoria, ,
statutory duties of music professors at Dublin & Edinburgh universities,
student participation in commemoration ceremonies in England,
students presented for examination at Sydney and Melbourne Universities, ,
study of dentistry at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Melbourne,
Chancellor a more dignified office in English and Scottish universities,
Sydney Jubilee lecture by Professor Anderson Stuart on 'The Majority of the (Sydney) Medical School',
Sydney ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog annual commemoration & parade,
Tasmania regarded as within sphere of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Melbourne,
teacher training in German, Scottish & English universities, , , ,
teacher training in NSW & Victorian universities, , , ,
tenure of professors debated by Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, ,
tradition of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog dinners at English universities,
treatment of 'twicers' by Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
university education for women in England, Scotland, Wales & ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
Inquiry Commission on extending scientific teaching at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Liverpool accepted affiliation of St Aidans Theological College,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Oxford seeks closer connection with colonial universities,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Oxford to recognise studies by Rhodes Scholars at Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
university rural centres in Ireland,
university trained teachers in Great Britain, , ,
vacancies on Melbourne ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, , ,
Rhodes Scholar's account of student life at Oxford ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
Victorian ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Eight win 1902 rowing cup,
British & Colonial Universities Conference in London,
Trinity College, London, practical examination entries,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Building,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Christian Union,
lecture on "Critical Study of the Bible",
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Shakespeare Society,
lecture by Professor R L Douglas,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Sports' Association,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Training College,
regulations for training of pupil teachers,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Union,
amendments to Statutes relating to maintenance of Union , ,
government refusal to ratify Statutes relating to maintenance of sport,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre,
increased interest in public education by students in Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
public examinations in theory & practice of music at proposed Perth ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
1905 graduation ceremony in Perth,
1906 public examination statistics,
affiliation between Technical School in WA and ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide,
Alexander Juett selected 1906 Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Rhodes Scholar,
annual report of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Extension Committee,
conduct of public examinations,
establishment of university in Perth advocated by Prof George C Henderson, , , , ,
extension lecture by Frederick Soddy from Glasgow ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , 361, , ,
extension lecture series by Prof George C Henderson, , , , , , , , ,
history of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre,
increase number of entries for Primary Public examinations,
proposed establishment of a university in Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , , ,
public examinations in theory & practice of music at proposed Perth ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
student statistics, ,
×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Extension Committee on proposed establishment of state university for Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
visit by Registrar & Prof J M Ennis regarding music examinations, , , ,
Urlaub, Mr,
address on "Modern Languages and the Teaching of Composition in our Schools" at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
suggestion for common vacation for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn universities,
Vaughan, John Howard,
1898 Roby Fletcher Scholar,
Verco, Dr Joseph Cooke,
absence on study leave,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
retirement from ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council, , ,
appointed lecturer on Principles & Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics,
Verco, Reginald John,
awarded 1905 Dr Davies Thomas Scholar, , ,
Verco, William Alfred,
awarded 1886 Elder Prize for animal physiology,
Vercoe, Sydney Manton,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
refused Prof Ives's request to access minute book of the Board of Musical Studies,
appointed to Board of Commercial Studies by ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,
criticism by Prof Joshua Ives, , , , , ,
deputation to Premier regarding exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
Dr William Barlow,
Dr G R Parkin explains the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship scheme, ,
Graham P Moore appointed music examiner by Associated Board,
Governor Sir George Le Hunte on duties of a visitor to ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
lecture by Inspector Clark on singing at SA Teachers Union Annual Conference, ,
Madame Nellie Melba visits Elder Conservatorium,
Prof Marshall Hall visits from Melbourne to lecture on music,
special commemoration to honour the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York, ,
Sir George Le Hunte at ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Annual Dinner, ,
visit by Governor to the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
von Rieben, Mr O,
appointed Chairman of committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in Broken Hill,
Wainbright, Mr W,
appointed to committee to act for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog in Broken Hill,
Wale, W H,
problems with examining the 1901 degree of MusBac, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Walker, Dr William John,
Walker, Tommy,
display of corpse & Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
Ward, John Frederick,
outstanding Senior Public Examination results, , , ,
awarded John Dunn Scholarship,
Waterhouse, Lorna Maud,
awarded 1905 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
Waters, Joseph,
awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
Watson, Dr Archibald,
appointed consulting surgeon at South African military hospitals, ,
return from military duty,
appointed Professor of Anatomy, , ,
discovery of the disease 'trichinosis' in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
experience gained as military consulting surgeon,
return from scientific research in Philippines,
Way Lecturer on Gynaecology,
appointment of Dr James Alexander Greer Hamilton,
Way, Chief Justice Samuel James,
maiden judgment as Privy Councillor, ,
marriage to Mrs W A S Blue, ,
25 years as Chief Justice,
Chancellor in 1906,
criticism by Professor Joshua Ives, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
endowment of lectureship on gynaecology in memory of Dr Edward Willis Way,
member of Rhodes Scholarships selection committee, ,
offer of position on High Court Bench,
speaker at ten year anniversary of Australasian Student Christian Union,
academic career,
history of residence in South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog,
resumption of work following illness,
deputation to Premier concerning ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog exemption from tax on land holdings, ,
unable to attend ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney's fifty year Jubilee celebrations, ,
inaugural address at 1900 Library Association of Australasia Conference, , ,
hosted 'at-home' for students and professional and teaching staff, ,
Way, Dr Edward Willis,
appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
Council approval of Dr Edward Willis Way lectureship on Gynaecology, , ,
death during 1901,
Wehrstedt, Walter Franz,
awarded 1898 John Howard Clark Scholar,
Weld, Elizabeth Eleanor,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
West, Lily,
vocal & pianoforte recital,
Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre,
see ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Western ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Centre
Weston, Alice Ruby,
awarded 1905 Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
Weston, Mignon Leonie,
awarded 1905 Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
Wheeler, Rev Alfred,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1904, , ,
Whillas, C B,
career of retiring President of Public Teachers' Union,
White, James,
winner of competition for Elder bust to be erected in Conservatorium,
Whitham, C L,
address at the SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, , , , ,
Whitington, Bertram,
appointed Director of School of Mines at Stawell, Victoria,
first to obtain Diploma in Mining Engineering & Metallurgy, , ,
first to obtain Fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries, , ,
Whitington, Sylvia Muriel,
highly commended by 1903 Board of Examiners,
Whittell, Dr,
death of examiner in hygiene, ,
Williamson, Arthur Burton,
awarded 1905 Frederick Bevan Prize,
Wills, R J H,
Wilson, Charles Ernest Cameron,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1900,
Wilson, Thomas George,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1904, , ,
Wilton, John Raymond,
outstanding Senior Public Examination results, , , ,
departs for study at Cambridge ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, ,
Adelaide the first ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn university to give degrees to women, ,
criticism of university training for women student teachers,
increased number of female graduates, ,
university education for women in England, Scotland, Wales & ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, , ,
Woolnough, Dr Walter George,
directed working exhibition in Tate Museum for conversazione for educationists,
report on scientific exploration of Fiji under auspices of London Royal Academy,
resignation as lecturer on mineralogy & petrology,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1904, , ,
lecture series on 'Volcanoes', ,
appointed assistant petrologist to Mr. Walter Howchin,
Woolnough, Harold,
awarded 1906 Roby Fletcher Prize,
Worthington, Rev Thomas,
admitted ad eundem gradum in 1898, ,
Yallum Estate,
inspection prior to being made available for selection,
Young, Alfreda Dorothy,
awarded 1905 Tennyson Medal, ,
Young, Frederick William,
Stow Scholar presented at the formal opening of the Elder Hall, ,
candidate for vacancy on ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Council,