Index to Volume 3A (1892-1895) - 最新糖心Vlog Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Adelaide Hospital,
      • non-admission of lecturer Dr Lendon to the hospital,
    • Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog Union,
      • meeting to establish union,
    • Allen, James Bernard,
      • awarded 1851 Exhibition Science Scholarship,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • winners, , , , ,
    • annual report, , , , , , , , ,
    • Ash, George,
      • awarded Stow Prize, , , , ,
  • B

    • Beare, Thomas Hudson,
      • to represent 最新糖心Vlog at tercentenary of Dublin 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Belt, F W,
      • South 最新糖心Vlogn member of Horn Expedition, ,
    • Bensley, Professor Edward,
      • appointed Hughes Professor of Classics,
      • promotes and gives extension lectures, , , , , , , , ,
    • Boas, Rev A T,
      • to offer classes in Hebrew and Chaldaic languages, , ,
    • Bonnin, James Atkinson,
      • awarded Elder Prize,
    • Boulger, Professor Edward Vaughan,
      • gives address at commemoration, , ,
      • arguments for studying Greek, ,
      • appointed Professor of Classics,
      • suffers illness,
  • C

    • calendar, , , , , , , , ,
    • Cavanagh-Mainwaring, Wentworth R,
      • awarded Everard Scholarship, , ,
    • ceremonies and celebrations,
      • annual university ball,
    • Chapple, Frederic,
      • Headmaster of Prince Alfred College is Warden of Senate,
    • Chapple, Marian,
      • John Howard Clark Scholar, , ,
    • Chemistry, Study of,
      • pharmacy apprentices to study chemistry at 最新糖心Vlog, , ,
    • Clark, Edward Vincent,
      • awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship,
    • Classics, Chair of,
      • Professor Boulger appointed Professor of Classics,
    • Classics, Hughes Professor of,
      • Professor Bensley appointed Hughes Professor of Classics,
      • information on other candidates sought,
      • procedure of selection questioned, ,
    • Classics, study of,
      • T Slaney Poole elected lecturer in Classics,
    • Community relations,
      • Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog praised by Brisbane Local Government staff,
    • Council,
      • meeting report,
    • course information,
      • letters to Editor re availability of set texts, ,
  • D

    • discipline & misconduct,
      • students have to show receipts for admission to lectures,
  • E

    • Elder Prize,
      • J A Bonnin and R H Pulleine awarded Elder Prize,
    • Elder Professor of Music,
      • need for Board of Examiners to undertake part of professor鈥檚 present role,
    • Elder Scholarship,
      • applications being received, , ,
      • awarded to Henry M H Kennedy ,
      • letters questioning aspects of scholarship, , ,
      • five short-listed,
    • English Literature, Chair of,
      • Professor Lamb to select three candidates, , , ,
      • William Mitchell appointed, ,
      • Professor Lamb criticised,
    • evening lectures,
      • see also extension lectures, public lectures
      • evening lectures introduced, , , ,
    • Everard Scholarship,
      • awarded to W R Cavanagh-Mainwaring, , ,
      • John Ikin Sangster, Everard Scholar,
    • examinations,
      • music examinations to be held over wide area,
      • list of piano pieces for music exams,
      • music results, , , , , , , , ,
      • results of preliminary, , , , , ,
      • schedules and enrolments,
      • results for BA, , , ,
      • results for BSc, , ,
      • results for medicine, ,
      • results for MA, , ,
      • results for higher public, ,
      • results for law, , , , ,
      • scholarship examinations,
      • senior public, , , , , ,
      • junior public, ,
      • examination candidates, ,
      • results of SA students studying at 最新糖心Vlog of Edinburgh,
      • editorials and letters to editor on university examinations, , , , , ,
      • timetable,
    • Exhibition of 1851 Scholarship,
      • won by J.B. Allen,
      • commissioners of 1851 hope to offer scholarship biennially,
    • expeditions,
      • Horn Expedition to MacDonnell Ranges, , , , , ,
    • extension lectures, see also evening lectures, public lectures
      • editorial on need for more extension lectures in the country, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • F

    • Farr, Archdeacon George Henry,
      • fractures his arm,
    • Farr, Clinton Coleridge,
      • report on installation of electric light plant in Redfern,
    • finance,
      • Registrar's letter regarding income from landholdings,
      • State Government funding, , , , ,
    • Fletcher, Reverend William Roby,
      • obituary, , ,
      • photograph,
      • funeral, , ,
    • Fletcher memorial,
      • movement of,
      • application to Council for supplementary funds for Fletcher Memorial Scholarship,
    • Fowler, Laura Margaret,
      • graduated as doctor,
    • Frewin, Thomas Hugh,
      • passed exam in Classics for MA,
  • G

    • German, study of,
      • letter to editor regarding Junior Examination,
    • graduation ceremonies,
      • 1892 commemoration, , , , , , ,
      • 1893 commemoration, , , ,
      • 1894 commemoration, , , , ,
  • H

    • Harry, Arthur Hartley,
      • awarded evening scholarship,
    • Hebrew, Study of,
      • Rev A T Boas to offer classes in Hebrew and Chaldaic languages, , ,
    • Hewitson, T,
      • won Stow Prize twice,
    • Hillier, Jessie Madeleine Dale,
      • promising musical talent, ,
    • History, study of,
      • criticism of set text for Senior Public Examination, ,
    • Horn Expedition,
      • to MacDonnell Ranges, , , , , ,
  • I

    • Indigenous issues,
      • Dr Stirling鈥檚 address on aspects of the Horne expeditions findings, , , , ,
  • J

    • Jefferis, Rev James,
      • to return to North Adelaide Congregational Church,
    • John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
  • K

    • Kelly, Professor David Frederick,
      • receives information about scholarship,
      • applies for sick leave,
      • very ill,
      • obituary and funeral,
    • Kennedy, Henry M W,
      • awarded Elder Scholarship of Music to Royal College of Music, ,
      • brief biography and photograph,
      • departure delayed,
      • in England, ,
  • L

    • Lamb, Professor Horace,
      • selects candidates for Hughes Professor, , , , , ,
    • landholdings,
      • sale and leasing of 最新糖心Vlog land around Terowie, ,
      • income from landholdings, ,
    • Lang, Sydney C,
      • made university scholar,
    • Law, study of,
      • Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog Senate excludes degrees not of equal merit, , , ,
    • Leitch, Dr James W,
      • obituary,
    • Lendon, Dr Alfred Austin,
      • unable to access Adelaide Hospital,
  • M

    • Macully, Alexander,
      • gives public elocution lecture at the university, ,
    • Medicine, study of,
      • examination results,
      • UK General Council of Medical Education recognises Adelaide鈥檚 medical degree,
      • Cambridge regulations admit Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog undergraduates,
      • Dr Lendon, lecturer, unable to gain access to Adelaide Hospital,
      • debate over funding to medical school,
    • Mitchell, William,
      • candidate for Hughes Professor of English Language, ,
      • appointed, ,
    • Mitton, Ernest Gladstone,
      • awarded evening scholarship,
    • Murray, David,
      • represented 最新糖心Vlog at London lecture,
    • Murray, George John Robert,
      • to replace Professor Pennefather whilst latter on leave,
    • Music, study of,
      • music examinations to be held in any part of the colony,
      • list of piano pieces for examinations,
      • advanced course to be provided,
      • results of music examinations, , , , , , , , ,
      • increased numbers of students,
      • intending students to meet Professor Ives,
  • P

    • Pharmacy, study of,
      • apprentices to study chemistry at 最新糖心Vlog, , ,
    • Philosophy, study of,
      • See English Literature, Chair of
    • Poole, F S,
      • wins scholarship at 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne,
      • elected lecturer in classics,
    • Poole, Canon Frederic Slaney,
      • to replace Professor Kelly during his absence,
      • translates Public Orator's speech on presenting Earl of Kintore with honorary degree,
    • Prince Alfred College,
      • Speech Day, , , ,
      • new scholarships,
    • public lectures, see also evening lectures, extension lectures
      • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • editorial on lecture by Dr Bevan, , , ,
      • letter to editor,
    • Pulleine, Robert Henry,
      • awarded Elder Prize,
  • R

    • Registrar,
      • resignation of J. Walter Tyas,
      • Registrar Hodge thanked for providing information on costs of renting dedicated land,
      • Pharmaceutical Society puts its interests to Registrar Hodge,
    • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry,
      • address at 1892 commemoration, , , , ,
      • editorial comment on address,
    • Robertson, Lionel J,
      • made university scholar,
  • S

    • Sangster, John Ikin,
      • Everard scholar,
    • Scholarships,
      • editorial re Department of Education's university scholarships,
      • questions about university scholarships being abolished, ,
      • scholarship to Trinity College,
      • changes in Government scholarships, , , , , , , ,
      • evening scholarships, , ,
    • School of Mines and Industries,
      • annual report, ,
    • Senate,
      • PAC Headmaster is Warden of Senate,
    • Sewell, Frank,
      • awarded evening scholarship,
    • Spencer, W Baldwin,
      • participating in Horn Expedition, , , ,
    • State Government,
      • Chief Secretary asked if proposed Trades Hall site would be close to 最新糖心Vlog,
      • funding for 最新糖心Vlog since its inception, , , , ,
    • statistics,
      • exam candidates and income to 1893, ,
    • Stephens, Charles Francis,
      • wins Angas Engineering Scholarship,
    • Stirling, Dr. Edward Charles, CMG,
      • gives address at commemoration, , , , ,
      • elected to the Royal Society,
      • appointment as CMG in Queen's Birthday Honours, ,
      • Horn Expedition, , , , , ,
    • Stow, Francis Leslie,
      • awarded Stow Prize, , , , ,
    • Stubbs, Cyril Havelock,
      • awarded evening scholarship,
    • Stuckey, P S,
      • made university scholar,
    • student activities and protests,
      • letter about 'privileged larrikins',
    • student statistics,
      • candidates to 1893, ,
  • T

    • Tamlin, John,
      • death of assistant caretaker,
    • Tate, Professor Ralph,
      • participant in Horn Expedition, , , , , ,
    • Thomas, Dr John Davies,
      • obituary, ,
      • medical collection presented to 最新糖心Vlog library,
    • Thomas, T A
      • Angas Engineering scholar,
    • Todd, Sir Charles, MA, FRS,
      • Made KCMG, , ,
    • Tyas, John Walter,
      • resignation as Registrar,
      • safe arrival in London,
  • U

    • universities, other,
      • Oxford and Cambridge recognition of Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog students,
      • NSW government to reduce grant to Sydney 最新糖心Vlog,
  • V

    • visiting lecturers,
      • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • W

    • Way College,
      • staff appointments include Adelaide graduates and undergraduates,
    • Way, Sir Samuel James,
      • Chancellor at Commemoration, , ,
      • Chancellor puts scholarship scheme to Minister of Education, ,
      • Chancellor's address at Prince Alfred College Speech Day, , , ,
    • Whitington, Bertram,
      • awarded an evening scholarship,
    • Winnecke, Charles,
      • participant in Horn Expedition, , ,
    • Wylie, Alexander,
      • awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • wins appointment in England,