Index to Volume 21 (1934-1935) - 最新糖心Vlog Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Abotomey, Olive Wanda,
      • studying speech therapy in London, photograph,
    • Adams, Reginald Keith Sorby,
      • principal of St Andrew's School, Singapore,
    • Adam, David B,
      • appointed lecturer in plant pathology,
      • elected fellow of Royal Society of SA,
    • Adey, William J,
      • announces innovations in curricula for 1935 in principal Adelaide schools,
      • discusses issues in teaching biology in schools,
      • appointed to Advisory Council of Education,
      • to undertake major revision of school curriculum, photograph,
      • asserts general methods of assessment in melting pot,
      • received grant from Carnegie Corporation to do study tour overseas, ,
      • chaired first full meeting of council considering state鈥檚 education, representatives of university present,
      • awarded imperial honour,
      • patron of headmasters鈥 club,
      • attended unveiling of bronze at St Marks,
      • says proposal for headmasters鈥 certificates for school leavers has advantages, but exam system only way to distribute scholarships,
      • recommends scheme to register teachers in private schools,
    • Agriculture, Study of,
      • new farming ideas,
      • CSIR laboratories in Adelaide seeking better nutrition answers for animals,
      • Dr Mackerras and M R Freney, B Sc, C.S.I.R. Canberra, experimenting with preparations to control sheep blowfly with some success,
    • Aitken, Dr Gilbert William Elliot,
      • becomes deputy superintendent of Parkside mental hospital,
    • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
      • awarded to Alan Arthur Coad, ,
    • Allen, Edgar,
      • appointed to Advisory Council of Education,
      • member of university Public Examinations Advisory Committee discusses proposed changes to system,
      • argues for retention of intermediate examination,
      • defence of traditional curricula,
      • appointed superintendent of secondary education, photograph, brief biography,
    • Allen, John Howard,
      • short biography, leaving for England to sit for Indian Civil Service examination,
    • Ambrose, Betty Rosslyn,
      • proxime accessit in Lister prize results,
    • Amos, George Lewis,
      • wins John Bagot Scholarship, ,
      • president of politics club,
    • Andrew Scott Prize for Latin,
      • awarded to Gilbert Rowe James, ,
    • Angas, J H,
      • fifty years ago his generosity made possible an appointment to chair of chemistry,
    • Angel, Laura Madeline,
      • president of women's union was chair at annual dinner,
    • Angus, Dorothea Mary,
      • shared prize for best executant result at MEB examinations, ,
    • Angwin, Hugh Thomas Moffitt,
      • appointed deputy engineer-in-chief, engineering and water supply department, photograph, biography,
      • to be appointed engineer-in-chief, photograph,
    • Annual Report,
      • annual report for 1934,
      • annual report for 1934 available in 1935 calendar,
    • Anthoney, Mr, M P,
      • member of council who made annual visit to Waite,
    • Anthropology, Study of
      • article by F Fenner on gibber plains visited by university anthropological expedition,
      • article on strict code of morality observed by Aboriginal people written by unidentified member of university expedition to Pandy Pandy,
      • editorial comment on outcomes of university anthropological expeditions, ,
      • work of Professor Cleland, , , , , ,
      • lecturer in English, T G H Strehlow, spent 23 months studying Aranda tribe,
      • expedition to Musgrave, Warburton ranges, , , , ,
      • Commonwealth Government urged to fund anthropology as study for employees working in mandated territories,
    • Archibald Henry Peake Bursary,
      • awarded on leaving honours results to Edward C Swan,
    • Arden, Dr Felix Wilfred,
      • medical degree conferred,
      • to join ship as surgeon, will do post graduate work in England,
    • Artkinson, Dr A,
      • principal of Methodist Ladies College said to claim employers demand intermediate certificate,
    • Ashton, Kathleen Anne,
      • had diploma of music conferred,
    • Ayers, Margaret
      • received evening studentship in commerce,
  • B

    • BMA Prize in Medicine, Section of Clinical Medicine,
      • awarded to Walter John O'Connor,
    • Bachelor of Agricultural Science,
      • regulations modified,
    • Bachelor of Arts,
      • regulations modified,
    • Badger, Colin Robert,
      • to return after studying at London School of Economics,
      • claims world turning socialist,
      • supported approach to university to establish course in social studies,
      • 1931 winner Tinline Scholarship addressed Legacy Club,
      • to address branch of 最新糖心Vlogn League of Nations Union on "Co-operative Defence Ideal",
    • Bailey, Frederick Manson,
      • awarded Russell Grimwade forestry scholarship to study at Oxford,
    • Bald, Dr Robert Cecil,
      • resigned from Adelaide position as lecturer, short biography,
      • appointed lecturer in English at Stellenbosch 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Barbour, Robert Roy Pitty,
      • master of St Andrews announces college scholarships,
      • lecturer in ethics outlines "Why we should seek pleasure",
      • elected committee member of classical association,
    • Barker, Alwyn Bowman,
      • to give special course of 30 lectures on industrial engineering if certain number of students enrol,
    • Barker, Dr J M,
      • house surgeon to start at Adelaide hospital,
    • Barnden, Ronald Leo,
      • awarded Eugene Alderman Scholarship, photograph, ,
    • Barr Smith Library,
      • now open at night,
    • Barrien, Miss Beryl Stoddard,
      • appointed demonstrator in botany,
    • Basedow, Dr Herbert,
      • review of his book, "Knights of the boomerang, episodes from a life spent among the native tribes of 最新糖心Vlog",
    • Baudinet, Dr Walter Hooper,
      • advanced student assisting at Adelaide Hospital, to sit for final qualifying medical examination in June,
    • Bayly, William Reynolds,
      • retiring from council eligible for re-election,
    • Beare, Dr Frank Howard,
      • elected president of medical students鈥 association,
      • prominent medical practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Beare, Sir Thomas Hudson,
      • regius professor of engineering at 最新糖心Vlog of Edinburgh, biography,
    • Beck, A B,
      • assisting H W Gartrell in experimental work on treatment of gold ores,
    • Beeston, Miss Doris Ann,
      • representing Kindergarten union, supports proposal for course in social studies,
    • Begg, Dr Percy Raymond,
      • thesis accepted for degree of doctor of dental science,
    • Benefactors,
      • Sir Langdon Bonython鈥檚 gifts to education primarily to university,
    • Bequests, Gifts & Endowments,
      • Carnegie Corporation of New York has given Capehart electric phonograph, 824 records, 250 scores, library of books on music,
      • Lord Nuffield entry,
      • Edith Bonython, T E Barr Smith, Norman Darling each gave 拢5000 towards foundation of Institute of Medical Research,
      • three gifts towards foundation of institute of medical research,
      • medical school has received over the years 拢104,000 in endowments,
      • Lady Symon formally handed over more than 7600 volumes from the library of Sir Josiah Symon to the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery,
    • Berry, Frances Winifred,
      • headmistress of St Peters Collegiate Girls' School taking new position in Victoria,
    • Berry-Smith, Commander Raydon,
      • made member of Victorian Order, short biography,
    • Bevan, Frederick,
      • presentation to retiring singing teacher,
      • senior teacher of singing retires, biographies, ,
    • Biaggini, Ernest Gordon,
      • assisted teaching economics last year,
      • appointed tutor in English literature and economics at WEA,
      • spoke at WEA break up,
    • Bills, Anthony McAusLand,
      • secretary of politics club,
    • Binns, Dr Raymond Thomas,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Birch, Dr Hugh McIntyre,
      • appointed superintendent of Parkside mental hospital and superintendent of hospital for criminal mental defectives,
    • Birks, Dr Peter Macintyre,
      • registered as legally qualified medical practitioner,
      • house surgeon to start at hospital,
    • Birks, W G,
      • elected secretary of clinical branch of medical students鈥 association,
    • Black, Clarence,
      • awarded practice of music scholarship,
      • photograph,
    • Black, Edward William,
      • won piano solo composition in ABC competitions,
    • Black, Dr Geoffrey Howard Barham,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital (ophthalmic),
    • Black, John McConnell,
      • gave paper, 鈥淎dditions to the flora of South 最新糖心Vlog, no 22鈥 at Royal Society,
      • winner of Sir Joseph Verco medal, ,
    • Blackburn, Richard A,
      • awarded government bursary on leaving honours results to study law,
    • Bland, Professor F A,
      • puts case for graduate men to be recruited for public service,
    • Boas, Isaac Herbert,
      • to attend fourth B E Forestry conference in South Africa,
      • former South 最新糖心Vlogn returns from forestry conference,
    • Bonnin, M F,
      • chair of men鈥檚 union annual dinner responded to toast,
    • Bonnin, Dr Noel,
      • holidaying in UK,
    • Bonython, Edith,
      • gave 拢5,000 towards founding of institute of medical research,
    • Bonython Hall,
      • proposal to put clock before Bonython Hall,
      • special provision for acoustics planned,
      • Justice Angas Parsons, Sir William Mitchell, architect, W H Bagot, clerk of works, Mr Henderson, Sir Langdon Bonython, Sir Lavington Bonython, Professor Chapman, W Steele, inspect progress,
      • outstanding architectural details,
      • hall nears completion, architectural details, photograph,
      • photograph of Tudor timber framed ceiling,
      • photograph of inspection by Justice Angas Parsons, Sir Langdon Bonython, Sir Lavington Bonython, Sir William Mitchell, Professor Chapman,
      • photographs of hall construction, , , , , ,
    • Bonython Metallurgical Laboratory,
      • extension of work at School of Mines laboratory helpful to mining industry,
    • Bonython, Sir Langdon,
      • generosity to public building projects, , , ,
      • photograph,
      • his 拢100,000 gift for completion of Parliament House relieved of all probate duties,
      • received a letter from Egypt and Palestine,
      • agrees new equipment needed for observatory,
      • member of council on annual visit of council to Waite,
      • retiring from council but eligible for re-election,
      • attended unveiling of bronze at St Marks,
      • inspects progress on building Bonython Hall,
      • photograph,
      • photographed at graduation ceremony,
    • Bonython, Sir John Lavington,
      • letter to editor suggests the clock he donated to town hall would be better placed before Bonython Hall,
      • knighted, , ,
      • photograph,
      • inspects progress on Bonython Hall,
      • photograph,
    • Bornstein, Peter,
      • leaving for England, to break journey to give violin recitals at Kalgoorlie, Perth,
      • left via east-west express,
      • replaced by A A Kurtz,
      • supports J Horner鈥檚 criticism of institutions sponging on musicians,
    • Bosworth, Richard Charles Leslie,
      • obtained doctorate at Cambridge,
    • Boundy, C A P,
      • member of student union debating team,
    • Bowering, Dr Beryl,
      • to be medical missionary in East Bengal, photograph,
      • to leave for India, photograph,
    • Bragg, William Lawrence,
      • H L A Brose outlines research which won the Braggs Nobel prize for physics, ,
    • Bragg, Sir William Henry,
      • H L A Brose outlines research which won the Braggs Nobel prize for physics, ,
      • article recalling how young Professor Bragg was when he was invited to teach at Adelaide university,
      • adjudicator student debate,
    • Bridgland, Geoffrey Stokes,
      • committee member of politics club,
    • Bright, Charles Hart, BA,
      • received degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Brocksopp, John Ernest,
      • received degree of Bachelor of Laws,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Brooke, Joyce Ethel,
      • gave paper on "Eucalypts and Their Essential Oils" with A F Pilgrim at science association meeting,
    • Brookman, Michael Rodney,
      • awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
      • short resume,
      • committee member of politics club,
    • Brooks, Joyce,
      • won The League of Nations Prize for 1934 for essay entitled "The Attitude and Position of Germany in regard to the League",
    • Brose, Professor Henry Herman Leopold Adolf,
      • SA Rhodes scholar, 1913, visiting Adelaide, to give lectures, photograph,
      • his wife entertained,
      • publishes article on 最新糖心Vlogn scientists in UK,
      • publishes article "Wedding science to industry",
    • Brown, Dr Gilbert,
      • instructor in anaesthetics for faculty of medicine granted leave,
      • to attend BMA conference in Melbourne, ,
    • Brown, Cyril Maitland Ash,
      • has taken B A honours at Cambridge,
    • Browne, C Harding,
      • resigned as secretary of taxpayers' association, photograph,
    • Buildings,
      • problem with echo in Elder Hall,
      • building behind State Library, pros and cons of demolition versus restoration, ,
      • some of barrack square buildings demolished for university expansion,
      • photograph of building for possible demolition, ,
      • grant sought for new medical building,
    • Bull, Dr L B,
      • studying animal diseases at Cambridge and London,
      • to control animal health and animal nutrition divisions of CSIR, photograph,
    • Bundey, G W,
      • awarded J D Duncan-Hughes scholarship,
    • Bundey, George W,
      • awarded government bursary to study law on basis of leaving honours results,
    • Bundey, Miss E Milne,
      • established Bundey prize for English,
    • Bundey Prize for English,
      • awarded to Rex Ingamells,
      • subject for 1936 prize announced,
    • Burdon, Roy Stanley,
      • SA secretary for 22nd congress of ANZ Association for Advancement of Science,
      • to tutor in WEA classes,
      • awarded doctorate of science,
    • Burnard, Dr David Alexander,
      • commentary on last chamber music concert of afternoon series,
      • chamber concert poorly attended,
      • accepted position on staff of Sydney conservatorium, , ,
      • former staff member outstanding success in competitions, photograph,
    • Burnard, R de G,
      • elected treasurer of medical students鈥 association,
    • Burnell, Dr Glen Howard,
      • to be acting honorary surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
  • C

    • Cairns, Dr Hugh William Bell,
      • Adelaide doctor summoned to bedside of "Lawrence of Arabia",
      • surgeon in neurosurgical department of London Hospital,
    • Calder, Rex Finlayson Cormack,
      • to take up position on staff of Kalgoorlie Electric Power and Lighting Corporation Limited,
    • Calendar,
      • 1935 calendar available,
    • Callaghan, Dr A R,
      • Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College on committee of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
    • Campbell, A G,
      • awarded Harold Fisher Scholarship No 2,
    • Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
      • conferred degrees of bachelor of laws,
    • Campbell, G,
      • distinguished legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Campbell, Dr Thomas Draper,
      • elected president of Royal Society of South 最新糖心Vlog,
      • re-appointed as dental superintendent at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Career Information,
      • rules for Royal 最新糖心Vlogn Air Force enlistment,
    • Carman, Robert Douglas,
      • won Elder Prize for topping first year medicine, short resume,
      • won Pauline Hayward Scholarship,
    • Carnegie Corporation,
      • gave grants to W J Adey and Dr C E Fenner for overseas study tours, ,
      • president of Carnegie Corporation visited Adelaide,
    • Caterer, T A,
      • fifty years ago member of senate proposed evening classes,
    • Casson, Leslie Frank,
      • Adelaide graduate appointed Professor in English Literature at King's College. Halifax, Nova Scotia,
    • Ceremonies & Celebrations,
      • see also exhibitions and displays
      • pronunciation of word centenary discussed by chancellor, Vice-chancellor and Professor A E V Richardson,
      • ten years ago Way statue in front of university unveiled,
      • annual dinner of women's union held,
      • Professor E Harold Davies on committee for musical festival, ,
      • members of council, staff, and senate to attend levee at Government House, ,
      • jubilee of medical school celebrations, , ,
      • eminent visitors for medical school jubilee,
      • exhibition of medical progress over 50 years for jubilee,
    • Chancellors,
      • fifty years ago, Sir Samuel Way supported introduction of evening lectures,
      • ten years ago, statue of Sir Samuel Way unveiled,
      • Sir George J R Murray, photographs, , ,
      • Sir George J R Murray to go to Britain and Europe,
      • Sir George J R Murray at graduation,
      • Sir George J R Murray institutes prize,
      • Sir George J R Murray brief biography,
    • Chapman, Professor Robert William,
      • at meeting of senate which changed regulations,
      • spoke at men鈥檚 union dinner on value of union in growing understanding between graduates who will be in different roles,
      • supervises research in engineering department,
      • nominated for council,
      • replies to charges many students not suited to university study,
      • to take 30 Engineering students to visit Mt Bold Reservoir works,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
      • appointed to School of Mines council,
      • photographed inspecting Bonython Hall progress,
      • photographed at conferring of degrees on British visitors,
      • photographed at reception for Dr Keppel, president Carnegie Corporation,
      • photographed at graduates鈥 luncheon,
    • Chapple, Colin Frederic,
      • elected secretary of medical students鈥 association,
      • in photograph of students demonstrating techniques for medical jubilee,
    • Chemistry, Faculty of,
      • fifty years ago Dr Edward Rennie appointed to chair of chemistry,
    • Chemistry, Study of,
      • revised qualifications adopted for membership of 最新糖心Vlogn Chemical Institute,
      • golden jubilee of pharmaceutical society,
    • Cherry, Alan P,
      • awarded government bursary to study medicine on leaving honours results,
    • Christie, Dr William,
      • elected treasurer of Royal Society of South 最新糖心Vlog,
      • appointed to Advisory Council of Education,
    • Cilento, Lady Phyliss,
      • brief details,
    • Cilento, Sir Raphael West,
      • appointed Director-General of Health and Medical Services for Queensland,
      • to visit S A to study health organisation,
      • spoke of challenges of tropical diseases,
      • in honours list, photograph,
      • knighted,
      • biography, ,
      • comments on white population of tropics in 最新糖心Vlog,
      • addressed BMA on 鈥淩acial pressures in 最新糖心Vlog and its neighbourhood",
      • his comments discussed in editorial,
      • establishes Cilento bronze medal for research into tropical disease,
    • Clarkson, Dr Alan James,
      • registered as a legally qualified medical practitioner,
      • appointed house surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
    • Cleland, Elizabeth Robson,
      • zoologist demonstrator attended science congress,
      • thesis "The Anatomy of Some 最新糖心Vlogn Nematodes" accepted,
    • Cleland, Professor John Burton,
      • reports on results of blood tests of Aborigines,
      • supports preservation of national monuments discussed at Royal Society,
      • elected member of council of Royal Society,
      • read his paper, "最新糖心Vlogn fungi",
      • attended meeting of entomological club,
      • quoted in article on protection of aborigines,
      • spoke on danger of plague infection from rats,
      • contracted dengue fever while experimenting with mosquitoes,
      • to be chairman of board to enquire into treatment of aborigines, photograph,
      • left for Alice Springs to begin enquiry,
      • enquiry鈥檚 scope criticised, photograph,
      • enquiry completed, report sent to federal government,
      • member of committee to arrange celebrations for jubilee of medical school,
      • interested in first species of Aseroe rubra reported growing in S A,
    • Cleland, Dr William Paton,
      • registered as a legally qualified medical practitioner,
      • appointed house surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Clerke, A H,
      • Rhodes scholar from Queens college,
    • Clubs, Associations & Societies,
      • 37th annual meeting of sports association to be held,
      • intervarsity sporting events to be held here and interstate,
      • university Wives' association gave morning tea in honour of Lady Dugan,
      • fifty years ago, five papers on "Romeo and Juliet" read,
      • sporting car club to set up three speed records, using timing apparatus made at university,
      • history of poetry society,
      • politics club met, passed constitution,
      • annual meeting of classical association, officers elected,
      • member of Communist party addressed politics club,
      • students to form a university settlement association,
      • women graduates' association met,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn Student Christian movement conference to be at St Peter's College,
      • first weekly meeting of Student Christian Movement to take place,
    • Clutterbuck, S,
      • prominent member of Stock Exchange, graduate of Queens college,
    • Coad, Alan Arthur,
      • awarded Alexander Clark Memorial Prize, ,
    • Coats, Claude Hampson,
      • appointed a master of Queen's College, Georgetown, British Guiana,
    • Cocks, Fanny Kate Boadicea,
      • awarded MBE, biography,
      • supported proposal for social studies to be taught at university,
      • not present to receive imperial honour,
    • Colebatch, Dr John Houghton,
      • to join staff of Melbourne Children's Hospital,
    • Community Relations,
      • Leslie Martin charged with theft of overcoat after number of students鈥 overcoats disappeared,
      • Martin tried and sentenced for larceny on campus, ,
      • attempts to sell missing platinum from Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog enabled thieves to be traced,
    • Coombs, Dr Herbert Isaac,
      • has achieved eminence in England,
    • Cooke, Dr William Ternent,
      • comments on potential to harness power from polar regions, ,
    • Cooke, Professor William Ernest,
      • first graduate of Professor Lamb's in physics and mathematics,
      • retired from chair of astronomy at Sydney 最新糖心Vlog, returned to Adelaide,
      • 鈥極ur wonderful universe鈥 is first lecture for WEA, ,
      • free public lecture 鈥楻elativity for the man in the street鈥, ,
    • Coombe, R S, S M,
      • supported approach to university for course in social studies,
    • Cornish, Ernest Harry,
      • awarded imperial honour,
    • Council, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide,
      • elections to council and senate this week,
      • fifty years ago, three new professors added to staff,
      • made annual visit to Waite Research Institute,
      • appointed Professor T Harvey Johnston and R N Finlayson its representatives on board of public library, museum and art gallery,
      • five council members eligible for re-election,
    • Coventry, C J,
      • appointed magistrate, photograph, biography, ,
    • Coventry, Charles Robey,
      • applied for admission to legal profession,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Cowan, Dr Darcy Rivers Warren,
      • president of S A branch of BMA to attend conference in Melbourne, ,
      • held reception at Mount Osmond Country Club,
      • photograph,
    • Cowan, W R T,
      • awarded Harold Fisher Scholarship No 2,
    • Cowan, William Albert,
      • appointed tutor in dept of classics, philology, literature,
      • secretary of classical association,
      • leave of absence granted to go to US to study library methods,
      • details of study leave, biography, photographs,
    • Crampton, Miss Mary Hope,
      • assistant lecturer in French to work in WEA classes,
    • Creswell Scholarship,
      • applications for scholarship for diploma in commerce course at university close in March,
    • Cromer, D'Arcy Ananda Neil,
      • awarded Doctor of Science,
    • Crisp, Leslie F,
      • awarded government bursary to study arts on basis of leaving honours results,
    • Crump, C C,
      • adjudicator student debate,
    • Cudmore, Dr Arthur Murray,
      • nominated for election to council,
      • at meeting of senate which changed regulations,
      • re-appointed to dental board,
      • appointed to committee for jubilee of medical school,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
    • Cunningham, Dr K S,
      • sees big future for films in education, ,
  • D

    • Darling, Norman,
      • gave 拢5,000 towards founding an institute of medical research,
      • Darling family donors to Waite research,
    • Davey, Dr Constance Muriel,
      • spoke at women graduates association meeting,
      • attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn federation of university women,
      • supported approach to university for course in social studies,
    • David Murray Scholarship (in Law),
      • awarded to Roma Flinders Mitchell, ,
    • David Murray Scholarship (in Classics),
      • awarded to Noel Francis Polkinghorne, ,
    • David Murray Scholarship (in Science),
      • awarded to Peter Laurence Hooper,
    • David Murray Scholarship (in Medicine),
      • awarded to Walter John O'Connor,
    • Davidson, Dr James,
      • head of Department of Entomology, Waite Institute, said research in progress to find reasons for occurrence of grasshopper plagues, photograph,
    • Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
      • demonstrated self-feeding phonograph and records, gift to Elder, given by Carnegie Corporation, ,
      • spoke on 鈥楪ramophone Music鈥 in inaugural address,
      • conferred diploma of music on Kathleen A Ashton,
      • presided at conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Music Examinations Board,
      • photographed welcoming Prof Arved Kurtz, new professor of violin,
      • photographed with self-feeding phonograph presented by Carnegie Corporation,
      • reflects on nature of genius, after announcing three child prodigies recently, ,
      • supports building of Centenary Hall,
      • addressed new students,
      • returned from annual conference of AMEB,
      • photograph,
      • addressed teachers at SA Musical Association conference,
      • has undertaken to publish book of national songs,
      • comments on child musical prodigy, ,
      • praised Alison Nelson,
      • photographed welcoming A A Kurtz and wife,
    • Davies, Professor Harold Whitridge,
      • though such attack unlikely, surprised no plan of action for gas attack in SA, photograph,
    • Davis, Raymond William,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Davy, Dr Ruby Claudia Emily,
      • first woman to receive doctor鈥檚 degree in any faculty in Adelaide university, biography, photograph,
      • to give paper at 最新糖心Vlogn women graduates conference,
    • Dawbarn, R B,
      • assistant lecturer in commercial practice,
    • Dawe, R S,
      • member of student union debating team,
    • Dawkins, Dr Alec Letts,
      • appointed demonstrator in bacteriological and pathological research,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at hospital,
    • Day, Dr Robert Sydney,
      • appointed house surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
      • ill with pneumonia,
    • de Crespigny, Dr C T C,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
      • dean of medical faculty announced gifts towards founding institute of medical research,
    • de Vedas, J,
      • awarded W J Isbister scholarship,
    • Degrees,
      • concern that business degrees are being obtained at small institutes too easily,
    • Degrees, Ad Eundem Gradum,
      • degree of Doctor of Laws to be conferred on the Duke of Gloucester, ad eundem gradum, ,
      • photograph,
      • conferring of ad eundem degrees on visiting doctors,
    • Delmont, William George,
      • attained degree of doctor of dental surgery in Chicago, photograph,
    • Dempster, John,
      • questions constitution of Elder Conservatorium,
    • Denny, Father,
      • replied to letter re proposal for chair of theology,
    • Dodwell, George Frederick,
      • to give 30 lectures in astronomy for surveyors,
    • Dolling, Mrs C E,
      • delegate at 最新糖心Vlogn 最新糖心Vlog women reviews event,
      • delegate to conference of 最新糖心Vlogn federation of university women,
      • spoke at meeting of women graduates association,
    • Donald, Colin Malcolm,
      • secretary of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
    • Dougharty, Miss I,
      • spoke at meeting of women graduates association,
      • attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn federation of university women,
    • Dorsch, Agnes Marie Johanna,
      • Catherine Helen Spence scholar to study infant and maternal welfare abroad,
      • now at Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford, to finish her obstetric training in six months,
    • Dorsch, Dr Wilhelm Bernhard,
      • to take up locum work,
    • Dowie, David Lincoln, BE,
      • 1934 Angas scholar has begun research work at Imperial College,
      • appointed assistant manager Bewick Moreing & Company's mine Zululand,
    • Dowling, Dr Donald Augustus,
      • is Commonwealth health officer at Thursday Island,
    • Downer, J F,
      • to unveil bronze memorial to mark 10 years of St Marks College,
      • in Downer House, 最新糖心Vlogn constitution drafted,
    • Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
      • won by John Joseph Pritchard third year, fifth year examinations, Robert Frank West, ,
    • Duffield, Gordon Llewellyn,
      • elected secretary of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Duguid, Dr Charles,
      • president of English Speaking Union spoke on its aims at combined meeting with Graduates' Union,
      • proposed medical mission for aborigines in Central 最新糖心Vlog,
      • supported proposal for course in social studies to be taught at university,
  • E

    • Eardley, Constance Margaret,
      • curator of herbarium at Waite Institute, attended science congress, biography, photograph,
    • Eardley, Frederick William,
      • registrar preparing for visit by Duke of Gloucester,
      • re-elected to council,
      • re-elected Clerk of senate,
      • had no information on pending appointment to chair of English,
      • advertises details of coming AMEB examinations,
      • letter found in Professor Shann鈥檚 room purely business,
      • information about vacant positions available from registrar,
      • not going to fill post of Professor Shann until next year,
      • SA intermediate exam not to be altered,
      • exhibition for medical school jubilee,
      • course in social studies would be considered when proposal received,
      • outlined benefits to university of changes to primage charges,
      • said university now had extended exemption on goods for customs purposes,
    • Eaton, J H O,
      • to retire as engineer-in-chief,
      • retires as engineer-in-chief, photograph, biography,
    • Eckermann, Ella Edna,
      • awarded theory of music scholarship,
    • Economics, Faculty of,
      • former staff member, M Garland, MA, B Comm, published book on 最新糖心Vlogn land taxation,
      • former staff member M Garland to study at Cambridge,
      • J A La Nauze appointed lecturer in Economics, biography, photograph, , ,
    • Economics, Study of,
      • letters debating nature of and interest in WEA classes in economics,
    • Education, Study of,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn Council for Educational Research gave grant to Mrs Tenison Woods for research into institutional treatment of young offenders,
      • Dr K S Cunningham sees big future for films in education, ,
      • W J Adey endorses proposal that teachers in private schools be registered,
    • Edwards, Hurtle Thomas Jack,
      • re-appointed to dental board,
    • Elder Hall,
      • problem with echo,
    • Elder Prize in Medicine,
      • awarded to Robert Douglas Carman, ,
    • Elder Scholarship,
      • weakness of this scholarship discussed,
    • Elder, Sir Thomas,
      • to donate 拢1000 towards university evening classes,
    • Elix, R H,
      • elected assistant secretary for medical students鈥 association,
      • had diploma of pharmacy conferred,
    • Employment Conditions,
      • students are working in all classes of jobs while awaiting opportunities in their respective fields,
      • letter from accountancy student who finds employers only want applicants under 21 years,
      • positions as cadets in New Guinea are being advertised for young men between 20 and 24 years,
      • five positions for electrical engineers available,
      • positions advertised for 3 senior geologists, 3 assisting geologists, a senior draftsman, 2 assistant draftsmen to be employed by Commonwealth in aerial geophysical survey of northern 最新糖心Vlog,
      • mining companies require engineers,
    • Engineering, Faculty of,
      • mining companies approach university, school of mines, for engineers,
    • Engineering, Study of,
      • annual survey camp for engineering students to be held in Kuitpo Forest,
      • engineering students return from camp,
      • engineering and metallurgy students to attend meeting of Australasian institute of mining and metallurgy and to tour relevant sites,
      • list of students and staff on tour,
    • English, Faculty of,
      • appointment of professor likely soon,
      • J IM Stewart of 最新糖心Vlog of Leeds appointed to Jury chair of English language and literature, ,
      • Professor J I M Stewart has arrived, photograph,
    • Ernest Ayres Scholarship,
      • awarded to Ruth Watson,
    • Establishment of 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide,
      • achievements of South 最新糖心Vlogns, including establishment of university,
    • Eugene Alderman Scholarship,
      • awarded to Ronald Leo Barnden, ,
      • awarded in 1929 to Vina M Barnden,
      • entries to close soon,
    • Evans, John William,
      • Entomological club met at his home,
    • Evening Lectures,
      • see also lectures or public lectures
      • list of night classes to be held next year if sufficient students enrol,
      • fifty years ago senate proposed evening classes,
      • fifty years ago request for evening lectures at university,
      • Leslie A Schumer lectured on advances in accounting and their capacity to advance business; tonight to speak on budgetary control,
    • Everard Scholarship,
      • awarded to Walter John O'Connor,
    • Examinations,
      • music examinations conducted by AMEB in progress,
      • thousands of candidates sit for university exams,
      • parents criticise curricula for leaving and intermediate English examinations,
      • discussion of parents鈥 criticism,
      • university music examinations uncover three children of amazing talent,
      • fewer sitting public examinations, high school fees could explain this,
      • university students cramming for examinations,
      • public examinations for 1934 to begin on November 27th,
      • record number of students sat university public examinations,
      • prize list for university examination results,
      • faculty of applied science results,
      • leaving commercial examination results,
      • parent requests examination papers be returned to school so candidates can see why they failed,
      • parents seek different texts for Leaving English, , , ,
      • university special degree examinations have begun,
      • examiners alarmed at students鈥 use of colloquial language and lack of fluency,
      • Intermediate certificate to remain in SA, NSW proposal to abolish it,
      • members of university Public Examination Advisory Committee debate proposed changes to system,
      • E Allen puts case for retention of Intermediate examination,
      • letter from parent asserting retention of intermediate examination may be because it raises revenue for university,
      • J A Rinder, president of Chamber of Manufactures, says intermediate certificates not necessary for factory work,
      • abolition of matriculation exams proposed in Britain,
      • should intelligence tests replace exams to determine future scholastic success,
      • discussion of role of curricula,
      • fees and regulations for public examinations to be revised, ,
      • examinations have begun at Elder conservatorium,
      • examinations in music theory begin,
      • candidate numbers for public examinations,
      • John Horner to conduct AMEB examinations in Tasmania,
      • logistics of 最新糖心Vlog examinations,
      • W J Adey argues headmasters鈥 certificates may be better for some students but exam system only way to distribute scholarships,
      • photograph of students arriving for degree and diploma examinations,
      • six hundred students sat for examinations at university, photographs,
    • Exhibitions and Displays,
      • see also ceremonies and celebrations
      • an exhibition showing progress in medicine in last 50 years held for jubilee of medical school, ,
    • Expeditions,
      • aerial geological expedition starts, preliminary to work of ground parties, ,
      • university, museum party to study native life in Warburton, Musgrave ranges, ,
      • anthropological party returns from Warburton ranges,
      • report on Warburton expedition by C P Mountford with photographs,
      • photograph of members of Warburton expedition,
  • F

    • Featherstone, Dora Bewlay,
      • senior science mistress at St Peter's Girls' School attended science congress,
    • Fenner, Dr Charles Albert Edward,
      • elected editor of Royal Society of South 最新糖心Vlog,
      • appointed to Advisory Council of Education,
      • on board of editors for publication of "Centenary History of South 最新糖心Vlog",
      • awarded 拢400 grant to study abroad by Carnegie Corporation, ,
    • Fenner, Frank,
      • wrote article on recent university anthropological expedition regarding geography of the area,
    • Ferguson, William Rex,
      • worked as labourer until found job in research in forestry,
    • Field, Rev Thomas,
      • founded Queens college in 1885,
    • Finance,
      • annual report details income and expenditure,
      • changes to primage duties benefits some materials for universities, ,
    • Finlayson, Hedley Herbert,
      • gave paper 鈥楴otes on the swarming and metamorphoses of central 最新糖心Vlogn cicada, thorpa colorata鈥, at Royal society,
    • Finlayson, Ronald Nickels,
      • re-elected as university representative on board of public library, museum and art gallery of SA,
    • Finnis, Maurice Meredith Steriker,
      • member of student union debating team,
      • editor of On Dit,
    • Fisher, G,
      • distinguished legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Fisher, Dr Harry Medcalf,
      • graduate of Queens college,
      • appointed honorary gynaecologist at Adelaide hospital,
      • temporary honorary assistant gynaecologist at hospital,
    • Fitzherbert, Professor John Aloysius,
      • president of classical association,
      • to public lecture on "The spirit of Greece in its daily life鈥,
      • summaries of lectures, ,
      • to speak on "The spirit of Rome in its daily life",
      • spoke at annual break-up of WEA,
    • Flaherty, Dr Francis Ignatius,
      • assisting at Adelaide hospital, to sit final exams June,
      • passed final examinations,
      • degree conferred,
      • photograph,
    • Flannagan, Christopher,
      • final year medical student died suddenly of cerebral haemorrhage,
    • Fletcher, Dr Malcolm Weld,
      • remaining on staff at Adelaide hospital,
    • Florey, Professor Howard Walter,
      • leader of experiments to conquer tetanus,
      • Adelaide doctor now professor of pathology at Oxford,
      • has gained almost every possible honour in medical science,
    • Formby, Dr Myles Landseer,
      • Rhodes Scholar continued his medical studies at Oxford,
      • working abroad,
    • Formby, Richard Harper,
      • awarded junior Hoffman-La Roche prize for pharmacology,
    • Fortheringham, A,
      • prominent member of Stock Exchange, graduate of Queens college,
    • Fortheringham, M A,
      • prominent member of Stock Exchange, graduate of Queens college,
    • Frayne, Graham Arthur,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
    • Fry, Dr Henry Kenneth,
      • medical degree conferred,
      • to attend meeting of Association of Rhodes Scholars in Melbourne,
      • appointed assistant surgeon on Moldavia, to stay in London12 months,
      • D P H diploma Oxford registered at Medical Board of South 最新糖心Vlog,
      • offered full time position to care for aborigines,
      • granted leave of absence for 1935,
      • to be replaced temporarily by Drs FR Hone and E F Gartrel,
      • graduate of Queens college,
    • Fuller, George Rayner,
      • with M I G Iliffe of university physics department constructed timing apparatus to record vehicle speeds,
      • lectured on "polarised light" at Royal Society,
    • Funder, Dr Brian Patrick,
      • appointed surgical registrar at Adelaide hospital,
  • G

    • Game, John A,
      • topped second year medical examinations,
      • won St Marks College bursary,
    • Gard, Harold John,
      • tenor, former student, attacks Conservatorium for lack of assistance to students,
    • Garland, John Manson, MA, B Comm (Melb),
      • taught economics last year,
    • Garnett, Dr A C,
      • spoke at combined meeting of Graduates Union and English Speaking Union on situation in US,
      • to tutor in WEA classes,
      • to give lecture on 鈥楢re we machines?鈥, ,
      • to act in place of Professor J McKellar Stewart in his absence, short biography,
    • Garrett, M G,
      • retiring president of commercial students鈥 association,
      • elected auditor of commercial students鈥 association,
    • Gartrell, Dr Eric Frank,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
      • appointed temporary honorary assistant physician at Adelaide hospital,
    • Gartrell, Herbert William,
      • has begun experimental work on gold ores, following a 拢5000 grant,
      • member of university elected member of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
    • Gates, Benjamin John,
      • spoke at inaugural meeting of headmasters鈥 club, saying ordinary teachers鈥 organisations did not place enough emphasis on leadership, photograph,
    • Gault, Dr H K,
      • prominent medical practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Gell, Heather,
      • appointed teacher of aural training and musical appreciation,
    • Gender Issues,
      • YMCA board of studies asked university for course in social studies,
      • Lena Leveson, noted UK educationist, spoke to local women on efforts being made in UK to assist university women to get work,
    • Gild, Dr Albert,
      • appointed house surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
    • Giles, A,
      • distinguished legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Giles, M,
      • distinguished legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Giles, Dr H O鈥橦alloran, MBBS,
      • distinguished medical practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Gill, Hilda Beatrice, Dip Mus,
      • granted more leave of absence to stay in London,
      • to take over Frederick Bevan's position as senior singing teacher,
    • Gilliam, Mrs,
      • principal of Woodlands Girls School discusses proposed abolition of intermediate certificate,
    • Gillen, Dr John Besley,
      • appointed honorary anaesthetist at Adelaide hospital,
    • Gilmore, Jean,
      • responded to toast at annual dinner women鈥檚 union,
    • Goodman, Sir William,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
    • Goudie, Samuel,
      • chief caretaker at university has died,
    • Goss, Noel Frederick,
      • awarded Tinline Scholarship for history, short resume, ,
    • Gordon, Sir David,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
      • photographed at graduation ceremony,
    • Government Relations,
      • reconstructed federal ministry,
    • Government Veterinary Scholarship,
      • awarded to A W Gunson,
    • Graduates,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn Council for Educational Research administers Carnegie Trust for post-graduates in 最新糖心Vlog,
      • graduates for public service jobs,
      • Adelaide to be next headquarters for 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
      • Professor F A Bland argues graduate men be recruited for public service,
      • federal public service commissioner to invite applications from graduates,
    • Graduation Ceremonies,
      • annual commemoration ceremony for 1934 to be held on December 12,
      • description of academic dress requirements for ceremony conferring degree on Duke of Gloucester,
      • degrees conferred, , , ,
      • presentation of degrees at Elder Hall, 1934,
      • annual commemoration to be held on December 11,
      • Lord Horder will deliver address at conferring of degrees on September 18,
      • photograph of dignitaries at graduation,
    • Graebner, P E,
      • awarded T E Barr Smith scholarship,
    • Grainger, Percy,
      • gave two concerts together with talks at Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • conducted SA Orchestra,
    • Grant, Colin Kerr,
      • obtained second class honours in natural science at Clare College, Cambridge,
    • Grant Professor Kerr,
      • photographed at meeting of CSIR,
      • dean of physics leader in his field,
      • supports reduction of workers鈥 hours in industry because of mechanisation, photograph,
      • predicts artificial radium production for medical use,
      • to attend sixth 最新糖心Vlogn Cancer Conference,
      • gave lecture on "photo-electricity", arranged demonstrations for Royal Society,
      • letter from Ocultist on his lectures on transmutation of elements,
      • gave first public lecture in series "Transmutation of the Elements",
      • gave final of three lectures on "The Transmutation of the Elements",
      • comments on claims about predicting earthquakes,
      • took part in discussion at science meeting,
      • response to Rev Dr Gilroy's idea of artificial rainfall for north,
      • unlikely visiting German scientists鈥 theory of taking water from atmosphere will work on Nullarbor because of dryness, ,
      • sceptical of Italian claim of making wool from by-products of milk,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
      • appointed to School of Mines council,
      • photographed at reception for Dr Keppel, president Carnegie Corporation,
      • photographed in procession to annual commemoration,
    • Grant, Dr Thorold,
      • distinguished medical practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Gratton, N M G,
      • head master of Scotch college supports value of Latin in education, points out it is compulsory in some university courses,
    • Gray, Eric William,
      • Rhodes Scholar voted honorary scholar of St Marks, already honorary scholar of Christchurch, Oxford,
      • passed with first class honours at Oxford, granted two scholarships, photograph,
    • Gray, Dr James Hugo,
      • leaving for London, biography,
      • accepted position at St Bartholomew's hospital for histological research in problems of cancer, ,
    • Green, Arthur John,
      • awarded imperial honour,
    • Greenland, Patrick Cecil,
      • former secretary Adelaide union and Adelaide university sports association now appointed secretary of Sydney 最新糖心Vlog Sports Association and secretary of 最新糖心Vlogn Universities' Sports Association,
    • Grounds,
      • application to Council to remove tree growing on footpath in Frome Road, opposite new university gateway, rejected,
      • bore sunk between front office and conservatorium to alleviate seepage into basement of main building,
      • plea for removal of corrugated iron fence on eastern side of Frome Road,
      • photographs of university grounds, ,
    • Guinand, Andrew Paul,
      • SA Rhodes scholar returned to Oxford after walking tour in Europe,
    • Gunning, Dr Norman Stannus,
      • gained degree of master of surgery in orthopaedics, Liverpool 最新糖心Vlog and fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, photograph,
      • returning to Adelaide, ,
      • registered as legally qualified medical practitioner SA,
    • Gunson, Alan William, LB,
      • of Roseworthy College has won veterinary scholarship,
    • Gunson, Dr John Michael Morphett,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
  • H

    • H B Piper Prize,
      • Robert F Stokes, law student awarded prize for office practice and routine,
    • Hackendorf, Dr Andrew John,
      • to be honorary anaesthetist at Adelaide hospital,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
      • appointed honorary anaesthetist at Adelaide hospital,
    • Hackett, Dr Cecil John,
      • assistant lecturer and demonstrator in human physiology and pharmacology,
      • to visit Sydney and Melbourne to continue investigations into "the boomerang leg", a bone deformity common among aborigines,
      • to do anthropometric work in study of aborigines in Warburton Ranges, ,
      • returned from expedition,
      • on committee planning jubilee of medical school,
      • farewelled by dinner,
      • in photograph of members of Warburton expedition,
    • Hale, Herbert Matthew,
      • elected junior vice-president of Royal Society,
    • Hall, Winsloe,
      • teacher of Alan Coad, winner of Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
    • Hamilton, K T,
      • secretary of student union,
    • Hancock, Professor William Keith, MA (Oxford),
      • is professor of history at Birmingham 最新糖心Vlog,
      • wrote an article on Malta,
    • Hardie, Miss M,
      • spoke at meeting of women graduates association,
    • Harold Fisher Scholarships,
      • St Marks College offering Harold Fisher scholarships,
      • awarded nos 1 and 2,
    • Harris, N A,
      • appointed auditor of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Harry, Geoffrey,
      • adjudicator of student debate,
    • Haslam, D O,
      • appointed new head of Queen鈥檚 College, photograph, biography, ,
    • Haslam, Dorothy Elizabeth,
      • to accompany her husband Dr Henry Collin Robjohns to Central China,
    • Haslam, Leslie Horrocks,
      • appointed acting judge in insolvency and temporary local court justice,
    • Hassell, Frank Colin,
      • to do post graduate studies in architecture and engineering in London, photograph,
      • leaves for London,
    • Hay, Frederick Dean,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Hayes, Dr,
      • one of four surgeons who resigned from Adelaide hospital because of poor pay and over work,
    • Haynes, Dr Nellie Winifred Cranwell,
      • registered as legally qualified medical practitioner of South 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Hayward, Dr H T,
      • prominent medical practitioner graduate of Queens College,
    • Hayward, Dr John Lionel,
      • holidaying in UK,
      • made member of Royal College of Physicians, London, ,
      • registered as legally qualified medical practitioner SA,
    • Heath, Trevor James Gartrell,
      • graduate of Queens College appointed secretary to minister of external affairs, biography,
    • Heaton, Herbert,
      • former lecturer in economics has published "The British Way to Recovery",
    • Heddle, Dr Frederic French,
      • assisting at Adelaide hospital, to sit final exams in June,
      • passed final exams,
      • degrees of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery conferred,
      • photograph,
    • Henderson, Professor G C,
      • inaugurated archives department in 1920,
    • Henderson, W,
      • prominent legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Hetzel, Dr Kenneth Stuart,
      • to lecture in place of Dr H K Fry,
      • on committee for jubilee of medical school,
    • Hicks, Sir Cedric Stanton,
      • expressed positive views of aboriginal population, quoted in editorial,
      • to be on leave for eight months,
      • left for overseas study leave,
      • views on Vienna, Austria, Germany,
      • reports on value of working leave, experience in Vienna, photograph,
      • says isolation of Vitamin E by Professor Evans of UC of great significance,
      • discusses sleep deprivation,
    • Hilbig, Paul Berthold,
      • diploma of primary education conferred,
    • Hill, Dr Alfred,
      • the late Dr Alfred Hill's photographs, lantern slides and microscope slides, dealing with ophthalmology presented to university by Mrs Hill,
    • Hoffman-La Roche Prizes for Pharmacology.
      • senior prize awarded to David Hugh Le Messurier, B Sc, Richard Harper Formby, junior prize,
    • Holdaway, Mrs,
      • formerly Nell Macklin, one of first women to earn MSc at Adelaide, attended science congress,
    • Holden, E W,
      • lecturer on commercial practice,
    • Holder, Dr Sydney Ernest,
      • "50 years ago", success of Adelaide scholar overseas,
    • Hole, William Magarey,
      • former master at St Peters College died in England,
    • Hollidge, D H,
      • vice president of classical association,
      • read paper on Tiberius to classical association,
    • Hone, Dr Frank Raymond,
      • appointed temporary honorary assistant physician in Adelaide hospital,
      • chairman of radio-therapy clinic to attend sixth 最新糖心Vlogn cancer conference,
      • appointed to council of SA blood transfusion society,
      • member of committee to arrange celebrations for jubilee of medical school,
      • presided over Baptist union conference, proposed probationary period,
      • urges post-graduate studies for doctors,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
      • photographed with others at graduates鈥 luncheon,
    • Hooper, Peter Laurence,
      • awarded David Murray Scholarship (in science),
    • Hope, Dr C H S,
      • Adelaide doctor working abroad,
    • Hornabrook, Dr Reginald Denys,
      • to be acting deputy superintendent at Enfield receiving home,
    • Horner, John,
      • gave organ recitals, , , , , , , ,
      • Adelaide lacks true music critic,
      • wrote article claiming clubs sponging on musicians,
      • article supporting his position, ,
      • plays piano in staff concert,
      • P Borstein supports his position on fees for musicians,
      • his former students give concert, ,
      • comments on child musical prodigy,
      • in Tasmania to examine students for AMEB,
      • praised Alison Nelson,
    • Hosking, Dr Herbert Champion,
      • is health officer at Papua,
    • Hossfeld, Paul Samuel,
      • in aerial geophysical survey of northern 最新糖心Vlog, ,
    • Howard, Dr Geoffrey Hardman,
      • taking leave as superintendent Enfield receiving home,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter C
      • winner of Sir Joseph Verco medal, ,
    • Howland, Arthur Stilville,
      • awarded Joseph Fisher medal in diploma of commerce,
    • Hunkin, Leonard Dale,
      • graduated LL B,
    • Hunter, Brian Oswald,
      • appointed fifth associate and clerk of arraigns, biography,
    • Hyde, Miriam Beatrice,
      • won Ernest Farrar prize for composers in UK,
      • studying music in London, biography, photograph,
      • further success in London,
  • I

    • Ide, Frank Boyle,
      • appointed resident engineer for northern district, biography,
    • Iliffe, Michael Isaac Glover,
      • with G R Fuller constructed equipment for timing vehicle speeds,
      • physics department demonstrator thanked by Professor Kerr Grant for his assistance in presentation to Royal Society,
      • describes aurora seen from city,
    • Indigenous Issues,
      • see also Anthropology, Study of,
      • All the anthropology being researched was about the indigenous editorial, 鈥淪cience and the Blacks鈥,
      • results of anthropological research,
      • editorial, 鈥淐are of Aborigines鈥,
      • board of enquiry into treatment of aborigines, , , , ,
    • Ingamells, Rex,
      • successful poet, photograph, ,
      • won Bundey prize for English,
    • Isaachsen, E,
      • elected to committee of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Isaachsen, Oscar Cedric,
      • elected president of university commerce students' association,
    • Isbister, Dr J L T,
      • Adelaide doctor working in Macquarie St, Sydney,
    • Isbister, William James,
      • quotes from letter written from Egypt and Palestine to Sir Langdon Bonython,
      • as member of council visits Waite,
    • Ising, E H,
      • elected member of council of Royal Society,
      • gave paper, 鈥榥otes on the flora of SA鈥,
    • Ives, Professor Joshua,
      • 50 years ago appointed professor of music, opened school of music, ,
  • J

    • J D Duncan-Hughes Scholarships,
      • awarded to M A Playford, G R James, G W Bundey, A R Pomroy,
    • James, Gilbert Rowe,
      • awarded Stow Prize, ,
      • awarded Andrew Scott Prize for Latin,
      • brief resume,
      • awarded J D Duncan-Hughes scholarship,
    • James Gartrell Prize for Comparative Philology,
      • awarded to William Hurtle Kleeman, ,
    • Jay, Dr Hubert Melville,
      • member of committee to plan jubilee of medical school,
      • prominent medical practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Jeffries, Mr,
      • attorney-general photographed in graduation ceremony procession,
    • Jens, Dr John Matthias Joseph,
      • St Marks student passed medical degree,
      • appointed house surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
    • Jessop, C L,
      • prominent legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • John Bagot Scholarship
      • awarded to George Lewis Amos, ,
    • John Creswell Scholarship.
      • winner will be selected from general honor list of Leaving commercial results,
    • John Gordin Scholarship,
      • awarded to R Motteram,
    • John Howard Clark Prize,
      • modifications to requirements for prize made,
      • awarded to Colin Gregory Kerr, ,
    • John L Young Scholarship,
      • awarded to Alfred William Kleeman,
    • Johnson, Dr Edward Angas,
      • has had favourable reports of growth of grey saltbush seed in Sinai, photograph,
    • Johnston, Dr John Harvey,
      • one of four house surgeons at Adelaide hospital who resigned because of poor pay and overwork,
    • Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
      • article on Eyre basin,
      • attended meeting of Entomological club, SA,
      • honorary professor in botany in 1934,
      • polar medal awarded for his part in British, 最新糖心Vlogn, New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 1929-1931,
      • re-elected as university representative on board of public library, museum and art gallery of SA,
      • recipient of Sir Joseph Verco medal, ,
      • photograph,
    • Jolly, Dr Wallace Wilson,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Jolly, Norman William,
      • SA's first Rhodes scholar visiting Adelaide, biography,
    • Jona, Dr J L,
      • Adelaide doctor working in Collins St, Melbourne,
    • Jones, Professor Frederick Wood,
      • believes Adelaide premier university city in 最新糖心Vlog, photograph,
      • addressed Institute of Engineers on "Unity in Nature",
      • said if money was granted for training in anthropology men taking positions in official positions in mandated territories, Melbourne may establish unit in physical anthropology,
    • Joseph Fisher Medal,
      • awarded to Arthur Stilville Howland in diploma of commerce,
    • Joyner, M F,
      • prominent legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Judge Murray Essay Competition,
      • council of Institute of Public Administration to make no award,
  • K

    • Kearney, Rev. Alan Wells,
      • obituary for former headmaster at Whinham College, now Immanuel,
    • Kelly, Dr Thomas Davis,
      • appointed house surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
    • Kelly, Francis Peter
      • awarded Stow Prize, ,
      • short resume,
    • Kelly, William Raymond,
      • president of industrial court celebrates his 36th birthday,
      • Kemp, Henry Kenneth, B Ag Sc,
      • honours degree of B Ag Sc conferred,
    • Kemp, Henry Kenneth,
      • had honours degree conferred,
    • Kennedy, Alexander Lorimer,
      • presented with Polar medal and clasp for part in British, 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition 1930-31,
    • Keppel, Dr F P,
      • director of Carnegie Corporation careful to check type of electric current supplied in Adelaide before sending College Music Set to Elder,
    • Kerr, Colin Gregory,
      • awarded John Howard Clark Prize,
      • biography,
    • Kiek, Edward Sidney,
      • wrote to editor re chairs of theology,
      • reply from Father Denny,
      • to give free public lecture, "the province of the state", arranged by WEA, ,
      • analysed state's duties,
    • Kiek, Mrs W,
      • representing women鈥檚 non-party association, supported approach to university for course in social studies,
    • Kingsmill, Sir Walter,
      • former South 最新糖心Vlogn died in Sydney, obituary, photograph, ,
    • Kleeman, Alfred William,
      • won John L Young Scholarship and Tate Memorial Medal for Geology,
      • gave papers 鈥楾he Murray Bridge Granite鈥 and 鈥楢n Adamellite from the Granites, Northern Territory鈥 at Royal Society,
    • Kleeman, William Hurtle,
      • awarded James Gartrell prize, ,
      • short resume,
    • Knight, Bernard Murray,
      • awarded Archibald Mackie Bursary of CTA to study for diploma in commerce,
    • Knight, Dr Ronald Barrington,
      • appointed medical superintendent of Fremantle Public Hospital, brief biography,
    • Knight, Miss,
      • gone to London to sit entrance exam for Medical School for Women,
    • Krantz, Dr Sydney,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Krichauff, Dr Alfreda Wilma,
      • returned to Adelaide from study and experience in Britain, appointed resident house surgeon at Adelaide hospital, , ,
      • registered as legally qualified medical practitioner in SA,
    • Kriewaldt, Martin Rudolf Chemnitz,
      • resigned his tutorship in law at St Mark's,
    • Kurtz, Professor Arved A,
      • appointment, biography, photograph,
      • leaving US for Adelaide,
      • to be principal of violin class at Elder, biography, photograph,
      • biography, ,
      • strongly supports eisteddfod idea for centenary celebrations, photograph,
      • outstanding in orchestral concert,
      • string quartet concerts, , , , , , ,
      • triumphant recital in town hall,
      • to give recitals for ABC in Perth,
      • photograph with wife and Professor E. Harold Davies,
  • L

    • La Nauze John Andrew,
      • new assistant lecturer in economics, , , ,
      • appointed tutor in economics at St Marks,
      • biography, photograph, ,
      • addresses commerce students,
      • called to university at Professor Shann鈥檚 death,
      • will address SA branch of League of Nations Union on 鈥淭he British attitude to the League of Nations" not "Education and Internationalism",
    • Lady Duncan Scholarship
      • awarded to G M Turnbull,
    • Lady Symon Hall,
      • to reopen tomorrow,
    • Lady Tata Memorial Scholarship,
      • applications open in London for two scholarships for scientific research in blood diseases,
    • Lamb, Sir Horace,
      • death of first Adelaide professor of mathematics, , , ,
      • his funeral,
      • photograph,
    • Lamphee, Dr Allan Dunstan,
      • committee member arranging celebrations for medical school jubilee,
    • Langbein, Brenton,
      • musical prodigy, photograph,
    • Languages, Study of
      • no study offered at Adelaide university in Japanese,
      • language study not popular in SA,
      • value of teaching Latin in schools,
    • Law, Study of,
      • Justices Angas Parsons, Napier, Piper make judgment on admission to bar,
    • Lawrence, Dr Beryl,
      • appointed to Mareeba babies鈥 hospital,
    • Lawson, Frederick Henry,
      • B Sc conferred,
    • League of Nations Prize,
      • founded by T E Barr Smith,
    • Lectures,
      • see also evening lectures; public lectures
      • Professor L G Melville to deliver Joseph Fisher lecture,
      • Professor L G Melville lectured on " Gold standard or goods standard",
      • Leslie A Schumer lectured on advances in accounting and their capacity to advance business; tonight to speak on budgetary control,
    • Legal Issues
      • no age limit for SA judges,
      • Adelaide lawyers support Victorian legislation to set age limit for judges,
    • Le Messurier, David Hugh,
      • awarded senior Hoffman-La Roche prize for pharmacology,
      • to continue his studies at John Hopkins 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Lendon, Dr Alfred Austin,
      • obituary, photograph, ,
      • his history of medical school given university,
    • Lendon, Dr G,
      • on leave from position as honorary physician at Adelaide hospital,
    • Lewis, Dr A J,
      • Adelaide doctor working abroad,
    • Lewis, Mrs W H,
      • attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn federation of university women, ,
      • president of women graduates association spoke at meeting,
    • Library,
      • John Masefield, poet laureate, laid foundation stone of National Library,
      • critical survey of SA libraries, including university library, ,
      • banned books not on public shelves, policy of librarians in Adelaide,
    • Lindon, Dr Leonard Charles Edward,
      • to attend annual meeting of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons,
      • granted honorary commission to report on neurosurgical clinics in Great Britain and Europe,
    • Linn, Dr Leslie Wadmore,
      • appointed honorary dermatologist at Parkside mental hospital,
    • Lindsay, Thomas B,
      • awarded government bursary to study dentistry on leaving honours results,
    • Lipsham, E F,
      • lecturer in pharmaceutics at jubilee of pharmaceutical society,
    • Lister Prize,
      • for proficiency in clinical surgery awarded to H R H N Oaten,
      • dates for candidates to sit for prize,
      • awarded to John Ray, Betty Rosslyn Ambrose proxime accessit,
    • Litchfield, Kenneth Lyle,
      • graduated LL B,
  • M

    • M A Fotheringham Scholarship,
      • awarded to K Woodroffe,
    • M Rees George Prize for French,
      • awarded to Griselda Margaret Moore, ,
    • Macbeth, Professor Alexander Killen,
      • he and his team researching medical possibilities of local plants,
      • to visit UK to enquire into Drugs and Poisons Acts for SA government, , ,
      • returned after five months鈥 investigations abroad, photograph,
      • member of committee to arrange jubilee celebrations of medical school,
    • Mackail, Professor J W,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum to the degree of Doctor of Laws in Adelaide in 1923,
    • Macklin, Nell,
      • now Mrs Holdaway, one of first women to earn M Sc at Adelaide, attended science congress,
    • Madigan, Dr Cecil Thomas,
      • completed a book on life in Central 最新糖心Vlog, is also superintending mapping of geological formations of Adelaide Hills,
      • in light of own mapping of interior, advised against too high expectations of aerial survey being conducted,
      • as Chief Commissioner of Scouts, will attend rally with HRH Duke of Gloucester,
      • elected senior vice-president of Royal Society of South 最新糖心Vlog,
      • elected full member of 最新糖心Vlogn National Research Council,
      • to attend conference of association of Rhodes Scholars, ,
      • supports appeal for fund to construct water pipeline to Hermannsburg Mission,
      • not to seek renewal of warrant as Chief Commissioner of Boy Scouts' Association, photograph, views on scouting,
      • to tutor and lecture in WEA,
      • journalist T Anderson questions Madigan's differing views of missions,
      • extols first South 最新糖心Vlogn explorers,
      • on eighth geological investigation to Central 最新糖心Vlog, ,
      • reports on own work in Centre, expects report of Aboriginal Board to be non-committal,
      • return from explorations,
      • to broadcast a national talk, "Our Contribution to Polar Exploration",
      • expresses little hope for the 最新糖心Vlogn interior, opinions on resources and aboriginals, ,
      • Macalistar Blain, MHR Northern Territory, critical of Madigan鈥檚 views,
      • responds to Blain鈥檚 comments,
    • Maegraith, Dr Brian Gilmore,
      • elected to Staines Medical Fellowship, Oxford, photograph,
      • has produced a serum for diagnosis of cerebro-spinal meningitis,
      • has acquired three Oxford degrees since 1931, held two fellowships,
      • awarded Edward Chapman prize for research work in medicine by Magdalen College, Oxford,
      • is abroad,
    • Magarey, Dr Ivan Sandilands,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Magarey, J R,
      • awarded Howard Fisher Scholarship, No1,
    • Magarey, Dr Rupert,
      • to lecture in Dr T G Wilson鈥檚 absence,
    • Magarey, Kathleen de Brett,
      • senior science mistress at Walford House at science congress,
    • Mallan, H D,
      • re-appointed to dental board,
    • Mareeba Babies Hospital,
      • Dr Beryl Lawrence appointed from New Zealand,
    • Martin, W. T.,
      • Superintendent of Primary Education appointed to Advisory Council of Education,
    • Master of Arts,
      • regulations for degree modified,
    • Marston, H R,
      • chief of CSIR laboratories in Adelaide heads research into nutrition of sheep, photograph,
    • Massey, J T,
      • supported approach to university for course in social studies, ,
    • Master of Engineering,
      • regulations for degree altered,
    • Matters, Dr Reginald Francis,
      • passed degree of Master of Surgery, ,
      • appointed honorary commissioner to report upon treatment of cancer in U.K., Europe & America,
      • reappointed to Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery,
      • photograph,
    • Mawson, Patricia Marietje,
      • photographed with her parents at science congress,
    • Mawson, Sir Douglas,
      • current research,
      • argues for preservation of aboriginal artefacts,
      • at meeting of senate which changed regulations,
      • gave paper "The Munyallina Beds - A Late Proterozoic" to Royal Society,
      • photograph with HRH Duke of Gloucester,
      • proposed British Society for the Advancement of Science be invited to South 最新糖心Vlog during state鈥檚 centenary celebrations,
      • president-elect of meeting of ANZ Association for Advancement of Science to be held in Melbourne, ,
      • nominated for Council,
      • to address 22nd congress of AN. Association for Advancement of Science, title, "The Unveiling of the Antarctic", photograph,
      • supports projected aerial topographical survey of 最新糖心Vlog,
      • polar medal awarded for his part in British, 最新糖心Vlogn, New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 1929-1931,
      • presidential address on future of Antarctica,
      • recent science congress very successful, ,
      • plans to return to Antarctic at some time, ,
      • disputes Norwegian claims of land discovery in Antarctic,
      • two volumes of scientific reports of Antarctic research ready for printing,
      • awarded Sir Joseph Verco medal, ,
      • as member of council visits Waite,
      • photographed at conferring of degrees on British visitors,
      • photographed at science congress,
      • photographed at commemoration,
    • Mayo, Dr Helen,
      • first woman to address commemoration luncheon,
      • attended conference on maternal mortality in childbirth,
      • awarded OBE, ,
      • biography,
      • member of committee arranging celebrations for jubilee of medical school,
      • presented with insignia of Officer of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of ` the British Empire,
      • retiring from council but eligible for re-election,
      • photographs, ,
    • Mayo, Dr John Christian,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Mayo, Herbert,
      • Kings council was an old scholar of Queen's college,
    • Mayo, Professor George Elton,
      • old scholar of Queen's college has chair of psychology at Harvard 最新糖心Vlog,
    • McCann, Lieutenant-Colonel William Francis James,
      • awarded imperial honour,
    • McClew, Dr Phyllis Dorothy,
      • former South 最新糖心Vlogn now Lady Cilento,
    • McCoy, Dr Harold Alexander,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital (radiological),
    • McDonald Heather H,
      • awarded government bursary to study arts on leaving honours results,
    • McGuire, D P,
      • to tutor in WEA classes,
    • McKail, Mrs J C,
      • committee member, classical association,
      • attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women, ,
      • spoke at women graduates meeting,
    • McKay, Dr Douglas Gordon,
      • appointed to council of SA Blood Transfusion Society,
    • Medicine, Faculty of
      • fifty years ago, Dr Watson, newly appointed professor of anatomy arrived,
      • special congregation in Elder Hall for medical school jubilee,
      • special publication for medical school jubilee,
      • exhibition for jubilee,
      • conversazione for medical school jubilee,
      • history of medical school, photograph, ,
      • members of committee to plan celebration of medical school jubilee, ,
      • series of talks to celebrate medical school jubilee to be broadcast, ,
      • first X-ray photograph made in Adelaide will be among exhibits to be seen at jubilee celebrations, photograph,
      • wonders of medical science exhibition open to public, , ,
      • photograph,
      • afternoon tea for guests at medical school jubilee,
      • food nutrition part of exhibition for jubilee,
      • keen interest in public exhibits for jubilee,
      • noted men arrive to join jubilee celebrations,
      • to mark close of jubilee celebrations, special conferring of degrees,
      • donations for founding institute for medical research as part of medical jubilee celebrations,
      • dinner held for jubilee,
      • medical men leave after jubilee celebrations,
      • VC Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog Dr R E Priestly attended jubilee,
      • photographs of medical students giving demonstrations of techniques at jubilee celebrations,
      • request that government donate 拢15,000 for institute of medical research,
      • shortage of doctors to staff hospital blamed on poor salary, long hours, and little experience in practical surgery, not number of graduates,
      • Broken Hill District Hospital and Kalgoorlie Hospital approached faculty appealing for doctors,
      • Three articles on 鈥淭he tragedy of maternal mortality鈥 are published, ,
    • Medicine, Study of
      • noted surgeons to visit 最新糖心Vlog,
      • annual conference of Assoc Physicians of Australasia held at Adelaide university,
      • BMA donating two prizes in clinical medicine, competed for by fifth and sixth year students,
      • fifth year medical students and some fourth year students will temporarily assist house surgeons at Adelaide hospital,
      • medical correspondent reported on discussions in Scotland on reviewing medical curricula,
      • medical students will carry out routine duties at Adelaide hospital because of staff shortages, ,
      • final year medical students may be required to sign undertaking to work at Adelaide hospital on graduating,
      • final year examination results,
      • eleven medical graduates to begin work at Adelaide hospital,
      • Dr J V Duhig urges changes to present 最新糖心Vlogn hospital system, ,
      • Adelaide doctor opposes Dr Duhig鈥檚 views,
      • proposal that on graduating, all doctors should gain one year鈥檚 experience in a public hospital,
      • medical course cost exceeds 拢400 per annum,
      • provisions for training surgeons in 最新糖心Vlog announced,
      • reports of medical progress, prolongation of life, health insurance schemes,
      • attracting doctors to navy,
      • request for study of effects of use of narcotic drug, alcohol,
      • use of students to assist in hospital because of shortage of doctors, , ,
      • list of SA doctors to attend BMA congress in Melbourne,
      • machine proves men think more quickly than women,
      • 103rd annual meeting of British Medical Association held in Melbourne, covered developments relevant to current medical education, ,
      • editorial discusses relevance of B M A congress to SA doctors,
      • Dr Cilento鈥檚 address on quality of population in Pacific, ,
      • claim life of modern child too strenuous,
      • Sir William Mitchell says modern laboratories should exist in teaching hospitals,
      • Lord Horder on birth control and eugenics,
      • medical women hold brilliant posts,
      • medical fees too high,
      • completing the medical school,
      • high cost of health,
      • papers at BMA congress on contemporary health issue, , ,
      • Dr F S Hone urges post-graduate studies for doctors,
      • issues raised by BMA visitors,
      • Dr H Guy Dain鈥檚 address on fees and need for national medical insurance,
      • debate on health costs, ,
      • applications open in London for two Lady Tata Memorial for scientific research in blood diseases,
      • proposal for national health service, , ,
      • 最新糖心Vlog of California announced isolation of Vitamin E. Professor C S Hicks professor of bio-chemistry of Adelaide said discovery was of great significance,
      • Lord Horder, president of Eugenics society, proposes birth control for unfit towards racial improvement,
      • Dr Cumpston surveying facilities in Adelaide for treatment of crippled children,
      • Lord Horder鈥檚 views expressed while in 最新糖心Vlog cover many contemporary medical ideas, , ,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn Osteopathic Students' Loan Fund to be established to assist 最新糖心Vlogn students to qualify for Doctor of Osteopathy,
      • Sydney hospitals are fully staffed in contrast to Adelaide,
      • physicist advocates establishment of full time body to research cancer,
      • editorial commenting on maternal mortality rates, ,
      • editorial on biology and education discussing Nazi aim to breed a superior race,
    • Meegan, Kathleen,
      • member of Elder string quartet, concerts, , , ,
    • Meier, W E,
      • has been in Germany studying new ideas in farming,
    • Melrose, Sir John,
      • donor to Waite research,
    • Menzies, Duncan C,
      • awarded government bursary to study law on leaving honours results,
    • Miethke, Miss A,
      • representing National Council of Women, supported approach to university for course in social studies,
    • Melba Bequest Scholarship,
      • examinations for award of scholarship for singing to begin in February,
    • Melbourne, Professor Alexander Clifford Vernon,
      • biography, photograph of brilliant former South 最新糖心Vlogn, published "Early Constitutional Development in New South Wales鈥,
    • Melrose, Alexander,
      • reappointed to board of governors of public library, museum and art gallery,
    • Menz, Anna Magdalene Augusta,
      • delegate to conference of 最新糖心Vlogn federation of university women, ,
      • spoke at meeting of women graduates association,
    • Menz, Mrs H V,
      • attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn federation of university women,
      • spoke at meeting of women graduates association,
    • Mercer, Edgar Howard,
      • talked on "Abuses of modern physical theory" at science association meeting,
    • Messent, Mrs P S,
      • supports proposal that course in social studies be taught at university,
      • president of YWCA cannot support right to die,
    • Messent, Dr Philip Santo,
      • re-appointed to dental board,
    • Meyer, Heinerich Carl,
      • appointed chief engineer of Harbors Board, biography, photograph, ,
    • Miller, Dr Malcolm William,
      • admitted to Royal College of Physicians, London,
    • Mitchell, Frank Wyndham,
      • chosen by committee of vice-chancellors to take Carnegie scholarship to Institute of Education in London, photograph,
      • aims of institute to which Wyndham has been awarded a fellowship,
      • leaving for London, some biographical details, ,
    • Mitchell, Mark Ledingham,
      • lecturer in biochemistry at Adelaide university to tutor in WEA program,
      • discusses recent isolation of Vitamin E,
      • to speak on "Modern problems in human nutrition" free public lecture, ,
      • report of his lecture on "The importance of diet to health鈥,
    • Mitchell, Roma Flinders,
      • awarded David Murray scholarship in law, ,
      • short resume,
      • will receive her LLB degree tomorrow,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • only woman of ten new lawyers,
      • photograph,
    • Mitchell, Sir William, M A (Edinburgh),
      • at conferring of Doctor of Laws on HRH Duke of Gloucester, ,
      • presided at Professor Melville鈥檚 lecture on gold standard,
      • invited to address British Academy,
      • addressed break-up of WEA, ,
      • cited by Professor Portus,
      • sailing for England, ,
      • supported leave of absence for Hilda Gill,
      • addressed British Academy on 鈥楾he quality of life鈥,
      • returns from overseas, photograph,
      • discusses difficulties in recruiting suitable staff,
      • vice president of classical association,
      • Dr Cumpston met Sir William Mitchell, discussed treatment of cancer by radium available in Adelaide,
      • rules that student cars can be searched for liquor,
      • gave a luncheon for visiting Institute of Education, Professor F Clarke,
      • one of number of knights in SA,
      • to attend vice chancellors conference, ,
      • at meeting of vice chancellors,
      • to attend jubilee of Queens College,
      • member of committee to arrange jubilee celebrations of medical school,
      • addressed Lyceum Club on League of Nations,
      • advised meeting of representatives of organisations seeking a board of studies in social studies to be set up at university to put forward proposal,
      • urges federal money to establish research laboratories in major teaching hospitals, photograph,
      • invited staff to dinner to meet Dr R E Priestly VC Melbourne and Professor J I M Stewart, new Jury professor of English literature and language,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
      • laid foundation stone of Lucy Morice Free Kindergarten,
      • spoke to WEA students at annual break up,
      • photographs, , ,
      • photographed inspecting Bonython Hall progress,
    • Moodie, Colin Troup,
      • received degree of Bachelor of Laws,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Moore, Griselda Margaret,
      • awarded M. Rees George Prize, ,
      • short resume,
    • Moore, Arthur Parris Reading,
      • re-appointed to dental board,
    • Morey, A W,
      • Rhodes scholar from Queens college,
    • Morgan, Dr Alexander Matheson,
      • noted ornithologist obituary, photograph,
    • Morgan, J R,
      • prominent legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Morriss, Elsie,
      • appointed tutor in English literature, first year at WEA,
      • university English tutor to tutor at WEA,
      • to speak on "Novel Reading" as first free public lecture, ,
    • Mortlock, J T,
      • donor to Waite research,
    • Motteram, R,
      • awarded John Gordin scholarship,
    • Mountford, C P,
      • photographer member of anthropological expeditions, , ,
      • report on expedition with illustrations,
      • in photograph of expedition members,
    • Moyes, Morton Henry,
      • senior education officer in 最新糖心Vlogn navy, awarded O.B.E. (military division),
    • Muecke, Dr Francis Frederick,
      • specialist in Harley Street, short biography,
      • president of otto-rhino-laryngology section of BMA, to be at meeting in Melbourne,
      • Adelaide doctor abroad,
      • in Melbourne for BMA congress, to Adelaide later, ,
      • old scholar of Queen鈥檚 College, to attend jubilee dinner, ,
      • detailed biography,
      • person recalls how Muecke saved his life,
      • photograph,
    • Muecke, W S,
      • elected vice president of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Mullen, Brian Anthony,
      • graduated LL B,
      • his application for admission to the Bar raises important questions,
    • Murray, Sir George John Robert,
      • at conferring of Doctor of Laws on HRH Duke of Gloucester, ,
      • photograph of chancellor with HRH Duke of Gloucester,
      • unveiled Way statue ten years ago,
      • to spend eight months in Britain and Europe, photograph,
      • at conferring of degrees,
      • patron of classical association,
      • Mr Justice Angas Parsons to be chief justice in his absence, ,
      • brief biography,
      • institutes Sir George Murray prize,
      • photographed on way to attend commemoration, ,
    • Murray, S,
      • prominent legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Music, Faculty of
      • Peter Bornstein, violin teacher, leaves, , ,
      • A A Kurtz appointed,
      • John Dempster questions constitution of Elder Conservatorium,
      • Hilda Gill welcomed,
      • fifty years ago new professor of music, Josua Ives, appointed, ,
    • Music, Study of
      • AMEB examinations in music theory held at university,
      • Harold John Gard attacks Conservatorium for lack of assistance to students,
      • three short comedies performed by Elder Conservatorium Dramatic Society,
      • Carnegie Corporation gives College Music Set to Elder, munificent gift,
      • public demonstration of electric phonograph donated to Elder Conservatorium,
      • photograph of phonograph,
      • results of public examinations in music,
      • Musical Association of SA asks for legislation to raise standards,
      • Music Examinations Board to broadcast talks, practical demonstrations of work required for pianoforte syllabus,
      • dates for public examinations in music,
      • AMEB examinations to be held in September, scholarships offered on results,
    • Musical Productions,
      • chamber concert series, , , ,
      • organ recitals by John Horner, , , , , , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium string quartet recitals, , , ,
      • student concerts, , , , ,
      • gramophone recital,
      • staff concerts, , ,
      • former students gave concerts, ,
      • Percy Grainger and assisting artists performed two concerts, ,
      • photographs of rehearsals for student production, the Footlights Revue, ,
      • organ recital by pupils of John Horner, ,
      • violin recital by Arved Kurtz,
    • Myers, Dr,
      • remaining on staff at Adelaide hospital,
  • N

    • Nelson, Alison May,
      • musical prodigy, photograph,
      • awarded Grade IV practice of music exhibition,
      • praised for examination results,
    • Newbury, Mrs A K,
      • attending conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
      • spoke at women graduates meeting,
    • Newland, Sir Henry Simpson,
      • retired as president of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons,
      • member of committee to arrange medical school jubilee,
      • first president of SA Blood Transfusion Society,
      • keen advocate of national health insurance scheme,
      • photographs, ,
    • Newland, V M,
      • prominent member of Stock Exchange, graduate of Queens college,
    • Newland, Mr M P,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
    • Newman, Bernard William,
      • assistant government meteorologist transferred to Sydney, photograph,
    • Noble, Gwenyth,
      • awarded exhibition for best music theory student, grade IV, ,
  • O

    • Oaten, Dr Harold Richard Hugh Noel,
      • won Lister Prize for proficiency in clinical surgery,
    • O'Connor, Dr Richard Joseph,
      • has been appointed to Caton Memorial Fellowship at School of Tropical Diseases, Liverpool,
      • photograph,
    • O'Connor, Dr Walter John,
      • awarded David Murray Scholarship in Medicine, Everard Scholarship and BMA Prize in Clinical Medicine,
      • tops medical faculty, short biography,
      • registered as legally qualified medical practitioner,
      • appointed house surgeon at Adelaide hospital,
    • Old Way College Boys Association,
      • members hope to raise money for a scholarship to university,
    • Oldfield, Neil,
      • awarded government bursary to study medicine on leaving honours results,
    • Oliphant, Harold G,
      • defends his lectures on economics at WEA,
      • sent son鈥檚 description of Lamb鈥檚 funeral,
      • taught economics last year,
    • Oliphant, Dr Marcus Lawrence Elwin,
      • his discovery of triple weight hydrogen atom mentioned by Professor Kerr Grant,
      • sent description of funeral of Sir Horace Lamb,
      • physics research work at Cavendish laboratory, ,
  • P

    • Painter, E W,
      • lecturer in accountancy urges establishment of chair in commerce,
    • Parkin, Joan,
      • proposed toast to new graduates at annual dinner women鈥檚 union,
    • Parsons, Harold Stephen,
      • concert to honour conductor of SA Orchestra before study trip to Europe and UK,
      • brought back modern works for orchestra and Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, praised BBC support for music,
      • reports 最新糖心Vlogn musicians doing well abroad,
    • Parsons, Mr Justice Angas,
      • re-elected warden of senate,
      • acting chief justice during absence of Sir George Murray, , ,
      • spoke at celebrations for jubilee of medical school, photograph,
      • as member of council visits Waite,
      • retiring from council but eligible for re-election,
      • photographed inspecting progress on Bonython Hall,
    • Paul, Kevin Carroll,
      • degree of bachelor of science conferred,
    • Pauline Hayward Scholarship,
      • awarded to R D Carman,
    • Paynter, Norman Catchlove,
      • awarded bursary,
    • Pedler, Dr John Meavious,
      • assisting at Adelaide hospital, to sit for final exams in June,
      • passed final medical exams,
      • degrees of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery conferred,
      • photograph,
    • Pellew, L V,
      • prominent legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Pellew, Dr Leonard James Ternouth,
      • holidaying in United Kingdom,
    • Pellew, Dr Richard Alfred Amyas,
      • registered as qualified medical practitioner,
    • Penny, Dr Hubert Harry,
      • obtained doctorate from London 最新糖心Vlog, to lecture in psychology at Teachers' College,
    • Pennycuick, Dr S W,
      • university lecturer in physical chemistry to tutor in WEA classes,
    • Pentreath, Rev Guy,
      • supports value of Latin study at school,
      • headmaster of St Peters college argues headmasters鈥 certificates should replace exams for some students,
      • spoke on new values of education to Student Christian Movement, ,
    • Phillipps, Sir Herbert Tarlton,
      • obituary, photograph,
    • Phipps, Dr Ivan,
      • Waite institute staff member attended science congress,
    • Physics, Faculty of,
      • 14 lb of mercury, worth 拢6.6/-, stolen from university physics department at the to affect need radium supplies of hospital,
    • Pickering, Arthur Lawrence,
      • appointed lecturer in law of evidence and procedure, biography, photograph,
    • Pilgrim, Alan Flinders,
      • gave paper with J. Brooke on "Eucalypts and their essential oils" at science association meeting,
    • Pines, Miss Stella,
      • secretary to committee for proposal for social studies to be taught at university,
      • to be secretary of Board of Studies in social studies which YMCA has requested university to provide,
    • Piper, Clarence Sherwood,
      • appointed treasurer of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
    • Piper, F W,
      • member of union debating team,
    • Piper, Harold Bayard,
      • appointed to board of examiners of articled clerks,
    • Platt, Dr Albert Edward,
      • appointed lecturer in bacteriology, Deputy Director of Laboratory of Bacteriological and Pathological Research at hospital, ,
      • arrived in Adelaide, biography,
    • Playford, Malcolm Noel,
      • awarded Stow Prize, ,
      • short resume,
      • awarded J D Duncan-Hughes scholarship,
    • Polkinghorne, Noel Francis,
      • awarded David Murray Scholarship in Classics, ,
      • short resume,
    • Pomroy, A R,
      • awarded J D Duncan-Hughes scholarship,
    • Powell, Dr,
      • representing District Trained Nursing Society, supported approach to university for course in social studies,
    • Poole, Frederick Slaney,
      • letter to editor on life in Adelaide of Sir Horace Lamb, ,
    • Portus, Professor Garnet Vere,
      • spoke on 鈥榣earning as a social passport鈥 at WEA, ,
      • spoke at annual dinner men鈥檚 union of social aspect of sport,
      • gave an address on "What Marx did for Socialism鈥,
      • conferred diplomas of primary education,
      • on board of editors for publication of "Centenary History of South 最新糖心Vlog",
      • appointed chair of political science and history,
      • conducted funeral service of Professor E O G Shann,
      • has been on broadcast advisory committee, deciding program for national talks,
      • spoke on collective method of defence as means of preserving world peace,
      • wrote article "Glimpses of Parliament" on growing power of civil servants,
      • photographed at laying of foundation stone of Lucy Morice Free Kindergarten,
    • Presbyterian Girls College,
      • Miss Lucy Shaw quoted as saying cramming for examinations is not an education,
    • Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
      • impressed by Russian scientific farming,
      • when in England met Geoffrey Samuel now at Rothamsted Experimental Station and Dr L B Bull studying animal diseases at Cambridge and London,
      • to report on his trip abroad to Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
      • president of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
      • addressed graduates鈥 union on conditions in Russia, particularly in education,
      • addressed Council for Scientific and Industrial Research on deficiencies of 最新糖心Vlogn soils, ,
      • to address Institute of Public Administration conference,
      • spoke on elements essential for animal and plant development,
      • addressed conference of Institute of Public Administration on "Public Administration in Russia",
    • Prest, Dr Henry Gordon,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital, ophthalmic,
    • Preston, Miss D,
      • representing Kindergarten Union, supported approach to university for course in social studies,
    • Price, Dr Archibald Grenfell,
      • to judge coloured sketches for centenary celebrations prize with Hans Heysen,
      • summarises progress of St Marks College in its first 10 years,
      • to give two addresses at science conference,
      • reported on successes of St Marks,
      • to tutor in WEA classes,
      • on board of editors of "Centenary History of South 最新糖心Vlog",
      • addressed Royal Geographical Society on geographical problems in settling SA,
      • elected to committee of newly formed pioneers鈥 association,
      • addressed Pioneers' Association, emphasised that German pioneers should not be forgotten, German names to be returned to some SA places,
      • as member of council visited Waite,
      • eligible for re-election to council,
      • applications for scholarships and bursaries at St Marks to be sent to Dr Price,
      • speaks on question of British migration, photograph,
      • photographed at graduates鈥 luncheon,
    • Price, James Robert,
      • won research scholarship at Oxford, photograph, biography,
      • chair at science association meeting,
      • degree of master of science conferred,
      • awarded 1851 exhibition scholarship for published works and research in organic chemistry, will enter Oxford, ,
      • photograph,
    • Prime, R,
      • elected to committee of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Pritchard, John Joseph,
      • selected as Rhodes scholar, biography, photograph,
      • topped third year medical examinations, won Dr Davies-Thomas scholarship, ,
      • passed primary FRCS exam in Melbourne,
      • 1935 Rhodes scholar, biography, photograph,
      • Professor Chapman refutes Pritchard鈥檚 claim many students unsuited for university,
      • elected one of first honorary students of St Mark's College,
      • bearing mace at Commemoration, photograph,
    • Prizes & Awards,
      • Lister prize for proficiency in surgery for fifth year students, , ,
      • exhibitions and bursaries awarded on results of recent exams,
      • 12 bursaries awarded for results at leaving honours,
      • prize and award list for 1934,
      • Arthur Stilville Howland recommended for Joseph Fisher Medal in commerce,
      • Alan Coad won Alexander Clark Memorial Prize, ,
      • Delma Joy Worden and Alison May Nelson awarded music exhibitions,
      • exhibition for an 最新糖心Vlogn to study at Royal College of Music or Royal Academy to be introduced in 1935,
      • Gilbert Rowe James awarded Andrew Scott Prize for Latin, ,
      • Stow prizes awarded to Gilbert Rowe James, Francis Peter Kelly and Malcolm Noel Playford, ,
      • Tormore prize awarded annually to woman student in the first year course of English literature for best essays during the year,
      • W J O鈥 Connor awarded BMA prize in Clinical Medicine,
      • Alfred William Kleeman awarded Tate Memorial medal for geology,
      • W H Kleeman awarded James Gartrell Prize, ,
      • M McKellar Stewart awarded Tormore Prize, ,
      • R D Carman awarded Elder Prize in Medicine, ,
      • G M Moore awarded M. Rees George Prize, ,
      • M R Brookman awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
      • C G Kerr wins John Howard Clark prize, ,
      • Council accepts offer from Hardwicke old collegians鈥 association to provide prize for girl under 18 who tops botany, ,
      • BMA Prize in Medicine, Section of Clinical Medicine awarded to Walter John O'Connor,
      • bursaries awarded on Leaving Honours results for study at university,
      • Robert F Stokes, law student wins H.B. Piper Prize for office practice and routine,
      • Bundey Prize for English awarded to Rex Ingamells,
      • Bundey Prize for English established by Miss E. Milne Bundey,
      • Subject for 1936 Bundey prize announced,
      • Miriam Hyde won Ernest Farrar prize in UK,
      • Joyce Brooks wins League of Nations Prize,
      • music prize for best candidate in licentiate examination shared, ,
      • exhibitions for grade 111 and grade 1V music results awarded, ,
      • H R H N Oaten won Lister Prize for proficiency in clinical surgery,
      • two bursaries for mining and metallurgy offered,
      • Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution awarded to Cecilia Marie Pryor,
      • Rules for B M A prize for medical students (clinical medical section) have been revised, ,
      • best candidate who passes as an executant in licentiate M E B examination divided between Dorothea Mary Angus and Lloyd Winston Vick, ,
      • exhibition for best music theory candidate grade III awarded to Dorothea Tribe, ,
      • exhibition for best music theory candidate grade IV awarded to Gwenyth Noble, ,
      • historical, arts and sciences committee to consider giving a prize for the best historical painting in connection with SA Centenary celebrations,
      • Margaret Ayers received evening studentship in commerce,
      • two bursaries from Royal Society of St George awarded to Kenneth Wilmot Vernon Smith and Norman Catchlove Paynter,
      • Kings Jubilee Medal - 500 South 最新糖心Vlogns awarded, list of recipients, ,
      • St Marks awards,
      • Carnegie Corporation offers two fellowships to 最新糖心Vlogn candidates,
      • evening studentships awarded,
      • Professor John Raymond awarded Thomas Ranken Lyle medal,
      • Royal School of Music London will offer an exhibition to 最新糖心Vlogn students to train in London,
      • St Marks College to offer theological bursary and a financial assistance bursary,
      • Gwenneth Woodger student of Woodlands CEGGS wins Thornber bursary for girl obtaining highest marks in leaving examinations, biography,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn Osteopathic Students' Loan Fund to be established to assist 最新糖心Vlogn students to qualify for Doctor of Osteopathy,
      • Hoffman-La Roche Prizes for Pharmacology, senior prize awarded to David Hugh Le Messurier, B Sc, Richard Harper Formby, junior prize,
      • Bernard Murray Knight awarded Archibald Mackie Bursary of CTA to study for diploma in commerce,
      • council of Institute of Public Administration to make no award in Judge Murray essay competition,
      • History Society of New York鈥檚 international prize competition open to 最新糖心Vlogns,
    • Pryor, Cecilia Marie,
      • awarded Robert Whinham prize for Elocution,
    • Public Lectures,
      • Professor W E Cooke to lecture on 鈥極ur wonderful universe鈥,
      • M L Mitchell will speak on 鈥楳odern problems in human nutrition鈥,
      • Miss E. Morriss will speak on 鈥楴ovel reading鈥,
      • E S Kiek will speak on 鈥楾he Province of the State鈥,
      • Dr A C Garnett will speak on 鈥楢re we machines?鈥,
      • Professor W E Cooke will speak on 鈥楻elativity for the man in the street鈥,
      • M L Mitchell on 鈥業mportance of diet to health鈥,
      • Leslie A Schumer lectures on development of accountancy,
      • Professor J R Wilton on Dante鈥檚 鈥楧ivine Comedy,鈥
    • Publications,
      • article in "On Dit" criticises students,
      • "Centenary History of South 最新糖心Vlog" to be published,
      • exemption from primage of printing paper an important concession for books,
      • "Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog Magazine" has given place to "Phoenix" to provide an opportunity for publication of significant writings,
      • Medical school jubilee publication issued to members of medical profession,
      • review of "Phoenix",
    • Puddy, Miss Maude Mary,
      • attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women, gave address,"Music and the community",
      • spoke at women graduates meeting,
    • Puddy, Albert Forwood,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Pulleine, Dr Robert Henry,
      • obituary, photographs, ,
      • reports on science congress he attended,
      • has prepared a handbook on spiders of SA,
      • attended meeting entomological club,
  • Q

    • Queen's College,
      • D O Haslam appointed headmaster of Queen's college,
      • Trevor James G Heath, graduate of Queen鈥檚 college, appointed secretary to minister of external affairs,
      • Sir William Mitchell to open jubilee celebrations,
      • some prominent former students,
  • R

    • Rait, William Lockhart,
      • degree of master of science conferred,
    • Ray, John,
      • awarded Lister prize for 1935, biography, photograph,
    • Ray, Dr W,
      • Rhodes scholar from Queens college,
    • Ray, W V,
      • distinguished legal practitioner, old scholar of Queens college,
    • Reed, Mr Geoffrey Sandford,
      • photograph,
      • sworn in as acting judge of supreme court,
      • welcomed to position of Mr Acting Justice, photograph,
    • Refectory,
      • to open tomorrow,
    • Registrar,
      • actions of registrar, F W Eardley, , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Reid, Dr William Lister,
      • Adelaide graduate has appointment in Montreal with Dr Penfield, world leading brain surgeon,
      • has qualified in neuro surgery in Montreal,
    • Reilly, Dr Robert Neil,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Reimann, Dr Arnold Luehrs,
      • now research physicist of General Electric Co, U K,
      • awarded Doctor of Science,
      • biography,
    • Rennie, Dr Edward James Cadell,
      • fifty years ago, appointed to chair of chemistry,
    • Research,
      • Dr A E V Richardson says biological control of rabbits promising,
      • Full council of CSIR will meet for first time at Adelaide university,
      • Sir William Mitchell comments on possibility of federal government establishing a federal medical research council,
    • Research Grants,
      • 拢25,000 grant for mining research,
      • Carnegie Trust supports post-graduate research in 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Residential Colleges,
      • Master of St Mark's College, Dr A Grenfell Price, summarised progress of first 10 years,
      • St Marks awards,
      • special supplement of history of St Mark's College states future of such colleges depends on several factors including endowments, government support,
      • W Somerville attacks elitism of residential colleges,
      • bronze will be unveiled at St Mark's college for 10 year anniversary, ,
      • list of students awarded scholarships for St Andrew鈥檚 College for 1935,
    • Reynell, W R,
      • Rhodes scholar from Queens college,
    • Rhodes Scholarship,
      • biennial conference of scholars living in 最新糖心Vlog to be held in Melbourne,
      • plans to ensure return of Rhodes scholars to 最新糖心Vlog, after their terms at Oxford,
      • Professor Henry Herman Leopold Adolf Brose, D Sc, M A, D Phil (Oxon) was SA Rhodes scholar for 1913,
      • of 31 SA Rhodes scholars nominated since 1904, only eight are now here; list of Rhodes scholars, news of scholars, home and abroad,
      • six Rhodes Scholars from Queen鈥檚 college,
      • second biennial conference of the association of Rhodes scholars to be held in Melbourne, , ,
      • applications for 1935 scholarship closed,
      • Norman Jolly, SA鈥檚 first Rhodes scholar, visiting Adelaide,
      • John Joseph Pritchard Rhodes scholar for 1935, biography, photograph, ,
      • Entries received for 1936 Rhodes scholarship,
      • Sir Francis Wylie, Oxford secretary to Rhodes trustees, is in 最新糖心Vlog for the wedding of his daughter to Lewis Wilcher, SA Rhodes Scholar for 1930,
      • SA Rhodes scholars who have gained honour overseas,
      • Rhodes scholarship for 1936 applications closed,
      • SA Rhodes scholar Andrew P Guinand returned to Oxford after walking tour in Europe,
    • Rice, Dr John David,
      • appointed honorary anaesthetist and clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Rice, Dr Patrick William,
      • received diploma for obstetrics and gynaecology in London,
    • Rice, Dr Vincent de Paul Lawrence,
      • to be honorary anaesthetist at Adelaide hospital,
    • Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor,
      • to attend meetings of 最新糖心Vlogn National Research Council, and 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Association for Advancement of Science, photograph,
      • spoke on results of soil research at Waite Institute to science congress,
      • appointed first president of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science, ,
      • conferred honours degree on Henry K Kemp,
      • reappointed as member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
      • on editorial board for publication "Centenary History of South 最新糖心Vlog",
      • says biological control of rabbits best solution,
      • guided visiting federal politicians around Waite laboratories,
      • talks about undesirable plant immigrants,
      • supports necessity for further research into problems in wheat industry,
      • photographs, , , ,
    • Richardson, Yvonne,
      • photographed rehearsing for Footlights Review,
    • Rinder, J A,
      • president of Chamber of Manufactures says intermediate certificate not necessary for factory work,
    • Ritchie, Sir George,
      • knighted, , ,
      • photograph,
    • Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
      • awarded to Cecilia Marie Pryor, Mus Bac,
    • Robertson, Miss Merle
      • noted pianist supports musical eisteddfod in centenary celebrations, photograph,
    • Robertson, Donald Alexander,
      • received degree of Bachelor of Laws,
      • applied for admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Robin, Charles Ernest,
      • fifty years ago elected secretary of first university tennis club,
    • Robin, Rowland Cuthbert,
      • to assist in taking 30 engineering students to Mt Bold reservoir,
      • in charge of engineering students doing survey work in Kuitpo Forest,
    • Robinson Sir Roy Lister,
      • 1905 SA Rhodes scholar attained eminence overseas,
    • Robjohns, Dr Henry Collin,
      • completed studies in tropical medicine, to work in China,
    • Roby Fletcher Prize for Psychology and Logic,
      • awarded to Michael Rodney Brookman, ,
    • Rodger, Geoffrey James,
      • appointed conservator of forests for SA, biography, ,
      • photographs, ,
    • Rogers, Dr Richard Sanders,
      • authority on orchids attended science congress,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • Dr A R Callaghan, director, appointed to committee of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
    • Ross, D B,
      • distinguished legal practitioner graduate of Queens college,
    • Rowe, Colin Davies,
      • received degree of Bachelor of Laws,
      • applied admission as legal practitioner,
      • admitted as legal practitioner,
      • photograph,
    • Rudall, R J,
      • Rhodes scholar from Queens college,
    • Rumble, H C,
      • reported on research progress at Waite on drought resistant pastures,
    • Russell Grimwade Forestry Scholarship,
      • Frederick Manson Bailey awarded Russell Grimwade forestry scholarship, will study at Oxford,
    • Russell, Dr Herbert Henry Ernest,
      • photographed at the King's Birthday Levee,
    • Russell, Dr Walter Alfred,
      • assisting at Adelaide hospital, to sit for final exams in June,
      • passed final exams,
      • degrees of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery conferred,
      • photograph,
    • Ryan, Dr Edward Clifford Lee,
      • assisting at Adelaide hospital, to sit final exams in June,
  • S

    • Samuel, Geoffrey,
      • now mycologist at Rothamsted Experimental Station, photograph,
      • to represent 最新糖心Vlog at conference on soil science, ,
    • Sangster, Dr Christopher Bagot,
      • appointed honorary anaesthetist at Adelaide hospital,
    • Schneider, Wilfred Carl,
      • won travelling scholarship going to England,
      • to study in England and on continent, biography, photograph,
    • Scholarships,
      • Thomas Price scholarship awarded on leaving examination results,
      • list of many scholarships for 1934,
      • four overseas scholarships available for women graduates,
      • Eugene Alderman Scholarship awarded, ,
      • John Bagot Scholarship awarded,
      • Theory of Music Scholarship and Practice of Music Scholarship awarded,
      • Old Way College Boys' Association hope to raise money for scholarship,
      • Alfred William Kleeman won John L Young scholarship,
      • David Murray Scholarship in Classics awarded to Noel Francis Polkinghorne, ,
      • David Murray Scholarship in Law awarded to Roma Flinders Mitchell, ,
      • W J O鈥 Connor won David Murray Scholarship in Medicine, Everard Scholarship,
      • N F Goss won Tinline Scholarship in history, ,
      • C R Badger, 1931 winner Tinline Scholarship addressed Legacy Club,
      • Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship won by John Joseph Pritchard third year, fourth examination, Robert Frank West, ,
      • Rhodes Scholarship won by John Joseph Pritchard, ,
      • scholarships awarded to St Andrews students,
      • Harold Fisher scholarships awarded,
      • six Rhodes scholars from Queen鈥檚 College,
      • Ruth Watson awarded Ernest Ayres scholarship in botany,
      • Frederick Manson Bailey awarded Russell Grimwade forestry scholarship,
      • Elder scholarship tenable at Royal College of Music, London, will be available this year,
      • Pauline Hayward Scholarship awarded,
      • Lady Duncan scholarship awarded to G M Turnbull,
      • J D Duncan-Hughes scholarships awarded,
      • T E Barr Smith scholarships awarded,
      • M A Fotheringham scholarship awarded to K Woodroffe,
      • John Gordin scholarship awarded to R Motteram,
      • W J Ibsister scholarship awarded to J de Vedas,
      • applications for Creswell scholarship for diploma in commerce course at university closing,
      • scholarship in meat canning offered,
      • Elder Scholarship tenable in London offered this year,
      • St Mark's College is offering for 1936 Harold Fisher scholarship,
      • John Creswell Scholarship winner will be selected from general honour list of Leaving commercial results,
      • Professor W A Laver to examine students applying for Elder scholarship,
      • weakness of Elder scholarship discussed,
      • applications for Smithson Research Fellowship close today,
      • list of scholarships for women graduates supported by 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
      • research scholarship for qualified medical women available to women who are subjects of the British Empire,
      • Old Way College Boys Association members hope to raise money for a scholarship to university,
      • government veterinary scholarship awarded to A W Gunson,
      • William Gibson research scholarship for medical women now open for application,
      • entries closing for Royal College of Music scholarship, Eugene Alderman scholarship, and Elder scholarships for violin,
      • four scholarships for WEA study available,
      • Rhodes scholarship applications for 1936 closed,
      • Melba Bequest Scholarship application and details,
      • W C Schneider given travelling scholarship by Associated Steamship companies,
    • Science, Study of,
      • regulations for B Sc and diploma applied science altered,
      • CSIR has three appointments to fill, one at Waite Institute,
      • at least 100 from SA will attend 22nd congress of ANZ Association for the Advancement of Science in Melbourne in January 1935,
      • CSIR conference to be held in Adelaide,
      • director of nutritional laboratory of CSIR says wool producers have little to fear from synthetic wool,
      • CSIR will make grants for research available in 1936,
      • CSIR research priorities for 1935-1936,
      • CSIR five year plan outlined,
      • increased research money for CSIR very welcome, soil drift one subject,
      • CSIR has vacancy for marine research biologist,
      • photograph of full council of CSIR,
      • Dr R J Tillyard confirmed controversial fossil finding in Adelaide Hills of late Sir Edgeworth David,
      • South 最新糖心Vlogns attending Science Congress in Melbourne,
      • grants of approx. 拢1000 will be made for 1936 to assist persons engaged in scientific research work,
      • call for applications for junior studentship in forest products division of CSIR,
    • Scientific and Industrial Endowment Fund,
      • grants of approx. 拢1000 will be made for 1936 to assist persons engaged in scientific research work,
      • call for applications for junior studentship in forest products division of CSIR,
    • Secondary Education,
      • large numbers of candidates sit university public examinations,
      • payment of high school fees,
      • innovations in school curricula for 1935 in some of principal Adelaide schools,
      • issues in teaching biology in secondary schools,
      • mother argues need for university certificate for employment merely money raising for university,
      • minimal qualification of equivalent of leaving certificate needed for application for cadetship for field work in New Guinea,
      • E Allen discusses reasons for discontent with curricula and examinations,
      • inaugural meeting of club of headmasters from all schools,
      • proposal to substitute headmasters鈥 certificates for public examination system, ,
    • Seddon, G,
      • elected treasurer of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Segnit, R W,
      • elected secretary of Royal Society,
    • Senate, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide,
      • met to revise statutes and regulations, amendments made,
      • fifty years ago, motion passed making a member鈥檚 absence from council for six consecutive meetings equivalent to resignation,
      • fifty years ago, resolution passed on desirability of establishing evening classes,
    • Seppelt, Ian Howe,
      • working in Paris in bacteriological research,
    • Shann, Professor Edward O G,
      • says more money should be spent on air facilities for civil aviation,
      • on board of editors for Centenary History of South 最新糖心Vlog,
      • has taken up his duties as professor of economics,
      • addressed commerce students,
      • addressed SA branch of Economic Society on "The financial tasks of the states and the commonwealth,"
      • to give lecture on 鈥淭he human factor in economic progress鈥,
      • fell to his death from an upper window of Mitchell building, photographs, tributes, funeral, , ,
    • Shaw, Miss Lucy,
      • Headmistress of Presbyterian Girls College quoted as saying cramming for examinations not an education,
    • Simpson, Dr F,
      • St Marks student gained medical degree,
    • Silver, William,
      • teacher of Ronald Leo Barnden,
    • Sir George Murray Essay Prize,
      • 拢10.10.0 for Sir George Murray essay prize will be given to a worthy essay on public administration or science,
    • Sir Josiah Symons Library,
      • room at State Library houses books and furnishings from Sir Josiah Symons collection,
      • to be handed over to Board of Governors, photograph,
    • Sir Joseph Verco Medal,
      • awarded to Professor T Harvey Johnston, , ,
      • early recipients, ,
    • Sleeman, Dr James Garnet,
      • appointed to council of SA Blood Transfusion Society,
    • Smeaton, Dr Bronte Creagh,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital,
    • Smith, Dr Julian A R,
      • Adelaide doctor working abroad,
    • Smith, Kenneth Wilmot Vernon,
      • awarded bursary,
    • Smith, Commander Raydon Berry,
      • made member of Victorian Order, short biography,
    • Smith, Tom Elder Barr,
      • at meeting of senate which changed regulations,
      • founded League of Nations Prize,
      • gave pound sign 5,000 to found an institute of medical research,
      • nominated for council,
      • asks government cuts costs, photograph,
    • Smithson Research Fellowship,
      • applications close today,
    • Social Studies, Study of,
      • proposed board of social studies at university,
      • committee for Board of Social Studies of YMCA to approach university to request course for those who work in social services,
      • increasing need for trained social workers,
    • Solomon, Dr George Herbert,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital, surgical section,
    • South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra,
      • complimentary concert for Harold Parsons,
      • Mrs Brailsford Robertson collected 拢60 for permanent fund of orchestra,
      • concerts, , , ,
    • Southwood, Dr Albert Ray,
      • outlined plan to stamp out tuberculosis within 50 years,
      • at conference to check mortality in childbirth,
      • wide publicity given to his paper to science conference,
      • M R C P London registered by Medical Board,
      • appointed chairman of medical science section of ANZ Association for Advancement of Science at next meeting,
    • Sport,
      • annual tennis tournament to begin, ,
      • notice of annual meeting of rifle club,
      • interstate contests among students, ,
      • annual meeting of sports association,
      • annual carnival men鈥檚 swimming club,
    • Sprigg, Charles Mosse,
      • obituary, photograph,
    • Sprod, Dr Milo Weeks,
      • obituary, photograph,
    • St Andrew's College,
      • list of students awarded college scholarships for 1935,
    • St Mark's College,
      • Dr A Grenfell Price announced winners of college awards,
      • scholarships and bursaries on offer,
      • bronze to be unveiled,
      • Eric William Gray and John Joseph Pritchard voted honorary scholars,
      • ten years ago, St Mark's College opened,
      • bursary awarded to J A Game,
      • Dr A Grenfell Price summarised progress of first 10 years,
      • St Marks awards,
      • tutors in law and economics appointed,
      • special supplement of history of St Mark's College states future of such colleges depends on several factors including endowments, government support,
      • bronze will be unveiled at St Mark's College to 10 year anniversary,
      • J.F. Downer unveils memorial tablet commemorating framing of 最新糖心Vlogn constitution at St Marks,
    • St Peter's College,
      • W M Hole, former master dies in England,
      • Rev Guy Pentreath, headmaster, addressed members of 最新糖心Vlogn Student Christian Movement on new values in education, ,
      • Rev Guy Pentreath spoke on proposal to substitute headmasters鈥 certificates for public examinations,
    • Staff,
      • appointments of lecturers, tutors and demonstrators for 1935, ,
      • at December 31, 1935, 31 positions vacant,
      • Sir William Mitchell defends appointment of 28 year-old to Jury chair, discusses difficulties in attracting staff to Adelaide as salaries are much higher overseas and specialist training does not always match local needs,
      • 11 doctors start at hospital,
      • many professors on holidays or at conferences overseas and interstate,
      • need for staff in four faculties,
    • Stewart, Dr,
      • appointed to residential staff at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Stewart, Margaret McKellar,
      • awarded Tormore Prize, ,
      • short resume,
    • Stewart, Professor John Innes MacIntosh,
      • new professor of English coming, biography,
      • vice president of classical association,
      • appointed to Jury chair of English language and literature, ,
      • has arrived, photograph,
      • new chair here, ,
      • speaks on influence of wireless, pictures and American slang,
      • says American English rooted in Old English,
      • vice-chancellor held dinner for staff to meet him,
      • welcomed by council,
    • Stewart, Professor John McKellar,
      • professor of philosophy away for all of 1935,
      • visiting Melbourne on business,
      • invited by Carnegie Corporation to visit US to investigate education, photograph,
      • presidential addresses on 鈥淢aking of minds鈥,
      • leaves soon for England and America,
      • vice president of classical association,
      • at dinner in refectory to enable staff to meet him,
      • spoke to headmasters鈥 club on importance of English,
      • Dr A C Garnett will fill his position in his absence,
      • spoke at meeting of headmasters鈥 club on teaching of English at school and university gave an elementary passport to citizenship,
    • Stocker, E O,
      • photographer, moving pictures, anthropological expedition,
      • in photograph,
    • Stokes, Robert F,
      • law student wins H.B. Piper Prize for office practice and routine,
    • Stow Prizes
      • awarded to Gilbert Rowe James, Francis Peter Kelly and Malcolm Noel Playford,
    • Stratmann, Dr Paul Franz,
      • transferring from Adelaide hospital to Children's hospital,
    • Strehlow, Theodor Georg Heinrich,
      • lived with Aranda tribe learning to speak their language, collected valuable data,
    • Strickland, A G,
      • deputy chief horticultural instructor on committee of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
    • Strong, Professor Archibald,
      • ten years ago Professor Strong was knighted,
      • his death left Jury chair vacant,
    • Student Activities and Protests,
      • student newspaper attacks students as drones,
      • student newspaper attacks butterflies, girls who enrol in one subject to enjoy social life at university,
      • students who wish to join university company of 27th battalion to give their names to union secretary, K T Hamilton,
      • sports and union activities,
      • student magazine shows students not snobs,
      • in new academic year meetings of student organisations and voting for union and men鈥檚 union positions take place,
      • photographs of students rehearsing for footlights review, ,
      • 12 persons attended a meeting to inaugurate a branch of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection. No branch was formed, although subscriptions were evidence this is a student activity,
      • mens鈥 union organised debate on prohibition of liquor,
      • first of lunch time cinema shows for the year,
      • Sir William Mitchell rules that student cars can be searched for liquor,
      • complaints of drunkenness on campus, On Dit debates uni actions,
      • students to visit other states during vacation, competing in sporting events and debating,
      • mining, metallurgy students to visit Newcastle for meeting of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn Inter-最新糖心Vlog debates held in Adelaide for first time,
      • subjects and outcomes of intervarsity debates, , , ,
      • The Footlights Review by students, photographs, ,
    • Student Statistics,
      • little variation in student numbers from last year,
      • student statistics in annual report for 1934,
      • numbers of candidates for public examinations,
    • Student Union,
      • first combined meeting held of members of Graduate Union and Adelaide branch of English Speaking Union,
      • 1934 最新糖心Vlog Magazine compiled by students issued,
      • On Dit criticised students for lack of leadership,
      • union members organised community singing,
      • men鈥檚 union responsible for entertaining participants in inter-university debate,
      • men鈥檚 union annual dinner,
    • Students,
      • students who do not fear hard work,
      • student fees due,
      • 最新糖心Vlogn league of nations union, study circle on international affairs, invites two students from each college to take part,
      • students are using Barr Smith Library and Public Library in large numbers for study for end of year examinations,
      • letter from accountancy student who finds employers only want applicants under 21 years,
      • list of fees for students,
      • Adelaide graduates abroad,
    • Sunter, J,
      • elected to committee of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Sutherland, D G,
      • elected assistant editor of medical students鈥 magazine,
    • Swan, Duncan Campbell, M Sc,
      • had M Sc conferred,
  • T

    • T E Barr Smith Scholarships,
      • awarded to D C Williams and P E Graebner,
    • Tate Memorial Medal for Geology,
      • awarded to Alfred William Kleeman, B Sc,
    • Tennis,
      • fifty years ago Charles Earnest Robin appointed secretary of tennis club,
    • Thomas Price scholarship,
      • awarded on leaving examination results,
    • Thornber Bursary,
      • for girl with highest marks in leaving examination won by Gwenneth Woodger,
    • Tinline Scholarship,
      • statutes for Tinline scholarship revised,
      • awarded,
    • Tormore Prize,
      • awarded annually to woman student in the first year course of English literature for best essays during the year,
    • Theology, Study of,
      • theology course at university advocated,
    • Thomas Price Scholarship,
      • tenable at university of Adelaide awarded on results of leaving exam,
    • Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal,
      • awarded to Professor Wilton,
    • Thyer, Robert Francis,
      • to part in an aerial geophysical survey of northern 最新糖心Vlog,
    • Tidemann, Ernest Phillips,
      • attained degree of doctor of dental surgery, Chicago, photograph,
    • Tindale, Norman Barnett,
      • article on vanishing tribes of Arunta Desert and Lake Eyre basin, ,
      • editorial comment on Tindale鈥檚 work, ,
      • ethnologist supports preservation of national monuments,
      • gave lecture on "The peopling of the 最新糖心Vlogn region",
      • in charge research party to Warburton ranges to study natives, ,
      • expedition returned,
      • report on expedition,
      • gave details of George Mason, sub protector of aborigines at Wellington,
      • in photograph of members of anthropological expedition,
    • Tinline Scholarship for History,
      • regulations changed,
      • awarded to Noel Frederick Goss, ,
      • C R Badger, 1931 winner Tinline Scholarship for History addressed Legacy Club,
    • Todd, K,
      • elected to committee of university commercial students鈥 association,
    • Tormore Prize for English Essays,
      • awarded to Margaret McKellar Stewart, ,
    • Tribe, Patricia Mary,
      • awarded exhibition as most promising music theory candidate, Grade 111, ,
    • Trudinger, Dr Ronald,
      • Adelaide doctor abroad, working in Sudan,
      • gave a lecture on medical work in Egypt to nurses,
    • Trumble, H C,
      • subeditor for SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science,
      • said object of organisation to win recognition for agricultural science,
    • Truscott, N C,
      • representative of Douglas Social Credit Association to give address for politics club,
    • Tucker, Harold Norman,
      • appointed tutor in law at St Mark's College,
    • Turnbull, G M,
      • elected assistant secretary medical students鈥 association,
      • awarded Lady Duncan scholarship,
    • Turner, Dr Frederic Boyd,
      • one of four house surgeons at Adelaide hospital who resigned because of poor pay and overwork,
    • Twiss, W,
      • elected to committee of university commercial students鈥 association,
  • U

    • Unley High School,
      • headmaster, B J Gates, speaking at inaugural meeting of headmasters鈥 club, said ordinary teachers organisations did not provide enough emphasis on leadership,
    • Union Building,
      • to open tomorrow,
    • Universities, Other
      • W M Hughes promotes vision of university in Canberra as focal point of 最新糖心Vlogn culture,
      • A J Whitlam secretary of appointments board of Melbourne university to interview Adelaide graduates for positions,
      • council of Canberra university college started trust fund to establish a national university at Canberra, ,
      • Carnegie Corporation has sent representative to survey educational organisations for possible grants,
      • Sydney university chancellor emphasised value of study of ancient Greek,
      • Sydney seeking donations to establish chair of music,
      • new British post-graduate Medical School incorporated into 最新糖心Vlog of London to benefit doctors from the dominions as well as Britain,
      • Oxford has abolished almost last discrimination against female students, all degrees now to be open to them,
      • Professor W A Osborne made some comparisons between Adelaide and Melbourne universities,
      • Melbourne requires funds for three new chairs,
      • free speech stand by NZ university supported by 600 British professors, lecturers,
      • veterinary graduates of Sydney, only 最新糖心Vlogn university with chair in veterinary science, only ones to gain registration, shortage of veterinarians in SA, ,
      • leader of Melbourne university debaters鈥 letter of appreciation of hospitality of civic and university authorities of Adelaide,
      • Melbourne VC attacks view of university as 鈥榝actory for manufacturing degrees鈥,
      • editorial in The Advertiser, on "最新糖心Vlog Ideals" refers to Dr Priestley鈥檚 ideas,
    • 最新糖心Vlog Act,
      • introduction of bill to consolidate aspects of legislation relating to university of Adelaide, ,
    • Upton, Dr William Carrick Tunk,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital, dermatological,
  • V

    • Vaughan, John Howard,
      • will speak on 鈥榯he armament menace鈥 at meeting of SA branch of 最新糖心Vlogn league of nations union,
    • Verco, Dr Ronald Lister,
      • appointed honorary clinical assistant at Adelaide hospital, gynaecological,
    • Verco, Sir Joseph Cooke,
      • book to be published compiled from his diary of expeditions from 1895 until 1911,
      • his book, Combing the Southern Seas, to be published,
    • Vice-Chancellors,
      • meeting of vice-chancellors, , ,
    • Vick, Lloyd Winston,
      • co-winner of prize for best executant at MEB examinations, ,
      • played in Elder concert,
    • Vickery, Frederick Arthur,
      • diploma of primary education conferred,
    • Visitors,
      • degree of Doctor of Laws to be conferred on HRH the Duke of Gloucester, ,
      • Professor G Buckmaster to conduct examinations for Royal College of Surgeons, photograph,
      • Mr F P Keppel, president of Carnegie Corporation to visit Adelaide, Carnegie corporation gave ACER research grant of 拢7,500 a year for 10 years,
      • R E Priestly, new VC of 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne, visited Adelaide university,
      • Dr Keppel, president Carnegie Corporation, visiting Adelaide, photograph, ,
      • Dr Keppel very impressed with Waite Institute,
      • Dr Keppel, having spent several days visiting university, library and museum will leave today,
      • Dr Cumpston, federal director-general of health, surveying facilities in Adelaide for treatment of crippled children,
      • Professor F Clarke, of Institute of Education, university of London, surveys our education system, ,
      • dental expert, Dr E W Fish, to lecture in Adelaide for a week, ,
      • Dr E W Fish says aborigines鈥 teeth best in the world, advocates free dental treatment for those unable to pay,
      • Dr E W Fish praised high standard of dental education in Adelaide,
      • Dr R Hutchinson, president Royal Society of Medicine, London and Professor Edwin Bramwell, professor of clinical medicine at Edinburgh 最新糖心Vlog, to visit Adelaide, photographs,
      • Dr R Hutchinson arrived in Adelaide, photograph,
      • Dr R E Priestley, VC Melbourne to represent Melbourne at Adelaide medical school jubilee,
      • Dr R E Priestley, VC Melbourne, spoke at jubilee dinner of Adelaide medical school on ideals of Melbourne university,
      • Dr R E Priestley entertained at refectory dinner by Sir William Mitchell and Professor J I M Stewart,
      • Professor W A Laver from Melbourne to conduct MEB exams here,
      • Professor W A Laver impressed with standards of music in Adelaide,
      • Lord Horder on cancer and eugenics, photograph,
      • Lord Horder on health impacts of modern world, photograph,
      • Lord Horder appreciated visit to Adelaide for medical school jubilee,
      • Lord Horder, photograph,
      • Lord Horder attaked for his views on cremation,
      • Lord Horder at Adelaide medical school jubilee,
      • Dr R Hughes Parry, Bristol 最新糖心Vlog, discusses fees, health insurance,
      • Bertram Thomas, explorer of Arabia on his travels, , , , , , , , ,
      • photograph,
      • Miss Lena Leveson, UK educationist, spoke of work in UK to secure employment for women,
      • Dr Bannister, obstetrician from London to lecture on obstetrics, photograph,
  • W

    • W J Isbister Scholarship,
      • awarded to J de Vedas,
    • Wagner, F W,
      • Rhodes scholar from Queens college,
    • Wainwright, W E,
      • medical student photographed in demonstration for jubilee celebrations,
    • Wait, Miss M,
      • treasurer of classical association,
    • Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
      • report of progress in developing drought resisting pastures and overcoming lack of phosphorus and nitrogen in soils,
      • Dr AEV Richardson guided visiting federal politicians around Waite laboratories,
      • 39 members of SA branch of new 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Agricultural Science, SA branch mainly from Waite,
      • results from research at Waite and Animal Nutrition division justify expenditure on research,
      • Waite achievements in 10 years since established, photograph, ,
      • Waite evolving variety of wheat of moderate baking quality and good yield,
      • applications for positions for two junior research officers to soil division at Waite,
      • university council made annual official visit to Waite,
      • cows in Waite western fields, photograph,
      • Dr Ivan Phipps, Waite institute staff member, attended science congress,
      • director, Dr A E V Richardson, says biological control of rabbits best solution,
      • David B Adam lecturer in plant pathology elected fellow of Royal Society of SA,
    • Waite, Peter,
      • founder of Waite Institute,
    • Walkley, Gavin,
      • graduate in architectural engineering, entries Clare College Cambridge, has commission to report on architecture in UK, Europe, USA, , ,
    • Walkley, L,
      • prominent member of Stock Exchange, graduate of Queens college,
    • Wallace, Dr Frank Kenneth,
      • one of four house surgeons at Adelaide Hospital who resigned because of poor pay and overwork,
    • Wallman, Leigh S,
      • awarded government bursary to study medicine on leaving honours results,
    • Wallman, N H,
      • treasurer of politics club,
      • member of student union debating team,
    • Ward, Cyril Michael,
      • wrote article, "Examination problems",
      • committee member, classical association,
      • wrote article, "Dear old general knowledge,"
      • "Faith in education" discusses part played by education in preparing youth for politics and commerce,
    • Ward, Dr Leonard Keith,
      • selected as member of committee to direct search for oil,
      • would not comment on the search for oil in 最新糖心Vlog,
      • Director of Mines in SA ordered to pay costs and 拢150 damages to John Lane, miner, for wrongful imprisonment,
    • Ward, J F,
      • head master of Prince Alfred College supported teaching of Latin at school,
      • vice president of classical association,
    • Ward, R B,
      • member of student union debating team,
    • Warnecke, Dr Reg,
      • achieved eminence overseas,
    • Watson, Ruth,
      • awarded Ernest Ayres scholarship in botany, her research work on 鈥淣itrogen metabolin in relation to water content and the drought resistance to plants鈥,
    • Watson, Professor Archibald,
      • first professor of Anatomy at 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, returns photograph,
    • Watson, G M,
      • elected editor of medical students鈥 magazine,
    • Way, Sir Samuel,
      • fifty years ago, supported introduction of night classes,
      • ten years ago Way statue in front of university unveiled,
    • Welch, Frank,
      • in photograph of medical students demonstrating techniques for jubilee celebrations,
    • Were, John Owen,
      • Adelaide graduate accepted position at Boys 'Hostel, Hay, to study theology,
    • West, Dr Leonard Roy,
      • registered as a legally qualified medical practitioner,
    • West, R A,
      • principal of Adelaide High School, as member of council visits Waite,
    • West, Robert F,
      • topped fifth year medical examinations, awarded Dr Davies-Thomas scholarship, brief resume, ,
    • Whibley, Cyril George,
      • approved as associate member of Institute of Electrical Engineers, England and Institution of Engineers, 最新糖心Vlog,
    • White, Audrey,
      • musical prodigy, ,
      • photograph,
    • White, Miss J,
      • in photograph of medical students carrying out demonstration for jubilee celebrations,
    • Whitington, Sylvia Muriel,
      • leader at concert by S A orchestra,
      • member of Elder string quartet, , , , , , ,
      • at welcome for Hilda Gill,
      • played in SA orchestra,
    • Wilcher, Lewis Charles,
      • Sir Francis Wylie, Oxford secretary to Rhodes trustees here for wedding of his daughter to Lewis Wilcher, SA Rhodes Scholar for 1930,
    • Wilcher, Mrs M M,
      • representing women police, supported approach to university for course in social studies, ,
    • Wilkinson, Professor Herbert John,
      • president of graduate union welcomed members of English Speaking Union to combined meeting,
      • comments on US advance in keeping organs alive outside the body,
      • member of committee to arrange jubilee of medical school,
      • took photograph of Waite Institute building,
      • favours euthanasia provided no likelihood of abuse, ,
      • photographs, ,
    • William Gibson Research Scholarship,
      • scholarship for medical women is now open for application,
    • Williams, D C,
      • awarded T E Barr Smith scholarship,
    • Williams, Francis Edgar,
      • Adelaide graduate awarded Welcombe Gold Medal in England, biography,
    • Williamson, Arthur Burton,
      • wrote article "Trend of musical life in Adelaide",
    • Wilson, Thomas George,
      • granted commission to report upon mortality in childbirth in England,
      • lecturer in gynaecology and obstetrics granted leave of absence through 1935, Dr Rupert Magarey to lecture in his absence,
    • Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
      • awarded Thomas Ranken Lyle medal,
      • to give a public lecture on Dante's "Divine Comedy",
      • review of lecture,
    • Winter, Miss Rose,
      • at discussions seeking course in social studies be taught at university,
    • Winzor, Frank Lovelock,
      • assistant lecturer in chemistry has thesis accepted for doctor of science,
    • Whitburn, Jack,
      • diploma of primary education conferred,
    • Whittle, Harold Edgar,
      • awarded imperial honour,
    • Wood, Professor Gordon Leslie,
      • visiting England and America to investigate progress in economics,
      • appointed professor in botany,
      • conferred diploma of pharmacy on R H Elix,
    • Woodger, Gwenneth,
      • student of Woodlands CEGGS wins Thornber bursary for girl obtaining highest marks in leaving examinations, biography,
    • Woodroffe, K,
      • awarded M A Fotheringham scholarship,
    • Woods, Mrs Mary Tenison,
      • South 最新糖心Vlogn barrister awarded an 最新糖心Vlogn Council for Educational Research grant to look at institutional training for young offenders,
    • Woods, Nelly Hooper,
      • palaeontologist to attend science congress,
      • does honorary work for university,
      • palaeontologist attended recent science congress in Melbourne,
      • there were entries here for Dr W G Woolnough but he doesn鈥檛 seem to have any connection with Adelaide Uni,
    • Woollard, Professor H H,
      • former Elder professor of anatomy now at St Bartholomew鈥檚 hospital, London,
    • Worden, Delma Joy
      • awarded grade 111 practice of music exhibition,
    • Workers' Education Association,
      • Sir William Mitchell and Professor Portus speak at WEA, ,
      • editorial on 鈥榗ulture for the people鈥 provided by WEA,
      • Harold Oliphant defends his lectures on economics at WEA,
      • WEA classes, tutors and lecturers for 1935,
      • four scholarships for WEA study available,
      • Professor W E Cooke to lecture at WEA on 鈥榦ur wonderful universe鈥,
      • Professor Portus to lecture at WEA on 鈥榳hat Marx did for socialism鈥,
      • E G Biagginni to lecture at WEA on 鈥榮hould economic life be planned鈥,
      • WEA classes to start in April, list of lecturers and tutors,
      • WEA lecturer claims world turning socialist,
      • free public lectures to be given,
      • Miss E Morris gave a lecture on 鈥榥ovel reading鈥,
      • annual WEA break-up,
      • M L Mitchell lectured on 鈥榯he importance of diet鈥 at WEA,
    • Wylde, Harold,
      • city organist comments on child musical prodigy,
      • praised Alison Nelson,
  • Y

    • Yelland, T E,
      • chair of Unley High School council says revised public exam fees will not bring relief,
    • Young, Sir Frederick William,
      • director of English, Scottish and 最新糖心Vlogn Bank, educated in Adelaide, visiting from London,
      • member of Commonwealth Bank Board, photographed at Waite Institute,
    • Young, Michael Quinn,
      • awarded government bursary to study engineering on leaving honours results,
    • Young, Sir Walter,
      • nominated for council,
      • at meeting of senate which changed regulations,
  • Z

    • Zelling, Howard E,
      • awarded government bursary to study law on leaving honours results,