executive council appoints members of hospital advisory committee,
debate about TB Clinic site,
difficulties of medical profession in South 最新糖心Vlog,
Adelaide Museum,
director of Museum, H M Hale, to continue work of making plaster casts of heads and busts of natives,
report of anthropology expedition into Mann and Musgrave Ranges,
Adelaide Music Salon,
meeting to discuss founding of Adelaide Music Salon,
Adelaide Music Salon founded,
Adelaide Observatory,
proposed closure to affect affiliation with university for study and research purposes, , , , ,
founded by Sir Charles Todd,
annual report outlines work and contribution to society,
Adelaide Public Library,
Ralph Munn of Carnegie Corporation proposes foundation of free public library with branches in suburbs supported from rates,
amendments related to Sir Josiah Symon's legacy, ,
Adelaide Technical High School,
Headmaster, S Moyle, supported move to teach music to matriculation level,
Adelaide Town Hall,
extra orchestral concert,
Adey, William James,
invited to support teaching of music in schools,
supported campaign for music in schools,
letter discussing comment by Adey on campaign for music in schools,
in charge of committee planning schools' display for visit of Duke of Gloucester,
proposed innovations in face of criticism of public examination system,
views on civil service employment of university graduates, ,
said introduction of diploma in public administration raised status of public service,
Advisory Council of Aborigines,
Professor J B Cleland appointed to Advisory Council of Aborigines,
Aiston, G,
anthropological expedition spent a night at Aiston's property,
Alberton School,
photograph of pupils Angus Jamieson and Mervyn Smith awarded C R Morris scholarship,
Alderman, John Kevin, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner,
Alderman Scholarship,
awarded to Peter Mathews to enable him to study at Elder Conservatorium,
Allen, Dr,
President of Lyceum presided at reception for delegates to 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women Conference,
Allen, Inspector Eleanor,
on committee which organised children鈥檚 demonstration for Royal visit,
Allen, J L,
took part in Men's Union debate,
Allen, Lois,
member of subcommittee which organised Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Allen, Sir Harry,
his views on cancer raised at Australasian Medical Congress 1934, Hobart,
Allison, J K,
committee member of Labor Club,
Ambrose, Dr Ethel Mary Murray,
death in India of Adelaide graduate, biography,
Anderson, Dr Claude Leonard,
appointed to hospital in Perth,
Andrew Scott Prize,
John Erwin Kelly awarded Andrew Scott Prize,
Andrews, Julian,
passed sixth and final year, BM and BS degrees,
Angas Engineering Scholarship,
Max Aubery Hunt awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1932, , ,
Lincoln David Dowie awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1934,
Angas Johnson, Dr E,
appointed member of Medical Board,
appointed member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee,
reappointed member of Medical Board, ,
Angas Parsons, Justice,
as Warden of Senate, at conferring of degrees,
Angas, George Fife,
Fred Johns Scholarship established for writing biography of George Fife Angas,
Angas, John Howard,
founded Angas Engineering Scholarship Details in 1888,
Angel, Miss L M,
replied to toast on behalf of Women鈥檚 Union at annual dinner,
member of Committee of Graduate Union for 1934,
Angove, Mrs,
critical of public examinations,
editorial on speech by retiring Headmistress of Girton which referred to girls' interest in university education,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Angove, P C,
Aggregate Prize, second year, Roseworthy College,
Angus, Dorothea,
played in Elder student concert,
played in student concert in Town Hall,
Annual report,
1933 Annual Report,
Anstey, A E,
photograph of members of the Council of the School of Mines,
Anthoney, E, MP,
to attend summer school of 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Political Science, ,
photographs, ,
in debate about teachers' salary cut,
Anthropological Research Board,
see Board of Anthropological Research
Anthropology, Study of,
official film and stills shown of expedition studying life and customs of natives, ,
Dr T D Campbell announced plans for annual anthropological expedition to central 最新糖心Vlog,
members of annual expedition to central 最新糖心Vlog announced,
Donald Thompson appointed to work in Northern Territory,
Dr R Cilento donated to 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Anatomy collection of New Guinea skulls and Melanesian brains,
Professor J B Cleland reported on expedition returned from Central 最新糖心Vlog,
F E Williams has won award for best research essay from Royal Anthropological Institute,
Rev J R B Love gave lecture on Aboriginal Myths and Figure Paintings,
Ursula McConnell spoke on need for trained anthropologists,
Archer, Mrs D,
in photograph of delegates,
Architecture, Study of,
Leighton Irwin to consider recognition of Adelaide's degree for exemption from examinations of Royal 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Architects,
Armstrong, Florence,
in photograph of delegates,
Art Works,
stained glass window in memory of Professor Robertson unveiled,
Arts, Bachelor of,
最新糖心Vlog of Queensland offers external courses,
Arts, Study of,
medieval university studies,
Ashton, Kathleen,
sang in Elder students' concert,
Ashworth, Clarice Mabel,
former Principal of Methodist Ladies College, appointed to Columba, Dunedin,
Astronomy, Study of,
threat to Adelaide Observatory to affect university work, , ,
Professor Kerr Grant urges retention of Adelaide Observatory,
Professor Kerr Grant and Professor Chapman advise that if Adelaide Observatory is closed, part of its work will have to be carried on by university at its cost,
Adelaide Observatory brought into affiliation with university 18 months ago,
Professor Kerr Grant advised possibility of observing meteor shower,
Government astronomer G F Dowell advised that he and Professor Kerr Grant hoped to achieve photographic record of meteor shower,
observation of meteor shower reported, ,
G F Dowell finds comet,
G F Dowell supported proposal for co-operation between observatories, universities,
federal government abandoned plans for central control of state observatories,
federal government recommended state observatories be managed by universities,
Atkinson, Rev Charles W, MA, LittD,
appointed Principal of Methodist Ladies College,
arrives to take up duties,
responded on behalf of graduates at annual general meeting of Graduate Union,
Auldana Vineyards,
details of Sir Josiah Symon's will in regard to vineyards,
Australasian College of Surgeons, see Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Australasian Medical Congress, held in Hobart, papers reported,
最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science,
Professors Chapman and Kerr Grant, Dr C Fenner and R S Burdon to attend 21st conference in Sydney,
Dr R W Cilento to give public lectures at 21st Conference,
South 最新糖心Vlog to send 30 delegates,
South 最新糖心Vlog to send 35 to 40 delegates,
at 22nd conference in Melbourne, Sir Douglas Mawson to become president,
最新糖心Vlogn Army Medical Corps,
Army doctor鈥檚 concerns presented at Australasian Medical Congress,
最新糖心Vlogn Council for Educational Research,
acknowledges role of Carnegie Corporation,
Carnegie Corporation to fund survey of 最新糖心Vlogn libraries,
最新糖心Vlogn Dental Association,
advances in Dental science,
need for more dental work among children,
eighth 最新糖心Vlogn Dental Congress held in Adelaide,
use of toothbrush discussed,
最新糖心Vlogn Economic Society,
at Science Congress, decision taken to establish 最新糖心Vlogn Economic Society,
最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women Conference,
held in Adelaide, 1934,
Dr Marie Bentivoglio spoke on value of broadcasting in education,
committee of delegates sent resolutions to Chairman of ABC on use of wireless in education,
photograph of delegates,
Mrs T C B Osborn said schools were examination machines,
Mabel Hardy stated that people do not want to think,
Mary Frost presented SA report to conference,
Dr Ethel McLennan elected president of Federation,
Mrs T C B Osborn elected chair of committees on internationalism,
photograph of many unnamed delegates,
最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
engineering students to tour in conjunction with Institute,
最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Political Science,
South 最新糖心Vlogns to attend summer school, ,
最新糖心Vlogn Music Examinations Board,
annual AMEB conference to be held in Adelaide, , ,
singing examinations for girls under fifteen introduced,
board denounces tax on imported music,
recitals given at conservatorium to aid music teachers, , ,
examiners for board celebrate birthday, ,
examiner arrives in Adelaide for AMEB exams, ,
exhibitions awarded on AMEB results,
new AMEB examiner appointed,
examiners praise Allan Giles, brilliant boy pianist,
1934 conference to be held in Perth,
Dr Davies advised that the Board wanted music taught in schools to matriculation level, ,
conservatorium provides demonstrations for teachers of music,
最新糖心Vlogn National Research Council,
Rockefeller Institute awards funds,
university staff on executive of research council,
impact of actions of late Professor Henry George Chapmen,
gave address on public health at Medical Congress, Hobart,
Daniel, C L,
gave apprenticeship to first woman graduate of diploma of pharmacy,
Darsow, Martin,
awarded Grade 111 Theory of Music Exhibition,
Davey, Dr Constance Muriel,
commented on Professor Elton Mayo's research on industrial efficiency,
to be at annual dinner of Women鈥檚 Union,
welcomed to conference of Institute of Public Administration,
attended conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
David Murray Scholarship,
won by Eric William Gray,
awarded to C H Coats,
David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth,
speech opens 21st ANZAAS conference,
vice president of geology section of ANZAAS conference,
to publish book on geology of 最新糖心Vlog, Adelaide geologists to help,
in Adelaide gathering material on Commonwealth geology,
article on SA fossils,
to publish new work next year,
in SA for further work on fossils,
given Emeritus Professorship by 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney,
comments on Mawson expedition to craters,
Antarctic explorer and writer,
death, obituaries, , ,
photographs, , ,
Davidson, A C,
gave Fisher lecture on topic, 鈥溩钚绿切腣log鈥檚 part in international recovery鈥,
gave Fisher lecture in 1932, ,
Davidson, F G,
Librarian of Circulating Library concerned at criticism by R A Munn,
Davidson, Dr James,
Head of entomological dept at Waite leading research against thrips, , ,
Davidson, Professor John,
in 1882, Rev W R Fletcher the temporary appointment as lecturer in English Literature after death of Professor Davidson,
Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
outlined program coming musical season,
challenge of 鈥榗anned鈥 music, photograph,
his speech commented on by City organist,
praised former teacher, I G Reimann,
supports interstate music festival,
discusses SA orchestra program for 1932 and finance issues,
elected Chair of 最新糖心Vlogn Music Examinations Board,
organised series of chamber music concerts to mark bicentenary of Haydn鈥檚 birth,
letter to editor on music of Constant Lambert,
response to his comments on Constant Lambert, ,
brief biographies, , ,
issues invitations for student operas,
spoke on SA Orchestra concert clashes,
to present associates in music for 1932 and scholars for 1933,
easy access to music by expert musicians discouraging children from playing,
gave lecture on the Faculty of Music,
pays tribute to Peter Bornstein,
stresses importance of educating emotions through music,
member of council of S.A. Music Teachers Association, 1906,
conducts examinations for Elder scholarships,
to assess applications for Elder Scholarships,
awarded Elder scholarships,
praised young pianist, Allan Giles,
fare-welled Hilda Gill and Peter Bornstein,
outlined program for 1934,
says 最新糖心Vlogn child shows aptitude for music,
advice to students,
to broadcast three talks,
supported scheme for founding Adelaide Music Salon,
campaign for teaching music in schools to matriculation level, ,
issued invitations for performance of "Faust鈥,
最新糖心Vlog should have national symphony orchestra,
praised by Percy Grainger,
campaign for more music study in schools, , , , ,
SA Orchestra gave extra concert as tribute to P. Grainger and Professor Davies,
at luncheon in honour of organist,
Hilda Gill wrote to Professor Davies about her musical experience on Continent,
had honorary degree conferred by 最新糖心Vlog of WA,
thanks Percy Grainger,
informs teachers of 最新糖心Vlogn Music Examinations Board鈥檚 decision to extend music studies in schools,
his proposals to change teaching of music in schools debated, ,
musical genius and its training,
photographs, , ,
Davies, Sir Walford,
actions of English expert quoted in teaching music in schools demonstration at Conservatorium,
鈥淭en Years Ago鈥 wrote to support approval of appointment of Clive Carey,
Davies-Thomas Scholarship,
legacy to augment initial funds,
Davies-Thomas, Dr John,
scholarship founded in his memory by his wife, Mrs. E Davies-Thomas,
Davis, Harold Fosbery,
student punished for souvenir hunting in Hobart,
Davis, R W,
Vice President Labor Club,
took part in debates of Labor Club and Men鈥檚 Union, ,
chairman of Labor Club on university education,
presided at meeting where Mr Scullin spoke on unemployment,
Davy, Dr R,
attended Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Dawbarn, Richard B,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, ,
Dawe, R,
provided musical entertainment at Annual Dinner of Men's Union,
Dawes, E R,
spoke on different phases of Labor movement,
will propose debate topic for Labor Club and Men鈥檚 Union,
Dawkins, A M,
Chairman of Council of Control at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
Dawkins, Lindsay Cramp,
studying structural engineering in London,聽
admitted as associate of Royal Institute of British Architects,
Dawkins, Mrs S L,
at meeting to proposed founding music salon,
elected to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Day, R S,
took part in Men's Union debate,
Dean, Brigader-General George Henry, VD,
made CBE in Honours list,
de Crespigny, Dr C T C,
appointed to Adelaide Hospital advisory committee,
de Crespigny, Nancy Champion,
BA conferred ad eundem gradum,
Delaney, Detective Sergeant,
affairs of late Prof H G Chapman, ,
Delmont, W G,
left for US for further research in dental science,
Dempster, John,
city organist responding to address by Professor E Harold Davies, claimed there was no true love of music among music teachers trained academically,
Dental Board of South 最新糖心Vlog,
member of Dental Board calls for government action to improve teeth of South 最新糖心Vlogns,
new membership of the reconstituted Dental Board, ,
members of former board, ,
board membership appointments,
member of board protests against amendments to Dental Bill,
board members resign after amendments to Dental Bill passed,
Dental Congress,
Congress President, Dr H T J Edwards, on use of Toothbrush,
Dental Museum to be feature of Congress,
Dr Edwards opposed nationalisation,
dental work among children,
member of Dental Board calls for government action to improve teeth of South 最新糖心Vlogns,
advances in dental science,
Dentistry, Faculty of,
Dean of Faculty, Dr Cudmore, chair of reconstituted Dental Board, ,
Dentistry, Study of,
debate on entry to dentistry registration for unqualified assistants by sitting an examination rather than doing a course, or even solely on years of experience , ,
member of Dental Board opposes changes to Dental Bill,
Dental Association claims standard of training threatened, , , ,
advances in dental science, working with children,
Dental Museum to open for Congress,
Devine, H B,
in 1926 supported formation of College of Australasian surgeons,
Discombe, Lorna,
MA degree conferred in Council meeting, ,
Distance Education,
最新糖心Vlog of Queensland to offer courses by correspondence,
Dodd, J E,
has reconstructed organ he originally built, ,
Dodwell, George Frederick,
government astronomer argues for retention of Adelaide Observatory,
his work at observatory, ,
observed comet, ,
supported proposal for co-operation between universities and observatories,
Doenau, Topsy,
piano accompanist at Midday organ recital,
Dollard, Miss,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Dolling, Mrs C E,
spoke on technical developments in broadcasting at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
member of subcommittee of Women鈥檚 Graduate Union which organised Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Dorsch, Agnes,
awarded Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
biography, photograph,
Dorsch, Theodor Siegfried,
won awards at St Mark鈥檚 College,
supports women students鈥 appeal for Barr Smith Library to open in evenings,
selected as Rhodes Scholar,
biography, photograph of new Rhodes Scholar, ,
leaving for Oxford,
Dorsch, Dr Wilhelm Bernard,
newly registered as doctor,
awarded Everard Scholarship and BMA Prize,
biography, photograph,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,
Dowie, Lincoln David,
biography, awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1934,
Downer, F J,
Vice-president of Friends of Public Library,
Downey, Dr Michael Henry,
obituary of Superintendent of Parkside Mental Hospital,
Doyle, L J, LLB.,
appointed to position in Commonwealth Public Service, brief biography,
Dridan, J R,
engineer engaged in work on locks on River Murray,
Drummond, A.A.,
said he hoped members of Labor Club would assist the Socialist School of Thought,
Duffield, Dr Walter,
principal founder of Mt Stromlo Observatory for solar work,
Duhig, Dr J V,
made plea for use of pathological diagnosis, 最新糖心Vlogn Medical Congress,
Duiguid, Dr C,
gave demonstrations and took part in discussions at conference for surgeons,
Duguid, Mrs C,
to be at annual dinner of Women鈥檚 Union,
Dumas, Vic,
reported work of H H Finlayson in Petermann Range,
Dunn, J M,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA,
member of council of SA Music Teachers Association,
Dwyer, Dr,
current medical registrar at Adelaide Hospital also temporarily surgical registrar and outpatients registrar,
left with N B Tindale for three months study of natives in Musgrave Ranges,
to meet at Ernabella anthropological expedition,
worked three months in interior,
films and stills taken by him and N B Tindale shown,
Hackett, J T,
appointed clerk of Senate,
Hackett, Patricia,
delivers address at opening of Winthrop Hall, 最新糖心Vlog of Western 最新糖心Vlog, representing the benefactor of the Hall, Lady Moulden of Adelaide,
Hague, Ralph Meyrick,
admitted to Bar,
Hale, H M,
member of anthropological expedition to Mt Liebig,
Director of Museum to make plaster casts of heads and busts of natives, ,
author of books dealing with fish, reptiles and crustaceans,
Hall, Madame Delmar,
teacher of students who performed in concerts, ,
Hall, J S,
undertook further study in London, elected associate of Royal Institute of British architects,
Hall, Winsloe,
teacher of student who performed at Conservatorium,
director of student opera Faust,
Hamilton, A L,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce,
Hamilton, Dr Ian Ayliffe,
appointed to the surgical section,
reappointed demonstrator in pathology, Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog,
admitted as Fellow of 最新糖心Vlogn College of Surgeons,
appointed honorary assistant pathologist, Adelaide Hospital,
appointed to Adelaide Children's Hospital,
member of committee of 最新糖心Vlog Graduate Union for 1934,
Hamilton, K T,
appointed secretary to Union,
Hancock, Professor William Keith,
letter to editor protesting against lack of government funds for public library,
spoke at meeting of International Club,
to speak in 1932 program of public lectures,
member of committee of Friends of Public Library, ,
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford students,
to lecture on 鈥淭he War Guilt Controversy鈥, public lecture program 1933,
Professor G V Portus appointed his successor,
advertising for his successor,
left for England,
Hannan, A J,
Crown Solicitor appeared for Medical Board in application for medical registration,
Hannon, Dr T D,
appointed dental surgeon at Adelaide Hospital,
Hanrahan, Constable,
at prosecution of F E Clarence for stealing microscopes,
Hardman, Clement,
sang in students鈥 concert,
Hardy, Mabel,
stated people do not want to think, at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Hardy, Miss E P,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce,
Hare, Doris,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust",
Hargrave, Philip,
ten year old musical genius, photograph,
played in dingy Exhibition Building,
Hargreaves, William Arthur,
has retired Director of Chemistry and Government Analyst,
Harris, Dr W P,
newly registered as doctor,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,
Harris, Jean,
Miss Jean Harris new Vice-Principal of Methodist Ladies College,
responded to Dr Davies鈥 proposals for teaching of music in schools,
Hart, Philip Wesley,
student fined for souvenir hunting in Hobart,
Harty, Sir Hamilton,
suggested 最新糖心Vlog should have a national symphony orchestra,
Haselgrove Prize in Viticulture,
third year won by C Pollitt, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
Hassell, Miss J,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Hawker, Michael,
replaced on Flora and Fauna Board by Professor P G Wood,
Hay, F D,
provided musical entertainment at Annual Dinner of Men's Union,
Hay, L A,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce,
Hay, R C,
first year student, won Bronze Medal, Annual Prize Giving, Roseworthy College,
Hayward, J L,
chairman of Men鈥檚 Union supports request of women to have Barr Smith library open at night,
Health and Safety,
special classes in first aid,
Healy, Mrs R,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Heath, Mrs E M,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Hebrew, Study of,
H Munz to take charge of Hebrew class, ,
Heincke, Mr,
teacher at Adelaide College of Music,
Heinze, Professor Bernard,
teach children musical appreciation, photograph,
conducted SA Orchestra,
attributed progress in music in SA to teaching in the schools,
Henderson, Emeritus Professor George Cockburn,
plans geographical survey of Tasmania to establish place of Tasman's landing, ,
Henderson, Mr,
clerk of works examines progress of building Bonython Hall,
Hendrickson, Lyndall,
brilliant performance by young student,
Hendrickson, Cynthia,
accompanist at students' concert,
Hewitson, Thomas,
Doctor of Laws conferred in 1922,
Hicks, Professor Cedric Stanton,
reported on research to be done in pharmacy and physiology by students,
member of anthropological expedition to Ernabella,
to lecture in public lecture program,
lecture on the problems of over-population, , ,
to give address on 鈥淪ome chemical regulators of vital processes鈥,
donation for research from Broken Hill Associated Smelters Ltd given in gratitude for his research together into treatment for a sick staff member of that company,
Hill, Mr,
photograph of Headmaster of Alberton School with some pupils,
Hinde, Mrs E H,
Headmistress of Riverside School advocated the Mason method of teaching during critical discussion of examination system,
History, Chair of,
applications called for Chair in History,
Professor Portus appointed to chair of Political Science and History,
Hobbs, Dr A F,
appointed assistant in surgical unit, Adelaide Hospital,
appointed honorary assistant surgeon in place of Dr Pomeroy,
Hogan, Dr Philip Cornelius,
to do post-graduate work in London and Continent,
obtained FRCS 最新糖心Vlog of Edinburgh,
Hogarth, David S, LLB,
appointed to Commonwealth Public Service; brief biography,
Holden, E W,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig,
Holden, Mrs E W,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Holder, Miss E,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Holder, Sydney Ernest,
awarded South 最新糖心Vlogn Scholarship by the university in 1881,
Holding, G B,
awarded evening scholarship to study science,
Holmes, Edna Lucy,
WEA tutor appointed Headmistress of St Catherine's School, Toorak,
Homburg, Beryl,
Conference of the 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Homburg, Mr,
enquired about cost of constructing TB Clinic,
Hone, B W,
met with Dr Charles Fenner and other SA Rhodes Scholars, Oxford,
success at Oxford of SA Rhodes Scholar,
Hone, Mrs F R,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Hone, B W,
lunched with other Rhodes scholars in Oxford,
SA Rhodes Scholar wins honours in philosophy, politics, economics, English language and literature, is captain of Oxford Cricket team,
Hone, Dr Frank Sandland,
to lecture in 1932 program of public lectures,
supported foundation of Friends of Public Library,
value of school inspections in preventative medicine,
appointed a member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, ,
addressed new graduates at luncheon,
member of committee of 最新糖心Vlog Graduate Union for 1934,
photographed at annual commemoration lunch,
Honey, Harry Musson Woodville,
awarded Diploma of the second class, Roseworthy College,
Hooper, Frederick Harvey,
awarded Diploma of the second class, Roseworthy College,
Hooper, P D,
chemist working at Waite with Professor Prescott on soil research,
Hooper, Peter,
sang role of Mephistopheles in performance of "Faust" in Elder Opera Class,
Hope, Dr Charles Henry Standish,
in India, awarded silver Kaisar-i-Hind medal, an Imperial decoration for services to the Empire,
Hope, Dr Laura Margaret (nee Fowler),
in India awarded gold Kaisar-i-Hind medal, an Imperial decoration for services to the Empire,
Hore-Ruthven, Sir Alexander,
governor's plea for teaching more foreign languages, ,
at commemoration ceremony, urged new graduates to bring their scientific training to address the problems of the day,
Horgan, Lillian Veronica,
awarded Elder Scholarship pianoforte,
Horne, Robert Laughton Kingsford,
awarded Diploma of the second class, Roseworthy College,
Horner, John,
letter asking for more organ recitals by John Horner,
awarded a PhD for forestry research, short biography and photograph,
awarded PhD from Tharandt 最新糖心Vlog,
returned after investigating timber resources in north, ,
Jay, Dr H M,
organiser of arrangements for Seventh Conference of Royal 最新糖心Vlogn College of Surgeons,
Jamieson, Angus,
pupil of Alberton School won C K Morris scholarship, photograph,
Jarvis, H S C,
built stone pillars for 最新糖心Vlog gates,
Jay, Dr H M,
organised arrangements for Conference of Royal 最新糖心Vlogn Conference of Surgeons,
Jeffrey, George,
photograph as member of Council of School of Mines,
Jeffries, Mr,
Minister of Education said government would take full responsibility for teachers' salary cut,
John Bagot Scholarship,
Frank J Fenner awarded John Bagot Scholarship,
won by J G Wood in 1920,
John Creswell Scholarship,
awarded to G D L Seddon,
awarded to Donald McGarry,
awarded to Winifred May Lihou,
John L Young Scholarship for Research,
awarded to J G Wood in 1923,
John, Walter Clifford,
awarded Diploma of Second Class at Roseworthy College,
Johns, Fred,
obituary, ,
left money for university to establish scholarships,
Johns, Mrs Mary M,
wrote that her father, William McMinn was the architect of the Mitchell Building,
Johnson, C R,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce,
Johnson Laboratory,
Federal government Unemployment Relief Council provided funds for building new laboratory,
council to consider ground plans for laboratory,
laboratories to be opened in June,
photographs of new building, ,
Johnson, Dr .A,
reappointed member of Medical Board,
Johnson, W C,
took part in Men's Union debate,
Johnston, Dr J H,
newly registered as doctor,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,
Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
argued costs would prove a bar to establishment of science centre in Canberra,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig,
member of anthropological expedition to Ernabella, ,
Aborigine 鈥榥ot a lazy misfit鈥,
university representative on board of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery,
article on aborigines of Central 最新糖心Vlog published in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South 最新糖心Vlog,
discussed implications of proposal to 'breed out black blood',
provided commentary on films and stills of expedition,
acting Professor of Botany until Dr J G Wood appointed,
in party formed for annual anthropological expedition,
said dingo scalps brought in by natives were traded for flour,
to receive King鈥檚 bronze polar medal for expedition with Mawson,
Jolly, Norman William,
former Rhodes Scholar and Professor of Forestry, ,
Jones, H Brewster,
commented on Professor Davies鈥 statements on music,
Jones, Thomas Henry,
appointed lecturer in harmony in 1898,
Jones, T E,
director of external university courses at Queensland 最新糖心Vlog outlined operations,
Jose, Dr J B,
conducted operations at conference of surgeons,
appointed honorary medical staff at Adelaide Hospital,
Jose, Very Rev G H,
Adelaide Dean does not favour Sydney move to have clergy undertake tutorial classes in economics in order to improve their understanding of social problems,
letter to Editor on Clergy and social problems,
Joseph Fisher Lectures,
for 1914, by Sir David Gordon,
for 1917, by Professor R F Irvine,
for 1921, by D B Copland,
for 1925, by Sir Henry Copland,
for 1927, by S M Bruce, ,
for 1929, Professor R C Mills,
for 1930, by Professor T E G Gregory, , ,
for 1932, by A C Davidson, 鈥溩钚绿切腣log鈥檚 share in international recovery鈥, , , ,
for 1934 given by L G Melville on "Gold Standards or Goods Standards鈥, , ,
Joseph Fisher Medal,
names of those who have won the medal since 1929,
Journalism, Diploma in,
course available externally through Queensland 最新糖心Vlog,
Jubilee Oval,
registrar expects transfer of Jubilee Oval to university shortly,
oval taken over, invites offers to remove buildings on it,
transforming oval, ,
gates erected near oval,
the Mitchell Gates construction, ,
Judell, Vivienne, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner,
Julius, George, Sir,
reported that as Treasurer of 最新糖心Vlogn National Research Council, the late Prof H G Chapman had caused the council serious losses,
chairman of committee to help graduates find re-employment,
National Research Council's Position in regards to manipulation of funds,
to chair meeting of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Adelaide,
reports of research conducted in South 最新糖心Vlog,
Jury Professor of English Language and Literature,
applications called for Jury Professor, ,
appointment to be delayed for some time,
Jury, Charles Rischbieth,
turned down offer of Jury Chair of English, ,
teaching in English department,
to lecture on 鈥淗amlet and his unconscious mind鈥,
gave extension lecture, 鈥楢pplying Freud to Hamlet鈥,
SA Branch of League of Nations Union establishes scholarship for women educationists in memory of Madeleine Rees George,
Macbeth, Professor Alexander Killen,
appreciation of his efforts to establish a diploma of pharmacy,
appointed member of Flora and Fauna Board,
MacDonald, Keith Alexander,
admitted to SA Bar,
Macdonald, Miss I,
Headmistress of Presbyterian Ladies College critical of non-matriculated girls being at university,
criticises social life of girls, argues should only be at university if matriculated,
Mackay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
review of his book, Experiments in Educational Self-Government,
Mackay, Donald,
has different view of auriferous resources of Central 最新糖心Vlog from those of Dr C T Madigan,
MacKeikan, Elizabeth,
Peter Waite's daughter leaves residue of her estate to 最新糖心Vlog,
MacRae, George Brown,
awarded Diploma of Pharmacy, ,
Madigan, Dr Cecil Thomas,
to attend ANZAAS conference,
refutes argument that Rhodes Scholars are altering traditions of Oxford,
member of committee of 最新糖心Vlog Graduate Union for 1934,
cautious of prospects of developing gold mining in north, mentioned in discussion of value of aerial surveys,
need for detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges,
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars,
completed book on Central 最新糖心Vlog to be published by Oxford,
on importance of aerial survey in geology for Northern 最新糖心Vlog, ,
President of Men's Union at students' debate,
public lecture on Egypt and the Sudan,
defends Rhodes Scholars,
appointed correspondent for SA with aim to form branch of society to reunite former Oxford students,
brief biography,
final report of Granites gold field, , ,
brief biography,
awarded doctorate from Oxford on basis of original work,
appointed new Scout Commissioner,
photographs, , ,
Maegraith, Dr Brian Gilmore,
Rhodes scholar lunched with other South 最新糖心Vlogns, Oxford, ,
awarded Beit Memorial Junior Medical Research Fellowship, ,
Magarey, D D,
to attend ANZAAS,
Magarey, Helen,
played violin in Students鈥 concert,
Magarey, Miss K,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Maguire, F A,
Lieutenant-Colonel in 最新糖心Vlogn Medical Corps told attendees at 最新糖心Vlogn Medical Congress 1934, Hobart, that it was the duty of the community to maintain a high percentage of fit people,
Mahony, Miss,
in photograph of delegates at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Maitland, James Angus,
admitted to SA Bar,
responsible for 最新糖心Vlog sports year book,
Mallan, H D,
member of Dental Board, ,
reappointed to Dental Board,
Mander, Professor Linden Alfred,
on visit to parents from his position at 最新糖心Vlog of Washington, photograph,
gave address on 鈥淭he Changing Bases of Law and Order鈥 to conference of Institute of Public Administration,
left to return to United States,
provisions in Sir Josiah Symon's legacy, ,
Mareeba Babies' Hospital,
Dr F N LeMessurier appointed to advisory committee,
Margarey, Miss K,
SA graduate attended Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Marks, Mrs Jane,
1922 bequest to 最新糖心Vlog from Mrs Jane Marks,
Marshall, W H,
secretary of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery Board reported the public, university and parliamentary libraries will be examined by Munn and Pitt on behalf of Carnegie Corporation,
Marshall, T J, BSc,
chemist at Waite working with Professor Prescott on soil research,
Marston, H R,
senior biological officer in Division of Animal Nutrition to lead division until replacement for Sir Charles Martin appointed,
Martin, Adeline Zoe,
Diploma in Pharmacy conferred, ,
first South 最新糖心Vlogn woman to win Pharmacy Diploma, ,
daughter of incapacitated soldier given apprenticeship as a pharmaceutical chemist, short biography,
Martin, Eric,
daughter given apprenticeship as a pharmaceutical chemist,
Martin, Sir Charles James,
to lecture in public lecture program for 1932,
retiring after continuing work of Professor Brailsford Robertson, biography,
has completed two years as chief of Division of Animal Nutrition, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, biography, photograph,
Masson, Sir David,
at meetings re Dr H G Chapman鈥檚 manipulation of funds, ,
Mathews, Edward John Peter,
promising young violinist, photograph,
Sir William Mitchell proposes separate matriculation examination for future university students, , ,
protests at results,
changes discussed,
Matison, Dr E A,
ear, nose and throat specialist on leave from Parkside Mental Hospital,
Matters, Dr R F,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934,
Matters, Dr Rex,
operated in gynaecological block at Surgeons Conference,
Mawson, Sir Douglas,
photographs, , ,
in London Professor Debenham read Sir Douglas Mawson's paper on recent Antarctic Research Expedition,
elected president of next Congress of the 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science,
to work with Sir Edgeworth David to prepare a comprehensive geography of 最新糖心Vlog,
suggests MPs should be qualified in geography before being elected,
leaves for England on behalf of British, 最新糖心Vlogn, New Zealand Antarctic Expedition,
will show Captain Frank Hurley's film of 1929-31 expedition in London,
arrived in London; gave lecture to Royal Geographical Society,
Commonwealth officers confirm his trip to London unofficial,
Commonwealth to administer Antarctic territories; Mawson argues for asserting rights over Adelie land and alerts all to value of geological deposits in land already controlled,
suggestion that 最新糖心Vlogn Antarctic territory be called Mawsonia,
film of 1929-31 expedition shown in London,
最新糖心Vlog's control of Antarctic territory largely due to Mawson's work,
Mawson 'intellectual son' of Edgeworth David,
has 51st birthday, short biography,
completing publishing arrangements for expedition findings,
much of Antarctic area controlled by 最新糖心Vlog discovered by Mawson,
wide recognition of his work,
announced a survey of Indian Ocean will be undertaken,
arrived at Fremantle on way to Adelaide, no planned expeditions because of lack of funds,
on Antarctica as source of wealth,
editorial on his statement on Antarctic sources of wealth,
on lost continent of Lemuria,
to investigate meteorite craters in interior,
polar medals to be awarded to members of 1929-31 expedition, ,
to become president of ANZAAS at 22nd Conference,
leads students on expedition to north-east part of SA,
divisional meteorologist comments on Mawson's view of Antarctic influence on weather in SA,
guides Swedish scientist Dr Caldenius in inspecting rocks in Adelaide Hills,
promotes mining prospects in Adelaide Hills,
Mayo, Dr Helen,
taking leave from vaccine clinic at Adelaide hospital, ,
to attend annual dinner of Women鈥檚 Union,
president of local branch of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
spoke at conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
president of subcommittee which organised Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Mayo, Dr J C,
appointed honorary clinical assistant to surgical section of Adelaide Hospital,
FRCS, Edinburgh, 1931,
Mayo, Professor George Elton,
South 最新糖心Vlogn appointed Professor of Industrial Research at Harvard shows workers need periods of rest,
appointed by university to attend 37th conference of American Academy of Political and Social Science, ,
Mayo, Dr J W,
awarded Fellowship from Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh),
McAuliffe, John David,
graduated at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, won prizes in Dairying and Swine Husbandry,
McBain, N,
took part in Men's Union debate,
McBride, W J,
contribution to music education continued by F Gratton,
McBryde, Frederick Balfour,
appointed Master of Supreme Court, photograph, short biography,
appointed Registrar in Admiralty,
took oaths of office of new Governor Sir Winston Dugan,
McCartin, James,
sang at Students鈥 concert,
McCaughey, Sir Samuel,
left bequest to assist dependents of incapacitated soldiers,
McDonald, Miss L,
awarded evening scholarship to study arts,
McDonnell, Mrs Carlile,
committee member, Friends of Public Library,
McLean, Mr,
Chief Protector of Aborigines to receive report of anthropological expedition,
McConnell, Ursula,
leading anthropologist at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
McCoy, Dr Harold Alexander,
to replace Dr H C Nott as tutor in radiology while latter is on leave,
McDonald, Dr S F,
spoke on the handicapped child at 最新糖心Vlogn Medical Congress 1934,
McEwin, Neil,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
McGarry, Donald,
awarded Creswell scholarship,
McInnes, Mr,
spoke on teachers' salary cut,
McKail, Mrs.J C,
member of committee of 最新糖心Vlog Graduate Union for 1934,
photographed at annual commemoration lunch,
member of subcommittee of Women鈥檚 Graduate Union which organised Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
McKay, Dr A A,
newly registered as doctor,
McKay, Dr Douglas Gordon,
appointed medical superintendent of Adelaide Children's Hospital, photograph, biography,
McKellar Stewart, Professor J,
member of committee of 最新糖心Vlog Graduate Union for 1934,
photographed at annual commemoration lunch,
gave public lecture, "Experience of Self",
gave public lecture, "The life of the Self",
gave public lecture, "Moral life; the Life of Practice",
McKinnon, L D,
presented with Pharmacy Diploma,
McLachlan, A.J,
moved that Ian McLachlan be admitted to Bar,
McLachlan, Ian, LLB,
admitted to Bar,
McLaughlin, Dr Eugene,
appointed director of laboratory at Adelaide Hospital, biography, photograph,
McLean, L A,
won Lady Duncan scholarship to St Andrews College,
McMinn, William,
original 最新糖心Vlog Architect,
McRitchie, George,
secretary of WEA promised favourable consideration if Anglican authorities wished clergy to take part in tutorial classes,
Mates, C H,
secretary of Council of Musical Association of SA,
Medical Board of South 最新糖心Vlog,
new members appointed, ,
additional diplomas registered for members, G H Solomon, FRCS, Edinburgh 1933; S R Burston, MRCP, Edinburgh, 1934; J C Mayo, FRCS, Edinburgh, 1931,
members reappointed, ,
Supreme Court refuses order to direct Medical Board to register Johannes Heinrich Becker as medical practitioner,
Medicine, Study of,
studying medicine costly,
advances in medical sciences, editorial,
Sir James Barrett suggested nurses have part of their education in university,
Faculty of Medicine results,
old powder magazine used as mortuary by medicine students,
medical students required to wear white sash, Fifty Years Ago,
controversy over placement of Tuberculosis Clinic,
最新糖心Vlogn Medical Congress held in Hobart, 1934,
visiting London surgeon, C H Fagge, discusses developments in surgery, treatment of cancer and prejudice against women doctors,
difficulties of medical profession during Depression conditions,
increasing costs of studying medicine,
Dr Leonard J C Mitchell discussed definitions of blindness 最新糖心Vlogn Medical Congress 1934, Hobart,
Meegan, Kathleen,
member of conservatorium String Quartet, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Melbourne, Dr Alexander Clifford Vernon,
lecturer at 最新糖心Vlog of Queensland grew up in South 最新糖心Vlog, biography,
Mellowship, Joan,
performed in Students' concert,
Melville, Professor Leslie Galfried,
biography, now with Commonwealth Bank Board,
to leave for Ottawa,
to give Joseph Fisher Lecture,
gave Joseph Fisher Lecture for 1933 on 鈥淕old Standards or Goods Standards鈥, ,
his position to be filled by Professor E O G Shann,
Melville, S T,
moved that Kevin Gerald Walsh be admitted to Bar,
Menz, Anna H,
new graduate to be toasted at annual dinner of Women鈥檚 Union,
member of subcommittee of Women鈥檚 Graduate Union who organised Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Mercer, E H,
awarded evening scholarship to study science,
Messent, Esther,
local delegate to Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
member of subcommittee which organised Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Messent, Dr Phillip Santo,
member of Dental Board, ,
reappointed to Dental Board,
appointed lecturer in clinical medicine,
influence of Antarctica on weather in S A,
Methodist Ladies' College,
Headmistress, Miss J M Harris, supported teaching of music to matriculation level,
Miethke, Miss A L,
member of Dress and Color Committee for, Royal visit,
Miller, Dr F J B,
ophthalmologist conducted operations and gave demonstrations at conference of surgeons, ,
Mills, Professor R C,
gave Joseph Fisher lecture in 1929, ,
Minell, Percival,
auditor, affairs of late Prof H G Chapmen,
Mineralogy, Study of,
mining prospects in Adelaide Hills,
Mitchell, Rev D F,
argued theology should be university subject,
Mitchell, E H,
began S A Music Teachers Association in 1906 of which he was secretary,
Mitchell Gates,
new gates on Frome Road,
Mitchell, Roma, LLB,
to propose toast to health of Women鈥檚 Union at annual dinner,
Mitchell, Sir William,
proposed a matriculation examination tailored to university study, , ,
unfilled professorial chairs caused by shortage of funds,
represents 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide at opening of new buildings for 最新糖心Vlog of Western 最新糖心Vlog, ,
to leave for London next month,
presided at meeting of Friends of Public Library,
left for Canada,
at conferring of degrees, ,
published two books, returned from overseas,
鈥淢ind and the Universe鈥, his Gilford lectures,
to be vice president of Institute of Public Administration,
to attend Standing Advisory Committee for 最新糖心Vlogn Universities,
reported invitation to Carnegie Foundation to survey 最新糖心Vlogn libraries,
congratulated Institute of Public Administration for creating a profession,
to attend annual meeting of 最新糖心Vlogn Association of Psychology and Philosophy,
reported on Industrial psychology as specialised study,
at meetings of 最新糖心Vlogn National Research Council about loss of funds, ,
unsightly Frome Road fence, ,
present at lunch for former organist of Westminster Abbey,
photograph of members of Council of School of Mines,
photographed attending state tribute to Sir Josiah Symon,
Paid for new gates on Frome Road, , ,
Mitton, Ronald Gladstone,
now Doctor of Philosophy,
photograph and short biography,
has taken up position at Clifton College,
Moodie, C T,
responded to toast at first annual dinner of Men鈥檚 Union,
secretary of Law faculty in debates, ,
Moore, Dr A P R,
member of Dental Board, , ,
opposed changes to Dental Bill,
resigned from Dental Board after amendments to Dental Bill passed,
Moore, Dr Brian Formby,
appointed to ophthalmology section,
Moore, H,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig to study anatomical, psychological and mental characteristics of Aboriginal tribes,
Moore, H P,
did not offer for re-election to Public Libraries Board,
Moore, M C,
to attend ANZAAS,
Morgan, Dr Alexander Matheson,
最新糖心Vlog Representative on Fauna and Flora Board,
resigned from Board,
Morgan, Edward James Ranembe,
appointed magistrate,
found F E Clarence guilty of stealing microscopes,
Morgan, E J R, SM,
Secretary, Friends of Public Library,
found F E Clarence, technician, guilty of stealing microscopes,
Morgan-Brock, Mrs A B,
principal of Ellerslie College critical of public examinations,
Morphett Medal,
awarded to J D McAuliffe,
Morphett, Mr,
said Mr Shannon鈥檚 proposal that increased funds for Northfield Mental Hospital be disallowed were misunderstood,
Morrell, Sydney,
sang in Students' concert,
Morris, Dr B H,
appointed to Medical Board,
reappointed member of Medical Board, ,
Morris, Gronway Lewis, LLB,
admitted to Bar,
Morris, Shirley Victoria, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner,
Morriss, Miss E M,
appointed to work in English Department,
Moulden, Dr O M,
appointed temporary clinical assistant to surgical section, Adelaide Hospital,
Mount Lofty Ranges,
detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges needed,
Moyes, Right Reverend John Stoward,
49th birthday of Bishop of Armidale,
Moyle, S,
headmaster of Adelaide Technical High School supports music students being relieved of some of their other studies providing this does not disadvantage them,
Muecke, R L S,
representing Sports Association reported that 400 of 1500 students played sport,
Muecke, Dr Roy le Page,
appointed to hospital in Perth,
Muirhead, Dr John Robb,
Municipal Library,
criticism of lack of up-to-date books in Adelaide Public Library, ,
Munn, R,
Director of Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, undertaking survey of 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand libraries on behalf of Carnegie Corporation, ,
lack of up-to date books in Public Libraries,
praised Institute libraries, time for survey too short,
criticism of Adelaide Libraries,
Munz, H,
to take charge of Hebrew class,
Murphy, V S,
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars,
Murray, Miss J,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Murray, Sir George,
Chancellor says death of I G Reimann a heavy loss,
stresses importance of scholarships to university, photograph,
received Governor General when he visited Barr Smith Library,
short biography, photograph, ,
sworn in as Lieutenant Governor,
urged graduates to take part in governing university,
Honour for Chief Justice,
reviewed year鈥檚 activities at graduation ceremony,
motion of sympathy for Lady Symon on her husband鈥檚 death,
conferred degrees, ,
as Chief Justice, refused request for registration of medical practitioner,
welcome to new Governor,
in photograph of members of Council of School of Mines,
attended the King's Levee,
at State tribute to Sir Josiah Symon,
Muscio, Mrs,
leading social worker at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
President of Council of Musical Association of SA,
recalls founding of first music teachers鈥 association, of which he was treasurer,
Packer, R,
Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
Padman, J H,
won award at St Mark鈥檚 College,
Padman, William Donald,
admitted to SA Bar,
Palmer, Linton,
interviewed in regard to affairs of late Prof H G Chapmen,
Parker, Cecil David, BSc,
won a J W Sandford scholarship to St Andrews College,
Parkside Mental Hospital,
workers unions complain to Commissioner of Public Works about selection of builders and that mental attendants were doing building work, not part of their duties,
Dr H K Fry appointed visitor to Parkside Mental Hospital,
Parsons, Harold,
guest conductor of South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra, ,
appointed permanent conductor of South 最新糖心Vlogn orchestra,
his students play in concerts, ,
stated National Orchestra fine idea but practical problems arise,
made permanent conductor of South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra,
extra orchestral concert a tribute to members of orchestra,
played in musical innovation,
to play at re-opening of reconstructed organ,
played at re-opening of organ,
orchestra raised to great heights,
Parsons, Justice Herbert Angas,
short biographies, , ,
opened Johnson Chemistry Laboratory, photograph,
member of full court which refused application to Medical Board by Dr H J Becker,
admits lawyers to the Bar,
Partridge, W,
took part in Men's Union debate,
Partridge, W G McD,
awarded evening scholarship to study arts,
Patterson, Hamish Randall,
awarded Diploma of the Second Class, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
Paul, Gwen,
accompanist at Students鈥 concerts, ,
Pauline Hayward Bursary,
awarded to N F Polkinghorne at St Mark鈥檚 College,
Pavy, Dr H K,
gave demonstrations and took part in discussion at conference of surgeons,
Pearce, George,
to demonstrate for teachers of music, standards for AMEB examinations,
demonstrated standards for teachers of music,
to be accompanist in performance by South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra,
played in staff recitals, , , ,
to play in commemoration concert for Frederick Delius,
played in commemoration concert for Delius,
played in concerts of South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra, ,
his student, Vida Cozens, played in students鈥 concert,
Pellew, Dr H E,
appointed to Adelaide Hospital as anaesthetist,
Pennycuick, Dr Stuart Wortley,
to lecture in 1932 public lecture program,
gave lecture on colloids,
Pentelow, Edith,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, ,
Pentreath, Rev A G G C, MA,
appointed Headmaster of St Peter's College,
welcomed, biography, photograph,
thanked Dr Davies for convening conference on teaching music in schools,
attended demonstrations of how to teach music in schools, ,
Perkins, Professor A J,
Director of Agriculture at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
Perkins, Horace,
his prize-winning 鈥淐hantryman鈥 Suite played by South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra,
performed in concert,
Perkins, Mr,
minister for Interior announces appointment of Donald Thomson, anthropologist, to Northern Territory service,
urged establishment of national residential university in Canberra,
Pether, Constance,
soloist in South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra concert,
performed in staff concert in Elder Hall,
Petrie, Dr Arthur Hill Kelvin,
plant pathologist at Waite publishes article on "Uses of Nitrogen",
member of Waite staff,
Petrie, Enid,
played in South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra,
played in Students鈥 concert,
Pfitzner, Howard,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust",
Pharmaceutical Society of SA,
annual meeting regarding granting of diplomas,
Pharmacology, Study of,
Pharmacology Department undertake study of Central 最新糖心Vlogn poisonous bushes,
Diploma in pharmacy to be introduced, ,
George B. MacRae wins first diploma in pharmacy awarded by university,
Pharmaceutical Society of SA met to award diplomas,
student to research poisonous plants of Central 最新糖心Vlog,
Philology, Study of,
Rev J Love lectured on "Mythology and Religion of the Worora Tribe of Aborigines",
Philosophy, Study of,
Professor Stewart McKellar lectured on "Experience of Self",
Professor Stewart McKellar to give three lectures on "The Making of Selves",
Professor Stewart McKellar lectured on 鈥淭he Life of the Self鈥,
Professor Stewart McKellar gave third lecture on "Moral life; the life of Practice",
Physics, Study of,
Professor Kerr Grant reported progress in 鈥檇isintegrating鈥 the atom and in developing X-rays,
photograph of Geiger-Muller electron tube counter,
former employee of Physics department develops improved cardiograph machine,
Professor Kerr Grant outlined probable research projects of M Iliffe, R S Burdon, R Bosworth, G R Fuller,
Physiology, Study of,
Professor C S Hicks said one student would be engaged in research on poisonous plants of Central 最新糖心Vlog and another on diseases of the kidneys,
Piper, Justice
admits lawyers to Bar,
Pirie, Margaret,
sang at recital,
sang Panis Angelicus at Midday organ recital,
Pitt, E K,
university archivist found information on architect of university,
Pitt, E R,
chief librarian of Melbourne Public Library to work with R. Munn to undertake survey of 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand libraries for Carnegie Corporation, ,
lack of up-to date books in Public Libraries,
praised Institute libraries, time for survey too short,
criticism of Adelaide Libraries,
Pitt, Miss S,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Plant Physiology, Study of,
L A T Ballard won scholarship for research into plant physiology at Cambridge, ,
D Adam appointed Plant Pathologist at Waite, , ,
Playford, Mr,
moved that the house divide to vote on Teachers' salary cut,
Plummer, Dr Violet,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934,
at Conference of the 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Police Association,
Police Association invited to affiliate with Public Officers Federation,
Political Science, Study of,
Professor Portus appointed to Chair of Political Science and History,
Professor Portus spoke on 鈥淲hat is Political Science?鈥,
public lectures in modern German politics,
Polkinghorne, N F,
won Pauline Hayward Bursary at St Mark鈥檚 College,
Pollitt, C,
won third year Haselgrove prize in Viticulture, diploma second class, Annual Prize Giving, Roseworthy College,
Pollitt, M,
first year, farm machinery, Annual Prize Giving, Roseworthy College,
Pomroy, Alan Browning,
won J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship to attend St Andrew鈥檚 College,
Pomroy, Dr H R,
appointed honorary surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
Poole, Rev Frederick Slaney,
short biography of Canon Poole, photograph,
Poole, Mr Justice,
elected Warden by Senate (10 years ago),
Pope, H G,
gained an award in public administration,
Porter, Muriel,
accompanist at Students鈥 concerts at Conservatorium, ,
Porter, Ronald,
performed in Students' concerts, ,
Portus, Professor Garnet Vere,
appointed to Chair of Political Science and History, short biographies, ,
edited 鈥淪tudies in the 最新糖心Vlogn Constitution鈥,
to give public lecture on 鈥淗istory - Old and New鈥 and 鈥淲hat is Political Science?鈥,
report of lecture on 鈥淗istory 鈥 Old and New鈥,
replied to welcome by Graduate Union, ,
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars,
gave lecture on 鈥淲hat is Political Science?鈥,
returned from conference in Sydney to discuss public broadcasting in education,
recently appointed to the Chair of Political Science and History,
photographs, , ,
Postgraduate Studies,
Dr D J R Summer to provide first post-graduate lecture for 1934,
Eric A Rudd left for Harvard 最新糖心Vlog for post-graduate work,
Powell, Miss K,
SA graduate attended Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Powell, Miss M,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Pownall, Robert Alfred,
awarded highest distinction, gold medal and diploma of the second class, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
Preece, Edgar,
local bookseller welcomed concessions on Federal Sales Tax and Primage which affected bookselling severely,
Preedy, Miss W,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
to attend ANZAAS conference,
advised that soil survey to be carried out will greatly aid farmers,
has Doctor of Science conferred on him, ,
described problems of nitrogen supply in 最新糖心Vlogn wheat belt at Science Congress in Vancouver,
completed extensive soil survey of cattle areas in North Queensland,
leaving on trip to England, , ,
Price, Doctor Archibald Grenfell,
awarded university鈥檚 first Doctor of Literature degree, biography,
to go to US to research settlements in tropics,
Degree awarded,
photographs, , , , ,
travelled to Darwin and down through Central 最新糖心Vlog, ,
left for year鈥檚 research under Rockefeller Foundation in US, ,
reported on conference held in New York on place of universities in modern life, ,
created Companion of St Michael and St George, biography, photograph, ,
in lecture at Columbia 最新糖心Vlog compared 最新糖心Vlog鈥檚 depression recovery program with that of President Roosevelt,
Letter to Editor in response to his ideas on 最新糖心Vlog鈥檚 recovery program,
interviews on his views published in US, photograph,
in London to investigate trade opportunities with SA Agent-Genera,
attacks view that northern 最新糖心Vlog should be handed to Japan, photograph,
on White 最新糖心Vlog Policy,
appointed to Citizens Committee to plan for Royal Visit,
appointed to represent university at 37th conference of American Academy of Political and Social Science, ,
Price, C W R,
won A E Hamilton scholarship to St Andrews College,
Price, R,
appointed demonstrator in chemistry, is David Murray scholar for research in science,
Priestley, R E,
Antarctic explorer and writer appointed Vice Chancellor of Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog,
Prince Alfred College,
Headmaster, J F Ward, supported teaching of music in schools, ,
Headmaster J F Ward spoke on value of aesthetic education,
Headmaster J F Ward discussed how workers may use increased leisure time,
Pritchard, J J,
won award at St Mark鈥檚 College,
Prizes and Awards,
Pauline Hayward Bursary awarded to N F Polkinghorne at St Mark鈥檚 College,
F C Rymill awarded Thornber Bursary,
N F Goss awarded League of Nations Prize,
new rules for Lister prize,
John Erwin Kelly awarded one Stow Prize and Andrew Scott Prize,
Nancy B Newland awarded one Stow Prize,
C G Nancarrow awarded one Stow prize,
Dr Wilhelm Bernhard Dorsch awarded BMA prize,
J E Kelly awarded Andrew Scott prize and recommended for one of Stow prizes,
Professor J McKellar Stewart impressed by quality of public service essays submitted for Sir George Murray Prize,
Sir Joseph Verco Medal presented to Professor J B Cleland,
proposal to create fund for travelling fellowship for university women,
Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College,
J D Norgard awarded 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Mining and Metallurgy prize,
F E Williams was awarded Wellcome Gold Medal, ,
Russell Grimwade Forestry Prize available for graduates with forestry degrees,
Psychology, Study of,
industrial psychology a specialised subject,
Public Administration, Study of,
Sir George Murray, as representative of university, thanked for introduction of Diploma of Public Administration,
Wainwright on value of studying public administration,
hope for Chair of Public Administration,
graduates congratulated on receiving degrees in public administration,
Mr Adey said introduction of Diploma of Public Administration raised status of public servants,
prospectus available for diploma in public administration,
Public Art Gallery,
legacy from Sir Josiah Symon,
Public Lectures,
C T Madigan to lecture on Egypt and Sudan,
Dr D T Campbell spoke on origin of Aborigines,
Dr D T Campbell said Aborigines 鈥榙isappearing fast鈥,
public lecture program for 1933,
Professor H J Wilkinson on evolution of human brain,
Professor E H C Oliphant on Shakespeare and his critics,
public lecture program for 1934,
Professor G V Portus on 鈥淗istory 鈥 Old and New鈥,
Rudolph Bronner lectured on modern German politics, , ,
letter to editor, commenting on Bronner鈥檚 lecture,
Professor R W Chapman spoke on 鈥淪uspension Bridges鈥,
Professor Stewart McKellar gave three public lectures:
鈥淓xperience of Self鈥,
"The life of the Self",
"The making of Selves",
Professor G V Portus spoke on 鈥淲hat is Political Science鈥,
Rev J R B Love on "Mythology and Religion of the Worora Tribe of Aborigines",
Public Library of South 最新糖心Vlog,
used by university students, public library starved of funds,
R C Bald suggest a 鈥淔riends鈥 group formed to help, ,
Friends of Public Library formed, , ,
members of Board elected,
library of Sir Josiah Symon bequeathed to Public Library,
university representatives on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery,
photograph of Ralph Munn of Carnegie Corporation and E R Pitt, Librarian of New York Public Library, who will survey 最新糖心Vlogn libraries,
recommendations and response on Munn-Pitt visit,
concessions on federal taxes will aid libraries,
Public Officers Federation,
protest teachers鈥 salary cut,
Public Service,
academics recommend special public service examination for graduates,
review of book Music and Religion. A historical and philosophical survey,
最新糖心Vlog Sports Year Book published for first time since 1928,
Puddy, Betty,
played in students鈥 concert,
Puddy, Ernest,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Puddy, Maude,
demonstrates for teachers of music requirements for AMEB examinations, ,
her students performed in students鈥 concert,
Pulleine, Dr Robert Henry,
elected to Public Library Board,
Pulteney Street,
proposed extension of Pulteney Street (photo),
Purnell, H R,
committee member, Friends of Public Library,
public librarian hails removal of taxes on books, periodicals and magazines, noting importance of this for university,
Pybus, Willliam R,
member of council of SA Music Teachers Association,
won a T E Barr Smith scholarship to attend St Andrews College, ,
Ray, Dr William,
appointed to State Advisory Board of Censors,
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford scholars,
appointed member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee,
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars,
Rebbeck, R E,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering,
Redmond, Mrs H,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Reed, G S,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934,
university dining room,
F W Eardley goes on leave, returns, , ,
gave lecture on 鈥淭he Necessity of Poetry鈥,
explains in term vacation registry staff do routine work,
believes number of entries for public exams will be similar to last year,
applications made to Registrar for John Lorenzo Young Scholarship,
says failure in English literature in intermediate examination will not fail candidates who demonstrate adequate grasp of the language,
expects transfer of Jubilee Oval to university soon,
writes article on university鈥檚 sixty years of progress,
on employment for 最新糖心Vlog graduates,
back from Melbourne,
Reid, F W,
Principal explains reason for fee rise,
Principal of School of Mines in photograph,
Reimann, Dr Arnold Luehrs,
published 鈥淭hermionic Emission鈥,
Reimann, Miss H,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA,
Reimann, Immanuel Gotthold,
obituaries, ,
founder of Adelaide College of Music, ,
Reimann, Mrs Marie,
wife writes to confirm I G Reimann sole founder of Adelaide College of Music,
Rennie Theatre,
new theatre in Chemistry building location for cinema shows,
seventh annual conference of Royal 最新糖心Vlogn College of Surgeons opened in Rennie Theatre,
Dr Grenfell Price to undertake research on tropic settlement in United States,
Royal College of Surgeons in 最新糖心Vlog proposes 最新糖心Vlog of Canberra as solely Professor Kerr Grant says lack of money holding back world-first research,
advances in Medical Science,
doctors to study Aboriginal consumption of water,
setback to research, institutes failing for lack of money,
death of Professor Chapman, noted for cancer research, ,
work of Waite Research Institute,
proposed weather stations in Antarctic,
Research Organisations,
Waite Research Institute,
Commonwealth Forestry Bureau to undertake research in re-afforestation,
最新糖心Vlogn Council for Educational Research, ,
最新糖心Vlogn National Research Council, ,
Residential Colleges,
St Andrews, , , ,
St Marks, , , , , ,
Retallick, C M,
Vice-president of Pharmaceutical Society attended annual meeting,
Reynolds, John Heywood,
photographed at annual commemoration lunch,
Rhodes Scholar to be acting Master at St Marks College,
acting Master of St Mark鈥檚 College, ,
resigns, moves to WA,
biography, ,
Rhodes Scholarship,
Rhodes Scholar for 1928, R G Mitton now holds doctorate, ,
Sir Roy Lister Robinson, 1905 Rhodes Scholar, appointed Chair of British Forestry Commission,
L C E Lindon, former Rhodes Scholar, appointed clinical lecturer in surgery,
Dr B G Maegraith, B W Hone and L C Wilcher, currently Rhodes Scholars in Oxford,
report that Oxford 最新糖心Vlog critical of 最新糖心Vlogn selection of Rhodes Scholars,
former Rhodes Scholar, Dr H Florey, appointed Professor of Pathology at Sheffield,
John Heywood Reynolds awarded Herbertson Prize at Oxford, returning home, , ,
South 最新糖心Vlog has had 29 Rhodes Scholars,
Rhodes Scholarship a burden to Oxford, ,
C T Madigan criticizes 鈥榮cholarship burden to Oxford鈥,
Eric Gray, Rhodes Scholar, 1931, leaves for London,
T S Dorsch selected as Rhodes Scholar,
success of SA Rhodes Scholars,
Eric Gray, Rhodes Scholar for 1931, achievements, ,
applications for scholarship for 1932 received, ,
Rhodes Scholar for 1932 to be announced November 28th,
Dr H W B Cairns, Rhodes Scholar, 1919, restores sight by brain operation,
details of successes of some SA Rhodes Scholars,
Rhodes Scholarship Trust offers scholarship at Institute of Education,
official film and stills of last expedition studying natives,
Sadler, H H,
to attend ANZAAS,
Salman, H W,
qualified for pharmacy diploma,
Samuel, Geoffrey,
to give lecture on 鈥榁irus diseases of plants with specific reference to tomato wilt鈥,
describes Waite research on tomato wilt,
appointed to Rothamsted Experimental Station, England,
short biography, photograph,
D B Adam appointed to replace him at Waite Institute,
Sanders, Mrs H,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Sandford, J Wallace,
Vice-president of Friends of Public Library,
Sando, Hubert,
appointed treasurer of executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Sangster, Dr D W,
demonstrated at conference of surgeons,
Sangster, Dr Christopher Bagot,
now a member of Royal College of Physicians, London,
Savage, Dr A C,
appointed honorary clinical assistant in medical section of hospital,
Savage, Mrs,
cellist at midday organ recital,
Scarfe, Mrs. T R,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Scarlett, Dr Robert Dalley,
council accepted report recommending Doctorate in Music be conferred,
Doctorate in Music conferred, ,
Schilsky, Charles,
taught Harry Hutchins appointed to staff of Albert Street Conservatorium, Melbourne,
Schneider, Dr Michael,
appointed assistant to ophthalmic section of Adelaide Hospital,
appointed to Parkside Mental Hospital in Dr E A Matison鈥檚 absence,
appointed honorary assistant ophthalmologist at Adelaide Hospital,
Schnukal, Jack,
Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma in Applied Science conferred,
C W R Price won A E Hamilton scholarship to St Andrew鈥檚 College,
scholarships awarded by St Andrew鈥檚 College,
three applications for John Lorenzo Young Scholarship,
exhibitions and bursaries announced,
Creswell scholarships awarded, , ,
SA Branch of League of Nations Union establishes scholarship for women educationists in memory of Madeleine Rees George,
Max Aubrey Hunt awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1932, , ,
Lincoln David Dowie awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1934,
Thomas Price Scholarship,
Dr Wilhelm Bernhard Dorsch awarded Everard Scholarship,
Agnes Dorsch awarded Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
L C Lum awarded J C Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College,
Arnold W Lemon awarded Eric Smith scholarship,
Professor A E V Richardson on Ridley Memorial Scholarship Board,
Professor Joseph Garnett Wood awarded John Bagot Scholarship (1922) and John L Young Scholarship for research in 1923, and research scholarship to Cambridge,
Fred Johns Scholarship established,
Angas Engineering Scholarship founded in 1888 by John Howard Angas,
David Murray Scholarship awarded to Eric William Gray, 4, to C H Coats,
Marie Sleigh awarded Elder Scholarship for violin, ,
travelling scholarship available for graduates with forestry degrees,
applications closed for Elder scholarships,
St Andrews College scholarship winners, ,
Institute of Public Administration to offer scholarship to enable a person to attend lectures towards Diploma of Public Administration,
Edward Stirling Booth wins Margaret Catto Scholarship,
three applicants for John L Young Scholarship for research, one for John Lorenzo Young scholarship,
Cresswell Scholarship awarded to D McGarry,
meeting to consider applications 1933 Rhodes scholarship,
proposal for post-graduate scholarship at Oxford,
Association of Rhodes Scholars in 最新糖心Vlog published review of their activities,
E P Tidemann nominated for dental scholarship to North Western 最新糖心Vlog, Chicago,
Professor Richardson appointed to board of trustees of John Ridley Memorial scholarship,
William Rex Ferguson awarded travelling scholarship in Forestry,
two 最新糖心Vlogns awarded scholarships in USA,
applications invited for junior studentship in entomology,
four scholarships awarded for study of Diploma of Public Administration,
Elder scholarships awarded,
C L Bosworth awarded Exhibition of 1851, a science exhibition tenable at Cambridge, ,
extra legacy for Davies-Thomas scholarship,
value of scholarships for individuals,
L H G Symons won Young Scholarship,
John Creswell scholarship awarded to G D L Seddon,
three studentships offered by C S I Endowment fund,
L A T Ballard awarded scholarship for research into plant physiology at Cambridge,
government bursaries to close next week,
Fred Johns left money for scholarships in biography and medical research, ,
London School of Economics and Politics offering a research scholarship,
Geoffrey Billing was awarded a travelling scholarship,
Lincoln David Dowie awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship,
Fred Johns Scholarship for biography to be on subject of George Fife Angas to be submitted by July 31st, 1936,
C R Morris Scholarship awarded to Angus Jamieson, Marvyn Smith, photograph,
Madeleine Rees George Memorial Prize establishes scholarship for women,
photograph of three musical students awarded Elder scholarships,
School of Mines,
fee increase for mathematics,
members of council appointed, ,
engineering students to go on tour,
Fisher lecture to be given in Brookman Hall,
photograph of members of council,
death of D M Charleston, former council member,
School of Mines Associate Diploma in Engineering accepted by Institution of Electrical Engineers, London,
appointments to Council,
Science Association,
students involved in intellectual societies, sport clubs, etc,
Science, Study of,
Dr M L E Oliphant working on heavy hydrogen in Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, under direction of Lord Rutherford,
Scotch College,
Headmaster, N M G Gratton supports campaign for music in schools, ,
Headmaster critical of public examination system,
Scott, Sir Walter,
triennial lecture program proposed for Sir Walter Scott Centenary,
Scullin, Mr,
Leader of Opposition addressed Labor Club on unemployment,
photograph of students listening to Mr Scullin,
critical of Federal Budget,
Secondary Education,
statistics sought for numbers of students successful in public examinations,
governor urges more teaching of foreign languages,
high school students struggling to pay examination fees,
number and value of awards given for intermediate, leaving honours results,
cuts sought in examination fees, , ,
complaint from parent on layout of English paper,
headmistress on school problems,
comments on examinations and headmistress鈥檚 assertions, ,
St Peter鈥檚 Headmaster on need for changes,
leaving examination criticised,
changes to intermediate examination,
differences in performance of boys and girls,
should Intermediate be abolished,
too many social outings for girls,
applications for government bursaries to close,
fewer subjects needed in public examinations,
government economies in school staffing, introduction of fees for high school, ,
new conditions for examinations,
public examination 鈥榟owlers鈥,
weaknesses revealed in examination papers,
AMEB asks that music be a matriculation subject,
Dr Harold Davies鈥 new scheme for teaching music in schools, ,
teachers' salary cut,
Seddon, G D L,
awarded John Creswell scholarship,
Segnit, Ralph,
Secretary of Royal Society reported on trip to Petermann Range by H H Finlayson,
Sells, Mrs (nee Iris Esther Robertson),
to attend International Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women in Edinburgh,
Senate, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide,
from "The Advertiser", 1884, Senate agreed to establishment of chairs of music, anatomy and chemistry,
nominations to fill Senate vacancies due,
Sergeant, M S,
took part in Men's Union debate,
Shann, Professor Edward Owen Giblin,
accepts offer of Chair of Economics at Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog, ,
visits Adelaide, to take up position next year,
submitted his resignation to 最新糖心Vlog of Western 最新糖心Vlog,
Shannon, Abe,
receives OBE in New Year Honours,
photograph and biography,
Shannon, H H,
wrote on points related to debate over siting of TB Clinic,
Shannon, Mr,
proposed increase of funds for Northfield Mental Hospital be disallowed,
Sharman, Miss E,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Shaw, Miss A M,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Shaw, Miss K H,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Shaw, P,
editor of Melbourne student newspaper deposed for 鈥榖lasphemous and disloyal expressions鈥,
Sheldon, Dr Strafford,
conducted postmortem on late Prof H G Chapmen,
Sheridan, Miss A F Keith,
1922 legacy to 最新糖心Vlog,
Shetliffe, F D,
treasurer of Pharmaceutical Society at annual meeting,
Shinkfield, J,
soloist in South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra concert,
Shnukal, Jack,
Bachelor of Engineering, Diploma of Applied Science conferred in absentia,
Shoobridge, Ivan,
appointed legal assistant, Crown Law Office, New Guinea, biography,
Shorney, Dr Herbert Frank,
obituary, photograph,
Siebert, Mrs W,
hosted a delegate from interstate for Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Silver, William,
played with a student in a Students' concert,
his students played in Student's concert,
Simpson, Mrs A M,
1922 legacy to 最新糖心Vlog,
Simpson, Mrs Allan,
committee member, Friends of Public Library,
Sims, R,
member of committee of 最新糖心Vlog Graduate Union for 1934,
Sinclair, Miss Jean,
in memorable Delius recital, ,
Sir Joseph Verco Medal,
presented to Professor J B Cleland,
Skeats, Professor E W,
at meetings of National Research Council about manipulation of funds, ,
Skipper, S H,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934,
photographed at annual commemoration lunch,
Skinner, Mostyn,
provided musical entertainment at annual dinner Men鈥檚 Union,
Slade, J H G,
gained an award in public administration,
Slee, D L,
in party of Engineering students to go on tour,
Sleigh, Marie,
winner of Elder Scholarship for violin,
young musical genius, photograph,
Smeaton, Dr Bronte,
replaced Sir Henry Simpson Newland on hospital advisory committee,
honoured by Adelaide Medical Students Society for 25 years of service as honorary surgeon at Adelaide Hospital,
Smith, F V, QC,
moved that Ralph Meyrick Hague be admitted to Bar,
Smith, Harold Whitmore,
death of winner of 1908 Angas Engineering Scholarship,
Smith, Kenneth William Algernon,
appointed Headmaster of King鈥檚 College, photograph,
supported Dr Davies鈥 proposed changes to music in schools,
Smith, Dr Marjorie,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Smith, Marvyn,
pupil of Alberton School won C R Morris Scholarship, photograph,
Smith, Richard,
played in memorable town hall concert,
Smith, Miss Roxy,
new graduate to be toasted at annual dinner of Women鈥檚 Union,
Smith, J L,
appointed consulting dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
Solomon, Dr George Herbert,
passed examinations for Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh),
appointed honorary clinical assistant in surgery at hospital,
FRCS, Edinburgh,
Solomon, Helen Ethel,
admitted to SA Bar,
Sorrell, Miss Margaret,
at Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women,
Hosted Miss M E Wood, Librarian, UWA,
Souter, G B,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering,
South 最新糖心Vlogn Music Teachers Association,
began in 1906,
South 最新糖心Vlogn Orchestra,
Professor Davies spoke on concert clashes,
Harold Parsons, Conductor, has been granted six months leave,
third concert, ,
praised by Percy Grainger,
fourth concert success with Percy Grainger, ,
at fifth concert, reaches great heights,
South, Marty,
sang in conservatorium recital,
Southwood, Dr Albert Ray,
member of Dental Board, ,
effect of radium on the body, precautions needed for workers,
Chair of SA Central Board of Health passed MRCP London Diploma,
Sowden, Sir William,
reported on success of Dr W D Walker in London,
Spafford, Mr,
acted as principal of Roseworthy College temporarily while new principal appointed,
Sparbier, H,
tympanist played at organ concerts, , ,
Sparrow, Maxwell Elliott,
B Eng and Diploma in Applied Science conferred, ,
university sports year book to be issued,
Sports Association,
meeting of general committee decides to sink well in sports oval,
St Andrew's College,
examination results for members,
scholarships to attend awarded, ,
G K Hughes attended St Andrews College,
St Peter's Cathedral,
Precentor, Rev H P Finnis, at lunch for former organist of Westminster Abbey,
photograph of mourners leaving cathedral after State tribute to Sir Josiah Symon,
St Peter's College,
Headmaster, Rev Guy Pentreath, supported campaign for music in schools, ,
St Andrew's College,
examination results of students,
winners of scholarships,
annual report with examination results,
scholarships awarded, ,
St Mark's College,
residential bursaries,
new tutors in Medicine and English literature,
annual report,
filled to capacity,
college bursaries,
college awards,
Professor A E V Richardson appointed to board of trustees of John Ridley memorial,
Dr H K Fry appointed official visitor to Parkside Mental Hospital,
D B Adams appointed plant pathologist at Waite Institute,
employment conditions, ,
staff influential informing Friends of the Public Library,
members of staff attended the King鈥檚 levee, photograph,
State Government,
granted evening studentships, , ,
awards and scholarships,
exhibitions and bursaries, , ,
established 最新糖心Vlog by Act, 1874,
change of Cabinet, 75,
education policy of government, costs, ,
appointed Andrew Ward Bowden Public Actuary,
reduced university grant from 鈧80,626 to 鈧60,587,
education costs, ,
leader of Parliamentary Labor Party disapproves of scheme for graduates in Parliament,
Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog Statute forbids academic staff to sit in Parliament or become members of a political party, ,
actions to be taken for students whom their lecturer judges unable to profit by a course of lectures,
set conditions for scholarship for writing biography of George Fife Angas,
Stephens, C G,
Tasmanian working with Professor Prescott on soil research at Waite,
Stephens, Charles Francis,
letter describing since graduating in 1897,
Stephens, Mr,
argued TB Clinic should not be in city,
argued teachers had right to have salaries determined by Industrial Court,
Stevens, Charles J,
president of SA Music Teachers Association in 1906,
Stewart, Professor John McKellar,
supports government appointment of child psychologist for delinquent children,
member of committee of Friends of Public Library,
argues for abolition of Intermediate examination,
Chairman of WEA joint committee, gave address on Russian education,
to give three lectures on The Making of Selves,
public lectures on The Making of Selves, , ,
impressed by quality of essays submitted for Sir George Murray prize by members of public service,
Stirling, Sir Lancelot,
obituary, photograph,
Stoate, Theodore Norman,
held position in Western 最新糖心Vlogn Forest Department, first winner of Russell Grimwade forestry prize, ,
Stocker, E O,
cinematographer from Sydney part of anthropological expedition,
Stokes, Edward, BA (Adelaide), MA (Oxford),
obituary for Headmaster of Queen's College, photograph,
Stoney, Mrs Edith A,
British delegate spoke on cinema as dope of masses,
Stott, Mr,
said government had not applied legal methods in teachers' salary cut,
Stow Prize,
J E Kelly recommended for one of the three Stow and Prizes,
Stratmann, Dr P F,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,
Stratton, C W,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce,
Strehlow, Theodore Georg Heinrich,
to take up position as assistant lecturer in English, biography,
Sydney university research party hope to join up with Strehlow,
Strickland, A G,
appointed Chief horticultural officer in S A,
Strong, Sir Archibald Thomas,
first appointee to Jury Chair of English,
Dr Bald editing Memoir and Memorial volume for Professor Strong,
produced some of his best work here,
Strungk, Delphin,
played at re-opening concert of reconstructed organ,
Stuckey, Dr Edward Joseph,
medical missionary career since graduation,
Stuckey, R R,
Under-treasurer given CMG in Honours list,
Student Activities and Protests,
student debate,
council suggests students abandon initiation ceremonies,
students propose to form a Labor Club,
initiation ceremonies,
lighter side of university life,
Student Services,
Barr Smith Library to open at night,
value of medical examination of students,
Student Statistics,
student numbers, fees and total costs for medical students,
400 students in Commerce Faculty,
Student Union,
D K Picken, Master of Ormond College, addressed Men鈥檚 Union on universities as cultural centres,
regulation against liquor at student union functions,
communists attend Men's Union debate,
Master of Ormond College speaks on universities as cultural centres to Men's Union,
of 1500 students, 400 play sport,
steady increase in numbers of student members and student activities since Student Union Building completed in 1929,
annual report for 1932 submitted,
K T Hamilton appointed secretary of Union,
legacy of five hundred pounds left to library of Women鈥檚 Union by Sir Josiah Symon,
Men鈥檚 Union supported Women's Union in protest against closing of Barr Smith Library in evenings,
Vice President, L T Ewens, says girls on campus for social life do not wield influence,
Student Union Building,
its importance for student associations and activities,
employment conditions, ,
student life and activities, ,
Headmistress, I Macdonald, of Presbyterian Ladies College, critical of non-matriculated students attending university, ,
Sullivan, A G,
in party of engineering students to go on tour,
Summer, Dr D J R,
to provide first post-graduate lecture for 1934,
former Rhodes Scholar,
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars,
Sumner, Thelma Joyce,
awarded Grade 111 Practice of Music Exhibtion,
Surgery, Study of,
surgery demonstrations at conference of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, ,
Sutherland, Caroline,
Sir Josiah Symon left legacy for Mrs Alice Evers for caring for his cousin, Caroline Sutherland,
Swan, F M,
member of Dental Board, ,
Sweeney, Gordon,
Mr & Mrs Sweeney to Methodist Mission in North Queensland,
Syme, Sir George,
one of proposers of forming College of Surgeons,
Symon, Commander Oliver J,
legacies for son by Sir Josiah Symon,
in photograph shown carrying father鈥檚 ashes,
Symon, Sir Josiah,
appeals against tax of gift for construction of Lady Symon Building, , ,
celebrates 86th birthday, short biography,
celebrates 87th birthday, short biography,
Public Library accepts bequest of private Symon library, ,
death announcements, obituaries, photographs, ,
council offers sympathy to Lady Symon on husband鈥檚 death,
details of his will and legacies to relatives, ,
photograph of mourners leaving State funeral for Sir Josiah Symon,
Symons, Ivor G,
published A modern geography for 最新糖心Vlogn schools,
nominated for dental scholarship at North Western 最新糖心Vlog, Chicago,
Tilly, Miss,
member of council of SA Music Teachers Association,
Tindale, Norman Barnett,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig,
left for three months study of natives in Musgrave Ranges, accompanied by Dr C Hackett, ,
reported on study of three months,
to be met at Ernabella by anthropological expedition coming from Adelaide,
article describing Tantanoola Caves published in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South 最新糖心Vlog,
returned from study of natives of the south east, accompanied by last member of Coorong tribe, Milerum or Mr Clarence Long,
discussed implications of proposal to 'breed out black blood',
showed and commented on films and 'stills' taken by him and Dr C Hackett and him and Dr Fry re lives and customs of natives in the Mann and Tomkinson ranges,
to accompany annual anthropological expedition as ethnologist and ethnological items collected by him to be retained by Museum,
reported on work of anthropology expedition,
in party formed for annual anthropology expedition,
Todd, Sir Charles,
founder of Adelaide Observatory,
Tostevin, Dr A L,
appointed honorary assistant ophthalmologist at Adelaide Hospital,
conducted operations and gave demonstrations at conference of surgeons,
Trades and Labour Council,
death of former president,
Trenerry, H G,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA,
Truman, Miss,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon,
Tuck, Bernard Geoffrey,
awarded evening scholarship to study law,
19 year old Bernard G Tuck awarded LLB,
Turnbull, Gordon McLeod,
won a T E Barr Smith scholarship to attend St Andrews College,
Turner, Dr F B,
newly registered as doctor,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,