Index to Volume 1 (1881-1884) - 最新糖心Vlog Newscuttings Books
- academic matters,
- Classics bias, ,
- future directions, ,
- Advanced School for Girls,
- Angas endowment,
- Angas Engineering Scholarship,
- first awarded to George Donaldson, ,
- regulations,
- Angas, John Howard,
- endowment for Chair of Chemistry,
- Anatomy Bill,
- legislation to authorise practice,听, ,
- annual report,
- art works,
- bust of Bishop Short,
- exhibition at 最新糖心Vlog building opening, , , ,
- Arts, Bachelor of,
- changes to course arrangements, , ,
- examinations,
- students admitted,
- Barlow, William,
- duties as temporary Registrar,
- retirement as Registrar, ,
- presentation of claret jug, ,
- Boulger, Professor Edward Vaughan,
- Chair of English Literature, ,
- lecture on origin & history of French, ,
- lectures on elementary French & French literature,
- budget,
- buildings,
- costs,
- dissecting room,
- first university building, see Mitchell Building
- funding & grants, , ,
- powder magazine,
- requirements,
- calendar,
- Chancellor,
- appointments & vacancies, , , , , , , , ,
- Bishop Augustus Short, , ,
- Sir Samuel Way, , ,
- Chemistry, Chair of,
- government grant refused,
- J Howard Angas endowment,
- proposed duties as Public Analyst,
- Collegiate Schools Association,
- Collegiate Masters' Association,
- meeting with interstate headmasters, ,
- participation by women, ,
- commemorations,
- see听graduation ceremonies
- conversazione, ,
- Cooke, William Ernest,
- awarded South 最新糖心Vlogn Scholarship,
- Council,
- administrative power,
- appointments,
- financial reports, , , , , , ,
- meetings, ,
- members at 最新糖心Vlog building opening,
- courses,
- see听诲别驳谤别别蝉
- see also specific awards eg. Arts, Bachelor of
- courses, non-degree,听see also听evening lectures; public lectures
- matriculation & primary examinations reorganisation, , ,
- terms of attendance at lectures,
- curriculum, , , ,
- Davidson, Reverend John,
- degrees, see also specific awards eg. Arts, Bachelor of
- ad eundem gradum,
- relevance of subjects, ,
- Classics bias,
- granting to women,
- Law courses approved by Council, ,
- student numbers, ,
- distance students, ,
- Donaldson, George Angas,
- awarded first Angas Engineering Scholarship,
- Dornwell, Edith Emily,
- awarded Thomas Elder prize for physiology,
- Elder endowment,
- contribution to endowment fund,
- reallocation of funds,
- School of Medicine,
- use of Elder & Hughes endowments, , , ,
- Elder Music Scholarships,
- Elder, Sir Thomas,
- endowment for School of Medicine,
- funding for Medical School, ,
- prizes for physiology,
- endowments, see also name of large endowments eg. Elder endowment; Hughes endowment
- buildings, , ,
- Chair in Music, ,
- Chair of Chemistry,
- contribution to endowment fund,
- death of Reverend Davidson, , ,
- funds reduced,
- remuneration level changed, ,
- School of Medicine,
- use for building costs,
- English Literature, Chair of,
- appointment, , ,
- Edmund E Morris,
- Professor E V Boulger, ,
- establishment, 最新糖心Vlog,
- comparison with Edinburgh 最新糖心Vlog, ,
- summary,
- evening lectures, see also lectures; public lectures; courses, non-degree
- establishment, , ,
- lapse of French class,
- Professor Lamb on electric lighting & magnetism,
- Professor Tate on chemistry of SA ores; gold,
- Professor Tate on NT history & geography, , , , ,
- Professor Tate on climate & distribution of life in 最新糖心Vlog, 3 lectures,听, , , , ,
- Reverend Fletcher on Hamlet, , , , , ,
- use of 最新糖心Vlog building,
- Working Men's College proposed,, ,
- call for evening lectures in degree courses, ,
- examinations,
- amalgamation of universities for common examinations, ,
- Bachelor of Arts, ,
- junior, , , , , , , , , , ,
- Law, , , , ,
- local entrance,
- matriculation, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
- Prince Alfred College, ,
- primary, ,
- public, ,
- regulations,
- set questions, , , ,
- student identification,
- Supreme Court articled clerks, ,
- external or extramural students,
- Fletcher, Reverend William Roby,
- appointment as Vice-Chancellor, ,
- evening lecture on Hamlet, , , , , ,
- temporary appointment as Hughes Chair of English Literature,
- funding,
- annual report accounts,
- Chair in Music, ,
- Council financial reporting, ,
- donations, ,
- government, , , , ,
- grant for building,
- use of Elder & Hughes endowments, , ,
- use of teaching & government funds for building, ,
- Gill, Alfred,
- Gosse, William,
- graduates,
- admission to London 最新糖心Vlog exams refused, ,
- graduation ceremonies, , ,
- 1882 commencement,
- 1883 commemoration, , , , ,
- degrees conferred at opening of Mitchell Building,
- name change "commencement" to "commemoration", ,
- Hewitson, Thomas,
- Holder, Sydney Ernest,
- awarded South 最新糖心Vlogn Scholarship,
- Hopkins, John Fleming,
- awarded John Howard Clark Scholarship,
- Hughes Chair of English Literature,
- see English Literature, Chair of
- 听
- Hughes endowment,
- contribution to endowment fund,
- Hughes' refusal to alter terms,
- reallocation of funds, , , , ,
- use of Elder & Hughes endowments, , , ,
- Hughes, Sir Walter Watson,
- refusal to alter terms of endowment,
- Jervois, Sir William,
- address at 最新糖心Vlog building opening, ,
- John Howard Clark Prize,
- awarded to William Fleming Hopkins,
- Knight, Mary Adelaide McCullagh,
- awarded Thomas Elder prize for physiology,
- Lamb, Professor Horace,
- lectures on electricity, , , ,
- land holdings,
- income, ,
- Melbourne-Adelaide railway line,
- request for railway from Bordertown,
- Wirreanda report, ,
- Laws, Bachelor of,
- Council approval, ,
- proposed curriculum, , , , , , ,
- regulations, , , , ,
- Law, Chair of,
- Law, Faculty of,
- Law, School of,
- admission & examination arrangements, , ,
- appointments & staffing, , , , , , , ,
- curriculum, , ,
- distance students, ,
- fees proposed,
- performance & progress, , , , ,
- professional education, , ,
- professorship,
- proposed establishment, , , ,
- qualification for legal profession,
- set texts,
- statutes & regulations, , ,
- leases,
- lectures, see also evening lectures; public lectures
- attendance,
- 最新糖心Vlogn geography, , ,
- Professor Tate on chemistry and mineralology of South 最新糖心Vlogn ores, ,
- class schedule clashes,
- Dr Stirling on human physiology, ,
- Professor Boulger on origin & history of French,
- legislation,
- Letters Patent,
- comparison with other 最新糖心Vlogn universities, ,
- granting degrees to women,
- recognition of science degrees,
- library,
- matriculation,
- examinations & results, , , , , , , , ,
- Medicine, School of,
- Anatomy Bill, , , ,
- appointments & staffing,
- Elder endowment, , ,
- establishment, , , , , ,
- establishment of hospital practice,
- first lecture by Dr Stirling,
- professional education, , , ,
- Mitchell Building,
- construction delay,
- costs, , ,
- description,
- electric lighting, , ,
- official opening, , , , , , , ,
- telephone demonstration,
- Morris, Edmund E,
- appointment as Chair of English Literature,
- Murray, George John Robert,
- awarded South 最新糖心Vlogn Scholarship,
- Music, Chair of,
- appointment,
- establishment, , ,
- Music, School of,
- Prince Alfred College,
- 最新糖心Vlog examinations, , ,
- prizes, ,
- 听see also names of specific prizes eg. Stow prizes
- public lectures,
- attendance,
- initial lectures,
- Professor Lamb on electricity, ,
- resumption,
- Registrar,
- terms of employment, , , ,
- retirement of William Barlow, , , , , ,
- regulations,
- examinations,
- curriculum, , , ,
- research,
- geological research, , ,
- Professor Tate's Northern Territory visit, , , , ,
- Robin, Charles Ernest,
- awarded 最新糖心Vlog Scholarship,
- Royal Military College,
- rowing, ,
- scholarships, see also names of specific scholarships
- effectiveness in attracting & retaining students, , ,
- presentations, ,
- School of Mines, ,
- Science, Bachelor of,
- changes to course arrangements, ,
- granting in Letters Patent, ,
- secondary schools, see also the name of the school
- Prince Alfred College,
- St Peter鈥檚 College,
- Whinham College,
- Senate,
- comparison with London & Sydney Universities, ,
- meetings & reports, , , , ,
- postal voting,
- Senate, Warden of,
- Short, Rev Augustus,
- South 最新糖心Vlogn Institute,
- South 最新糖心Vlogn Scholarship,
- awarded to Sydney Ernest Holder,
- awarded to William Ernest Cooke,
- presentation, ,
- sport,
- St Peter鈥檚 College,
- State Government,
- Anatomy Bill in Legislative Council, , ,
- grant for new 最新糖心Vlog building,
- public schools tax, ,
- technical education needs, ,
- Stirling, Professor Sir Edward Charles,
- Governor of SA Institute,
- first lecture on human physiology,
- views on professional education,
- Stow prizes,
- awarded to Thomas Hewitson,
- awarded to Alfred Gill,
- student statistics,
- attendance, ,
- calendar,
- comparison with English & Irish universities, ,
- Council report,
- degrees granted,
- enrolment & pass rate, ,
- junior examinations,
- undergraduate courses,
- students,
- identification at examinations,
- more degree students needed, ,
- nominations for Royal Military College cadetship,
- ineligibility for 最新糖心Vlog of London,
- Supreme Court,
- examinations for articled clerks, ,
- Tate, Professor Ralph,
- geological research, , ,
- lecture on chemistry and mineralology of South 最新糖心Vlogn ores, ,
- lectures on climate & distribution of life in 最新糖心Vlog, , , , , ,
- Northern Territory lectures, , , , , , , , ,
- Northern Territory visit, , , , , ,
- Tatiara,
- railway & 最新糖心Vlog block, ,
- technical education,
- Thomas Elder Prizes for Physiology,
- awarded to Edith Emily Dornwell,
- awarded to Mary Adelaide McCullagh Knight,
- Todd, Charles,
- demonstrates use of telephone,
- Union College,
- universities, other,
- Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog,
- comparison with Adelaide, , , , , , , ,
- Edinburgh 最新糖心Vlog, , ,
- examinations, , ,
- Royal 最新糖心Vlog, Dublin, Ireland, , ,
- 最新糖心Vlog of Durham,
- 最新糖心Vlog of London, , , ,
- 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne, , , , , ,
- 最新糖心Vlog of Oxford, ,
- 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney, , , , , ,
- Victoria 最新糖心Vlog, Manchester,
- 最新糖心Vlog Scholarships,
- awarded to Charles Ernest Robin,
- awarded to William John Walker,
- 最新糖心Vlog Shakespeare Society,
- evening lecture on Hamlet by Rev WR Fletcher, , , , , ,
- Vice-Chancellor,
- Rev William Roby Fletcher, , , , , , , ,
- Walker, William John,
- awarded 最新糖心Vlog Scholarship,
- Warden of the Senate, see Senate, Warden of
- Way, Sir Samuel James,
- Chancellor,
- Governor of SA Institute,
- graduation speech, ,
- Whinham College,