Planning for the Future

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As we continue to confront, challenge and overcome the shock waves, disruption and uncertainty resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to drive measures that will help with the roadmap to recovery and build more resilient communities into the future. 

The life-long learning continuum has been identified as a core function of society in which individuals will need to engage in further learning – re-skilling, up-skilling, or new skilling, in rapidly changing times due to technology, globalisation, changing demography and consumer preferences.

The digital revolution has seen rapid adoption and proliferation of digital computer use, including the explosion of social media sites and use globally. Digital technologies are fundamentally changing how people and businesses work together. The boundaries of the physical and digital worlds continues to blur, and new technologies generate, gather and analyse huge volumes of data providing insights into how individuals, business and Governments interact.

New technologies that provide real-time labour market data using AI are at the forefront of predicting, with accuracy, the fastest growing jobs and fastest growing skills in the labour market. The application of such technology has enormous potential in the ability to align people’s skill-sets with education and employability opportunities, enable directed workforce planning, and guide education providers to deliver programs that are relevant to the needs of the current and future jobs market.

Craig McCallum, MBT, BBM (Hons)
Executive Director – Education Transformation 

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Tagged in Short Courses, Career and wellbeing